Now showing items 121-133 of 133

    • Geothermal energy and district heating in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard 

      Iversen, Julianne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-12-13)
      This thesis presents the possibilities for using shallow geothermal energy for heating purposes in Ny-Ålesund. The current energy supply in Ny-Ålesund is a diesel generator, which does not comply with the Norwegian government and Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee’s common goal to maintain the natural environment in Ny-Ålesund. Ny-Ålesund has a potential for replacing the heat from the current ...
    • Wet snow detection by C-band SAR in avalanche forecasting 

      Hopsø, Ingrid Strømsvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-12-15)
      Avalanches usually occur in steep, snow-covered mountain sides under special conditions. The stability of the snowpack depends, among other things, on the melting and freezing of the snowpack. If a snow covered area has not undergone a melt/freeze-process, it could potentially be unstable due to depth hoar or buried layers of frost, and therefore pose an avalanche risk if the area is located at a ...
    • Fluid leakage assessment of the overburden structure at the Sleipner CO2 storage site 

      Lydersen, Ida Bruun (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-07-13)
      Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been proposed as one of the alternatives for climate mitigation. CCS is a process where CO2 is trapped from large point sources, transported to a storage location and injected into storage reservoirs. One of the alternatives for CO2-storage is underground geological storage. Characterizing such an underground reservoir is crucial for safe storage, where leakage ...
    • Coastal wind from SAR and NWP model for offshore wind power production 

      Abrahamsen, Malin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-07-01)
      With rising energy demands as well as technological advances, offshore wind power production is becoming an attractive option. However, it is necessary to estimate the wind climate at potential sites in order to achieve optimal siting, and numerical weather prediction models as well as satellite SAR can been used in a first evaluation for this purpose. This study looked the how ASAR and model wind ...
    • Late Holocene climate variability in the North Atlantic realm from paleo data and climate simulations 

      Nilsen, Tine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-31)
      This thesis presents the results of the comparative analysis of surface temperature series from paleoproxy reconstructions and climate simu- lations. The proxy to model comparison is done using the results from 12 simulations produced by 5 different climate models covering the pe- riod of the late Holocene. Agreement between the model results and the paleoproxy reonstrcuctions is analyzed both on ...
    • Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR Decomposition methods for tropical forest analysis 

      Sakshaug, Stein Erik Høvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-31)
      Information about tropical forest can be obtained by remote sensing, using either optical instruments or an active radar like synthetic aperture radar(SAR). Polarimetric decomposition theorems break polarimetric SAR measurements into components that describes the scattering behavior of the target. This thesis deals with evaluating the suitability of the various decomposition theorems to describe and ...
    • Vurdering av snøskredfare og sikring for vegene E6 i Langfjorden og Fv 882 til Øksfjord i Finnmark fylke 

      Karlsen, Espen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-27)
      Stengte veger på grunn av snøskred eller fare for snøskred utgjør ca. 55% av all registrert vegstengning langs norske veger. En økende sammenknytning av landsdelene stiller stadig større krav til framkommelighet og fleksibilitet. Tidligere har det vært opp til hvert enkelt vegprosjekt å bestemme en akseptabel risiko for skredhendelser på veg. Statens Vegvesen ønsker å utvikle en modell for risikoaksept ...
    • Grunn geotermisk energi i et hybrid energisystem 

      Kristoffersen, Eivind (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-31)
      Denne mastergradsoppgaven ser på muligheten for å kombinere et horisontalt geotermisk system med et eksisterende biobrenselanlegg for dannelse av et hybrid energisystem ved Finnlandsmyran i Brøstadbotn. Det horisontale systemet kan tilknyttes fjernvarmekretsen til biobrenselanlegget ved bruk av varmepumpeteknologi. Dermed kan energien som er lagret i myren benyttes til å øke temperaturen på vannet ...
    • Estimating production loss due to icing on wind turbines 

      Haaland, Silje Sanderud (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      Icing on wind turbines are known to lower their performance, but the exact relationship between wind, ice and power production is not known. In this thesis power loss due to icing on turbine blades at Aapua wind park is investigated for the winter season 2009-2010. The total loss is found to be 30%, whereof 25% is concluded being due to icing. Three different methods are presented to estimate ...
    • A gas-hydrate related BSR on the W-Svalbard margin: distribution, geological control and formation mechanisms 

      Vevik, Kristine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-15)
      A widespread bottom-simulating reflection (BSR) defining the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ) exists on seismic data from the western Svalbard margin, including the Vestnesa Ridge, which is a mounded and elongated sediment drift NW of Svalbard to the north of the Molloy Transform. The BSR stretches from the continental slope to within few km of the mid-oceanic ridge system thereby ...
    • Marine Target Characteristics in Satellite SAR Imagery 

      Skrunes, Stine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-02)
      In this thesis, marine targets in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery are studied. The appearance of different marine targets in different polarization channels, their scattering behaviour, and their contrast measures and geometric properties are investigated. RADARSAT-2 data containing ships, oil rigs and icebergs in ocean and/or sea ice background are evaluated. To be able to detect a target ...
    • Combining ENVISAT ASAR and MODIS data to enable improved snow cover maps 

      Mjøen, Håvard Uv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06)
      Information about snow covered area is important for several purposes, and this information can be found by detecting reflection of optical waves using optical sensors or by using active radars such as SAR. This thesis is explaining how information from the measurements are used to make snow maps. Optival sensors cannot detect snow when the area is covered by clouds, and this is a problem in the ...
    • The Fugløy cold-water coral reefs on the south-western Barents Sea shelf: their morphology, distribution and environmental setting 

      Moumets, Heike (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-12-15)
      The Fugløy area is located on the south-western Barents Sea shelf, in northern Norway. Multibeam echosounder bathymetry data, backscatter data and high-resolution seismic profiles were used to identify cold-water coral reefs. Together 12 cold-water coral reefs were mapped. Coral reefs have the highest density of up to 1.39 reefs per km² on top of ridges of morainic origin and they occur in areas ...