Viser treff 121-140 av 285

    • Combining geophysical data with a mathematical model to describe vertical two-phase flow 

      Hansen, Johanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      This thesis combines a geological model with a mathematical model to describe the vertical propagation of a gas plume through layers with different physical properties. The geological model is based on geophysical data from the Sørvestsnaget Basin and the mathematical model is derived based on the classical Buckley-Leverett theory for two-phase flow. The model estimates the velocity of a vertical ...
    • Use of 2D-seismic data and available wells to investigate the source potential of the Palaeozoic interval in the Loppa High area, SW Barents Sea 

      Hetland, Asbjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      While most established plays in the Barents Sea have occurred in the Mesozoic, the Alta and Gohta discoveries prove a new carbonate play concept, with a source rock that does not stem from the Jurassic. Based on depositional environment and TOC values from the Palaeozoic interval a source rock with Top Ørn as its bottom and Top Røye as its top was interpreted. Basin modelling carried out on this ...
    • Holocene Glacial Dynamics of the Barentsøya ice cap, Svalbard 

      Leister, Juliane (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-13)
      This study investigates the glacial dynamics of Barentsjøkulen, a small ice cap located on Barentsøya, Svalbard. In order to reconstruct Barentsjøkulen’s glacial history, three geomorphological maps of the glacier forefields of its main outlet glaciers, Besselsbreen, Duckwitzbreen and Freemanbreen, were created. The maps cover a total area of ca. 117 km2 and were generated based on swath bathymetric ...
    • Glacial history and forefield development of Aldegondabreen since the Little Ice Age maximum extent 

      Kirkebøen, Kristine Øksenvåg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      A geomorphological map has been produced to investigate the glacial history of Aldegondabreen, a small land terminating valley glacier located on the western coast of Spitsbergen. The glacier has changed its dynamic from a tidewater glacier into a land-terminating glacier during the last advance/retreat cycle, and the focus is therefore to reconstruct the glacial history of this cycle. The map ...
    • Geological controlling parameters on seismic imaging of igneous intrusions on Svalbard 

      Toonen, Ruud (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Imaging and mapping igneous intrusions such a sills and dykes has been one of the challenges in recent years. However, igneous intrusions in seismic data have properties that make them good targets for visualization, such as high amplitude and sophisticated shapes. 3D visualization methods are especially well suited for sill reflections. One of the main limitations of tying offshore seismic data to ...
    • Evaluering av automatiske snøskredvarslingsanlegg 

      Lome, Kristin Brandtsegg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-12-01)
      Noen veger blir stengt på ubestemt tid på grunn av snøskredfare. Dette er frustrerende for trafikanter og det skaper økonomiske konsekvenser for næringslivet. Statens vegvesen (SVV) har testet ut to teknologier for å detektere og varsle snøskred i sanntid; doppler radar og geofoner. Radaren bruker radiobølger for å måle retning og avstand til et objekt og kan dermed benyttes til å bestemme om skredet ...
    • Comparison and classification of an Arctic Transitional snow climate in Tromsø, Norway 

      Velsand, Paul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-10-11)
      Winter tourism in Tromsø has increased significantly over the last years, consequently also the skiing tourism. It is advertised that Tromsø has a mild coastal climate compared to other destinations at similar latitudes. Existing snow climate classes separate covers into a maritime, continental and a transitional class where persistent weak layers are rare in the maritime class. Rain and average air ...
    • Volume measurements and change of Longyearbreen and Tellbreen, Svalbard 

      Lidström, Marta Stina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-12)
      Climate change is a comprehensive field of research. The cryosphere is only a small portion of the entire spectrum but is still a very important constituent to try and understand. Thermal expansion of the oceans is the second largest cause for sea level rise around the world after the global melting of glaciers and ice sheets combined. Even the smallest valley glaciers, with small individual volumes, ...
    • Strukturgeologisk og geomorfologisk studium av fjellskred ved Skredan, Tromsø kommune 

      Bjørklid, Eirik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-09-06)
      Hovedfokuset med denne oppgaven har vært å få en forståelse for betydningen av sprø og duktile strukturer i berggrunnen i forbindelse med skredet ved Skredan. Studiet innebærer kartlegging av strukturer i berggrunnen, innsamling av strukturdata og kartlegging av morfologiske elementer og relatere de ulike morfologiske elementene til strukturer i berggrunnen. Berggrunnen ved Skredan består av godt ...
    • Petroleum systems of the Barents shelf. A regional well-based study of the mesozoic 

      Yankina, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-30)
      The entire Barents Sea area has experienced a complex geological evolution. From orogenic processes connected to Caledonian mountain building in Palaeozoic to basin formation related to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean in Paleogene. Uplift and erosion processes (Exhumation) that fined place in Ceinozoic contribute to erosion and redepositing of thick sedimentary sequences over Barents Sea ...
    • Reconstructing the holocene. Benthic foraminifera as a proxy for the paleoceonography of the nordic seas 

