Now showing items 41-60 of 138

    • Developing a Local-First Application with Automerge 

      Økland, Stian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-31)
      In modern time, cloud services have been the go-to approach to store information and documents, and cloud makes documents accessible for users and make it easier to manage items. Cloud is an excellent option to have when data need to be available, but what if collaboration is only needed a few times a week? Once a month? Or unstable connection leading to disconnection to the network? A solution is ...
    • Particular: A Functional Approach to 3D Particle Simulation 

      Indreberg, Marius (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-31)
      Simulating large bodies of entities in various environments is an old science that traces back decades in computer science. There are existing software frameworks with well built mathematical models for approximating various environments. These frameworks are however built on imperative programming fundamentals often following a object oriented paradigm. This thesis presents Particular a 3d ...
    • Activity Game Avatar: A interactive exergame for people with intellectual disabilities. 

      Eilertsen, Thomas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-03-01)
      Statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) show clear indications that some groups in society have more significant struggles than others getting the recommended amount of physical activity. One of these groups is people with intellectual disabilities, which have different functioning resulting in different needs in terms of facilitation, accessibility, and usability. Many within this group ...
    • Object detection at the edge 

      Mathiassen, Truls (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-11-10)
      While monitoring rodents in the Arctic Tundra to evaluate if climate changes affect the ecosystem. The camera-traps of the coat project generates image data in large scale each year. To manually examine the data in regards to label- ing is a tedious and time-consuming job, and a more efficient and automated tool for the task is required. In this thesis we presents the architecture, design and ...
    • Leveraging Mobile UX Principles for Nudges In Green Transportation 

      Solbakk, Mellet Ivvar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-08-17)
      Smart nudging has a goal to try to nudge users, these nudges are personally tailored for their specific situation and needs. In this thesis we will combine knowledge from Nudging and principles from user interface design and user experience research to increase the likelihood of the smart nudges to be as effective as possible.
    • Towards Improved Support for Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types 

      Rostad, Sigbjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-30)
      Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) are distributed data types which ensure Strong Eventual Consistency (SEL), and also has properties such as commutativity and idempotence. There are many variations of CRDTs, and the ones we will study are state-based delta CRDTs. State-based CRDTs is a variation where the CRDT instances synchronize by sending their state to each other. An improvement to ...
    • Multi-user application for recording physical activity on exercise bicycles for people with intellectual disabilities 

      Nilsen, Asgeir (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-30)
      This thesis extends research into the application of an exergame for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Individuals with intellectual disabilities have a more sedentary lifestyle than the general population, and the need for regular physical activity is high. The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of physical activity each week. Exergames can contain elements that excite ...
    • Reduce bandwidth in live-streaming by cooperative edge relay networks 

      Knudsen, Tor Seivaag (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-30)
      Live-streaming and particular live video-streaming are becoming increasingly popular as a multimedia-service. More and more types of content and events are live-streamed. Live video-streaming has shown to be a useful tool in the case of pandemic outbursts such as Covid-19. As people should use social distancing, live video-streaming can give people the ability to simulate conventional social ...
    • Safe and secure outsourced computing with fully homomorphic encryption and trusted execution environments 

      Singh, Isak Sunde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-30)
      Increases in data production and growing demands for more computing power leads to the current trend of outsourcing data and computation services to cloud providers. With data breaches and cases of data misuse becoming increasingly common, there is a high demand for secure systems. This, however, conflicts with the current data trust models. A solution to this that is becoming more common is the use ...
    • μPyCSP - Two approaches to implementing CSP-like concurrency modeling in microcontrollers. 

