Now showing items 101-120 of 138

    • Reconstructing Omni-kernel control flow 

      Haugen, Christopher (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-12-15)
      Today, with the prevalence of many- and multi-core systems has it been sparked a new interest for programming models that permits developer to exploit their resources. This has sparked renewed interest in creating larger event-based systems, systems where stack ripping occurs and with an obfuscated control flow. Both increases the complexity of debugging errors. During the development of the ...
    • RoboMind. A platform for on-the-fly programming and inspection of behavior-based robot programs 

      Svendsen, Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      Lego Mindstorms is a popular tool used by universities for educational and demonstrational purposes. Lego Mindstorms is a set of buildable and programmable robotic kits, made by Lego. It allows for a high level of participation from the audience, while being easily programmable. However, for demonstrational and recruitment purposes, it is not without shortcomings. When there is a limited time to ...
    • Spark-SPELL: Low-latency query-based search for gene expression compendia on cluster computers 

      Raknes, Inge Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      Exploratory analyses are vital to fully realize the potential for scientific discoveries in large-scale biomedical data compendia. Specifically, most biomedical data analyses require a human expert to interactively explore the data to find novel hypotheses or conclusions. However, recent developments in biotechnology instruments are generating Tera-scale datasets. No interactive biomedical data ...
    • Sphero NAV - Robotic Navigation and Control Platform 

      Nistad, Simon Andreas Engstrøm (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      This thesis presents Sphero NAV, a camera based navigation and control platform for the robotic ball Orbotix Sphero. Sphero NAV is a Python library that serves as a base for developing new Sphero applications. The library allows for communication and control of one or multiple Sphero devices using Sphero’s rich API and functionality. Sphero NAV implements a tracker system that uses image based ...
    • Láhttu-A system for Retrieval and Consolidation of Personsal Data from Activity-Tracking Web Services. 

      Johansen, Ida Jaklin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      In recent years, self-tracking and recording ourself has become increasingly popular. A large ecosystem of interconnected online activity-tracking web services that record, store, analyse, and visualize personal data is evolving to provide useful services to end-users. However, these personal data can be scattered over multiple web-services, which makes it difficult for an individual to manage and ...
    • Eatnu: a storage system for evaluating and persisting sensor data 

      Stenhaug, Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      The amount of information generated exceeeds the current available storage. Big Data, the Internet of Things and the increasing popularity of self-tracking gadgets call for new storage solutions to manage and analyze the data. To handle the constant flow of information, we have implemented Eatnu. Eatnu is a storage system designed to handle large data streams, where programmers can specify what ...
    • Girji. Metacode extensibility in Girji 

      Johannessen, Simen Lomås (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      Online web services that store fitness and health related data is evolving to provide useful services to end-users. Examples of this include RunKeeper, Fitbit and MS HealthVault. These services interconnect creating an ecosystem of online web services. The services they provide are mainly targeted for the consumer marked. However, professional sport clubs may potentially benefit from integrating ...
    • Ruoksat. A system for capturing, persisting and presenting the digital footprint of soccer knowledge and expertise 

      Sørensen, Kim-Edgar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-06-01)
      There are currently over 27 000 registered soccer teams in Norway. However, even with mandatory coaching licenses, there are still a vast variety of approaches to how training sessions should be planned and executed. Even in top-level professional soccer organizations, the planning of exercises involves a considerable amount of manual labor. The most common approaches include using old-fashioned pen ...
    • A Video storage management system for soccer analytics 

      Hansen, Roger Bruun Asp (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-12-18)
      Video is dominating consumer internet traffic. Restless internet users expect smooth playback and low latency when watching video content and vendors risk losing customers if this cannot be provided. Distributed storage systems specialized for delivering video content and for handling the high traffic this lead to, have been developed over many years. This thesis look into building and deploying a ...
    • Javza : a runtime supporting dynamic app configuration and integration in asymmetric systems 

