Viser treff 121-138 av 138

    • Improving freshness of web-extracted metadata 

      Heimdal, Tord-Arne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-12-18)
      Live video search is emerging as a platform for multimedia production and entertainment service. Such systems rely on a stream of live video and metadata describing the video content. A high quality source for such metadata can be found on the web. Identifying and extracting metadata from web pages can be done by crawling and scraping. However, general crawler politeness rules limit per-site ...
    • Inferring image semantics from collection information 

      Thorvaldsen, Idar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-02-06)
      There is a continuing desire and need for improving the processes of describing and searching for digital images. While good progress has been made adapting traditional information retrieval techniques to perform these tasks, processing images still presents a number of challenges not encountered when working with just text. This project implements a system allowing for the indexing and searching ...
    • Improving the usefulness of multimedia archives by applying data reduction techniques 

      Aarflot, Tjalve (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-02-05)
      In recent years, an increasing amount of personal images, video, sound and text data are captured and stored in a digital format. Increased storage capacity at lower cost entice us to attempt to store everything, but without effective information retrieval techniques, the usefulness of the data becomes limited. Some people have taken personal data capture to extremes and have begun to capture ...
    • Efficient intra-node Communication for Chip Multiprocessors 

      Henriksen, Torje Starbo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-10-15)
      The microprocessor industry has reached limitations of sequential processing power due to power-efficiency and heat problems. With the integrated-circuit technology moving forward, chip-multithreading has become the trend, increasing parallel processing power. The shift of focus has resulted in the vast majority of supercomputers having chip-multiprocessors. While the high performance computing ...
    • Utilizing ubiquitous commodity graphics hardware for scientific computing 

      Nilsen, Bjørn-Hugo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-10-01)
      Current GPUs have many times the memory bandwidth and computing power compared to CPUs. The difference in performance is getting bigger as the evolution speed of the GPUs is higher than of the CPUs. This make it interesting to use the GPU for general purpose computing (GPGPU). I begin by looking at the architecture of the GPU, and some different techniques for programming on a GPU, including ...
    • Design and implementation of an encourager and motivator application for physical activity based on Bluetooth devices and Argos Middleware Platform 

      Hanssen, Harald Sømnes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-01-27)
      Argos is a middleware platform developed at the ArticBeans lab at the University of Tromsø. The purpose of Argos is to provide a personal application platform for custom services. In this thesis we look at how Bluetooth devices along with Argos can be combined to create an application for encouraging and motivating physical activity. Physical activity is steadily decreasing among the population. ...
    • Framework for development of rule based sensor services in the Argos middleware platform 

      Jakobsen, Tom Arild (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-01-07)
      Argos is a middleware platform developed at the University of Tromsø. It provides tailored, flexible and extensible middleware support. In this thesis we suggest a new approach to creating user services for Argos by using a rule engine to setup the program flow for components in Argos. The users are provided with a graphical tool where they can set up rules that can trigger an action. The input, ...
    • A Prototype for continuation-passing orchestration of composite web services 

      Josefsen, Kent Ove (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-12-15)
      Web services enable businesses to deliver services via the Web. In addition, Web services can be used to improve business efficiency, because Web services can often replace manual activities in a business process. A Web service can be composed of other simpler Web services using the abstraction traditionally known as workflows. The process of controlling the correct and reliable execution of a ...
    • Securing private peer-to-peer networks 

      Fredriksen, Lars A. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-08-15)
      This thesis describes the research of grading security in private Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, and ultimately the development of “The Socialized.Net Embedded – Cryptography Version” (Tsnecv). Tsnecv is a revision of “The Socialized.Net Embedded” (Tsne) which is the embedded version of Njål Borch’s doctorate “The Socialized.Net”. Tsne is a P2P file sharing application which builds it private P2P ...
    • Integrating libpesto with subversion 

      Jakobsen, Oleg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-15)
      Subversion, an open-source centralized version control system, developed by CoallabNet, is currently the second most popular version control system, after the ever popular CVS. Like CVS, Subversion uses a client-server architecture, but has a cleaner, modular architecture. One set of subversion modules, are the filesystem backends modules of subversion. Two ``official'' backends are currently ...
    • Architecture for generic service development on mobile handsets 

      Dahle, Peter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-15)
      Several actors are involved in all layers the handset architecture, from hardware producers to service providers, and the numbers are raising. Lack of collaboration amongst these actors across and within layers has led to a complex development-process of services and applications, which in turn leads to difficult use of such applications and services. In this thesis we took a closer look at the ...
    • Argos container, core and extension framework 

      Eriksen, Dan Peder (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-01)
      With the emergence of the internet and e-commerce in the 90’s new common problems arose when developing applications that span the internet. These common problems include among others scalability, robustness, networking, database usage and heterogeneity. Software developers creating internet applications saw themselves reinventing the wheel repeatedly. This lead to the creation of middleware systems ...
    • Collecting and distributing sensor data using the Argos middleware platform 

      Mortensen, Mats (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-15)
      Applications that adapt to environmental and situational changes are difficult to build because computers cannot capture, represent or process context information as easily as human beings. Nevertheless, context information is very valuable because it allows applications to be made more user-friendly, flexible, and adaptable. This realization has spawned a multitude of research efforts to simplify ...
    • Design and implementation of a prototype for capturing immediate user experiences 

      Ekvang, Espen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-01)
      Everywhere we go we are overwhelmed with impressions and experiences making our day. Research has proven these to change over time, thus psychologists and experimenters in surveys are interested in what a person actually experienced at a particular point in time, referred to as immediate experience. Whether it was as a reaction to some event or just at specific times during the day, is determined ...
    • Kontekstsensitiv tilpasning av interaksjonsmodi mot mobile terminaler 

      Henriksen, André (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2003-12-15)
      Denne oppgaven ser på mulighetene for å bruke kontekstinformasjon for å kunne tilpasse interaksjonsmodi mot mobile terminaler, spesielt mobiltelefoner. Hensikten er å illustrere hvordan brukere av et transportselskap automatisk kan motta beskjeder om forsinkelser på bussavganger han/hun er interessert i, samt andre beskjeder fra transportselskapet. Brukere skal altså slippe å kjenne til vanlige ...
    • p-SARS: Peer-to-peer search for a recommender system 

      Devik, Rune (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2003-12-15)
      WAIF started out in 2002 and the overall goal is to make the computers automatically search for relevant information based on the user’s preferences, and to push this information directly to the user wherever he/she is and to whatever device he/she has available. In other words, make the machines serve us, with as little human interaction as possible. This thesis focuses on a specific part of this ...
    • FAT: A framework for automated regression testing of protocol stacks 

      Nilsen, Karl Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2003-12-15)
      Software systems today are becoming larger and more complex, resulting in a growing need for good and efficient testing routines. An approach used by several software developers is to automate the test process. Test automation has the benefits that it reduces the time of the testing process and that automated tests are more accurate and precise than manual tests. <br /><br /> Manufacturers who ...
    • Frag: A distributed approach to display wall gaming 

      Grammeltvedt, Åsmund (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-06-01)
      Computer games with distributed functionality, such as most modern multiplayer games, provide a rich environment in which one can experiment with high performance distribution of computational and graphical resources. Their extremely high requirements for processing power and consistent visual output create a platform with unique demands. Current tiled display walls provide, as a consequence of ...