Viser treff 521-540 av 640

    • How to become a professor before you turn 40? (Alternatively – How to become a professor?) 

      Hartvigsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015-05)
      In Norway, where all associate professors (“førsteamanuensis”) who are qualified as a (full) professor are offered a personal professorship, it is no other than the associate professor him/herself who stands in the way of the Professor title. This article reviews 12 success criteria in order to achieve qualifications as (full) professor: (1) Accept professional challenges, (2) always consider ...
    • Hvordan bli professor før du er 40? (Alternativt – Hvordan bli professor?) 

      Hartvigsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015-05)
      Med den norske opprykksordningen hvor alle med professorkompetanse gis et personlig professorat, så er det ingen andre enn den vitenskapelig ansatte selv som står i veien for professortittelen. I denne artikkelen gjennomgås 12 suksesskriterier for å oppnå professorkompetanse: (1) Ta imot faglige utfordringer; (2) tenk publisering; (3) barn bør ta tid; (4) begrens forelesningsforberedelser; (5) ha ...
    • How to apply for a professorship at Norwegian Universities and University Colleges 

      Hartvigsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015-05)
      An employee in an academic position has to do at least three different tasks: research, teaching and research dissemination. In addition come administrative duties. These tasks draw on different skills that all should be documented in an application for an academic position. Unfortunately, only a minority is writing their applications so that their total competence is documented. A good application ...
    • Søknad på professorat ved norske universiteter og høgskoler 

      Hartvigsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015-05)
      En ansatt i vitenskapelig stilling skal utføre minst tre forskjellige oppgaver: forskning, undervisning og formidling. I tillegg kommer administrative gjøremål. Oppgavene trekker på ulike ferdigheter som alle bør dokumenteres i en søknad på en vitenskapelig stilling. Dessverre er det kun et mindretall som utformer sine søknader slik at totalkompetansen anskueliggjøres. En god søknad skal være komplett, ...
    • Javza : a runtime supporting dynamic app configuration and integration in asymmetric systems 

      Gjerdrum, Anders Tungeland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-07-06)
      The advent of cloud computing alongside with pervasive form factors such as smart devices, introduces a new meaning to asymmetric system models. These new clients act as a presentational layer alleviating much of the computational and storage concerns to cloud services. The application platforms associated with these creates new opportunities for third party developers to provide domain specific ...
    • Image and video processing using graphics hardware 

      Lanes, Børge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      Graphic Processing Units have during the recent years evolved into inexpensive high-performance many-core computing units. Earlier being accessible only by graphic APIs, new hardware architectures and programming tools have made it possible to program these devices using arbitrary data types and standard languages like C. This thesis investigates the development process and performance of image and ...
    • GeStore : incremental computation for metagenomic pipelines 

      Pedersen, Edvard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06)
      Genomics is the study of the genomes of organisms. Metagenomics is the study of environmental genomic samples. For both genomics and metagenomics DNA sequencing, and the analysis of these sequences, is an important tool. This analysis is done through integration of sequence data with existing meta-data collections. Genomics is the study of the genomes of organisms, and involves cultivating organisms ...
    • Hubble : a platform for developing apps that manage cloud applications and analyze their performance 

      Pettersen, Robert Molund (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06-12)
      The ability to deliver computing as a metered service has made the cloud an attractive platform for deployment of applications. Using the cloud, enterprises experience a decrease in maintenance overhead, faster deployment, and that cloud elasticity can be exploited to meet fluctuating resource demands.
    • Precise video feedback through live annotation of football 

      Grønvik, Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06)
      The domain of sports analysis is a huge field in sports science. Several different computer systems are available for doing analysis, both expensive and less expensive. Some specialize in specific sports such as football or ice hockey, while others are sports agnostic. However, a common property of most of these systems is that they try to give in-depth and detailed analysis of the sport in question. ...
    • Harvest : a collaborative system for distributed retrieval of social data 

      Kreutzer, Tor (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06-11)
      In recent years, social network providers has become one of the largest industries in the world. These networks created a new arena for sharing information over the Internet, and thus changed the way people interact with each other. Hundreds of millions of social network users are updating statuses and sending messages to each other every day. These interactions produce vast amounts of social data. ...
    • Evaluation of shared tuple spaces as communication model for semi-autonomous robots in a mobile environment 

