Viser treff 61-80 av 337

    • Global Dynamical Network of the Spatially Correlated Pc2 Wave Response for the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm 

      Chaudhry, S.; Chapman, Sandra; Gjerloev, J.; Beggan, C.D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-26)
      We show the global dynamics of spatial correlation of Pc2 wave activity can track the evolution of the 2015 St. Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm for an 8 hr time window around onset. The global spatially coherent response is tracked by forming a dynamical network from 1 s data using the full set of 100+ ground-based magnetometer stations collated by SuperMAG and Intermagnet. The pattern of spatial ...
    • A frame based approach to computing symmetries with non-trivial isotropy groups 

      McNutt, David Duncan; Coley, A.A.; Van Den Hoogen, Den (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-24)
      A frame approach to determining the most general solution admitting a desired symmetry group has previously been examined in Riemannian and teleparallel geometries with some success. In teleparallel geometries, one must determine the general form of the frame and spin connection to generate a general solution admitting the desired symmetry group. Current approaches often rely on the use of the ...
    • The three missing terms in Ramanujan’s septic theta function identity 

      Rebák, Örs (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-23)
      On page 206 in his lost notebook, Ramanujan recorded the following enigmatic identity for his theta function φ(q): φ(e^{−7π√7}) = 7^{−3/4}φ(e^{−π√7}){1 + ( )^{2/7} + ( )^{2/7} + ( )^{2/7}}. We give the three missing terms. In addition, we calculate the class invariant G_{343} and further special values of φ(e^{−nπ}), for n = 7, 21, 35, and 49.
    • Real gas flows issued from a source 

      Lychagin, Valentin; Roop, Mikhail (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-23)
      Stationary adiabatic flows of real gases issued from a source of given intensity are studied. Thermodynamic states of gases are described by Legendrian or Lagrangian manifolds. Solutions of Euler equations are given implicitly for any equation of state and the behavior of solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations with the viscosity considered as a small parameter is discussed. For different intensities ...
    • Density ridge manifold traversal 

      Myhre, Jonas Nordhaug; Kampffmeyer, Michael C.; Jenssen, Robert (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-06-19)
      The density ridge framework for estimating principal curves and surfaces has in a number of recent works been shown to capture manifold structure in data in an intuitive and effective manner. However, to date there exists no efficient way to traverse these manifolds as defined by density ridges. This is unfortunate, as manifold traversal is an important problem for example for shape estimation in ...
    • Kontinuitet i overgangen fra skole til universitet - Implikasjoner av Fagfornyelsen for MNT-fagene 

      Pedersen, Ida Friestad; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Coucheron, David Andre (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-03)
      Med LK20 Fagfornyelsen innføres det nye læreplaner i skolen, der antall kompetansemål i de ulike fagene er noe redusert for å gi mer rom til dybdelæring, samt at læreplanene i matematikk og fysikk har et større fokus på utforsking, modellering og bruk av numeriske metoder enn tidligere (Ludvigsen et al., 2015; Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020, 2021). I dette bidraget presenterer vi hvordan en gruppe ...
    • Self-assessment of written exercises in STEM courses 

      Irgens, Børge; Coucheron, David Andre (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-03)
      Students of physics in Norway typically spend a lot of time on mandatory problemsolving exercises that they must get a passing grade on to be allowed to take the exam. This is often a primarily summative assessment, which can limit the learning potential. <p> <p>In this contribution, we present an intervention in which traditional mandatory assignments are modified to put more emphasis on ...
    • En analyse av vindkraftens og kraftutvekslingens betydning for effektkjøring av norske magasinkraftverk 

      Rypdal, Kristoffer (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Effektkjøring av magasinkraftverk er hurtige og store variasjoner i vannføring og produsert effekt. Spesielt kan store variasjoner innenfor et tidsrom på et døgn føre til tilsvarende variasjoner i vannstand i nedstrøm vassdrag og som kan føre til skader på livet i elva. Det er en gjengs oppfatning at et stort innslag av intermitterende, ikke-regulerbare kraftkilder som vindkraft, vil føre til hardere ...
    • Objective Momentum Barriers in Wall Turbulence 

      Aksamit, Nikolas Olson; Haller, George (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-28)
      We use the recent frame-indifferent theory of diffusive momentum transport to identify internal barriers in wall-bounded turbulence. Formed by the invariant manifolds of the Laplacian of the velocity field, the barriers block the viscous part of the instantaneous momentum flux in the flow. We employ the level sets of single-trajectory Lagrangian diagnostic tools, the trajectory rotation average ...
    • Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems 

      Faugère, Jean-Charles; Labahn, George; Safey El Din, Mohab; Schost, Éric; Vu, Thi Xuan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-24)
    • Shellability and homology of q-complexes and q-matroids 

