Now showing items 321-340 of 516

    • The Cruise Industry and the Polar Code. Implementing the Polar Code. 

      Kristiansen, Bendik Skoglund (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      The mandatory Polar Code is now set into force with strengthened requirements for vessels operating in polar waters. There are many challenges, and the polar environment adds an increased risk level. The preventive actions towards mitigating risks are more important due to the harsh environment, long distances and limited options for assistant rescue. Most accidents and incidents have pre-occurring ...
    • Lean Production og sikkerhet i forsvarsindustrien. En teoretisk fortolkende casestudie av en norsk forsvarsbedrift 

      Åssveen, Ingrid Dahl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      I følge Arbeidstilsynet er industrien en næring med mange registrerte skader og ulykker, og er en av fire næringer med flest arbeidsskadedødsfall. Bedrifter tilknyttet forsvarsindustrien håndterer blant annet ammunisjon, kjemikalier, sprengstoff og eksplosiver. Feil i denne type industri kan derfor medføre ulykker med alvorlige konsekvenser for liv, helse og miljø, og er dermed avhengig av et høyt ...
    • Krisekommunikasjon i Troms politidistrikt. En studie av skredulykken i Tamokdalen. 

      Skimelid, Arnold (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      Denne studien belyser krisehåndteringen i Troms politidistrikt underveis og i etterkant av den tragiske skredulykken 2. januar 2019 ved Blåbærtinden i Tamokdalen. Fire utenlandske skiturister omkom i snøskredet. Slike ulykker kan føre til kritikk mot myndighetene både underveis og i etterkant. For politiet var dette en krevende operasjon. De hadde ansvaret både for redningsaksjonen og krisekommunikasjonen ...
    • Learning Ahead of Crisis. A Study of Preparedness in the Arctic 

      Holst, Jørgen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      The background for this thesis stems from the limited research into; and the challenges associated with development of preparedness in the Arctic. The main thesis question to answer is “How could social relations and cultivation of tacit knowledge improve preparedness in the Arctic?”. The thesis question is derived from the literature review and initial results of the pre-study of this thesis. The ...
    • The individual’s ability to prepare: What significance does this have for the total defence and societal safety? A study of how citizen preparedness is related to municipal emergency preparedness planning 

      Salehi, Daria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      The world is changing. Some things get better while others get worse. We live in a vulnerable society and societal safety is something that both occupy most of us and is a safety factor in our everyday life. The authorities are responsible for societal safety, but it is also a responsibility for each of us to create common safety and an individual sense of security. The societal safety work is ...
    • Interkommunalt beredskapssamarbeid i Finnmark. Motivasjonens betydning for å styrke kommunal beredskap 

      Skjelmo, Ingeborg Marie Kristiansen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-01)
      For mange kommuner er det utfordrende å prioritere tid og ressurser til å arbeide med kom-munal beredskap. Samarbeid kan være en nøkkelfaktor for å utveksle erfaringer, øke kompe-tanse og løse utfordringer knyttet til samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap. Denne casestudien be-lyser hvordan interkommunale beredskapssamarbeid kan påvirke kommuners motivasjon til å arbeide med beredskap. Det analytiske ...
    • Utfordringer med å oppnå delt situasjonsforståelse i samvirke mellom innsatsledere. En kvalitativ studie av et nødetatsmiljø 

      Bjørkeng, Glenn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-29)
      Denne masteroppgaven har sin hensikt å belyse sentrale forhold i et samvirke som fremmer og hemmer delt situasjonsforståelse mellom innsatsledere. Ved større samvirkehendelser er nødetatene gjensidig avhengig av hverandre for å oppnå en god oppdragsløsning. Jeg har valgt å se nærmere på innsatsledere i nødetatene og forholdene knyttet til organisasjonsstruktur og kultur, innsatsledernes opplæring, ...
    • Cooperation and resilience in remote communities. A case study of cooperation and resilience for emergency preparedness organizations on Svalbard 

      Svane, Peder (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      This study seeks to look at how cooperation can facilitate resilience for emergency preparedness organization in remote communities, illustrated through the emergency preparedness actors in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Advocates of resilience argue that in a high risk environment, resilience is necessary for organization to avoid potential disasters and to prevent smaller events from escalating (Weick & ...
    • Generisk beredskap - adekvat for å håndtere den neste store krisen? En casestudie av beredskap for hendelser med lav sannsynlighet-høy konsekvens i en kommune 

      Foss, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)
      Norgeshistorien er full av større naturhendelser, ulykker og kriser, det være seg både samfunns- og menneskeskapte. Vi ser at fokuset på disse har økt i nyere tid, særlig etter terrorangrepene i regjeringskvartalet og på Utøya 22. Juli 2011. Forberedelsene for å unngå slike hendelser, håndtere de dersom de skulle inntreffe og gjenoppreise samfunnet i etterkant, er en oppgave som jobbes med både ...
    • New Perspectives for an Intelligent Risk-Based Decision Support Framework for Asset Integrity Management. Means for Sustainable Asset Integrity Management in the Norwegian High-North. 