      Svendby, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06-11)
      Robotics can be utilized more in emergency services, and a software platform for controlling many semi-autonomous can make it more alluring to use robots in this area. Using semi-autonomous robots can allow personnel to issue robots to perform complex task, without the need of extensive training, and it allows one person to control many robots alone. One challenging aspect of using robots in emergency ...
    • NFC Prototype Bonanza 

      Holmstad, Øyvind; Kreutzer, Tor (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2011)
      This report presents the results of the research conducted by Tor Kreutzer and Ø yvind Holmstad during the summer of 2011 at the University of Troms ø. The goal of the project was to gain practical experience with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology by exploring its properties through hands-on development of applications and services. To explore the applicability and limitations of NFC we ...
    • WallMon : Interactive distributed monitoring of process-level resource usage on display and compute clusters 

      Nilsen, Arild (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-11)
      To achieve low overhead, traditional cluster monitoring systems sample data at low frequencies and with coarse granularity. However, interactive monitoring requires frequent (up to 60 Hz) sampling of fine-grained data and visualization tools that can explore and display data in near real-time. This makes traditional cluster monitoring systems unsuited for interactive monitoring of distributed cluster ...
    • Search-based composition, streaming and playback of video archive content 

      Johansen, Dag; Halvorsen, Pål; Johansen, Håvard; Riiser, Haakon; Gurrin, Cathal; Olstad, Bjørn; Griwodz, Carsten; Kvalnes, Åge; Hurley, Joseph; Kupka, Tomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Locating content in existing video archives is both a time and bandwidth consuming process since users might have to download and manually watch large portions of superfluous videos. In this paper, we present two novel prototypes using an Internet based video composition and streaming system with a keyword-based search interface that collects, converts, analyses, indexes, and ranks video content. ...
    • Features of Mobile Diabetes Applications: Review of the Literature and Analysis of Current Applications Compared Against Evidence-Based Guidelines 

      Chomutare, Taridzo; Fernandez-Luque, Luis; Årsand, Eirik; Hartvigsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Background: Interest in mobile health (mHealth) applications for self-management of diabetes is growing. In July 2009, we found 60 diabetes applications on iTunes for iPhone; by February 2011 the number had increased by more than 400% to 260. Other mobile platforms reflect a similar trend. Despite the growth, research on both the design and the use of diabetes mHealth applications is scarce. ...
    • Review of Extracting Information From the Social Web for Health Personalization 

      Fernandez-Luque, Luis; Karlsen, Randi; Bonander, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      In recent years the Web has come into its own as a social platform where health consumers are actively creating and consuming Web content. Moreover, as the Web matures, consumers are gaining access to personalized applications adapted to their health needs and interests. The creation of personalized Web applications relies on extracted information about the users and the content to personalize. The ...
    • Design Principles for Isolation Kernels 

      Kvalnes, Åge; Johansen, Dag; Valvåg, Steffen (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2011)
    • Summarizing image collections 

      Sundby, David (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      The widespread use of digital cameras and mobile phones, along with a rapidly growth of image sharing, challenges current image retrieval techniques. It is difficult for image retrieval system to find the semantic meaning of images based on human’s subjectivity and the size of current image databases makes it difficult to organize and search images. This thesis shows that information retrieval ...
    • A prototype system for context sensitive communication in hospitals based on an Ascom/trixbox experimental platform 

      Gironi, Lorenzo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      Hospital's communication infrastructure suffers from different types of common problems. Currently, this infrastructure relies mainly on the use of pagers which are devices particularly interruptive for the daily work of hospital's workers, and moreover they do not support context-awareness communication. Wireless phones are supposed to be a valid alternative to pagers and they can also be used to ...
    • A scalable, interactive widget library for visualizing biological data 

      Johansen, Terje Andre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      In biology the introduction next generation technology is increasing the amount of data generated rapidly. New sequencing machines are able to produce terabytes of genomic data in days and in later years the cost of storing data has become higher than to produce it. With enormous amounts of data arrives great opportunities, but also new challenges; how should biologists analyze and interpret the ...