      Baker, May Lizabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-01)
      The benthic foraminifera of two marine sediment cores were studied as a proxy for paleoenvironment reconstructions throughout the Late to Early Holocene. The two cores were sampled in different localities to allow a spatial comparison of changing environments in the Nordic Seas and sampled for benthic foraminiferal assemblages, grain size, IRD, sortable silts and benthic foraminifera isotopes. While ...
    • Structural and metamorphic implications of the final emplacement of the Lyngen Nappe 

      Schiffer, William Joel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      The Lyngen Nappe, an allochthonous unit of the Northern Norwegian Caledonides, consists of Greenschist-facies rocks overlying Amphibolite- to Granulite-facies rocks in the Nordmannvik Nappe. The lower-grade metamorphism seen in the Lyngen rocks juxtaposes higher-grade rocks both above and below. The nature and origin of this metamorphic break is investigated, specifically in the sheared rock units ...
    • Stress distribution calculations through a snow slab of varying hardness. Comparison with stability evaluation in the field 

      Swinkels, Laura Josephine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-05)
      Field observations are the main tools for assessing the snow stability concerning dry snow slab avalanche release. Often, theoretical studies cannot directly be translated into useful information for avalanche recreationists and forecasters in the field, and vice versa; field observations are not always objective and quantifiable for theoretical studies. Moreover, numerical models often oversimplify ...
    • Geomorfologisk og strukturgeologisk undersøking av ustabile skråningar og skredavsettingar. Regional analyse av fjellområdet mellom Tromsøysundet og Ullsfjorden -Troms, Norge. 

      Sandnes, Gaute Haugen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Samandrag Troms er det fylket i landet med flest registrerte ustabile fjellsider. Ved å kartlegga større områder for ustabile fjellparti og historiske skred, kan ein gjera ei regional analyse. Dette kan bidra til å forstå dei styrande faktorane for utrasing i eit regionalt perspektiv. Denne avhandlinga omhandlar hovudsakleg geomorfologi, og er skreve parallelt med Andreas Grumstad som har omtala ...
    • Reconstruction of late Holocene paleoenvironment in Kongsfjorden, West Spitsbergen. Based on analysis of benthic foraminifera 

      Danielsen, Kim-André (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The benthic foraminiferal fauna of two marine sediment records from the Kongsfjorden Trough and the inner part of Kongsfjorden were analyzed to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental development throughout the last ~ 2000 years. A generally cold period is evident in both records, lasting from ~ 700 to 1400 CE at the Kongsfjorden Trough and from ~ 350 to 1200 CE in the inner part of Kongsfjorden, with ...
    • Paleoceanographic Development in Nordfjord, North East Greenland, During the Mid- and Late Holocene 

      Skjelvan, Bjørnar Liland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Sediment core HH13-012GC-TUNU, retrieved from Nordfjord, North-East Greenland, has been investigated in order to reconstruct the paleoceanographic development during the mid- and late Holocene. Nordfjord is one of three tributary fjords to Kaiser Franz Joseph Fjord, and Waltershausen Gletcher is located at its head. The fjord system is largely influenced by the Eastern Greenland Current. Most of ...
    • Processing and interpretation of the Svyatogor 2016 high-resolution P-Cable 3D seismic dataset. Investigating the dynamics of a sub-seabed gas hydrate system with a potential abiotic methane source 

      Romeyn, Rowan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      A new high-resolution P-Cable 3D seismic dataset was acquired in July 2016 targeting a seafloor pockmark cluster at the northern end of Svyatogor Ridge, offshore west Svalbard. The processing and interpretation of this dataset formed the primary focus of this thesis. The seismic processing sequence was designed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the data while preserving the useful signal ...
    • Exploratory data analysis of flexural waves in Arctic fjord ice seismic data 

      Gotliebsen, Katrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-14)
      A seismic source on floating ice induces flexural waves in the ice layer. An exploratory data analysis of Arctic fjord ice seismic data is performed for the purpose of identifying and studying characteristics of flexural waves and other related wave modes. Both geophone and hydrophone data are examined with the purpose of studying ice properties from ice wave behavior. Power spectral density estimates ...
    • Glacial history and geomorphology of Trygghamna, western Svalbard 

      Aradóttir, Nína (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      This study investigates Trygghamna, a small fjord on the western coast of Spitsbergen, Svalbard. In order to investigate its glacial history, high-resolution aerial images and swath bathymetry are used to produce a detailed geomorphological map of the area, with a focus on the Neoglacial extent of the three largest glaciers in the fjord, Protektor-, Harriet- and Kjerulfbreen. The landforms are ...
    • Geomorfologisk kartlegging av Kjosen, Lyngen, Troms. Med fokus på snøskredavsetninger på Sultinden og Tytebærdalen 

      Bolstad, Jørgen Friis (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Snøskred er et utbredt faremoment i Norge og Troms, og har de siste årene tatt flere menneskeliv. Det investeres store ressurser i beskyttelsestiltak, og behovet for å forstå snøskred – hvor og når de kan inntreffe – vokser i takt med samfunnsutvikling og klimaendringer. Kjosen i Lyngen er utsatt for skred hvert år, og det har gått både hus og menneskeliv tapt her. Snøskred er også en geomorfologisk ...