      Johansen, Jon Helge Langaas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-30)
      In this thesis, we have explored the possibility of bringing CSP-like concurrency modeling to an embedded environment. With the growth of IoT and embedded software, many of the hardships that come with concurrent coding in an inherently event-driven environment become more apparent. Convoluted and complex code is often used to handle the many fallacies of concurrency. We are solving this problem by ...
    • Information collection for smart transportation nudges 

      Johnsen, Jacob (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-25)
      Global climate change is becoming of increasing concern. Transportation makes up a large part of carbon gasses, which affects climate change and air quality. As transportation is a big part of carbon emissions, everybody can contribute to reducing emissions through transportation. One way for people to contribute is to start choosing greener transportation. Nuding is a tool that can be used to ...
    • Data collection and combination for smart nudges in physical activity 

      Karlsen, Lars (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-22)
      Denne masteroppgaven innhenter data fra forskjellige relevante kilder til fysisk aktivitet, og designer et smart nudging system. Oppgaven ser på hvordan dataen fra disse relevante kildene kan brukes av systemet til å påvirke adferden og motivasjonen til folk, så folk kan bli mere fysisk aktive.
    • Storing and representing smart nudges in a user profile 

      Mæland, Marius Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-19)
      Oppgaven handler om hvordan informasjon og struktur en bruker profil trenger for og og kunne lagre smart nudges, og bruke dette til og finne brukerens preferanser. Et design på brukerprofil er laget og dette designet er brukt for og implementere en brukerprofil som inneholder smart nudger.
    • PKI and high-level security programming abstractions for SNOOP 

      Stenhaug, Håkon (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-12-15)
      When working with sensitive data in a distributed setting, secure multi-partycomputations(SMC) protocols aims to preserve the privacy of participants. Acore aspect of any SMC protocol is secure communication between participants.Based on the NOOP and SNOOP middleware with a combination of secret keyand public-key cryptography we design and implement a public key infrastruc-ture(PKI) to share signed ...
    • CorpOperatio: Game-inspired App for Encouraging Outdoor Physical Activity for People with Intellectual Disabilities 

      Haugland, Vebjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      This thesis presents a serious mobile exergame for people with intellectual disabilities, to help people with intellectual disability be more physically active. Exergames are games with the purpose of physically engaging the user in the gameplay, and intervenes with sedentariness and repetitive behavior. The game is based around the use of augmented reality, which is described as bringing 3D virtual ...
    • AGA: A Game-Inspired Mobile Application for Promoting Physical Activity in People With Intellectual Disabilities 

      Wiik, Marius Foshaug (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      Obesity and other health problems have a high prevalence in people with intellectual disabilities. Many lead a sedentary lifestyle and often have low scores on fitness indicators such as muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. The purpose of this research is to identify design techniques and features of a mobile application that can help promote physical activity in people with intellectual ...
    • Hyperprov: Blockchain-based Data Provenance using Hyperledger Fabric 

      Tunstad, Petter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      With data intensive computing helping advance state-of-the-art in varied fields, data provenance and lineage continue to remain formidable challenges in assisting with integrity and reproducibility in research and applications. This is particularly challenging for distributed scenarios, where data may be originating from decentralized sources without any centralized control by a single trusted entity. ...
    • Scalable exploration of population-scale drug consumption data 

      Skar, Tengel Ekrem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-01)
      The potential for knowledge discovery is currently underutilized on pharmacoepidemiologic data sets. A big dataset enables finding and assessing rare drug consumption patterns that are associated with adverse drug reactions causing hospitalization, or death. To enable such exploration of big pharmacoepidemiology data, four key issues need so be addressed. First, to ingest, transform, preprocess ...
    • Latency Optimized Microservice Architecture for Privacy Preserving Computing 

      Magnussen, Nikolai Åsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-01)
      Recent developments in microservices architecture and building have lead to the advent of unikernels, a specialized operating system kernel coupled with, and executing only, a single application. This thesis presents PPCE a distributed system utilising a microservices architecture based on unikernels, created to enable privacy-preserving computing for users, classes of users, and more importantly; ...
    • EDMON - A backend server for an infection detection system monitoring individuals with type 1 diabetes 

      Coucheron, Sverre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      There are a growing number of adults with diabetes worldwide. Within 2045 it is expected to become over 600 million individuals. Since there are no known cures for diabetes, self-monitoring and self-recording are often used to manage the condition. Having tools such as mobile applications allow individuals to do this. The world and society face a significant health threat from communicable diseases, ...