Viser treff 121-140 av 540

    • New integrated molecular approaches for investigating lake settlements in north-western Europe 

      Brown, Antony; Fonville, Thierry; Van Hardenbroek, Maarten; Cavers, Graeme; Crone, Anne; Mccormick, Finbar; Murray, Emily; Mackay, Helen; Whitehouse, Nicki J.; Henderson, Andrew C.G.; Barratt, Phil; Davies, Kim; Head, Katie; Langdon, Peter; Alsos, Inger Greve; Pirrie, Duncan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-28)
      Lake settlements, particularly crannogs, pose several contradictions—visible yet inaccessible, widespread yet geographically restricted, persistent yet vulnerable. To further our understanding, we developed the integrated use of palaeolimnological (scanning XRF, pollen, spores, diatoms, chironomids, Cladocera, microcharcoal, biogenic silica, SEM-EDS, stable-isotopes) and biomolecular (faecal stanols, ...
    • Hunting for Hide. Investigating an Other-Than-Food Relationship between Stone Age Hunters and Wild Animals in Northern Europe 

      Skandfer, Marianne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-18)
      In archaeological hunter-gatherer research, animals are primarily seen as food. Alternatively, they are proposed to serve as symbols and devices for social structuring of human societies. A growing body of literature in humanities and social sciences now looks into the role of animals as social and sentient co-beings. It is becoming increasingly clear that the roles of animals as other-than-food ...
    • Focal vs. fecal: Seasonal variation in the diet of wild vervet monkeys from observational and DNA metabarcoding data 

      Brun, Loïc; Schneider, Judith; Carrió, Eduard Mas; Dongre, Pooja; Taberlet, Pierre Robert Michel; Waal, van de; Fumagalli, Luca (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-01)
      Assessing the diet of wild animals reveals valuable information about their ecology and trophic relationships that may help elucidate dynamic interactions in ecosystems and forecast responses to environmental changes. Advances in molecular biology provide valuable research tools in this field. However, comparative empirical research is still required to highlight strengths and potential biases of ...
    • Nordlendingen tar de geologiske ressursene i bruk: et arkeologisk perspektiv 

      Skandfer, Marianne; Jørgensen, Roger; Wickler, Stephen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-10)
      Mennesker har til alle tider nyttiggjort seg stein og mineraler. Fra steinalderen dominerer funn fra boplasser, men mye er også løsfunn av kjent opprinnelser. Vi vet lite om hvor steinråstoffet i Nordland ble hentet fra i steinalderen. Funn fra jernalder og middelalder stammer hovedsakelig fra boplasser og graver. Fra disse periodene har vi også kjennskap til lokale produksjonsplasser og steinbrudd. ...
    • Vindkraftutbygging og bærekraftig reindrift på to øyer i Troms 

      Brattland, Camilla; Hausner, Vera Helene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Hvilken betydning har arealinngrep for reindriftas økologiske og kulturelle bærekraft? Konsekvensene av arealinngrep handler ikke kun om tap av beiteland og produksjon i reindriftsflokken, men også om endringer i samspillet mellom rein og mennesker, beite, og det samiske reindriftssamfunnet. Tap av beiter har betydning for den kulturelle bærekraften ved at færre familiemedlemmer kan delta i driften ...
    • sRNAbench and sRNAtoolbox 2022 update: accurate miRNA and sncRNA profiling for model and non-model organisms 

      Aparicio-Puerta, Ernesto; Gómez-Martín, Cristina; Giannoukakos, Stavros; Medina, José María; Scheepbouwer, Chantal; García-Moreno, Adrián; Carmona-Saez, Pedro; Fromm, Bastian; Pegtel, Michiel; Keller, Andreas; Marchal, Juan Antonio; Hackenberg, Michael (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-12)
      The NCBI Sequence Read Archive currently hosts microRNA sequencing data for over 800 different species, evidencing the existence of a broad taxonomic distribution in the field of small RNA research. Simultaneously, the number of samples per miRNA-seq study continues to increase resulting in a vast amount of data that requires accurate, fast and user-friendly analysis methods. Since the previous ...
    • Metabarcoding data reveal vertical multitaxa variation in topsoil communities during the colonization of deglaciated forelands 

