Now showing items 21-40 of 133

    • Wind energy and economic assessment of a wind farm at Senja 

      Ørjavik, Ola Wang (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      In order to deliver on the emission cuts in the Paris Agreement, additional renewable energy production is required to cover the rising energy demand. This thesis assesses the wind resources, energy production potential and the economic sustainability of a new potential wind farm, located at Senja island in northern Norway. The aim of this thesis is to decide if a new wind farm at Senja is an ...
    • Wind power forecasting as input to day-ahead trading strategies for wind in complex terrain 

      Svane, Julie Therese (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-01)
      Giving the increasing penetration of intermittent wind power in the liberalized electricity market, wind power forecasting (WPF) is a topic of growing importance [Kariniotakis, 2017]. The number of papers on the field WPF evaluating the statistical performance has increased rapidly, while only a proportion of the former studies focus on the economic benefit of WPF. In this study we have answered how ...
    • Profitability of green hydrogen production and feasibility of waste heat integration to DHS in the Ísafjörður’s energy system: A techno-economic analysis 

      Víðisdóttir, Elena Dís (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      Hydrogen production by electrolysis using renewable energy sources is essential for hydrogen to be able to contribute to the green energy transition. Producing the hydrogen on the site of use minimizes the transportation costs and footprint, and utilization of all by-products increases the electric efficiency of hydrogen production. During hydrogen production by electrolysis the chief part of energy ...
    • Climatic variations and sediment provenance during the last 16 000 years in the North Hinlopen Trough, Svalbard 

      Samuelsen, Kristine Reppen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-02)
      Gravity core HH18-1500GC retrieved from the Hinlopen Trough, Arctic Ocean, has been investigated in order to reconstruct the climatic evolution and ocean circulation over the last 16 000 years. The core was taken at the edge of the trough on the northern Svalbard shelf in order to be certain to reach into till, with the intent of dating the retreat of the ice sheet. The Fram Strait is located between ...
    • A Study of Polarimetric Parameters Used for Sea Ice Classification 

      Kinderås, Ida G. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-15)
      The Arctic region of the Earth are largely covered by sea ice, which is important for the marine ecosystems locally in the region, but it also has an impact on the climate systems. Recent climate changes means that the sea ice is melting and the coverage is shrinking which can have a global impact. Monitoring these sea ice changes are important to get an understanding of this impact. There are ...
    • Automatic snow layer detection in drone-borne radar data using edge detection and morphology 

      Blengsli, Martin Markus Løthman (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-01-14)
      The thesis aims to detect the primary interfaces in ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data collected from a snow-pack. An airborne drone was used to collect the data, where a 2D image of the substructures was gattered, including GPS and laser altimeter data. Al these were used under the thesis to develop the method or presentation of the results. The method focused on simpler image processing techniques ...
    • Measuring velocities of a surge type glacier with SAR interferometry using ALOS-2 data 

      Karlsen, Truls (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-01)
      In recent years, in-situ measurements on Kongsvegen, a surge-type glacier located in the Kongsfjorden area, have showed an acceleration in the flow speeds of the glacier. This could indicate the onset of a surging event, which presents the opportunity to study the dynamics of a glacier surge using remote sensing techniques with in-situ data for reference. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is well suited ...
    • A Study of Electrical Load Forecasting by Synergetic Time Series Clustering in a Temporal Convolutional Network 

      Aasen, Håvard Sund (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-15)
      In this thesis time series forecasting is reviewed and performed on electrical load time series. The main dataset that is used consists of 4074 load time series, each collected from a secondary substation. The time series in this set cover hourly observations spanning more than 2 years, and these time series all have different patterns, some being more similar to each other. We explore how we ...
    • Analysis of Correlations between Energy Consumption, Structural Specifications and Climate-Induced Variables to increase Energy Efficiency in Households and Buildings through a Prediction Model 

      Rasmussen, Christoffer Stene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-31)
      In a world where the transition towards increasingly progressive renewable energy sources is of great importance moving towards sustainability for our planet and future generations, a large portion of mundane equipment and machinery will turn to the usage of electricity rather than fossil fuel as a resource. This does however pose some challenges to the infrastructure in place as it increases the ...
    • Wind Power Prediction with Machine Learning Methods in Complex Terrain Areas 

      Sæther, Brynhild Bentsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-29)
      The increasing amount of intermittant wind energy sources connected to the power grid present several challenges in balancing the power network. Accurate prediction of wind power production is identified as one of the most important measures for balancing the power network while maintaining a sustainable integration of wind power in the power grid. However, the volatile nature of wind makes wind ...
    • Detection and Delineation of Produced Water Slicks in Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Images 

