Now showing items 481-500 of 965

    • Konsekvensutredning- verktøy for mer bærekraftig akvakultur 

      Andreassen, Otto; Robertsen, Roy; Hersoug, Bjørn; Holm, Petter (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2011-11-23)
      Konsekvensutredninger (KU) er et vanlig instrument i planlegging av større tiltak på land. Når det gjelder tiltak i sjøområdene er det mindre utbredt, selv om det siden 1997 har vært mulig for forvaltningen å kreve KU for «større akvakulturanlegg». Definisjonen av større oppdrettsanlegg er knyttet til en lokalitetsstørrelse på 3600 MTB, eller mer. Utviklingen innen akvakulturnæringen har medført ...
    • En mulighetsstudie for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett 

      Winther, Ulf; Prestvik, Øyvind; Ulgenes, Yngve; Heide, Mats Augdal; Nilssen, Frode; Haug, Lise; Uhlig, Christian; Jensen, Hallvard; Siikavuopio, Sten Ivar; Sæther, Bjørn-Steinar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2010-06-29)
      SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk har sammen med Bioforsk Nord og Nofuna Marked gjennomført en vurdering av mulighetene for økt vekst innen innlandsoppdrett i Norge. Følgende arter er vurdert: Røye, ørret, sik, regnbueørret, gjørs, abbor og lake. Studien gir en oversikt over innlandsoppdrett i Norge og i andre nordiske land. Mulighetene for utvikling av en innlandsoppdrettsnæring i Norge er ellers vurdert ...
    • A broad-host-range event detector: expanding and quantifying performance between Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas species 

      Khan, Nymul; Yeung, Enoch; Farris, Yuliya; Fansler, Sarah J.; Bernstein, Hans C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-24)
      Modern microbial biodesign relies on the principle that well-characterized genetic parts can be reused and reconfigured for different functions. However, this paradigm has only been successful in a limited set of hosts, mostly comprised from common lab strains of <i>Escherichia coli</i>. It is clear that new applications such as chemical sensing and event logging in complex environments will benefit ...
    • Oxidant-induced modifications in the mucosal transcriptome and circulating metabolome of Atlantic salmon 

      Lazado, Carlo C.; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Kirste, Katrine H.; Soleng, Malene; Breiland, Mette Serine Wesmajervi; Timmerhaus, Gerrit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-06)
      Here we report the molecular networks associated with the mucosal and systemic responses to peracetic acid (PAA), a candidate oxidative chemotherapeutic in Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>). Smolts were exposed to different therapeutic doses (0, 0.6 and 2.4 mg/L) of PAA for 5 min, followed by a re-exposure to the same concentrations for 30 min 2 weeks later. PAA-exposed groups have higher external ...
    • Prosessering av sjømat – Endring i næringsinnhold, biotilgjengelighet og helseeffekter 

      Larsen, Rune; Stormo, Svein Kristian; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik; Mæhre, Hanne K; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Østerud, Bjarne; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2010-11-29)
      Rapporten oppsummerer hvordan prosessering kan påvirke innholdet av næringsstoffer i sjømat, samt hvordan biotilgjengeligheten til ulike stoffer kan endres som følge av prosessbetingelsene. I tillegg er det kort redegjort for vitenskapelig status på helseeffektene av sjømatkonsum, samt hvilke ernæringsmessige faktorer som gjør sjømat til et særegent næringsmiddel. Økt prosesseringsgrad av sjømat ...
    • Effect of gear design on catch damage on cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea demersal trawl fishery 

      Brinkhof, Jesse; Herrmann, Bent; Sistiaga, Manu; Larsen, Roger B.; Jacques, Nadine; Gjøsund, Svein Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-18)
      Damage incurred during the catch process is an indicator of the overall quality of fish and fish welfare. Because catch quality is difficult to improve once it has deteriorated, it is important to preserve quality during the catch process. Atlantic cod (<i>Gadus morhua</i>) is the most important species in the Barents Sea bottom trawl fishery. Bottom trawling is a non-benign fishing method, and it ...
    • Spatial and temporal distributions in the Norwegian cod fishery 

