Now showing items 61-78 of 78

    • Drift wave turbulence and zonal flows 

      Meyer, Ole Hauke Heinz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-15)
      Anomalously large radial transport levels in fusion devices is commonly believed to be the cause of small-scale edge localized electrostatic drift wave turbulence. We review the basic drift wave instability mechanism and show how poloidally elongated structures can self-consistently emerge from the small-scale turbulent motions through envelope modulation governed by the cubic nonlinear ...
    • Spectral analysis of radar coherent echoes and its relation to turbulence 

      Pokhrel, Marshal (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11)
      The measurements of polar mesosphere summer echoes has been performed since a long time by the ground based techniques with EISCAT VHF and UHF radar system and recently with MORRO. Based on these observation, my thesis is focussed on the data obtained from manda program to get data from EISCAT 3D demonstrator antenna array in Kiruna that receives from EISCAT VHF transmitter here from Tromso in the ...
    • Studies of plasma potential with emissive probes in the low temperature plasma experiment NJORD 

      Schregel, Christian-Georg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-02)
      In this thesis, the concept of an emissive probe has been used to obtain the plasma potential in the low temperature plasma experiment NJORD. An emissive probe is a probe concept in which a wire is heated strong enough to emit a Richardson current. The probe is then swept through several voltage biases and thus, an I-V trace obtained. With the current from the emission and the collected current, ...
    • Multi-sensor data fusion and feature extraction for forest applications 

      Yitayew, Temesgen Gebrie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2012-05-15)
      The purpose of this study was to extract, evaluate and select different multi-frequency polarimetric SAR and multi-spectral optical features to demonstrate the benefit of multi-sensor data fusion for forest applications. Multi-frequency fully Polarimetric SAR data at P-, L- and C-band and multi-spectral Landsat TM data acquired over the Nezer forest in France were used for demonstration. The scene ...
    • Fotoelektriske observasjonar av stjerneokkultasjonar ved måneranda 

      Høydalsvik, Stein (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1980-01)
      Analyser av okkultasjonskurvene frå fotoelektriske observasjonar viser at ein stor del av dei observerte stjernene er dobbelstjerner. Okkultasjonsteknikken kan lett åtskilje stjerner som har ein vinkelavstand større enn 0",01 og under gunstige tilhøve kan oppløysinga vere 0",001. I tillegg kan analysen av observasjonen gje vinkeldiameteren til stjerna dersom han er større enn 0",001. Utfrå ...
    • Trapping of Nanoparticles with Optical Waveguides 

      Dullo, Firehun Tsige (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-18)
      Over the last few years, the notion that links optical trapping with strong intensity of light (high energy photon) not only forced the modification of optical tweezer, but it also open up the door for evanescent wave field trapping. While optical tweezer is merely suitable for trapping micro-sized particles, trapping by evanescent field of a channel waveguide enables both micro and nanosized particles ...
    • Frequency-dependent magnetizability 

      Anelli, Marco (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-11-15)
      This work discusses the theory of the magnetizability. The magnetizability is a molecular property defined as the second-order perturbation of the energy in the presence of an external magnetic field. When the magnetic field is static, perturbation and multipole theories lead to an origin-independent expression for the magnetizability, whereas for a frequency-dependent magnetic field its expression ...
    • Simulations of plasma filament dynamics in toroidal geometry 

      Rønningen, Petter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-18)
      Interchange driven propagation of so-called "blobs" arises in basic laboratory plasmas, in the scrape-off layer of fusion plasmas and as Equatorial Spread-F (ESF) phenomena. The propagation of such blobs has been demonstrated in the VTF experiment at MIT and in earlier simulations. Experimental results show that the velocity of these blobs is inverse proportional to the neutral gas pressure. These ...
    • Numerical studies of radial filament motion in toroidally confined plasmas 

      Kube, Ralph (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      Numerical studies of radial filament motions in the SOL of toroidally confined plasmas are studies. We use a two dimensional two-field model to characterize blob-like structures in the radial-poloidal domain. These structures are observed to achieve velocities in the order of the ion acoustic velocity in the SOL of tokamaks and other toroidal confinement devices. By numerical means we find a ...
    • A multiwavelet approach to the direct solution of the Poisson equation: implementation and optimization 

