Viser treff 361-380 av 516

    • Sikkerhetskultur hos vektere. 

      Raanes-Bendiksen, Richard Aleksander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-08)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg sikkerhetskultur i vekteryrket. Jeg ville undersøke hvordan sikkerhetskulturen er innenfor yrker preget av mange ulike risikoer. På bakgrunn av det valgte heg følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan man besitte og vedlikeholde en tilfredsstillende sikkerhetskultur innen vekteryrket som kan være utsatt for mange forskjellige og komplekse risikoer? Jeg valgte ut teorier rundt ...
    • Frivillig arbeid i kriserammede områder, og konsekvenser av dette arbeidet på enkeltindividet. En casestudie av norske frivillige som reiste til Hellas under flyktningkrisen i perioden 2015-2016 

      Xas, Naska (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      Denne masteroppgaven søker å forstå hvorfor noen valgte å reise til kriserammede Hellas under flyktningkrisen i 2015-2016 for å bistå som frivillig hjelpearbeider. Å forstå dette frivillige engasjementet kan være viktig og av betydning for andre krisesituasjoner. I tillegg er det viktig å se hvordan den type arbeid kan påvirke de frivillige etter endt tjeneste, derfor fokuserer denne oppgaven også ...
    • The Characteristic of Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) and its application For Cladding 

      Edoh Imoudu, Nelson (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      Corrosion and wear has been a major challenge in most of our industries. CMT process has been selected as a weld technique because of its low heat inputs that makes it a promising technique for industrial application. However, the aim of this thesis is to study the competence of CMT welding process in cladding of mild stainless steel and performing a qualitative fault tree analysis. Furthermore, the ...
    • Psykososial beredskap sett i sammenheng med samfunnssikkerhet og beredskapsplanlegging. En dokumentanalyse av veiledere, lovverk og rapporter vedrørende psykososial beredskap 

      Hamborgstrøm, Aleksander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      Etter 22.juli har det vært et økt fokus på de psykiske effekter av kriser og katastrofer. Psykososial beredskap som ord og fenomen er relativt nytt og har forskjellige betydninger med tanke på hvilken teoretisk retting som beskriver fenomenet. Fenomenet har i liten grad blitt løftet opp mot et samfunnsfaglig aspekt, psykososial beredskapen har blitt brukt som samlebegrep for veldig mange temaer. ...
    • Critical infrastructure resilience: A Nordic model in the making? 

      Pursiainen, Christer Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-19)
      In recent years, there has been a shift in emphasis from critical infrastructure protection to that of resilience. This development reflects the acknowledgment that complete protection can never be guaranteed, and that achieving the desired level of protection is not cost-effective as a rule in relation to the actual threats. This article reviews the responses of four of the five Nordic countries ...
    • Optimization of Pure-Component LNG Cascade Processes with Heat Integration 

      Eiksund, Oddmar; Brodal, Eivind; Jackson, Steven (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018-01-15)
      Liquefaction of natural gas is an energy-intensive process in which the energy efficiency depends on the number of compressors stages and the heat integration scheme. The aim of the study is to systematically evaluate process performance of pure component cascade processes, present optimized designs for all relevant numbers of compression stages and compare energy consumption between processes with ...
    • The effect of drinking water quality on the health and longevity of people-A case study in Mayang, Hunan province, China 

      Lu, Jinmei; Yuan, Fuqing (Peer reviewed; Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      Drinking water is an important source for trace elements intake into human body. Thus, the drinking water quality has a great impact on people's health and longevity. This study aims to study the relationship between drinking water quality and human health and longevity. A longevity county Mayang in Hunan province, China was chosen as the study area. The drinking water and hair of local centenarians ...
    • Modelling the transport of oil after a proposed oil spill accident in Barents Sea and its environmental impact on Alke species 

      Lu, Jinmei; Yuan, Fuqing; Mikkelsen, J.D.; Ohm, C; Stange, E; Holand, M (Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017)
      Accidental oil spills can have significant effect on the coastal and marine environment. As the oil extraction and exploration activities increase in the Barents Sea, it is of increasingly importance to investigate the potential oil spill incidents associated with these activities. In this study, the transport and fate of oil after a proposed oil spill incident in Barents Sea was modelled by oil ...
    • A practical guideline for human error assessment: A causal model 

      Ayele, Yonas Zewdu; Barabadi, Abbas (Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017-12-12)
      To meet the availability target and reduce system downtime, effective maintenance have a great importance. However, maintenance performance is greatly affected in complex ways by human factors. Hence, to have an effective maintenance operation, these factors needs to be assessed and quantified. To avoid the inadequacies of traditional human error assessment (HEA) approaches, the application of ...
    • Dimensjonering av sikringstiltak mot tilsiktede uønskede handlinger. En kvalitativ studie av sårbarhetsvurderinger som et verktøy for dimensjonering av sikringstiltak i norske ISPS-havneanlegg 

      Korneliussen, Eirik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-12-15)
      Terror er ikke et nytt fenomen i Europa. Likevel har terrorfokuset økt som et resultat av en rekke alarmerende hendelser de siste tiårene. Etter terrorangrepene mot USA 11. september 2001 fikk den vestlige verden for alvor opp øynene for hvordan terrorangrep kan bli utført på den internasjonale arena. Som følger av terrortrusselen utviklet FNs sjøfartsorganisasjon, IMO, ISPS-koden. Koden stiller ...
    • Security and policing in Rio de Janeiro. An ethnography of the pacifying police units 

