Viser treff 361-380 av 926

    • Dihedral Group D4—A New Feature Extraction Algorithm 

      Sharma, Puneet (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-04)
      In this paper, we propose a new feature descriptor for images that is based on the dihedral group D<sub>4</sub>, the symmetry group of the square. The group action of the D<sub>4</sub> elements on a square image region is used to create a vector space that forms the basis for the feature vector. For the evaluation, we employed the Error-Correcting Output Coding (ECOC) algorithm and tested our model ...
    • Moving from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: What Are the Implications for Smart Logistics? 

      Jafari, Niloofar; Azarian, Mohammad; Yu, Hao (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-01)
      Given the importance of human centricity, resilience, and sustainability, the emerging concept of Industry 5.0 has pushed forward the research frontier of the technology-focused Industry 4.0 to a smart and harmonious socio-economic transition driven by both humans and technologies, where the role of the human in the technological transformation is predominantly focused on. Several studies discuss ...
    • Multiphysics based Modal and Harmonic Analysis of Axial Turbines 

      Khawaja, Hassan; Andleeb, Zahra; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-15)
      The presented work discusses the vibration behavior of an axial turbine, analyzed using the finite element method (FEM) using commercial software ANSYS®. The turbine was modeled as a 2-D plate type of structure discretized with 4-noded shell 63 elements to save computational time. Constraints were applied keeping in view the actual operating conditions. The turbine was modeled with more than one FE ...
    • Weighted fractional Hardy operators and their commutators on generalized Morrey spaces over quasi-metric measure spaces 

      Samko, Natasha Gabatsuyevna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-22)
      We study commutators of weighted fractional Hardy-type operators within the frameworks of local generalized Morrey spaces over quasi-metric measure spaces for a certain class of “radial” weights. Quasi-metric measure spaces may include, in particular, sets of fractional dimentsions. We prove theorems on the boundedness of commutators with CMO coefficients of these operators. Given a domain ...
    • The Volcanic Hazards of Jan Mayen Island (North-Atlantic) 

      Gjerløw, Eirik; Höskuldsson, Ármann; Bartolini, Stefania; Biass, Sebastien; Mossoux, Sophie; Gilbert, Jennie S.; Pedersen, Rolf Birger Svarstad; Marti, Joan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-04)
      Hazard assessment of remote volcanic islands provides many challenges compared to other volcanoes and volcanic fields. Here we present the first systematic volcanic hazard assessment of Jan Mayen Island, a remote island located in the North-Atlantic Ocean and home to the northernmost active subaerial volcano in the world (Beerenberg Volcano), and we discuss some of the challenges and characteristics ...
    • Disassembly Line Balancing of Electronic Waste Considering the Degree of Task Correlation 

      Chen-Yang, Cheng; Yin-Yann, Chen; Pourhejazy, Pourya; Chih-Yu, Lee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-10)
      With growing concerns about the depletion of rare-earth elements, managing End-of-Life products has become a key sustainability initiative in the supply chains of global corporations. Recycling, the process of dismantling, separating, and recovery of components and raw materials from wastes, is technologically challenging and should be planned in such a way as to ensure operational efficiency ...
    • Adjusted Iterated Greedy for the optimization of additive manufacturing scheduling problems 

      Kuo-Ching, Ying; Fabio, Fruggiero; Pourhejazy, Pourya; Bo-Yun, Lee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-19)
      As a disruptive technology, additive manufacturing (AM) is revolutionizing manufacturing supply chains. AM consists of producing 3-dimensional objects through layer-by-layer addition of compound material based on digital models. The scheduling of additive manufacturing operations differs from traditional (i.e., subtractive and injection molding) manufacturing with a single production run involving ...
    • Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in University Campuses: a Case Study 

      Mustafa, Mohamad; Tokbolat, Serik; Almahadin, Aziz; Khussainova, Diana; Nazipov, Farnush (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-10)
      Renewable energy technologies are becoming widely integrated into energy generation systems around the world. While the majority of such technologies are integrated at a large scale in the form of wind and solar farms, there is a need for their incorporation into the built environment. A university campus is an ideal place for testing and understanding how renewable energy technologies can be ...
    • En tematisk analyse av hva ingeniørstudenter gjør når de lærer lineær algebra 

      Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-15)
      Denne artikkelen diskuterer hva ingeniørstudenter gjør når de lærer lineær algebra. Arbeidet inngår i et pågående forskningsprosjekt om læring, og grunnlagsdataene for artikkelen ble samlet inn ved at studentene besvarte et obligatorisk spørreskjema der spørsmålet om hva de gjør når de lærer lineær algebra, ble stilt som et åpent spørsmål. Dataene representerer derfor studentenes egne ord om hva de ...
    • Utvikling av digitale læringsressurser for forkurs for ingeniørutdanning på tvers av studiesteder 

      Esjeholm, Bjørn Tore; Fredriksen, Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-25)
      Fra høsten 2019 har forkursene for ingeniørutdanning ved UiT -Norges arktiske universitet deltatt i prosjektet «Sammen 2021» der målet er å bedre gjennomstrømmingen og øke rekrutteringen til ingeniørstudiene gjennom å forbedre studieopplegget og læ ringsprosessene i alle fagene på forkursene. Forkurs/realfagskurs tilbys i dag ved studiestedene Alta, Tromsø, Narvik og ...
    • Investigation of the impacts of design parameters on thermal performance of buildings in cold climate 