      Guerrieri, Alessia; Carteron, Alexis; Bonin, Aurélie; Marta, Silvio; Ambrosini, Roberto; Caccianiga, Marco; Cantera, Isabel; Compostella, Chiara; Diolaiuti, Guglielmina; Fontaneto, Diego; Gielly, Ludovic; Gili, Fabrizio; Gobbi, Mauro; Poulenard, Jerome; Taberlet, Pierre Robert Michel; Zerboni, Andrea; Thuiller, Wilfried; Ficetola, Gentile Francesco (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-23)
      Ice-free areas are expanding worldwide due to dramatic glacier shrinkage and are undergoing rapid colonization by multiple lifeforms, thus representing key environments to study ecosystem development. It has been proposed that the colonization dynamics of deglaciated terrains is different between surface and deep soils but that the heterogeneity between communities inhabiting surface and deep soils ...
    • Tempo and drivers of plant diversification in the European mountain system 

      Smyčka, Jan; Roquet, Cristina; Boleda, Martí; Alberti, Adriana; Boyer, Frédéric; Douzet, Rolland; Perrier, Christophe; Rome, Maxime; Valay, Jean-Gabriel; Denoeud, France; Šemberová, Kristýna; Zimmermann, Niklaus E.; Thuiller, Wilfried; Wincker, Patrick; Alsos, Inger Greve; Coissac, Eric; Lavergne, Sébastien (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-18)
      There is still limited consensus on the evolutionary history of species-rich temperate alpine floras due to a lack of comparable and high-quality phylogenetic data covering multiple plant lineages. Here we reconstructed when and how European alpine plant lineages diversified, i.e., the tempo and drivers of speciation events. We performed full-plastome phylogenomics and used multi-clade comparative ...
    • Dagliglivsfotografier og verdensgjøring i Inuuteq Storchs Porcelain Souls 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-15)
      Inuuteq Storchs fotobok Porcelain Souls (2018) baserer seg på hans foreldres dagliglivsfotografier fra Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) mellom slutten av 1960- og begynnelsen av 1980-tallet. Artikkelen beskriver motivene og montasjene i fotoboken og spør på bakgrunn av nymaterialistisk teori hvordan fotografiene skaper en grønlandsk verden innenfra. Videre argumenter artikkelen for at fotoboken på en ...
    • Hunting for Hide. Investigating an Other-Than-Food Relationship Between Stone Age Hunters and Wild Animals in Northern Europe 

      Skandfer, Marianne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-18)
      In archaeological hunter-gatherer research, animals are primarily seen as food. Alternatively, they are proposed to serve as symbols and devices for social structuring of human societies. A growing body of literature in humanities and social sciences now looks into the role of animals as social and sentient co-beings. It is becoming increasingly clear that the roles of animals as other-than-food ...
    • Humanly modified ground and time-based aesthetics 

      Clemmensen, Thomas Juel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-19)
      The Anthropocene not only questions perceptions of nature, but also inspires us to expand and rethink the aesthetic repertoire of landscape architecture. This article discusses process aesthetics, or time-based aesthetics, in relation to humanly modified ground, particularly the role of erosion and sedimentation. The discussion is centred around a study of the Port of Aarhus in Denmark. The study ...
    • Brachiopod and mollusc biomineralisation is a conserved process that was lost in the phoronid–bryozoan stem lineage 

      Vikberg Wernström, Joel; Gasiorowski, Ludwik; Hejnol, Andreas Helmut (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-19)
      <p><b> Background</b> Brachiopods and molluscs are lophotrochozoans with hard external shells which are often believed to have evolved convergently. While palaeontological data indicate that both groups are descended from biomineralising Cambrian ancestors, the closest relatives of brachiopods, phoronids and bryozoans, are mineralised to a much lower extent and are comparatively poorly represented ...
    • A comprehensive framework for analysis of microRNA sequencing data in metastatic colorectal cancer 