      Salem, Tomas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-12-15)
      In this thesis I address the challenges of Rio de Janeiro's ongoing public security reform, implemented through the establishment of the Pacifying Police Units (UPPs) in several of the city's favelas since 2009. I suggest that in order to address this problem, it is necessary to understand both the institutional and political context and conditions that the reform is set within, as well as the ...
    • International Cooperation on Search and Rescue in the Arctic 

      Sydnes, Are K.; Sydnes, Maria; Antonsen, Yngve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-09)
      SAR in the Arctic is a complex and dynamic cross-disciplinary activity that requires the combined effort of multiple actors with specialized human and technical resources. Due to limited resources and infrastructure in the Arctic, international cooperation is particularly important. This article applies a conceptual framework drawn from regime-theory to study SAR cooperation in the Arctic. More ...
    • A New Introductory Course in the Engineering Education at the University of Tromsø 

      Gjengedal, Arne Ketil; Schive, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      In 2011 a new national curriculum for the education of engineers was established in Norway. The objective of the curriculum is to ascertain that engineering education is professionally oriented, integrated, research-based and has a high academic standard. Institutions are instructed to facilitate a holistic approach to the engineering profession, which integrates social science, technology, science ...
    • Organisatorisk læring i en responsorganisasjon. En studie av å dele og lagre erfaringer ved hovedredningssentralen i Bodø 

      Ebbang, Christopher (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-07-13)
      Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan organisatorisk læring kan fremmes i en responsorganisasjon. Oppgaven har som utgangspunkt at læring fra erfaringer bidrar til å forklare hvordan redningsledere lærer (Sommer & Njå, 2012), og at en forståelse av individuell læring er nødvendig for å forstå hvordan organisasjoner lærer (Dixon, 1999). Sammen med en overlapp i betydningen dele og lagre erfaringer har ...
    • Finite element analysis of materials for aquaculture net cages. FEA of materials for aquaculture net cages using ANSYS Workbench 

      Myrli, Odd Einar Lockertsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-20)
      The number of good sites in less exposed locations for aquaculture farming is limited. Trends are now that the fish cages are increasing in both width and depth as well as more weather-exposed locations are taken into use. As the net cages continues to increase in size, so does the material costs. The design of the sea cages should be modified for safe and reliable use in remote offshore locations. ...
    • Mechanical and impact tests of CFRP. An experimental and numerical study of the mechanical properties of CFRP samples with varying temperatures, using Four-point bending, Charpy and Air gun tests 

      Strand, Cathrine Høgmo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      With increasing popularity of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) over time, the need of research in the field increases along with it. The aim of this project was to study the mechanical properties of CFRP with varying temperature settings. A four-point bending test was performed to find the deflection of CFRP in room temperature, and after being exposed to cold temperature. A numerical test was ...
    • Wind Chill Effect & Thermal Insulation. Study of Wind Chill Effect and Thermal Insulation using Infrared Imaging 

      Ahmad, Tanveer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Wind chill factor is explained as the cooling sensation due to the exposure of wind temperature environment. The wind chill factor depends on air temperature, wind velocity, and humidity. Wind chill poses serious health risks. Various wind chill index models are given in the literature. In order to understand the wind chill effect, it is important to understand the phenomenon of heat transfer. There ...
    • Thermal and Mechanical Properties of SK One Component Polyurethane (SKOCP). Determining the Thermal and Mechanical properties of SKOCP in Colder Conditions 

      Eidesen, Hans-Kristian Norum (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-30)
      Polymers have an extreme wide range of potential applications. From artificial heart valves, computer hardware, coating materials, noise damping materials and so on. Polyurethane is one of the such materials with a broad range of applications. A few such applications and properties are, but not limited to, treatment of leakage of an expansion joint, abrasion resistance, anti-freezing performance and ...
    • Smarttelefonens muligheter i prehospital tjeneste. En kvalitativ studie av AMK og ambulansetjenesten i Tromsø 

      Nordheim, Tor-Sverre Engen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-31)
      Den teknologiske utviklingen innenfor mobiltelefonteknologien beveger seg stadig fremover, og i dag er det smarttelefonene som dominerer. Smarttelefonen gir brukeren mulighet til å kunne kommunisere på forskjellige måter, i tillegg til å muliggjøre annen informasjon som blant annet posisjonen til brukeren. Ser en dette i sammenheng med at store deler av den norske befolkningen er i besittelse av en ...
    • Feasibility study of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) application for ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades. Preliminary experiments of handheld and UAV utrasonic testing on glass fibre laminate 

      Skaga, Simon Kleppevik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-31)
      In this thesis, we have conducted a feasibility study on UAV application for ultrasonic pulsed non-destructive testing of wind turbine rotor blades. Due to the high initial cost of wind turbines, and their decreasing availability due to increasing size and offshore locations, it is imperative to properly maintain these structures over their 10-30-year lifetime. Operation and maintenance costs can ...