Now showing items 261-280 of 1406

    • KRENEKELSESBEGREPET I OPPLÆRINGSLOVEN KAPITTEL 9A. Dens betydning og påvirkning for lærers handlingsrom 

      Østvik, Tine Wang Jia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-12-14)
      Oppgaven omhandler redegjøring for innholdet og omfanget av krenkelsesbegrepet i opplæringsloven (oppll.) kapittel 9A, som trådte i kraft 1. August 2017 . Det nye kapittelet gjorde at det ble større fokus på å beskytte elever mot krenkelsessituasjoner på skolen, ved å tillegge skole strenge plikter. Hensikten bak dette var å styrke barnas rettsikkerhet og sikre et mer effektivt regelverk. Lovendringen ...
    • Rettsstridig samarbeid med fremmed etterretningstjeneste om påvirkningsvirksomhet. Kriminalisering av samarbeid om påvirkningsvirksomhet, i lys av retten til privatliv og ytringsfrihet 

      Bringsjord, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-10-18)
      Denne oppgaven vil analysere fremmede staters rettslige adgang til å utøve påvirkningsvirksomhet i Norge som truer norske sikkerhetsinteresser. Påvirkningsvirksomhet handler i korte trekk om at en fremmed stat kan forsøke å påvirke den allmenne meningsdannelse eller beslutningstaking. Eksempler på dette kan være en fremmed stats illegitime påvirkning av norske borgeres tillit til norske myndigheter, ...
    • Is a decolonial law possible? Epistemologies of the south and constitutional law 

      Parola, Giulia; Moreira DA COSTA, Loyuá Ribeiro Fernandes; Poto, Margherita Paola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objective: The paper analyses the developments of legal-epistemic thinking with the understanding of decolonial thinking as an instrument to rethink the global South narrative. Moreover, the study aims to provide addresses the research gap between theories of knowledge.<p> <p>Methodology: Theoretical contributions and reflections are based on the sociohistorical field and aim to ascertain the ...
    • Legal Ambiguities Concerning the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Marine Scientific Research 

      Klemmer, Nike (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-08-30)
      How unmanned aerial vehicles challenge the regime of marine scientific research under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – and how they nevertheless may be accommodated
    • Defining the Blue Economy in an Arctic Fisheries and Aquaculture Context: Insights from International Experience 

      Tsiouvalas, Apostolos; Raspotnik, Andreas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-28)
      The paper is intended to show how the idea of the “blue economy” is conceptualized in the three main Arctic coastal regions: Northern Norway, the Russian Arctic Zone and Alaska (USA). This is done through the example of how fisheries and aquaculture function in these three regions and through an analysis of their official policies. The paper examines the current organization of blue economy management, ...
    • A methodology to evaluate the ecosystem approach in laws and policies 

      Schøning, Lena (Others; Andre, 2022-11-12)
      The ecosystem approach has been part of international environmental law since the 90s. Since then, the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity has called upon nation states to implement the approach locally, nationally, and regionally. How has the ecosystem approach been implemented nationally? This blog post suggests and sketches a theoretical perspective, criteria, and methods ...
    • European Rule of Law in National Judiciaries - On the obligation of Member States to establish an independent judiciary 

      Seierstad, Vetle Magne (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-10-02)
      The topic of this paper is the obligation of EU Member States to establish and uphold an independent national judiciary under Article 19(1) TEU, as developed in recent case law by the ECJ in an attempt to combat rule of law-backsliding. The paper seeks to investigate the background, analyse the requirements and threshold and discuss some of the implications of this case law.
    • The Regulation of Naval Mines in Maritime Warfare 

      Vargum, Oscar (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-31)
      A naval mine drifting away from where it was moored or deployed can easily cause a significant impediment of States’ navigational rights and can in the worst case pose a serious threat to sailors’ and civilians’ lives. The same may be said about mines that remain active after the cessation of an armed conflict. For this reason, the topic of this dissertation is the regulation of naval mines, focusing ...
    • Enhancing safety of operation for fishing vessels in the Barents Sea 

      Aalmen, Ole Holtet (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-31)
      Comparison of Norwegian and international legislation of fishing vessel safety in polar waters.
    • Offshore Renewable Energies and Indigenous Peoples What are the commitments of coastal States towards coastal Indigenous peoples when planning offshore renewable energy? 

      Borot, Marine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-31)
      This thesis deals with the commitments of coastal States towards Indigenous peoples when planning offshore renewable energy. Their international obligations at regarding human rights (especially Indigenous ones), environmental law and the law of the sea are particularly examined in this work.
    • Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing: An Effective International Instrument for Safeguarding the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights or Declarative Rhetoric of Double Standards? 