      Høye, Eirik; Fromm, Bastian; Böttger, Paul H.M.; Domanska, Diana; Kristensen, Annette Torgunrud; Lund-Andersen, Christin; Abrahamsen, Torveig Weum; Fretland, Åsmund Avdem; Dagenborg, Vegar Johansen; Lorenz, Susanne; Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren; Hovig, Eivind; Flatmark, Kjersti (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-14)
      Although microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to all hallmarks of cancer, miRNA dysregulation in metastasis remains poorly understood. The aim of this work was to reliably identify miRNAs associated with metastatic progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) using novel and previously published nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) datasets generated from 268 samples of primary (pCRC) and metastatic CRC (mCRC; ...
    • Evolutionary consequences of genomic deletions and insertions in the woolly mammoth genome 

      van der Valk, Tom; Dehasque, Marianne; Chacón-Duque, J. Camilo; Oskolkov, Nikolay; Vartanyan, Sergey; Heintzman, Peter D.; Pečnerová, Patrícia; Díez-del-Molino, David; Dalén, Love (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-01)
      Woolly mammoths had a set of adaptations that enabled them to thrive in the Arctic environment. Many mammoth-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) responsible for unique mammoth traits have been previously identified from ancient genomes. However, a multitude of other genetic variants likely contributed to woolly mammoth evolution. In this study, we sequenced two woolly mammoth genomes and ...
    • Understanding "flow": A multimodal reading of political economy and capitalist erotics in hip hop 

      Maxwell, Kate; Greenaway, Jonathan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-10)
      One of the essential elements of a rapper’s art is “flow”: the delivery of text against beat. Hip hop, with its linguistic dominance and street origins, is traditionally male-orientated, with women often depicted in terms of (sexual) subordination. However, when considered through a female gaze, the discourses conjured by “flow” take on different meanings. From the flow of desire to monthly visits ...
    • MUTE ASH Memory, Image, Place and Loss 

      Dahle, Øistein Sæthren (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-21)
      Mute Ash is a text that explores a personal photographic archive and a personal story. The text poses questions around memory, image, place and loss.
    • Larix species range dynamics in Siberia since the Last Glacial captured from sedimentary ancient DNA 

      Schulte, Luise; Meucci, Stefano; Stoof-Leichsenring, Kathleen R.; Heitkam, Tony; Schmidt, Nicola; von Hippel, Barbara; Andreev, Andrei A.; Diekmann, Bernhard; Biskaborn, Boris K.; Wagner, Bernd; Melles, Martin; Pestryakova, Lyudmila A.; Alsos, Inger Greve; Clarke, Charlotte; Krutovsky, Konstantin V.; Herzschuh, Ulrike (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-09)
      Climate change is expected to cause major shifts in boreal forests which are in vast areas of Siberia dominated by two species of the deciduous needle tree larch (Larix). The species differ markedly in their ecosystem functions, thus shifts in their respective ranges are of global relevance. However, drivers of species distribution are not well understood, in part because paleoecological data ...
    • Towards a Jōmon food database: construction, analysis and implications for Hokkaido and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan 

      Komatsu, Aya; Cooper, Elisabeth; Alsos, Inger Greve; Brown, Antony (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-27)
      One of the most entrenched binary oppositions in archaeology and anthropology has been the agriculturalist vs hunter-gatherer-fisher dichotomy fuelling a debate that this paper tackles from the bottom-up by seeking to reconstruct full past diets. The Japanese prehistoric Jōmon cultures survived without fully-developed agriculture for more than 10,000 years. Here we compile a comprehensive, holistic ...
    • Resident bird species track inter-annual variation in spring phenology better than long-distance migrants in a subalpine habitat 

      Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Kleven, Oddmund; Moksnes, Arne; Rudolfsen, Geir; Skjærvø, Gine Roll; Vaagland, Henriette; Røskaft, Eivin; Ranke, Peter Sjolte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-11)
      The ability to track variation in climate is important for species to persist in a given environment. Lack of responses to both long-term changes and inter-annual variation in climate parameters can result in reduced fitness and population decline. Furthermore, migration strategy can influence the ability to track climatic variation due to the potential to use reliable environmental cues. Here, ...
    • Nation-building and colonialism: The early Skolt Sami research of Väinö Tanner 

      Nyyssönen, Jukka (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-01-01)
      In 1929, the geologist Väinö Tanner (1881–1948) published an extensive study in human geography on the economic and social adaptation of the Skolt Sami. Tanner aimed at an understanding and respectful approach, and today he enjoys the reputation of a culturally sensitive scholar: one who tried to see the Skolt Sami culture from within, and who wrote against the most aggressive discourses of his time. ...