Viser treff 281-300 av 33422

    • “I think that it is important that they experience that their background is not an obstacle” - Immigrant students’ attitudes, experiences and proficiency levels as English language learners in Norwegian introductory classes 

      Mavlud, Henrik Håkar (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      This primarily quantitative non-interventionist experimental study seeks to explore how multilingual pedagogies are used in the English subject among newly arrived immigrant students (ImSt) in Norwegian introductory classes at upper-secondary school, and how language use impacts immigrant students as ‘English as an additional language’ (EAL) learners. Exploration of this topic was initiated due to ...
    • Duohta ja fantasiija máilbmi sámi njálmmálaš árbbis girjjálašvuođa prosatekstii. Narratologalaš guorahallan Ilmmiid gaskkas románas. 

      Klemetsen, Marit Anna Mikkelsdatter Hætta (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Ilmmiid gaskkas lea gelddolaš fantasyromána, man Guovdageaidnulaš Máret Anne Sara lea čállán. Romána muitalusa dáhpáhusat dáhpáhuvvet duohta máilmmis ja fantasiija máilmmis, go váldopersovnnat geavvaba ilmmiid gaskii. Guorahalan movt njálmmálaš árbevierru adno materiálan romána muitalusas, ja movt materiála lea mielde duddjomin muitalusa ealasin. Lean guorahallan teavstta sihke oarjemáilmmi- ja ...
    • "Positivt ubehag" i det tabubelagte rommet En studie av hvordan traumelitteratur kan være en ressurs i norskundervisningen i videregående skole 

      Larsen, Kathrine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      Utgangspunktet for denne oppgaven bunner ut i hvordan man kan bruke traumelitteratur i norskundervisningen som ressurs ovenfor både lærere og elever. Tanken om hvordan det kan brukes som ressurs, tar utgangspunkt i å skape større åpenhet, bidra til identitetsutvikling og kunne øke livsmestring. For å kunne svare på problemstillingen har jeg brukt litteraturstudie som hoved metode for å finne teori ...
    • The Acquisition of Functional Morphology, Semantics-Morphology and Syntax by Persian Learners of English The Bottleneck Hypothesis in L2 Acquisition 

      Jokar, Soraya (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      In the current thesis, I investigated the Bottleneck Hypothesis (Slabakova, 2006, 2008, 2013) concerning Persian L1 speakers' acquisition of English as their second language. The Bottleneck Hypothesis (BH) focuses on the aspects of learning a second language that are challenging and those that are simple. According to this hypothesis, acquiring functional morphology is the challenging part (or the ...
    • Overgangen fra innføringsklasse til ordinær klasse: En kvalitativ studie av en skoleleder, lærer og elev sine erfaringer med overgangen 

      Forshaug, Sigrid; Sørensen, Trine Jeanette (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      Denne masteroppgaven handler om erfaringer med overgangen fra innføringsklasse til ordinær klasse. Vi skal undersøke denne overgangen fra elev-, lærer- og skolelederperspektivet. Studien ser altså på en og samme overgang, men fra ulike perspektiver med ulike roller i skolen. Empirien i studien baserer seg på tre kvalitative forskningsintervjuer, ett intervju per deltakerkategori. Vi har analysert ...
    • Negative eksistensielle konstruksjoner. En korpuslingvistisk undersøkelse av norske ekvivalenter og russisk aspekt 

      Bjørklund, Kristian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Temaet for denne masteroppgaven i russisk språk- og litteratur er negative eksistensielle konstruksjoner (нечего, некуда, osv.) Jeg har en gjort en korpusundersøkelse av disse ordene, som jeg kaller "negative ord", ved å ta utgangspunkt i parallellkorpuset RuN. Dette er et korpus som består av en stor samling oversatte tekster. I hoveddelen av oppgaven undersøker jeg mulige konstruksjonsmønstre som ...
    • Bidialektisme i digital kommunikasjon: En studie av to språkbrukeres skrivepraksiser 

      Fløtlien, Sara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-12)
      Denne masterstudien undersøker de digitale skriftspråkspraksisene til to bidialektale språkbrukere, Ingrid og Julie, som begge er i tjueårene. Prosjektet kartlegger hva som kjennetegner deres skriftlige språkbruk, og undersøker hva som kan forklare denne språkbruken. Begge deltakerne veksler mellom to dialekter og standardspråk i skrift på digitale flater. Empirien i denne studien består av et todelt ...
    • Wild and Unnatural: Ideologies of Nature and the Paradox of Sapphic Modernities in Elsa Gidlow’s On a Grey Thread and Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood 

      Eide, Aurora (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      At the turn of the twentieth century, the homosexual identity category was born amid modernity’s rapid urbanization. With the scientific categorization of the ‘sexual invert,’ queerness was naturalized as a degenerate fact of biology, opposing the prevailing mindset that homosexuality was unnatural and sinful. This historical shift gives rise to a nature paradox: How could the modern homosexual ...
    • Sensing Collective Trauma: Acousmatic Sound in Memoria by Apichatpong Weerasethakul 

      Borovaya, Marina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis explores the concepts of memory and trauma, individual and collective, based on the analysis of the film Memoria by Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Shot in Colombia, the film indirectly engages with the violent and multifaceted conflict that has been affecting the country to various degrees since the 1960s. Drawing on the concepts of memory and trauma in psychology and cultural studies as ...
    • Industry-specific impacts of global drivers in the European Arctic 