      Ilora, Obiora Nnamdi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-20)
      The Norwegian Arctic - Barents Sea, is attracting more oil and gas developments. The associated growth of assets will face heightened integrity issues considering the prevalent climatic and challenging operating conditions in the Arctic. This thesis focuses on identifying asset integrity management critical success factors which are often neglected but are the bed rock of asset integrity management. ...
    • Unprecedented Vessel-Icing Climatology based on Spray-Icing Modelling and Reanalysis Data: A Risk-Based Decision-Making Input for Arctic Offshore Industries 

      Naseri, Masoud; Samuelsen, Eirik Mikal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-11)
      Marine icing is considered a major concern for vessels operating in the Arctic Ocean. Interaction between vessels and waves is the major source of sea spray that, under certain conditions, can lead to ice accretion on the vessels and thus create hazardous situations. Various models have been developed for the estimation of ice accretion rate using meteorological and oceanographic parameters. Various ...
    • Multivariate analysis of Co, Fe and Ni leaching from tailings following simulated temperature change 

      Fu, Shuai; Lu, Jinmei; Yuan, Fuqing (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A series of column leaching experiments were performed to understand the leaching behavior of Co, Fe and Ni in Ballangen mine tailings. Multivariate statistical approaches to evaluate potential risk variations in leachate quality and identifies temperature effects on their leaching behavior. Results from column leaching test indicated that the mobility of showed higher temperature may encourage ...
    • The effect of temperature and precipitation on the leaching of contaminants from Ballangen tailings deposit, Norway 

      Lu, Jinmei; Yuan, Fuqing (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Leaching and transport of contaminants from tailings deposit is a highly complex interacting system affected by a suite of environmental factors, among which temperature and precipitation rates linked to climate change are two important parameters. The climate change in the Nordic region is more drastic than other regions. In this study, a laboratory batch leaching experiment was performed on the ...
    • Way-finding on-board training for maritime vessels 

      Tvedt, Sturle Danielsen; Oltedal, Helle Asgjerd; Batalden, Bjørn-Morten; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-03)
      In the maritime industry, it is of vital importance that personnel onboard ships are familiarized with the ship’s layout, along with safety equipment and processes for safeguarding of the individual seafarer and the ship’s crew. In fact, international maritime regulations require that all personnel employed or engaged on a seagoing ship receive proper familiarization training. However, several studies ...
    • Column leaching test on oxidized and non-oxidized tailings in northern Norway 

      Fu, Shuai; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Column leaching test was applied for oxide and non-oxide tailings in the Arctic area. Physico-chemical parameters (pH, pe: potential ecolotric, conductivity, TDS: Total dissolved solids, SO4 2−, salinity, Ni, Co, Zn and Mn) were measured to identified the effect of oxidized degree on heavy metals leaching from tailings. Results showed that oxidized tailings contained higher levels of Co and Ni, and ...
    • Anomaly Detection for Environmental Data Using Machine Learning Regression 

      Yuan, Fuqing; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Environmental data exhibits as huge amount and complex dependency. Utilizing these data to detect anomaly is beneficial to the disaster prevention. Big data approach using the machine learning method has the advantage not requiring the geophysical and geochemical knowledge to detect anomaly. This paper using the popular support vector regression (SVR ) to model the correlation between factors. ...
    • Endurance Test on Carbon Film Fixed Resistor under Escalated Voltage Stress 

      Yuan, Fuqing; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018)
      Film fixed resistor is a basic unit in the electronic devices. As it is less frequently failed than other units such as capacitor, the reliability and robustness of it are less concerned both in the academics and in the industries. This paper investigates the endurance of the carbon film fixed resistor. The resistance shift and life of it under the escalated voltage stress level are the aim. A PCB ...
    • Column leaching heavy metal from tailings following simulated climate change in the Arctic area of Norway 

      Fu, Shuai; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study aimed to assess how the current climate change perspective, with various air temperature (4°C, 10°C, 14°C and 18°C) affected metal releasing from tailings. Heavy metals pollution from tailings leaching are of increasing concern. Column leaching experiment was conducted for 15 weeks to a series of tailings with 20 mm/week water leaching four temperature situations. Leachate chemical physics ...
    • Risk Assessment of Hazards Due to the Installation and Maintenance of Onshore Wind Turbines 

      Mustafa, Albara Mohamad Yazid Faisal; Mahadin, Aziz (Peer reviewed; Book; Chapter, 2018-06-11)
      In this work, an assessment of four types of risks is carried out for wind turbines during four phases, namely: transportation, installation, operation and maintenance. This work mainly focuses on onshore type of wind turbines and briefly mentioning the offshore wind turbines. The introduction gives an overview of the main parts and components of wind turbine, in addition to discussing the process ...
    • Failure intensity of offshore power plants under varying maintenance policies 

      Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad; Machado, Mario M.; Valland, Anders; Manguinho, Diego A.P. (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-01-06)
      System reliability of an offshore power plant with several gas turbine engines is analyzed in this study to understand the failure intensity of a selected gas turbine engines under varying maintenance activities. A set of event data of a selected gas turbine engine is considered to identify system failure intensity levels, where unknown maintenance actions were implemented (i.e. various repairs ...