Now showing items 981-1000 of 1012

    • Holocene relative sea-level changes and deglaciation chronology in Finnmark, northern Norway 

      Bennike, Ole; Romundset, Anders; Bondevik, Stein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2010-10)
      The outer coast of Finnmark in northern Norway is where the former Fennoscandian and Barents Sea ice sheets coalesced. This key area for isostatic modelling and deglaciation history of the ice sheets has abundant raised shorelines, but only a few existing radiocarbon dates relate to them. Here we present three Holocene sea-level curves based on radiocarbon ages from deposits in isolation basins ...
    • Moraine chronology and deglaciation of the northern Lyngen Peninsula, Troms, Norway 

      Greig, David (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-01-28)
      The northern Lyngen Peninsula in Troms, northern Norway, displays a suite of glacial and periglacial landforms that describe both a complex interaction of geomorphological processes and its history of deglaciation during the Late Weichselian and Holocene. These features include: cirque and valley glacier moraines, relict ice-cored moraines, rock avalanches, rock glaciers, a protalus rampart, and ...
    • Microstructural and metamoprhic study in rocks of the Seiland Igneous Province between Langfjord and Øksfjord, Alta kommune, Northern Norway 

      Rustad, Birgit Katrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-11-22)
      The Seiland Igneous Province (SIP) is situated in western Finnmark, Northern Norway. The SIP comprises a suite of mainly gabbroic plutons, with ultramafic, syenitic and felsic intrusions. The origin of the region has been interpreted in different ways and several tectonic models have been proposed. Many different ideas have been suggested about the metamorphic, magmatic and deformation history. New ...
    • Undersjøiske daler og oljereservoar 

      Vorren, Tore Ola; Laberg, Jan Sverre (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2010-10-02)
    • Gamle olje- og gass-lekkasjer i Barentshavet 

      Vorren, Tore Ola; Laberg, Jan Sverre (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2010-08-28)
    • Undersjøiske kjempeskred og flodbølger 

      Vorren, Tore Ola; Laberg, Jan Sverre (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2010-09-25)
    • Norges grenser i dyphavet 

      Vorren, Tore Ola; Laberg, Jan Sverre (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2010-08-14)
    • Geologi og klimaendringer 

      Andreassen, Karin (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2010-09-02)
    • 3D seismisk analyse av begravde rasavsetninger på den SV delen av Vøringmarginen 

      Johansen, Runar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-18)
      To 3D-seismiske datasett fra den sørvestlige delen av Vøringmarginen på midtnorsk kontinentalsokkel er blitt brukt til å analysere den øvre del av Naustformasjonen (~0,5-0,2 ma). En seismisk stratigrafi med fire hovedenheter er etablert (enhet 1-4). De to eldste enhetene (enhet 1 og 2) er dominert av glasiale debrisstrømmavsetninger dannet under glasiale maksima da det Fennoskandiske isdekket nådde ...
    • Sedimentær arkitektur og facies i lakustrine deltaavsetninger fra Weichsel i NV-Russland 

      Krogh, Hilde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-11)
      Sedimentologiske og stratigrafiske data er innsamlet fra et lakustrint deltakompleks på Tolokonka i NV-Russland. De innsamlede data fra et 4,2 km langt og 30 m høyt elvesnitt har bidratt til en bedre forståelse av glasiasjonshistorien og bredemte sjøer i NV-Russland gjennom weichsel. Basert på sedimentologiske og stratigrafiske data består faciesfordelingen av sandige facies, vekslinger av kryssjiktet ...
    • Geophysical investigation of faults and fractures in Upper-Palaeozoic carbonate build-ups at the Loppa High, SW Barents Sea 

      Kovacova, Tanya (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      During previous studies of the Upper-Palaeozoic carbonate build-ups at the Loppa High in SW Barents Sea, a connection between locations of the build-ups and syn-depositional faults was observed. This thesis is studying this relationship in detail, applying the Ant-tracking semi-automated method for detection of faults. To my knowledge, this relatively new method has not been used in the Barents Sea ...
    • 3D seismic data indicate potential glide planes for submarine sliding : the mid-Norwegian margin Nyegga area. 

