Now showing items 21-40 of 261

    • Maritime Security in the Baltic and Japanese Straits From the Perspective of EEZ Corridors 

      Lott, Alexander (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-29)
      This study focuses on the practice of the Baltic Sea coastal states and Japan in voluntarily limiting the outer extent of their territorial sea in straits. The reasons for the establishment of narrow exclusive economic zone (EEZ) corridors in straits are mostly related to security considerations. This article examines the consequences of such state practice for navigational regimes and for the ...
    • Recalcitrant Materialities of a Liminal Ocean: Deconstructing the ‘Arctic Nomos’ 

      Tsiouvalas, Apostolos (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-23)
      Published in 1950, Carl Schmitt’s Nomos of the Earth has been one of the most influential contributions in legal theory, illustrating inter alia the territorial conceptualization of the Eurocentric global legal order. While the Earth’s nomos has been largely hinged on the constructed ontology of a land-sea dichotomy and the appropriation and division of space through the establishment of sovereignty ...
    • Reglene om tilbakeføring av råderett i internasjonal og nasjonal urfolksrett 

      Ravna, Øyvind; Midtkandal, Bendik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-04)
      Internasjonal rett innehar regler om tilbakeføring av landområder som urfolk har mistet råde-retten over, ofte omtalt som reglene om restitusjon. Det hersker imidlertid uklarhet om reglenes innhold, både internasjonalt og nasjonalt. I denne artikkelen drøftes tilbakeføringsreglenes inn-hold og rekkevidde. Det synliggjøres at reglene kan ha betydning der majoritetssamfunnets myndighetsutøvelse og ...
    • Report on NCLOS Conference: “The limits and possibilities of sovereignty, as both the organizing logic and the central legal principle underpinning Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance (LOSOG)”, Tromsø, 25 and 25 November 2021 

      Gaunce, Julia Martha; Ahmad, Mazyar; Enyew, Endalew Lijalem (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021-11)
      The law of the sea is facing fundamental challenges, including material challenges, epistemic challenges, and challenges relating to ocean justice and geopolitical dynamics. To address these challenges, NCLOS has been engaged with several projects, one of which focusses on problematizing the logic of sovereignty and investigating how sovereignty could be redefined, adapted, and rethought to respond ...
    • The NCLOS Blog: Conclusions of the Aurora Conference: “The limits and possibilities of sovereignty, as both the organizing logic and the central legal principle underpinning Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance (LOSOG)” 

      Gaunce, Julia Martha; Ahmad, Mazyar; Enyew, Endalew Lijalem (Others; Andre, 2021-11)
      This blog post summarizes the main findings of the Conference. The post is structured following the order of the three sessions of the Conference. Finally, the post offers overall concluding remarks
    • Barnets beste. Rettighetens innhold i saker om opphold på humanitært grunnlag og utvisning 

      Martnes, Mona (Book; Bok, 2021)
      Barn har rett til å få sitt beste lagt til grunn som et grunnleggende hensyn i alle saker som berører dem selv. I denne boken diskuteres den iboende spenningen i utlendingsloven § 1, som pålegger norske utlendingsmyndigheter å ivareta både innvandringspolitiske hensyn og internasjonale menneskerettslige forpliktelser. Politiske hensyn og spenningen mellom barnets og statens interesser utgjør en ...
    • Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19 

      Krans, Bart; Nylund, Anna (Book; Bok, 2021)
      The unforeseen Covid-19 pandemic has propelled, and continues to propel, unprecedented transformations to civil proceedings and the landscape in which they operate. Courts have proven to be creative and innovative in their responses to the pandemic, and in their ability to implement digitisation of paperwork and remote hearings. This book contains a comparative study of how courts in 23 countries ...
    • Frontiers in Law and Legal Scholarship 

      Barnes, Richard Alan (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-03-01)
      This collection celebrates the contributions of Professor David Freestone to our understanding of international environmental law, particularly law of the sea and climate law. In doing so, it seeks to reflect his contributions by making its own mark on how we understand these fields of academic inquiry, as well as the realpolitik of international law-making on some of the most pressing and complex ...
    • The Construction of Ocean Space in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. A Fisheries Perspective 

      Barnes, Richard Alan (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      This chapter examines the development of fisheries regulation in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) from a constructivist approach. In doing so it provides important insights into how the construction of space is influenced by law making and institutional constraints, some of which reflect bias or imbalance in powers structures in international law. Many have defended law as a discreet and ...
    • Kvotesystemet 2022 En rettslig analyse av kvotesystemet i de ervervsmessige saltvannsfiskeriene 