      Saus, Brynjar Andersen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-21)
      Near oil and gas platforms oil detection services regularly detect oil slicks that are a result of legal releases of produced water. These slicks are usually observed using SAR imagery and the important task of observing and monitoring these slicks is as of now carried out manually by human operators aggregated with reported release information. In this thesis we propose three separate approaches ...
    • Detection of Marine Plastic Debris in the North Pacific Ocean using Optical Satellite Imagery 

      Båtvik, Tora (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-15)
      Plastic pollution is ubiquitous across marine environments, yet detection of anthropogenic debris in the global oceans is in its infancy. Here, we exploit high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery over the North Pacific Ocean and information from GPS-tracked floating plastic conglomerates to explore the potential for detecting marine plastic debris via spaceborne remote sensing platforms. ...
    • Complexity-Entropy Analysis of Chaotic and Intermittent Fluctuations in Physical Systems 

      Eilertsen, Sivert Høgli (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-01)
      Time series from chaotic and stochastic systems share properties which can make it hard to distinguish them from each other. The Complexity-Entropy analysis provides appropriate measures of entropy and complexity and representing the calculated values in the representation space, the Complexity-Entropy plane, have been shown to be able to distinguish between time series of stochastic and chaotic ...
    • Probabilistic Load Forecasting with Deep Conformalized Quantile Regression 

      Jensen, Vilde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-01)
      The establishment of smart grids and the introduction of distributed generation posed new challenges in energy analytics that can be tackled with machine learning algorithms. The latter, are able to handle a combination of weather and consumption data, grid measurements, and their historical records to compute inference and make predictions. An accurate energy load forecasting is essential to assure ...
    • Wind at Northern Senja: Use of numerical weather prediction models for wind resource assessment 

      Hansen, Gjøran Emil (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-15)
      Wind resource assessment for establishing decentralized power production in remote and complex areas, is challenging due to a lack of observational data. To overcome this problem, Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models can be used to provide data where no observations exist. This thesis uses NWP models to do a wind resource assessment at northern Senja. The power grid in the area is prone to ...
    • Klimanøytral miljøpark – en vurdering av kostnader og nytteverdi for klimagassreduserende tiltak 

      Strand, Petter Hofstad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-14)
      Remiks AS har gjennom flere år gjort en kartlegging av klimagassutslipp knyttet til egen virksomhet. På bakgrunn av dette er det iverksatt flere tiltak på aktuelle områder som har blitt identifisert. Det er i midlertidig ikke sikkert at investeringene som er gjort er de mest effektive tiltakene om man vurderer kostnadene mot klimanytten. Denne studien vil vurdere tiltakene solenergi, biodrivstoff, ...
    • Performance and Future Potential of Solar Photovoltaics in Arctic Settlements 

      Mathiesen, Vemund Nygaard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-15)
      Data from a solar photovoltaic (PV) installation on Svalbard Airport Longyear has been analyzed to investigate performance of solar photovoltaics in the Arctic. Results show that the average capacity factor at the facility is 5.6 % after its first two full years of production. While the production in the winter is zero, monthly capacity factors are observed to be as high as 16 % in the summer. On ...
    • Pumped Hydropower Conversion and Renewable Hybrid Power Plants at Senja 

      Løvvold, Ina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-09-30)
      With an increasing demand for power on a global scale, and an increasing interest in renewable energy sources, both solar and wind power is growing fast. Their efficiency is increasing while the prices are decreasing, and the forecasts for these technologies shows a promising future. Along with these intermittent energy sources, storage solutions are also continuously developing, whereas pumped ...
    • Two-axis tracking solar irradiance measurements at Tromsø 

      Hansen, Jakob Holden (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-29)
      The world is changing towards using more renewable, rather than fossil energy sources in order to reach the 1.5 degrees celsius goal of the Paris agreement (Merchant, 2018). This thesis’ main focus is to investigate the solar irradiance in Tromsø using 2-axis tracking measurements from May 2020. The reduction of global irradiance and direct irradiance is also compared against the values of the other ...
    • Investigating the viability of lithium-ion battery - fuel cell hybrid systems - A case study for Greenland and Qatar 

      Witt, Hannes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-22)
      Renewable means of energy production have recently become cost competitive with fossil fuels. However, before they can be completely phased out, the issue of storing renewable energy must be addressed. Two energy storage technologies that have gotten a lot of attention over the past years are lithium ion batteries and hydrogen energy storage. Each of these technologies have their advantages, ...