Viser treff 401-420 av 640

    • The metagenomic data life-cycle: standards and best practices 

      Ten Hoopen, Petra; Finn, Robert D.; Bongo, Lars Ailo; Corre, Erwan; Fosso, Bruno; Meyer, Folker; Mitchell, Alex; Pelletier, Eric; Pesole, Graziano; Santamaria, Monica; Willassen, Nils Peder; Cochrane, Guy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-01)
      Metagenomics data analyses from independent studies can only be compared if the analysis workflows are described in a harmonized way. In this overview, we have mapped the landscape of data standards available for the description of essential steps in metagenomics: (i) material sampling, (ii) material sequencing, (iii) data analysis, and (iv) data archiving and publishing. Taking examples from marine ...
    • Internet of Things Mini Display-based Motivation, Notification and Warning System for Groups of People with Diabetes Type 1 

      Mikalsen, Martin Haugen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Diabetes is a complex and time-consuming affair for the people that are afflicted by the disease. A strict self-management regime needs to be followed to avoid short- and long-term complications, which requires a great deal of motivation and support from others. Low- or high-blood glucose levels can cause short- and long-term consequences, ranging from headaches and thirst to coma. In the last few ...
    • Making your devices speak. Integration between Amazon Alexa and the Managed IoT Cloud 

      Holden, Thomas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Speech recognition and communication between humans and machines are increasingly popular today. Several companies already have products in this market segment. The Managed IoT Cloud (MIC) platform is a complete ecosystem for management of Internet of Things (IOT) devices, data storage and analysis of data. However, the platform lacks an integration with a personal assistant to introduces ...
    • Arctic HARE. A Machine Learning-based System for Performance Analysis of Cross-country Skiers 

      Nordmo, Tor-Arne Schmidt (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      The advances in sensor technology and big-data processing enable performance analysis of sport athletes. With the increase in data, both from on-body sensors and cameras, it is possible to quantify what makes a good athlete. However, typical approaches in sports performance analysis are not adequately equipped for automatically handling big data. This thesis presents Arctic Human Activity ...
    • Swiftmend: Data Synchronization in Open mHealth Applications with Restricted Connectivity 

      Hansen, Christoffer Hellerud (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Open mHealth applications often include mobile devices and cloud services with replicated data between components. These replicas need periodical synchronization to remain consistent. However, there are no guarantee of connectivity to networks which do not bill users on the quantity of data usage. This thesis propose Swiftmend, a system with synchronization that minimize the quantity of I/O used on ...
    • SecureCached. Secure caching with the Diggi framework. 

      Hoff, Helge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Caching services are vital for the performance of large-scale web services running in the cloud. However, placing sensitive data in caching services, implicitly includes all components of the cloud infrastructure that can be exploited. Therefore, end-users place their trust in the entire security stack of their service providers. In order to achieve confidentiality and integrity of sensitive ...
    • FireChain: An Efficient Blockchain Protocol using Secure Gossip 

      Mikalsen, Jon Foss (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Blockchains have become an integral part of many distributed applications, providing a new platform for interaction between system components. Blockchains are perhaps most known for their use in crypto-currency systems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, where pseudo-anonymous parties engage in transactions without a trusted third party. Blockchain systems often struggle to meet performance demands of ...
    • OUA: Observation Unit Autonomy 

      Jønsson, Emil Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      More and more scientific equipment are being placed outside to monitor the environment. Such observation units can benefit from increased autonomy to function during harsh conditions and network partitioning. Environmental conditions like low temperatures can damage equipment. Therefor it is important for equipment to be able to autonomously launch countermeasures. This thesis describes an autonomous ...
    • MELT: The multidimensional key-value store performance evaluation framework. Melt: memory, energy, latency and throughput 

      Blomli-Edvardsen, Tobias (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-02)
      1 Abstract Key-value stores have a very large variation in their design and implementation, while still adhering to the key-value abstraction. The available generic benchmarks cannot truly represent the performance a key-value store will have with a specific application, unless your application happens to have the exact same configuration and workloads as the benchmark. Moreover, most benchmarks ...
    • Metrix: Real-time Analysis of Physical Performance Parameters in Elite Soccer 

      Andreassen, Kim Hartvedt (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      In recent years, technology has had a vast impact on the sports industry, particularly in soccer. Elite soccer teams utilize digital information systems to quantify performance metrics, in order to assess their strengths and weaknesses. Applied methods mostly rely on post-game analytics, allowing coaches to review games in retrospect and implement corrections to their team thereafter. However, this ...
    • DMNI. Dynamic Mobile Network Infrastructure 