      Ashrafi, Tannaz Alizadeh; Eide, Arne; Hermansen, Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-25)
      Fisheries are characterized by variations in space and time. This study investigates the characteristics of seasonality in cod trawl fisheries in two distinct areas: the coast along the northern Norway and the high sea area of the Barents Sea. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) is used to proxy variation in stock abundance. A CPUE function has been estimated in the frequency‐domain framework, to detect ...
    • Shark discards in selective and mixed-species pelagic longline fisheries 

      Jordaan, Gareth L.; Santos, Jorge; Groeneveld, Johan C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-31)
      The conservation status of several pelagic shark species is considered vulnerable with declining populations, yet data on shark fishing mortality remain limited for large ocean regions. Pelagic sharks are increasingly retained by mixed-species fisheries, or are discarded and not reported by selective fisheries for tunas (<i>Thunnus</i> spp.) or swordfish (<i>Xiphias gladius</i>). We estimated the ...
    • Bioeconomic Modelling of Coastal Cod and Kelp Forest Interactions: Co-benefits of Habitat Services, Fisheries and Carbon Sinks 

      Vondolia, Godwin K; Chen, Wenting; Armstrong, Claire W.; Norling, Magnus D (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-26)
      Ecosystem-based fisheries management seeks to expand upon the traditional one-stock fisheries management measures by internalizing the effects of fishing on marine ecosystems, and accounting for biological interactions among marine resources. The fact that marine resources provide multiple, often competing benefits, makes the accomplishment of these ecosystem-based fisheries management objectives ...
    • Size selectivity and catch efficiency of bottom trawl with a double sorting grid and diamond mesh codend in the North-east Atlantic gadoid fishery 

      Brinkhof, Jesse; Larsen, Roger B.; Herrmann, Bent; Sistiaga, Manu (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-28)
      This study investigated the size selectivity and catch efficiency in the North-east Atlantic demersal trawl fishery targeting cod (<i>Gadus morhua</i>) and haddock (<i>Melanogrammus aeglefinus</i>). The use of a sorting grid followed by a size selective codend is compulsory in this fishery. Experimental fishing was conducted with a commercially rigged trawl, flexigrid section, and diamond-mesh codend. ...
    • Antimicrobial activity of small synthetic peptides based on the marine peptide turgencin A: Prediction of antimicrobial peptide sequences in a natural peptide and strategy for optimization of potency 

      Hansen, Ida Kristine Østnes; Lövdahl, Tomas; Simonovic, Danijela; Østnes Hansen, Kine; Andersen, Aaron John Christian; Devold, hege; Richard, Céline Sarah Marine; Andersen, Jeanette Hammer; Strøm, Morten B.; Haug, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-30)
      Turgencin A, a potent antimicrobial peptide isolated from the Arctic sea squirt <i>Synoicum turgens</i>, consists of 36 amino acid residues and three disulfide bridges, making it challenging to synthesize. The aim of the present study was to develop a truncated peptide with an antimicrobial drug lead potential based on turgencin A. The experiments consisted of: (1) sequence analysis and prediction ...
    • Dissemination of Piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) during the Early and Regenerating Phases of Infection 

      Dhamotharan, Kannimuthu; Bjørgen, Håvard; Malik, Muhammad Salman; Nyman, Ingvild Berg; Markussen, Turhan Ali Dadasbilge; Dahle, Maria; Koppang, Erling Olaf; Wessel, Øystein; Rimstad, Espen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-20)
      <i>Piscine orthoreovirus-1</i> (PRV-1) can cause heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) in farmed Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>), but the line of events from infection, pathologic change, and regeneration has not been thoroughly described. In this study, the cellular localization and variation of PRV-1 RNA and protein levels were analyzed at different times post-exposure in experimentally ...
    • The Geopolitics of Fish in the Arctic 