      Jensen, Stig Rune (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-11-15)
      This work is presenting a fully numerical approach for the direct solution of the Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential given by an arbitrary charge density. Efficient solution of this equation is important in many fields of science, where the current work is dealing with nuclear and electronic potential calculations, used in the field of computational chemistry. The equation is solved ...
    • A numerical study of planar elliptical antennas applied to ultrawideband (UWB) imaging of breast tissue 

      Brelum, Sindre Holsbøe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-08)
      The thesis discusses the possibility of using ultrawideband (UWB) radar to detect breast cancer. At the present time, X-ray mammography and ultrasound are the golden standard imaging techniques for detection and evaluation of breast cancer, but they both have their limitations. UWB radar utilizes the difference in dielectric properties between a tumor and the surrounding healthy tissue. By interpreting ...
    • Måling av plasmadrift i den øvre atmosfære over Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. 

      Mikalsen, Egil Børge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1977-11)
      Oppgaven bygger på målinger av plasmadrift i den øvre atmosfære over Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Som målemetode er brukt "spaced receivers" metoden. I kap. 2 er satt opp modeller for solvind, magnetosfære og ionosfære og en ser på fenomen som forplanter seg fra solvinden til ionosfæren. Ved hjelp av disse modeller beregnes så drift av plasma i ionosfæren. I kap. 3 beskrives målemetoden. Diffraksjonsmekanismen ...
    • A comparative study of algorithms for blind source separation in the instantaneous linear mixture model 

      Thon, Kevin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-22)
      This thesis discusses some of the many techniques for performing blind source separation. Its focus is on the theoretical concepts that allow for the problem to be solved. It starts with presenting the EM algorithm, which is the method underpinning many of the algorithms that are presented later in the thesis. Some of the established methods are presented, and we proceed to devolop source separation ...
    • The harmonizable representation of complex-valued nonstationary random processes 

      Hindberg, Heidi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2005-06-14)
      In this thesis we study the second-order statistical moment functions that characterizes complex-valued harmonizable processes. A real-valued harmonizable process has four Hermitian second-order functions. These functions are equivalent representations of the second-order statistical quantities of the process. For a complex-valued harmonizable process, however, we need the complementary functions ...
    • Observations of auroral plasma lines 

      Grydeland, Tom (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1998-03-01)
      The thesis describes observations of strongly enhanced incoherent scatter plasma lines in the auroral ionosphere which were made with the EISCAT UHF radar in 1985. The linear theory of plasma instabilities is reviewed, and several possible explanations are discussed. The observations were found to be of insufficient resolution to unambiguously resolve which one would be the correct explanation. ...
    • Low-frequency noise power spectrum density characterizing of SiGe HBTs 

      Qi, Peng (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-06-06)
      The main purposes of this thesis are the Low-Frequency Noise measurement of Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and its Power Spectrum Density Characterizing. The new generation 375 GHZ SiGe HBTs were measured in this work. We show that most of PSDs of the new generation SiGe HBTs have very ”bumpy” spectra which is contributed by GR noise sources. We investigated their basic ...
    • Statistical modelling of polarimetric SAR data 

      Doulgeris, Anthony Paul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-06-02)
      A statistical modelling technique is developed to analyse polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images. Polarimetric SAR data consists of four complex scattering coefficients at each image location, requiring multivariate modelling techniques, and this work focuses on a simple class of multivariate distributions, the scale mixture of Gaussians. Three parametric model families of that ...
    • A detection theoretical approach to digital communications using autoregressive process shift keying 

      Anfinsen, Stian Normann (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2001-03-10)
      I klassisk digital kommunikasjon overføres en bitstrøm gjennom en kanal ved å modulere parametrene til en deterministisk bærebølge. Noen kjente eksempler er amplitudemodulasjon (AM), frekvensmodulasjon (FM) og fasemodulasjon (PM). Mottakeren estimerer parametrene til det informasjonsbærende signalet og bruker en deteksjonsregel til å klassifisere den mottatte bølgeformen som en av flere mulige ...