Now showing items 441-460 of 532

    • On the measurement of procrastination: Comparing two scales in six European countries 

      Svartdal, Frode; Pfuhl, Gerit; Nordby, Kent; Foschi, Gioel; Klingsieck, Katrin; Rozental, Alexander; Carlbring, Per; Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari; Rębkowska, Kaja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-31)
      Procrastination is a common problem, but defining and measuring it has been subject to some debate. This paper summarizes results from students and employees (N = 2893) in Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, and Sweden using the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) and the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS; Steel, 2010), both assumed to measure unidimensional and closely related constructs. ...
    • Women with coronary heart disease – making sense of their symptoms and their experiences from interacting with their general practitioners 

      Gundersen, Agnes Erika Berg; Sørlie, Tore; Bergvik, Svein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-01)
      Cardiovascular disease and particularly coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among women and men worldwide. CHD in women, and their symptoms and treatment trajectory are not well understood. Studies indicate gender-related differences in symptom presentation, comorbidity, help-seeking behavior, and the quality of diagnostics and treatment of CHD. Although the incidence ...
    • Global cortical thinning in acute anorexia nervosa normalizes following long-term weight restoration 

      King, Joseph A; Geisler, Daniel; Rischel, Franziska; Schober, Ilka; Seidel, Maria; Roschinski, Benjamin; Soltwedel, Laura; Zwipp, Johannes; Pfuhl, Gerit; Marxen, Michael; Roessner, Veit; Ehrlich, Stefan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-09-22)
      <b>Background:</b> Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious eating disorder characterized by selfstarvation, extreme weight loss and alterations in brain structure. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) studies have documented brain volume reductions in acute AN, but it is unclear whether they are 1) regionally-specific or 2) reversible following weight restoration. Here, we measured cortical ...
    • Relationships between learning approach, procrastination and academic achievement amongst first-year university students 

      Sæle, Rannveig Grøm; Dahl, Tove Irene; Sørlie, Tore; Friborg, Oddgeir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-22)
      Individual differences in student learning influence academic performance, and two aspects influencing the learning process are the particular learning approach the students use and procrastination behaviour. We examined the relationships between learning approaches, procrastination and academic achievement (measured 1 year later as the grade point average (GPA)) amongst 428 first-year university ...
    • Glemt det? Husk det! 

      Gorecka, Marta Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2016)
      Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om hukommelse.
    • Parent-Endorsed Sex Differences in Toddlers with and Without ASD: Utilizing the M-CHAT 

      Øien, Roald A; Hart, Logan; Schjølberg, Synnve; Wall, Carla A.; Kim, Elizabeth S.; Nordahl-Hansen, Anders; Eisemann, Martin; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Volkmar, Fred R.; Shic, Frederick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-18)
      Sex differences in typical development can provide context for understanding ASD. It has been suggested that ASD could be considered an extreme expression of normal male, compared to female, phenotypic profiles. In this paper, sex-specific M-CHAT scores from N=53,728 18-month old toddlers, including n=185 (32 females) receiving an ASD diagnosis, were examined. Results suggest a nuanced view of the ...
    • Forstyrra i personligheten 

      Gorecka, Marta Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015)
      Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om personlighetsforstyrrelser.
    • Hvorfor er det så himla viktig med utdanning? 

      Sæle, Rannveig Grøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-03)
      Frafall fra utdanning er et hyppig debattert tema både i Norge og andre steder. Denne opptattheten av å redusere frafallet har blant annet bakgrunn i de mange positive konsekvensene utdanning har for helse, jobbstatus og økonomi. Statistikkene viser at flere gutter enn jenter slutter, og at frafallet er størst på yrkesfagene. Foreldres utdanningsnivå betyr mye for om elevene fullfører eller ikke. ...
    • The Clinical Effectiveness of Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Face-to-Face Therapist Support for Depressed Primary Care Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen; Lillevoll, Kjersti; Griffiths, Kathleen M; Wilsgaard, Tom; Eisemann, Martin; Waterloo, Knut; Kolstrup, Nils (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-05)
    • Where is the Child in Family Therapy Service After Family Violence? A Study from the Norwegian Family Protection Service 

      Flåm, Anna Margrete; Handegård, Bjørn Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-21)
      Extensive documentation on consequences of family violence laid the ground for a politically decided mandate for the Norwegian Family Protection Service (FPS) to prioritize families with children and violence. This study explores the practice of one of the country’s larger FPS offices following this mandate and its kick-off start. Data from all cases in 1 year with families with children and violence ...
    • Toward a model-based cognitive neuroscience of mind wandering 

      Hawkins, Guy; Mittner, Matthias; Boekel, W; Heathcote, A; Forstmann, Birte U (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-03)
      People often ‘‘mind wander” during everyday tasks, temporarily losing track of time, place, or current task goals. In laboratory-based tasks, mind wandering is often associated with performance decrements in behavioral variables and changes in neural recordings. Such empirical associations provide descriptive accounts of mind wandering – howit affects ongoing task performance – but fail to ...
    • The Impact of a Preoperative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) on Dysfunctional Eating Beahaviours, Affective Symptoms and Body Weight 1 Year after Bariatric Surgery: A Randomised Controlled Trial. 