      Arntzen, Svein Kristian (Book; Bok, 2023)
      Boken gir kunnskap om kvotesystemet på et bredere grunnlag enn ved en fremstilling av gjeldende fiskerilover og forskrifter. Dette gjelder fremveksten av sentrale elementer og ordninger, opptakten til utformingen av det nye kvotesystemet, rettsspørsmål om lukking av fiskerier, legitimitetsspørsmål, og Stortingets kontroll med fiskerimyndighetenes forskrifter.
    • Nature Protection, Indigenous Rights, and Climate Action 

      Enyew, Endalew Lijalem; Poto, Margherita Paola (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Climate change is affecting indigenous peoples and their rights. However, indigenous peoples themselves are at the forefront of climate action, having protected nature for millennia, and now becoming increasingly aware of the active role they can play in the formulating and implementing processes of the international legal climate-change agenda.2 <p> <p>This chapter explores to what extent existing ...
    • Covid-19 and Norwegian Civil Justice 

      Nylund, Anna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Norwegian courts have been digitised at an unprecedented pace during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because case management hearings were already conducted remotely and expert witnesses were often examined remotely, the transition to fully remote hearings has been fairly smooth in Norway, as will be explained in Section 2. However, the implementation of new technology has entailed some difficulties, in ...
    • Rettskartleggingen i Finnmark 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Rettskartleggingen i Finnmark er et resultat av Norges folkerettslige forpliktelser overfor samene, blant annet til å etablere hensiktsmessige ordninger i nasjonal rettsorden for å avklare og avgjøre landrettighetskrav fra urfolk. Denne plikten er forankret i ILO-konvensjon nr. 169 om urfolk og stammefolk i selvstendige stater artikkel 14 og var en rettesnor for Stortingets justiskomite i arbeidet ...
    • Mare Nullius or Mare Suum? Using Ethnography to Debate Rights to Marine Resources in Coastal Sámi Communities of Troms 

      Tsiouvalas, Apostolos (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      While legal progress on indigenous land claims has recently been fostered around the globe, sea claims still lag behind. Since the beginning of colonization, the doctrine of mare nullius declared seas vacant of indigenous tenure or authority and led to the establishment of sovereign State jurisdiction over offshore areas, and more recently to the characterization of the living resources in these ...
    • More Disputes ahead for the CLCS? CLCS Practice on Rule 46 of Its Rules of Procedure 

      Busch, Signe Veierud (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      When the provisions on the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) were negotiated during the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), its role in relation to disputes was only vaguely described in the Convention text.2 To implement and operationalize its obligations and mandate provided in article 76(8) of and Annex II to the United Nations Convention on the Law of ...
    • The CAOF Agreement. Key Issues of International Fisheries Law 

      Molenaar, Erik J. (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      This Chapter is devoted to issues relating to the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean and its negotiation that are of key importance to international fisheries law. It provides an overview of the Arctic Five and Five-plus-Five processes that culminated in the Agreement, as well as the Agreement’s institutional set-up and setting. These negotiation processes ...
    • Children's Constitutional Right to Respect for Family Life in Norway: Words or Real Effect? 

      Bendiksen, Lena R. Lauritsen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-11-19)
      Children`s right to respect for family life is widely recognised in Norwegian law. The specific provision on children’s human rights in the Norwegian Constitution, section 104, mentions family. In addition, section 102 states that everyone, including children, have a right to respect for private and family life. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (crc) and the European Convention on Human ...
    • Framework Agreement on Fisheries between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Kingdom of Norway 

      Barnes, Richard Alan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-07)
      On 30 September 2020, the United Kingdom and Norway signed the Framework Agreement on Fisheries that will provide the basis for future cooperation in the sustainable management of their fisheries. The Agreement is the first such agreement adopted by the UK following its decision to the leave the European Union. This note provides some background to the Agreement and examines its key features. Whilst ...
    • The European Union and the Arctic 

      Liu, Nengye; Kirk, Elizabeth A.; Henriksen, Tore (Book; Bok, 2017-09-11)
      The European Union and the Arctic brings together academics from a range of disciplines to discuss the EU's potential roles in shaping Arctic governance. The book is divided into three parts. The first part examines the EU’s current Arctic policy framework. The second part focuses on the EU’s engagement with Arctic governance at the regional level and encompasses the EU’s engagement with the so-called ...
    • Fiskerigrensesaken mellom Norge og Storbritannia og sakens betydning for norsk rett 60 år senere 

      Skogvang, Susann Funderud (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-04-30)
      Fiskerigrensesaken mellom Norge og Storbritannia omhandlet metoden for opptrekkingen av grunnlinjer og er en viktig folkerettslig avgjørelse, særlig sett med norske øyne. Forfatteren belyser hvilken betydning historisk bruk hadde for tolkningen og anvendelsen av folkeretten i Fiskerigrensesaken. Videre drøftes hvordan saken har bidratt til at spørsmål om private fiskerettigheter igjen har blitt ...