Mastergradsoppgaver i rettsvitenskap: Nye registreringer
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The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: Transforming Corporate Reporting Landscapes
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-11)The degradation of the environment represents one of the greatest impacts on society and simultaneously harbors one of its greatest challenges. It would be reasonable to address this issue by targeting the largest contributors to the problem, namely the economy and the activities of economic undertakings. Be it overfishing the oceans, destroying habitats and carbon sinks by deforestation, or the ... -
The interaction between the BBNJ Agreement and the ISA regulatory regime: a case study on the EIA and ABMT
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-05)The imminent exploitation of the deep seabed needs to be tackled with measures for the protection of the marine environment. The ISA has already in place a regulatory regime that partially addresses the protection of the marine environment, in combination with the regulation for the development of the exploitation of the deep seabed. However, in the middle of this regulatory landscape, the BBNJ ... -
Arctic Emergencies: Exploring the Legal Scope of Emergency Measures under the BBNJ Agreement to Protect Vulnerable Marine Biodiversity in the Central Arctic Ocean
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)The adoption of the BBNJ Agreement in 2023 was a milestone for the protection of marine biodiversity in the areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) of the oceans as it created a global legal basis for the adoption of marine protected areas (MPAs) in such ABNJ. The Central Arctic Ocean is the region selected for this research as it aligns with the geographical scope of the BBNJ Agreement and ... -
Bioenergy at the Intersection of the EU's Legal Frameworks for Biodiversity and Energy and Climate Change: Are Forests Protected?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)This thesis examines the protection of forests within the EU legal framework on the example of energy production from forest biomass, as it is at the very crossroads of biodiversity protection and energy and climate change law. The protection of forests and climate change mitigation are highly intertwined, as the disappearance of forests accelerates climate change, which in turn leads to the ... -
Establishment of Marine Protection Areas in the Central Arctic Ocean Interplay between the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction and the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Ocean biodiversity has been increasingly degraded due to anthropogenic activities. High sea fishing is identified as a significant contributor to biodiversity degradation in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Marine Protected Areas is used as an area based management tool to prevent degradation of marine biodiversity from multiple activities such as shipping, mining and fishing. But establishing ... -
A Critical Appraisal of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: Unpacking the Double Materiality Principle
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)ABSTRACT The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an ESG reporting legislation which sets out a procedure for corporate organizations to make mandatory disclosures concerning their activities. The method to be applied as prescribed by the ESRS Delegated Regulation is by way of a double materiality assessment. The aim of this work is to make a critical analysis of the double ... -
EU’s Renewable Energy Target and Fossil Fuel Subsidies - Exercise of the Commissions State Aid Powers in Response to Insufficient Progress
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-30)The EU has set the target that 42.5% of energy consumption shall derive from renewable energy. Regulation 2018/1999 governs the Unions endeavors thereof and, when a member state fails to sufficiently contribute with its share of renewable energy, the European Commission shall exercise its powers at Union level. Vast levels of state aid granted to fossil fuel production and consumption in the Union ... -
Communities on a Sinking Vessel: International Law Tools to Protect Individuals and Communities of Small Islands Developing States against the Threats Posed by Sea Level Rise
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-30)Sea level rise poses a compelling threat to the livelihood and the existence of Small Islands Developing States, which exacerbates the vulnerability of individuals and communities inhabiting these territories. Given the peculiar vulnerable situation that characterize these populations, this research investigates the tools offered by international law to protect individuals and communities of Small ... -
Bringing Nature back into Cities - Urban ecosystems restoration in the international and EU legal biodiversity frameworks
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-29)Biodiversity is declining globally, and traditional conservation methods have proven insufficient. Ecosystems restoration is imperative, also in urban areas. This thesis underscores the existence of an international trend toward establishing frameworks for urban ecosystems restoration. Various initiatives, such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Decade for Ecosystems Restoration, highlight ... -
The Interface between Ecological Restoration and Ocean Fisheries Governance: Restoration of Marine Ecosystems through Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-29)The United Nations has designated 2021–2030 as the 'Decade on Ecosystem Restoration' to urgently rehabilitate degraded ecosystems and advance Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 14, which focuses on marine ecosystems. This paper examines the intersection of ecological restoration and ocean fisheries governance within Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Marine ecosystems face ... -