      Fagerli, Simon Kristoffer Nilsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Each winter the Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT) project deploys a range of small devices to measure and monitor the climate changes that occur in the Arctic regions in an attempt to gain better understanding of how the changes are affecting the Arctic tundra ecosystems. The deployed devices are often limited in terms of energy and connectivity range. Due to this, researchers ...
    • Auto scaling framework, simulator, and algorithms for the META-pipe backend 

      Teige, Tim Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      META-pipe is a metagenomic analysis service provided in the ELIXIR distributed life science infrastructure. It provides assembly of sequence data, functional annotation, and taxonomic profiling. The analysis is computationally intensive and it consist of many jobs which have different requirements and varying complexity and execution times It therefore requires an execution environment that can ...
    • Data management platform for citizen science education projects 

      Angelvik, Nina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The air:bit project is a computer science education project that we developed in 2016 for use in North-Norwegian upper secondary (videregående) schools. Students build and code their own air quality sensor kits (air:bits), before collecting air quality data in their local areas. They create their own air quality related research questions, which they answer by analyzing the collected air:bit data ...
    • Metadata state and history service for datasets. Enable extracting, storing and access to metadata about a dataset over time. 

      Hansen, Roberth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      Distributed Arctic Observatory (DAO) aims to automate, streamline and improve the collection, storage and analysis of images, video and weather measurements taken on the arctic tundra. Automating the process means that there are no human users that needs to be involved in the process. This leads to a loss of monitoring capabilities of the process. There are insufficient tools that allow the human ...
    • Deep Learning: From Data Extraction to Large-Scale Analysis 

      Voets, Mike (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      We aim to give an insight into aspects of developing and deploying a deep learning algorithm to automate biomedical image analyses. We anonymize sensitive data from a medical archive system, attempt to replicate and further improve published methods, and scale out our algorithm to support large-scale analyses. Specifically, our contributions are described as follows. First, to anonymize and extract ...
    • Privacy preserving distributed computation of community health research data 

      Andersen, Anders; Saus, Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-09-19)
      Research in community health introduces challenges regarding analysis of the research data. It involves multiple actors in a varity of arenas, and it is often directed towards the local community and children and their families. The legal, ethical and privacy issues involved introduce constraints upon the analysis performed. SNOOP combined with the D2Worm declarative modelling and infrastructure ...
    • Are health videos from hospitals, health organizations, and active users available to health consumers? An analysis of diabetes health video ranking in YouTube 

      Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos; Traver, Vicente; Morell, José Enrique Borrás; Martinez-Millana, Antonio; Karlsen, Randi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-24)
      Health consumers are increasingly using the Internet to search for health information. The existence of overloaded, inaccurate, obsolete, or simply incorrect health information available on the Internet is a serious obstacle for finding relevant and good-quality data that actually helps patients. Search engines of multimedia Internet platforms are thought to help users to find relevant information ...
    • Dynamically loading mobile/cloud assemblies 

      Pettersen, Robert; Johansen, Håvard D.; Valvåg, Steffen Viken; Johansen, Dag (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-20)
      Distributed applications that span mobile devices, computing clusters, and cloud services, require robust and flexible mechanisms for dynamically loading code. This paper describes lady: a system that augments the .net platform with a highly reliable mechanism for resolving and loading assemblies, and arranges for safe execution of partially trusted code. Key benefits of lady are the low latency and ...
    • Trading network performance for cash in the bitcoin blockchain 

      Tedeschi, Enrico (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-15)
      This thesis describes a longitudinal study of Bitcoin, the perhaps most popular blockchain based system today. Public blockchains have emerged as a plausible messaging substrate for applications that require highly reliable communication. However, sending messages over existing blockchains can be cumbersome and costly as miners require payment to establish consensus on the sequence of messages, ...
    • Schema crawled API documentation exploration 

      Bakkeli, Nicolai (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-12-15)
      Åpne API blir stadig mer utbredt som fører til at utviklere kan benytte mye tid i å lese dokumentasjon for å finne et passende alternativ. Tesen beskriver en design som kan benyttes for å danne et sett med hjelpemidler som har til hensikt å redusere unødvendige alternativ av API for brukeren. Dette gjøres via en web crawler som går gjennom API dokumentasjon samt en behandler av datamengdene som ...