Viser treff 461-480 av 640

    • Naturvitenskapens grunnlag og begrensning. Seminarrapport 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 1979)
      Foredrag av Arthur E. Wilder-Smith og Udo Middelmann holdt ved NTH i 1979
    • Freia: Exploring Biological Pathways Using Unity3D 

      Knudsen, Kenneth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-15)
      To understand the biological processes related to the development of cancer there is a need for interactive data visualization tools that integrates experimental data with biological knowledge. Existing visualization tools have shown their usefulness, but next-generation biological data analysis requires both integrating different data types and larger datasets. This requires data exploration tools ...
    • Evaluation of the power efficiency of UPC, OpenMP and MPI 

      Lagraviere, Jeremie; Ha, Hoai Phuong; Cai, Xing (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2015)
      In this study we compare the performance and power efficiency of Unified Parallel C (UPC), MPI and OpenMP by running a set of kernels from the NAS Benchmark. One of the goals of this study is to focus on the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model, in order to describe it and compare it to MPI and OpenMP. In particular we consider the power effi- ciency expressed in millions operations ...
    • Investigating the security issues surrounding usage of Ephemeral data within Android environments 

      Høgset, Erlend Skog (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-08-27)
      With mobile devices managing more and more of our personal data, for many it has become a ubiquitous resource. This is also true in the workplace where they are instituting Bring Your Own Device practices. While this saves the enterprise money in terms of equipment, it also increases the diversity of devices brought to work. This presents security problems as corporate data received and transmitted ...
    • User-Based Information Search across Multiple Social Media 

      Gåre, Marte Lise (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-31)
      Most of todays Internet users are registered to one or more social media applications. As so many are registered to multiple application, it has become difficult to locate friends, former colleagues, peers and acquaintances. Reasons for this include private profiles, name collisions, multiple usernames, lack of profile attributes and profile picture. The system designed and implemented in this ...
    • Diabetes Automata For Diabetes-Related Applications: Software Engine For Blood Glucose Level Simulation 

      Agafonov, Aleksandr (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-07-10)
      Diabetes Automata is a try of concept in the complex research-field of blood glucose simulation and prediction in experimental medical informatics, an experimental research project in software engineering combined with experimental health science. The project integrates together topics such as software system design and development, object-oriented programming, mobile application development, ...
    • Improving Disk Performance in Vortex With NVMe 

      Elsebø, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-01)
      With the development of SSDs, performance limitations in persistent storage have shifted from the underlying medium to the interface through which the host and disk communicates. NVMe is a recently developed standard for operating SSDs connected to a host through PCI Express, and offers significant performance improvements compared to conventional interfaces, as well as features designed for ...
    • Beyond the hospital walls - Extramural mobile communication with CallMeSmart 

      Hanssen, Bård Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-01)
      Physicians, nurses and other people who work at hospitals and in the healthcare sector often move around a lot. As they also frequently need to contact each other, mobile communication devices like pagers and wireless phones are important tools for letting them maintain contact. This can lead to problems as personnel are constantly interrupted during their work because coworkers don't know whether ...
    • Helping activate children through the use of video games 

      Lomax, Jørn Vollan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-15)
      The video games industry is now one of the biggest entertainment industries in the world. Forb es magazine estimates that the video game industry will sell games for 70 billion dollars by the end of 2015, and the biggest growth is in the mobile market. While most of the video game industry is creating games strictly for entertainment purp oses, there is a growing demand for games that can b e ...
    • Parallelization of the Alternating-Least-Squares Algorithm With Weighted Regularization for Efficient GPU Execution in Recommender Systems 

      Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-15)
      Collaborative filtering recommender systems have become essential to many Internet services, providing, for instance, book recommendations at Amazon's online e-commerce service, music recommendation in Spotify and movie recommendation in Netflix. Matrix factorization and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are two popular methods for implementing recommender systems, both providing superior ...
    • Nexans Tracking System. An indoor positioning system using Bluetooth Low Energy 

      Holm, Ragnhild Kosmo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-01)
      Nexans Rognan is a cable manufacturer located in Nordland County. Each new cable order have a set of requirements provided by the customer. The cable specifications change in terms of characteristics of fibre optical elements, type and quality of cable armouring and dimension and amounts of electrical conductors. Due to the variety in different cables produced, they also need a wide array of ...
    • Giga-View. A distributed gigapixel image viewer controlled by mobile devices 

      Kristoffersen, Einar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-01)
      This thesis presents Giga-View, a gigapixel image viewer controllable from mobile devices. It's design makes interaction available through a web browser and requires no software installation or high processing power from the device being used. Fulfilling the goal of high throughput and low latency, Giga-View is capable of processing an input stream with the frame rate of 60 frames per second, without ...
    • Casuar - A Protected Library OS for running Windows applications on top of Vortex 

      Graff, Erlend Helland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-15)
      Today, virtual machines (VMs) are commonly employed to encapsulate and isolate workloads in the cloud, enabling efficient utilization of hardware resources through the use of statistical multiplexing. Still, there is a significant overhead associated with the use of VMs; each VM instance has to contain a complete OS environment to support the execution of applications that are dependent on the ...
    • Implementing an SMB2 Server in the Vortex Operating System 

      Sandengen, Vegard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-15)
      With the advent of computer networks, the ability for sharing and accessing files across the network between multiple workstations and remote servers was sought after. In the nineteen eighties, prominent networked file systems were developed and reached widespread adoption among enterprise businesses and institutions. A few of these, notably Networked File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB), ...
    • Information Logistics Service Router. An ESB for integrating enterprise services 

      Lundblad, Marius (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-01)
      Jupiter System Partner is currently working on a product idea called Information Logistics. The product focuses on collecting information via modules from several services in an enterprise system. The product will be based upon financial systems which can be customized via modules. Specifically, the product will be based upon their existing system called eSecretary which extends the economy system ...
    • StudentLink. A generic calendar platform 

      Andreassen, Ruben Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-14)
      Large organizations often use many software applications. In some cases, two or more of these applications contains information that is very similar or the same. In this thesis we are going to look at calendar information. UiT - The Arctic University of Norway is a large organization which uses many applications that contains calendar information. Fronter, Syllabus and Microsoft Exchange all covers ...
    • Multiparadigm Optimizing Retargetable Transdisciplinary Abstraction Language 

      Kåven, Ove Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-04-12)
      Scientists and engineers require ever more powerful software and hardware to analyze data and build models. Unfortunately, current solutions to the problem are often hard to use for scientists that are not software engineers. And software engineers often do not have the mathematical background to understand the scientific problem to solve. This thesis describes MORTAL, a new general-purpose ...
    • User profiling for diverse user contexts 

      Karlsen, Jan Tore (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-14)
      The amount of content available for consumption online is increasing tremendously. This make the job of recommender systems more important, and at the same time, more demanding. Context-aware recommender systems might be a solution to this problem. This work set out to discover user contexts dynamically by collecting contextual information from user actions and perform cluster analysis on the ...
    • Reconstructing Omni-kernel control flow 

      Haugen, Christopher (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-12-15)
      Today, with the prevalence of many- and multi-core systems has it been sparked a new interest for programming models that permits developer to exploit their resources. This has sparked renewed interest in creating larger event-based systems, systems where stack ripping occurs and with an obfuscated control flow. Both increases the complexity of debugging errors. During the development of the ...
    • Transparent Incremental Updates for Genomics Data Analysis Pipelines 

      Pedersen, Edvard; Willassen, Nils Peder; Bongo, Lars Ailo (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014)