      Nygaard, Vigdis; Engen, Sigrid; Suopajärvi, Leena; Edvardsdóttir, Anna Guðrún; Iversen, Audun; Bogadóttir, R.; Tuulentie, Seija; Bjerke, Jarle Werner; Rautio, Pasi; Elomina, Jerbelle; Miettinen, J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-18)
      Natural resource-based industries in the European Arctic operate in an increasingly competitive and globalized Arctic. Knowledge of key drivers and their industrial impacts provide industries, companies, communities, and decision-makers at multiple levels with information on how to plan, manage and collaborate for the future. In this study, we explore the global drivers that affect key industries ...
    • Antibiotika - oppdagelse og utvikling fra før bakteriologiens gjennombrudd til i dag 

      Straand, Jørund; Gradmann, Christoph; Lindbæk, Morten; Simonsen, Gunnar Skov (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-06)
      Oppdagelse og utvikling av antibakterielle legemidler er blant de største triumfene innen moderne medisin og også i menneskehetens historie. Takket være antibiotika og kjemoterapeutika ble leger i stand til å behandle alvorlige infeksjonssykdommer og helbrede pasienter som ellers var levnet små sjanser til overlevelse. Ikke rart at antibakterielle midler ble opplevd som mirakelmedisiner da de ble ...
    • Antibiotikaresistens – historien om da bakteriene slo tilbake 

      Straand, Jørund; Gradmann, Christoph; Lindbæk, Morten; Simonsen, Gunnar Skov (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-06)
      Bakterier er dynamiske organismer som gjennom sin plastisitet og kontinuerlige tilpasning til omgivelsene illustrerer evolusjon gjennom naturlig utvalg og «survival of the fittest». Økt forekomst av antibiotikaresistens er et naturlig og forventet svar på utstrakt bruk av antibiotika. Dette forklarer hvorfor historien om utvikling og utbredelse av antibiotika følges av en parallell historie: ...
    • Profiles of Occupational Therapy Students: A Cluster Analysis 

      Mørk, Gry; Gramstad, Astrid; Stigen, Linda; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Bonsaksen, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-17)
      While studies have examined predictors of study performance in various student groups, cluster analytic studies identify groups of students with similar characteristics. The purpose of this study was to explore relevant clusters of occupational therapy students and examine profile differences between participants in different clusters. A total of 177 first-year students from six occupational therapy ...
    • Exploring the variation in associations between socioeconomic indicators and non-communicable diseases in the Tromsø Study: an algorithmic approach 

      Svalestuen, Sigbjørn; Sari, Emre; Langholz, Petja Lyn; Vo, Chi Quynh (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-11)
      Aims: We contribute to the methodological literature on the assessment of health inequalities by applying an algorithmic approach to evaluate the capabilities of socioeconomic variables in predicting the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in a Norwegian health survey. Methods: We use data from the seventh survey of the population based Tromsø Study (2015–2016), including 11,074 women and ...
    • The role of gender, stress, and social support in parents' pandemic well-being: A cross-national study 

      Thorsteinsen, Kjærsti; Heijens, Marie; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J.; Froehlich, Laura; Martiny, Sarah E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-15)
      Objective The goal was to investigate whether and how the well-being of mothers and fathers was differentially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in four European countries and whether differences in stress and social support explain observed gender differences. Background Previous research documents that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on many people's lives and that some groups, ...
    • Secular trends in mental health problems among young people in Norway: a review and meta-analysis 

      Potrebny, Thomas; Nilsen, Sondre Aasen; Bakken, Anders; Soest, Tillman von; Kvaløy, Kirsti; Samdal, Oddrun; Sivertsen, Børge; Aase, Heidi; Bang, Lasse (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-16)
      There is a growing concern that the mental health of recent generations of youth is deteriorating, yet the etiology of these secular changes is not fully understood. We aimed to review the evidence on trends in mental health problems among young people in Norway. Seven large-scale repeated cross-sectional studies were included in this study, comprising 35 cross-sectional data collections between ...
    • Økobevisst fotografi. Fremvekst av nye praksiser og tenkemåter. 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer; Fjellestad, Marthe Tolnes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-13)
      Current practices of eco-conscious photography, informed by the ongoing climate crisis and post-humanist theory, share characteristics such as collectivity, co-creation, and pro- cess orientation. By way of examples from the UK and the Nordic region, we investigate how these aspects are made (in)visible within the framework of photographic institu- tions: artist-led organizations, photographic ...
    • The impact of spawning pink salmon (Onchorhynchus gorbuscha) on the water quality of northern Norwegian rivers 

      Hansen, Eline Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-05)
      Since the 2017 invasion of pink salmon in northern Norwegian rivers, increasing populations of the odd-year stock have continued to return and are further expanding their range southwestwards. A relatively short time from its first invasion and the pink salmon's strictly 2-year life cycle, gives a unique opportunity to compare the pink salmon's effect on the riverine system, during a season with its ...

      Plata, Izabela (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      The rising number of forcibly displaced people has led to an increased need for refugee camps, which provide temporary shelter and safety for those unable to return home. Despite being designed for short - term use, many camps evolve into long - term settlements, bringing challenges related to safety, infrastructure and community integration. This project explores whether current refugee camp designs ...
    • Concentrations and patterns of organochlorines (OCs) and perfluoro-alkyl substances (PFASs) in eggs of two Arctic seabird species and their relationship with eggshell thickness 

      Os-Trandem, Emilie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-16)
      Despite the remoteness of the Arctic, long-range transport of anthropogenic organohalogenated contaminants (OHCs) has led to their detection at high concentrations in various Arctic animals for decades. Seabirds have been commonly used as biomonitors of OHCs, and the current study investigated the concentrations and patterns of organochlorines (OCs) and perfluoro-alkyl substances (PFASs) in eggs of ...