Achieving Sustainable Development in Times of Crisis: Evaluating How the Proposal to Fast Track the Swedish Environmental Permit Procedure Aligns with the EU’s Nature Protection Framework Through the Lens of Sustainable Development
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-28)In the wake of recent global crises, the Swedish Government appointed a committee investigating the feasibility of fast tracking the environmental permit procedure for essential public activities, which delivered its proposal in 2023. The proposal has implications for several EU legal acts aimed at protecting the environment and reflects an attempt to balance the three dimensions of sustainable ... -
Enabling renewable hydrogen development in light of the clean energy transition 'How do the existing EU legal framework and State aid rules treat the investment dynamics for renewable hydrogen development?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-26)This thesis examines the potential of renewable hydrogen to contribute to the European Union's decarbonisation objectives, emphasising the need for a robust regulatory framework to fully leverage this energy carrier. Focusing on the EU's existing legal framework and State aid rules, the research investigates how these regulations impact investment dynamics in renewable hydrogen development. The study ... -
Restoring the Habitats Directive? A legal analysis on how the Nature Restoration Regulation would address the current forest biodiversity protection in the EU
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-25)Forests and their biodiversity are degrading both globally and in the EU. Although the EU is committed to reverse biodiversity loss, the EU legal system is facing the challenge of meeting both international and EU commitments. The current legislation protecting forest biodiversity is concentrated in the Habitats and Birds Directives. The Nature Restoration Regulation is a new development in the EU, ... -
Cold Homes: Energy Efficiency and the Green Transition in the UK Private Rental Sector
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-22)The problem of energy poverty has risen up the political agenda in both the EU and England in recent years. Many people in England struggle with energy costs, contributed to by high energy costs and inefficient consumption for heating. Additionally, this problem particularly effects those living in private rented housing, due to their lack of control over their homes, combined with split incentive ... -
Halvpartsprinsippet - Er halvpartsprinsippet et vilkår for vederlagskrav for samboere og ektefeller?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-07-16)Avhandlingens tema er vederlagskrav i ekteskaps- og samboerforhold, hvor det ses nærmere på hvorvidt halvpartsprinsippet er et vilkår for vederlagskrav for ektefeller og/eller samboere på bakgrunn av en rettsdogmatisk analyse av foreliggende rettskildemateriale. Hovedfokuset er imidlertid en rettspolitisk vurdering av hvorvidt det burde legges til grunn samme prinsipp for ektefeller som for samboere ... -
Mor-, far- og medmorskap eller foreldreskap? En rettslig analyse av behovet for kjønnsspesifikke foreldretermer i barnelova
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-06-01)I avhandlingen foretas en rettslig analyse av behovet for kjønnsspesifikke foreldretermer i barnelova. Herunder diskuteres fordeler og ulemper med bruken av mor, far og medmor, opp mot hensynet til barnets beste, likestillingsprinsippet og rett til familieliv og privatliv. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven har sammenheng med at det i forslag til ny barnelov I NOU 2020:14 «Ny barnelov til barnets beste» punkt ... -
Vederlagsjustering for "plunder og heft" i næringsentreprise Illustrert ved NS 8405:2008
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-06-04)Oppgaven handler om entreprenørens rett til vederlagsjustering for plunder og heft i næringsentrepriser. Målet er å klarlegge de sentrale vurderingstemaene for slike krav i lys av HR-2019-1225-A (HAB) og etterfølgende underrettspraksis. -
Etterretningstjenestens adgang til å foreta tilrettelagt innhenting - Reglene om tilrettelagt innhenting etter forslag til ny lov om Etterretningstjenesten, i lys av EMK artikkel 8
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-27)Tema for avhandlingen er hvorvidt Etterretningstjenestens foreslåtte adgang til å benytte overvåkningsmetoden "tilrettelagt innhenting", er i tråd med de menneskerettslige kravene etter Den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjonen (EMK) artikkel 8. -
Tredjepartsvirkninger av åpenhetsloven
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-24)<p>Masteroppgaven undersøker de rettslige sikringsmekanismene som virksomheter underlagt åpenhetsloven må benytte for å sikre etterlevelse fra kontraktsparter som ikke selv omfattes av loven, samt underleverandører i leverandørkjeden. <p>Problemstillingen tar for seg situasjoner der virksomheter står overfor kontraktsparter utenfor lovens virkeområde, og hvordan disse virksomhetene kan forhindre ... -
Innstramminger i adgangen til innleie fra bemanningsforetak
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-19)Hovedregelen i norsk arbeidsliv er at arbeidstaker skal ansettes fast og på heltid. Denne hovedregelen er det bred enighet om, både blant de forskjellige politiske partiene og aktørene i arbeidslivet. Det har imidlertid vært uenighet rundt hvor stor adgangen til å gjøre unntak for hovedregelen bør være. 16. desember 2022 vedtok stortinget en lovendring som innebærer en innstramming av adgangen til ...