      Gade, Hege; Friborg, Oddgeir; Rosenvinge, Jan H; Småstuen, Milada C; Hjelmesæth, Jøran (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-19)
      Background To examine whether a preoperative cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention exceeds usual care in the improvements of dysfunctional eating behaviours, mood, affective symptoms and body weight 1 year after bariatric surgery. <p>Methods This is a 1-year follow-up of a single centre parallelgroup randomised controlled trial ( show/NCT01403558). A ...
    • Simple ears - flexible behavior: Information processing in the moth auditory pathway 

      Pfuhl, Gerit; Kalinova, Blanka; Valterova, Irena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-03)
      Abstract Lepidoptera evolved tympanic ears in response to echolocating bats. Comparative studies have shown that moth ears evolved many times independently from chordotonal organs. With only 1 to 4 receptor cells, they are one of the simplest hearing organs. The small number of receptors does not imply simplicity, neither in behavior nor in the neural circuit. Behaviorally, the response to ...
    • Epidemiology of eating disorders part III: Social epidemiology and case definitions revisited. 

      Rosenvinge, Jan H; Pettersen, Gunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-09)
      The previous papers in this series outlined a historical panorama and presented updated knowledge about putative risk factors and how eating disorders are distributed in various populations. In this final paper, we discuss in what way comorbidity findings and transdiagnostic issues may change our conceptions about ‘an epidemiological case’ from the current definition of eating disorders based on the ...
    • Dealing with negative stereotypes in sports: The role of cognitive anxiety when multiple identities are activated in sensorimotor tasks 

      Martiny, Sarah E.; Gleibs, Ilka H.; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J.; Martiny-Huenger, Torsten; Froehlich, Laura; Harter, Anna-Lena; Roth, Jenny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-08)
      Based on research on stereotype threat and multiple identities, this work explores the beneficial effects of activating a positive social identity when a negative identity is salient on women’s performance in sports. Further, in line with research on the effects of anxiety in sports, we investigate whether the activation of a positive social identity buffers performance from cognitive anxiety ...
    • Predictors of Response to Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With High-Intensity Face-to-Face Therapist Guidance for Depression: A Bayesian Analysis 

      Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen; Mittner, Matthias; Lillevoll, Kjersti; Kvam Katla, Susanne; Kolstrup, nils; Eisemann, Martin; Friborg, Oddgeir; Waterloo, Knut (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-02-06)
      Background: Several studies have demonstrated the effect of guided Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) for depression. However, ICBT is not suitable for all depressed patients and there is a considerable level of nonresponse. Research on predictors and moderators of outcome in ICBT is inconclusive. Objective: This paper explored predictors of response to an intervention combining the ...
    • How can placebo effects best be applied in clinical practice? A narrative review 

      Bystad, Martin Kragnes; Bystad, Camilla; Wynn, Rolf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-29)
      Placebo effects are documented in a number of clinical and experimental studies. It is possible to benefit from placebo effects in clinical practice by using them as effects additive to those of documented and effective treatments. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how doctors and other health workers may benefit from placebo effects within an ethical framework. A narrative review of the ...
    • Violence affects physical and mental health differently: the general population based Tromsø study 

      Friborg, Oddgeir; Emaus, Nina; Rosenvinge, Jan H; Bilden, Unni; Olsen, Jan Abel; Pettersen, Gunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-08-28)
      This general population-based study examined associations between violence and mental health, musculoskeletal pain, and early disability pension. The prevalence and consequences of good vs. poor adjustment (resilience vs vulnerability) following encounters with violence were also examined. Data were based on the sixth wave of the “Tromsø Study” (N=12,981; 65.7% response rate, 53.4% women, M-age=57.5 ...
    • Silent or Vocalizing Rats Copulate in a Similar Manner 

      Ågmo, Anders j; Snoeren, Eelke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-03)
      Both male and female rats produce 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) in the presence of a sexual partner and during copulation. Previous studies showed that USVs have no incentive value for rats. In this study, we evaluated the role of USVs in behavior during copulation. Three groups of rats were used: sham males paired with sham females, devocalized females paired with sham males, and sham ...