      Eilertsen, Håkon Andre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-15)
      The Nyegga study area of the thesis is located at the north-eastern escarpment of the Holocene giant Storegga Slide. It lies on the southern part of the Vøring plateau on the mid-Norwegian continental margin at approximately 700-1000m water depth. The area has been known to be prone for submarine sliding and is therefore an excellent location for studying morphological features to infer slide ...
    • Landskap og prosesser på Vesterålsbanken 

      Elvenes, Sigrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06-12)
      Oppgaven beskriver og tolker storskalalandskap og geomorfologiske formelementer og prosesser på Vesterålsbanken, som er en del av norsk kontinentalsokkel mellom 68 og 70°N. Svært detaljerte batymetri- og backscatterdata (dybde og akustisk reflektans) er behandlet i GIS (geografiske informasjonssystemer), og resultatene blir presentert i form av kart. Vesterålsbanken er et område som er preget ...
    • First-order estimation of in-place natural gas resources at the Nyegga gas hydrate prospect, mid-Norwegian Margin 

      Senger, Kim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-12-07)
      Gas hydrates are solid compounds of a guest gas molecule (primarily methane) enclosed in a lattice of host water molecules, occurring under specific pressure-temperature conditions in both natural and manmade environments. In the past decade, gas hydrates are increasingly investigated as a potential new energy source. This thesis presents an integrated evaluation of the gas bound within the hydrate ...
    • 3D seismisk analyse av storskala sandinduksjoner i Ormen Lange området i den midtnorske marginen 

      Holbæk-Hanssen, Leif Egil (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-14)
      Analyser av 3D seismiske data fra Ormen Lange området på den midtnorske marginen har resultert i oppdagelsen av amplitudeanomalier som krysser diskordant opp gjennom, de sterkt polygonalt forkastede, biogene silikasedimentene i Bryggeformasjonen av Oligocen alder. Disse amplitudeanomaliene har en slående likhet med lignende amplitudeanomalier som er tolket til å være sandintrusjoner i Nordsjøen. ...
    • Late Cenozoic paleoenvironments in the Veslemøy High area, SW Barents Sea based on 3D- and 2D- seismic data 

      Sanchez Borque, Jorge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05)
      The aim of this master thesis has been to interpret the Late Cenozoic paleo-environments and the sedimentary processes in the Veslemøy High area, southwestern Barents Sea. Six seismic units and eight seismic unconformities, including the seafloor, are identified in the study area and correlated with previous work in the Sørvestnaget Basin. Submarine channels with a downslope (E-W) orientation suggest ...
    • Occurence of free gas and focused fluid systems in the Veslemøy High area, SW Barents Sea 

      Pless, Gustav (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-15)
      The high-resolution 3D seismic survey EL0001 allowed to document the subsurface fluid migration system and fluid accumulations within Veslemøy High, SW Barents Sea. Fluids migrate both through Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments, but also through younger glacial sediments. Veslemøy High is a structurally isolated high at the Cretaceous and Tertiary levels bounded by N-S trending west-dipping normal ...
    • Fractured carbonates in the Mediumfjellet thrust-stack in the Tertiary fold-and-thrust belt of Spitsbergen 

      Larsen, Tine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-01-15)
      This thesis describes a study that was carried out in the Tertiary fold-and-thrust belt of Svalbard, in the mountain range of Mediumfjellet summer 2007 and 2008. The focuses were on: i) further describing the larger structures of the Mediumfjellet, ii) analyze the fracture distribution in the limestone beds associated with the major structures in the area. Available data sets are based on photo ...
    • Fluid-flow expressions at Vestnesa Ridge of the NW -Svalbard Margin 

      Frantzen, Jon Hermann Pilskog (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-11-15)
      The Vestnesa Ridge is a 100 km long and ≈3 km wide sediment drift NW of the Svalbard Margin deposited on young oceanic crust. The crest of the Vestnesa Ridge is pierced by 133 pockmarks, where the orientation and elongation is controlled mainly by processes such as positioning of faulting, creeping of sediments or similar down-slope processes. High resolution single seismic reflection data together ...
    • Geological fluid flow systems at Nyegga of the Mid-Norwegian margin 

      Weibull, Wiktor Waldemar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-11-15)
      The Nyegga area is located at the north-eastern escarpment of the large Storegga Slide on the south of the Vøring plateau. The region has long been a natural laboratory for shallow fluid flow investigations, mainly due to the large number of fluid flow expressions found on the bathymetric and seismic data, and the possibility to investigate the relationship between fluid flow, gas hydrate formation ...