      Klymenko, Igor (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-30)
      With all real power to regulate the ABS regime in regard to Indigenous Peoples concentrated in the hands of the State’s legislative system, there is no easy solution to the existing unfairness and procedural injustices that were found during the research. Therefore, the international and national laws at issue should be further developed in the direction where they could specify and determine the ...
    • Vilkår for avliving av hund - Rettssituasjonen før og etter foreslått lovendring 

      Nowacka, Jagoda Weronika (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-24)
      Problemstillingen som reises er hva som er vilkårene for å avlive en hund som har angrepet et menneske eller et barn, og/eller påført disse en skade. Før dagens hundelov ble vedtatt fant mennesker det problematisk at farlige hunder ikke ble avlivet eller at det skulle mye til for at de skulle bli avlivet. Nå derimot synes mange at hunder blir avlivet for lett. Så hvordan er det egentlig? Er hundeloven ...
    • An ‘Arctic Strategy’ for Greece? Paving the Way from the Mediterranean to the Pole 

      Tsiouvalas, Apostolos (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-29)
      Το εάν η Ελλάδα επηρεάζεται από τις αλλαγές που συμβαίνουν στην Αρκτική παραμένει πέρα από κάθε αμφισβήτηση. Το ερώτημα έγκειται στο εάν η Ελλάδα θα πρέπει σταδιακά να αυξήσει την εμπλοκή της στις υποθέσεις της Αρκτικής και τελικά να αναπτύξει μια σχετική στρατηγική πολιτική για την περιοχή. Η επί του παρόντος Σύνοψη Πολιτικής στοχεύει στη διατύπωση της υπάρχουσας σχέσης της Ελλάδας με την Αρκτική ...
    • Er studentsamskipnadenes depositumspraksis lovlig? 

      Storvik, Marius (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-29)
      I artikkelen redegjøres det for kritikk i media av samskipnadenes depositumspraksis. Med utgangspunkt i kritikken undersøkes depositumspraksis i alle landets studentsamskipnader. Undersøkelsen viser at depositumspraksis hos 8 av 14 samskipnader avviker fra husleielovens normalordning. Samskipnadene, som bryter med husleielovens normalordning, hevder at en forskrift gir hjemmel for avvikene. Med ...
    • The Polar Silk Road and the future governance of the Northern Sea Route 

      Liu, Nengye; Solski, Jan Jakub (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-05)
      This article examines China’s Polar Silk Road (PSR) and its legal implications for the future governance of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). It first discusses China’s economic and geopolitical interests in the so-called Polar Silk Road. The article then focuses on comparing Russian regulation of the NSR and Chinese regulation of foreign vessels as a coastal state. Both China and Russia are contracting ...
    • Norwegian Civil Procedure - how to make fast Even Faster 

      Nylund, Anna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016)
      <p>Norwegian civil procedure scores well on efficiency as measured in average time for case processing and for achieving high trust among the public. General litigious civil and commercial cases are on average processed in approximately six months and small claims civil cases in four months. On average, a case has passed through both the District Court and the Court of Appeal within 13 months. The ...
    • Samer fra Indre Finnmark født i tidsrommet mellom 1920 og 1935 og deres språklige og kulturelle situasjon i det norske rettssamfunnet 

      Alakorpi, Heini-Elisa Mirjami (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-07-26)
      Oftest tenker vi på den rettslige situasjon som et øyeblikk. En rettslig situasjon vil alltid være i utvikling. Den kan endre seg over tid. Vi skal her se på utviklingen over tid. Det fremstillingsmessige grepet er å følge en generasjon. Tre snapshots skal danne rammen for fremstillingen. Hvordan språklig og kulturell rettsstilling hadde generasjonen som vi skal følge da de var barn, og fikk ...
    • Rettssikkerhet for den samiske befolkningen 

      Olaussen, Sunniva (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-31)
      En vurdering av den rettslige og faktiske rettssikkerheten til den samiske befolkning i Norge, i lys av retten til samisk språk, kultur og samfunn.
    • Formildende omstendigheter som grunnlag for idømmelse av samfunnsstraff, med særlig fokus på rehabiliteringshensyn 

      Andreassen, Marthe Olivia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-07-18)
      Avhandlingen undersøker rehabiliteringshensynet som en formildende omstendighet etter straffeloven § 78 h, vekt og betydning for idømmelse av samfunnsstraff ved ulike typer lovbrudd. For å kunne danne et bakteppe for denne undersøkelsen er det nødvendig med en generell redegjørelse om straff, herunder straffens formål om allmennprevensjon og individualprevensjon, samt generell redegjørelse for ...
    • Norway: An Insider Outside - or an Outsider Inside - European Civil Justice 

      Nylund, Anna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-12-19)
      Norway has stood on the doorsteps of the European Union (then the European Communities (EC)) for more than four decades. In 1960, Norway became one of the seven original members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), a trade-blocalternative to the European Economic Community (EEC). The Norwegian people voted against EC-membership in 1972 and 1994. In the late 1980's, a plan to create a single ...