      Ghorpade, Sudhir R.; Pratihar, Rakhi; Randrianarisoa, Tovohery H. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-09)
      We consider a q-analogue of abstract simplicial complexes, called q-complexes, and discuss the notion of shellability for such complexes. It is shown that q-complexes formed by independent subspaces of a q-matroid are shellable. Further, we explicitly determine the homology of q-complexes corresponding to uniform q-matroids. We also outline some partial results concerning the determination of homology ...
    • Killing tensors in Koutras-McIntosh spacetimes 

      Kruglikov, Boris; Steneker, Wijnand Sebastiaan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-03)
      The Koutras–McIntosh family of metrics include conformally flat pp-waves and the Wils metric. It appeared in a paper of 1996 by Koutras–McIntosh as an example of a pure radiation spacetime without scalar curvature invariants or infinitesimal symmetries. Here we demonstrate that these metrics have no 'hidden symmetries', by which we mean Killing tensors of low degrees. For the particular case of Wils ...
    • Symmetry Reduction in AM/GM-Based Optimization 

      Verdure, Hugues; Moustrou, Philippe; Naumann, Helen; Riener, Cordian; Theobald, Thorsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The arithmetic mean/geometric mean inequality (AM/GM inequality) facilitates classes of nonnegativity certificates and of relaxation techniques for polynomials and, more generally, for exponential sums. Here, we present a first systematic study of the AM/GM-based techniques in the presence of symmetries under the linear action of a finite group. We prove a symmetry-adapted representation theorem and ...
    • Representability of the local motivic Brouwer degree 

      Quick, Gereon; Strand, Therese; Wilson, Glen Matthew (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-24)
      We study which quadratic forms are representable as the local degree of a map f:An→An with an isolated zero at 0 , following the work of Kass and Wickelgren who established the connection to the quadratic form of Eisenbud, Khimshiashvili, and Levine. Our main observation is that over some base fields k , not all quadratic forms are representable as a local degree. Empirically the local degree ...
    • Kausale design – Et gjennombrudd i samfunnsfagene eller keiserens nye klær? 

      Rypdal, Kristoffer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-03)
      Statistiske metoder som regresjonsanalyse og kausale design basert på naturlige eksperi-menter har etter hvert blitt hyllevare innen de fleste fag som behandler store datamengder,ikke minst innen epidemiologi, meteorologi og klimavitenskap.1 Et eksempel er prinsipalkomponentanalyse (PCA), som brukes til å finne karakteristiske mønstre i geofysiske felt.Mønstrene, eller prinsipalkomponentene, ...
    • Simplifying Clustering with Graph Neural Networks 

      Bianchi, Filippo Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-23)
      The objective functions used in spectral clustering are generally composed of two terms: i) a term that minimizes the local quadratic variation of the cluster assignments on the graph and; ii) a term that balances the clustering partition and helps avoiding degenerate solutions. This paper shows that a graph neural network, equipped with suitable message passing layers, can generate good cluster ...
    • The global atmospheric energy transport analysed by a wavelength-based scale separation 

      Stoll, Johannes Patrick; Grand Graversen, Rune; Messori, Gabriele (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The global atmospheric circulation is fundamental for the local weather and climate by redistributing energy and moisture. To the present day, there is a knowledge gap at which spatial scales the energy and its components are transported. Therefore, we separate the meridional atmospheric energy transport in the ERA5 reanalysis by the spatial scales, the quasi-stationary and transient flow patterns, ...
    • A global climatology of polar lows investigated for local differences and wind-shear environments 

      Stoll, Johannes Patrick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-11)
      Polar lows are intense mesoscale cyclones developing in marine polar air masses. This study presents a new global climatology of polar lows based on the ERA5 reanalysis for the years 1979–2020. Criteria for the detection of polar lows are derived based on a comparison of five polarlow archives with cyclones derived by a mesoscale tracking algorithm. The characteristics associated with polar lows are ...
    • Hyperbolic cone metrics and billiards 

      Erlandsson, Viveka; Leininger, Christopher J.; Sadanand, Chandrika (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-31)
      A negatively curved hyperbolic cone metric is called rigid if it is determined (up to isotopy) by the support of its Liouville current, and flexible otherwise. We provide a complete characterization of rigidity and flexibility, prove that rigidity is a generic property, and parameterize the associated deformation space for any flexible metric. As an application, we parameterize the space of ...
    • Almost every path structure is not variational 

      Kruglikov, Boris; Matveev, Vladimir S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-15)
      Given a smooth family of unparameterized curves such that through every point in every direction there passes exactly one curve, does there exist a Lagrangian with extremals being precisely this family? It is known that in dimension 2 the answer is positive. In dimension 3, it follows from the work of Douglas that the answer is, in general, negative. We generalise this result to all higher dimensions ...