      Mustafa, Mohamad; Zhong, Hua; Gaitov, Rashid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-29)
      While design optimization of buildings seeks to improve energy efficiency and, thus, leads to greenhouse gas emissions reduction, the thermal performance of buildings can be compromised. Thermal performance is an important aspect as it directly affects the health and wellbeing of occupants. This study aims to investigate using a simple simulation tool to examine the correlation between a set of ...
    • Some New Fourier and Jackson–Nikol’skii Type Inequalities in Unbounded Orthonormal Systems 

      Singh, Harpal; Persson, Lars-Erik; Akishev, Gabdolla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-16)
      We consider the generalized Lorentz space L_ψ,q defined via a continuous and concave function ψ and the Fourier series of a function with respect to an unbounded orthonormal system. Some new Fourier and Jackson-Nikol’skii type inequalities in this frame are stated, proved and discussed. In particular, the derived results generalize and unify several well-known results but also some new applications ...
    • On Weighted Fourier InequalitieS –– Some New Scales of Equivalent Conditions 

      Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha G. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06)
      For Lebesgue spaces on R<sup>n</sup>, we study two-weight p → q-inequalities for Fourier transform. Some sufficient conditions on weights for such inequalities are known for special ranges of parameters p and q. In the same ranges of parameters we show, that in every case each of those conditions can be replaced by infinitely many conditions, even by continuous scales of conditions. We also ...
    • Some new mathematical and engineering results connected to structural problems 

      Singh, Harpal (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-04-08)
      <p>The research in this PhD thesis is focused on some problems of general interest in both applied mathematics and engineering sciences. It contains new results, which can be directly used for solving some important structural problems in engineering sciences, but which are also of interest in pure mathematics. The main body of this PhD thesis consists of six papers (Papers A – F). <p>In Paper A ...
    • Topological Singularities in Periodic Media: Ginzburg–Landau and Core-Radius Approaches 

      Alicandro, Roberto; Braides, Andrea; Cicalese, Marco; De Luca, Lucia; Piatnitski, Andrey (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-20)
      We describe the emergence of topological singularities in periodic media within the Ginzburg–Landau model and the core-radius approach. The energy functionals of both models are denoted by Eε,δ, where ε represent the coherence length (in the Ginzburg–Landau model) or the core-radius size (in the core-radius approach) and δ denotes the periodicity scale. We carry out the -convergence analysis ...
    • A computational intelligence-based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic power generation system with small‐signal analysis 

      Senapati, Manoj Kumar; Pradhan, Chittaranjan; Calay, Rajnish Kaur (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-01)
      There are multiple peak functions in its output power characteristic curve of a photovoltaic (PV) array under partial shading conditions (PSCs), the perturb and observe (P&O) may fail to track the global maximum power point (GMPP). Therefore, a reliable maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is essential to track the GMPP within an appropriate time. This article proposes a hybrid technique ...
    • A DEA-based decision analytics framework for product deletion in the luxury goods and fashion industry 

      Pourhejazy, Pourya; Thamachutha, Patcharaporn; Namthip, Tago-in (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-13)
      Traditionally, product deletion is a reactive decision driven by low sales volume and profit margin. However, the complexities involved in product management and consumer behavior volatilities make it necessary to account for a broad range of financial and non-financial factors. Besides, proactive product deletion may be required for a company to reduce the risk of draining resources, adjust to the ...
    • Simplified Thermal Performance Evaluation of a PCM-Filled Triple-Glazed Window under Arctic Climate Conditions 

      Riise, Raymond; Calay, Rajnish Kaur; Ravasio, Lucrezia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-02)
      This paper evaluates the thermal performance of a triple-glazed glass window filled with a phase-change material (PCM) compared to the performance of a traditional triple-glazed window with air gaps. The chosen PCM was paraffin wax. A mathematical model to simulate heat transfer within the system was presented. A commercially available software, COMSOL Multiphysics, was used to numerically solve the ...
    • Bio‐inspired hybrid BFOA‐PSO algorithm‐based reactive power controller in a standalone wind‐diesel power system 

      Wagle, Raju; Sharma, Pawan; Charu, Sharma; Gjengedal, Terje; PRADHAN, CHITTARANJAN (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-05)
      With an increase in the penetration of renewable energy sources such as wind into the power systems, the operation and control of voltage/reactive power have become more complicated and challenging than ever. As a result, the reactive power imbalance between reactive power generation and demand instigates a reduction in system voltage stability. To deal with the aforesaid scenarios, automatic voltage ...
    • PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV 

      Ho, Tu Dac; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-13)
      In this paper, we consider a wireless sensor network of nodes at the sea surface drifting due to wind and sea currents. In our scenario an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) will be used to gather data from the sensor nodes. The goal is to find a flyable path which is optimal in terms of sensor node energy consumption, total channel throughput between the UAV and sensor nodes, flight time for the UAV and ...