      Gjerdrum, Anders Tungeland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-07-06)
      The advent of cloud computing alongside with pervasive form factors such as smart devices, introduces a new meaning to asymmetric system models. These new clients act as a presentational layer alleviating much of the computational and storage concerns to cloud services. The application platforms associated with these creates new opportunities for third party developers to provide domain specific ...
    • Summarizing image collections 

      Sundby, David (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      The widespread use of digital cameras and mobile phones, along with a rapidly growth of image sharing, challenges current image retrieval techniques. It is difficult for image retrieval system to find the semantic meaning of images based on human’s subjectivity and the size of current image databases makes it difficult to organize and search images. This thesis shows that information retrieval ...
    • A prototype system for context sensitive communication in hospitals based on an Ascom/trixbox experimental platform 

      Gironi, Lorenzo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      Hospital's communication infrastructure suffers from different types of common problems. Currently, this infrastructure relies mainly on the use of pagers which are devices particularly interruptive for the daily work of hospital's workers, and moreover they do not support context-awareness communication. Wireless phones are supposed to be a valid alternative to pagers and they can also be used to ...
    • A scalable, interactive widget library for visualizing biological data 

      Johansen, Terje Andre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      In biology the introduction next generation technology is increasing the amount of data generated rapidly. New sequencing machines are able to produce terabytes of genomic data in days and in later years the cost of storing data has become higher than to produce it. With enormous amounts of data arrives great opportunities, but also new challenges; how should biologists analyze and interpret the ...
    • Detecting events in videos using semantic analytics of subtitles 

      Leer, Erik Bræck (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      Recently, television broadcasters such as the NRK and TV2 channels, have begun offering live internet television and movie archive along with their regular schedule, much like the known video archives such as Youtube and Vimeo. The amount of all television offered reduces the ability of the user to get an overview of the programs that are available at any given time, making the user will probably ...
    • Real-time annotation of video streams using staged processing 

      Holmstad, Øyvind (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      Real-time media rich applications rely on live streams of rich and accurate meta-data describing the video content to provide personal user experiences. Unfortunately, the general amount of video meta-data today is often limited to titles, synopsis and a few keywords. A wildly used approach for extraction of meta-data from video is computer vision. It has been developed a number of different ...
    • Time constrained video playback 

      Larsen, Webjørn Ivar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-08)
      The duration of video playlists, might be a problem when watching on mobile devices, while on the go. We are exploring the problem of how to reduce the size of a video playlist, while maintain the important parts of the videoclips in the playlist. We have designed algorithms that automatically can cut down a playlist by cutting the duration of clips or sometimes even removing clips. We have shown ...
    • Inexpensive Head Tracking for use with Large High-Resolution Displays 

      Simonsson, Carl Erik Joakim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-01)
      This thesis investigates how head tracking can be implemented by using inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware for a 6 x 3 meter high-resolution display wall. The tracking system has been integrated into to an existing event system, Shout, that allows for inter-program communication. An application called htsim has been developed that is used for testing different head tracking configurations in a ...
    • Automatic Image Tagging based on Context Information 

      Evertsen, Martin Hætta (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06)
      People love to take images, but are not so willing to annotate the images af-terwards with relevant tags. Manually tagging images is both subjective (dependent on annotator) and time consuming. It would be nice if the tag-ging process could be done automatically. A requirement for effective searching and retrieval of images in rapid growing online image databases is that each image has accurate and ...
    • Breathing as user interface for pulmonary rehabilitation : respiration tracking using the Wii remote controller 

      Guirao Aguilar, Julian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-01)
      INTRODUCTION: Respiration exercises are an important part of the pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) patients. Furthermore, there is evidence that showing feedback about their respiration pattern helps them to improve their breathing skills. This study tests the feasibility of monitoring respiration using the Wiimote's infrared camera and showing BPM (breaths per ...
    • Collecting relevant images context information 

      Jakobsen, Børge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-01-08)
      Digital photographing has become more and more popular as cameras and mobile phones get more advanced and have newer technology embedded. Manually searching in these growing image collections is problematic because of missing context information related to the image itself. If related context information could be added as an automated process, it could help the user view and locate images and ...