      Hoel, Alf Håkon (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      Climate change and declining sea-ice in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) has brought concerns that fish stocks may expand into the high Arctic. While the sub-Arctic seas of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic have abundant fish resources subject to major commercial fisheries for generations, the CAO has little or none. Concerns that fish stocks could expand into the CAO provided the impetus for ...
    • Profit and Resource Rent in Fisheries 

      Flaaten, Ola; Matthiasson, Thorolfur (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-19)
      The difference between the concepts of profit and rent are discussed theoretically and by using aggregated data from the Icelandic and Norwegian fish harvesting industries. The former is a basic indicator for gauging the business performance of firms and industries, and the latter is important for the evaluation of the economic welfare contribution of resources and industries. The importance of ...
    • Testing a size sorting grid in the brown shrimp (Crangon Crangon Linnaeus, 1758) beam trawl fishery 

      Veiga-Malta, Tiago; Feekings, J.P.; Frandsen, R.P.; Herrmann, Bent; Krag, L.A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020-08-12)
      The North Sea brown shrimp (<i>Crangon crangon</i> Linnaeus, 1758) fishery became Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified in 2017. As part of the certification, the fishermen proposed to incrementally increase the mesh size of the codend used from 22 mm to 26 mm. As this increase in mesh size could result in a substantial loss of marketable sized brown shrimp (shrimp with total length equal or ...
    • Assessments and their status in international law 

      Sander, Gunnar (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020-03)
      The workshop addressed the issue of "environmental impact assessments" in the new implementation agreement under the law of the sea convention on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ. This was the opening presentation. The purpose was to give a brief overview of different types of assessments and their status in international law. I also made several comments to the negotiations. At the ...
    • Bioactivity of Serratiochelin A, a Siderophore Isolated from a Co-Culture of Serratia sp. and Shewanella sp. 

      Schneider, Yannik Karl-Heinz; Jenssen, Marte; Isaksson, Johan; Østnes Hansen, Kine; Andersen, Jeanette Hammer; Hansen, Espen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-14)
      Siderophores are compounds with high affinity for ferric iron. Bacteria produce these compounds to acquire iron in iron-limiting conditions. Iron is one of the most abundant metals on earth, and its presence is necessary for many vital life processes. Bacteria from the genus <i>Serratia</i> contribute to the iron respiration in their environments, and previously several siderophores have been isolated ...
    • Towards enhancing trustworthiness of socially interactive and culture aware robots 

      Borit, Melania; Vanhée, Loïs; Olsen, Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2014-05-05)
      Building fine-tuned socially believable autonomous agents interacting with humans in virtual environments is an important aspect of agent design, as humans are influenced more by virtual agents with a high degree of behavioral realism. However, modeling complex psychological processes such as the trust-building between humans and culturallyadaptable agents in a realistic manner is not a trivial task. ...
    • Playing with the Past to Understand the Present: The potential of using Nusfjord (2017) to Teach About the Complexity of Fisheries as SocioEcological Systems 

      Weines, Jørn; Borit, Melania (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-10-17)
      Games are vehicles that transport their players between different realties (Peters & Westelaken 2014). By doing this, they have the potential to provide many different benefits for their players, such as relaxation, excitement, social interaction, and learning. Higher education is increasingly trying to capitalize on this potential and many teachers now make use of different forms of game-based learning ...
    • Computational Models That Matter During a Global Pandemic Outbreak: A Call to Action 

      Squazzoni, Flaminio; Polhill, J. Gareth; Edmonds, Bruce; Ahrweiler, Petra; Antosz, Patrycja; Scholz, Geeske; Chappin, Émile; Borit, Melania; Verhagen, Harko; Giardini, Francesca; Gilbert, Nigel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-31)
      The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a dramatic loss of lives worldwide, challenging the sustainability of our health care systems, threatening economic meltdown, and putting pressure on the mental health of individuals (due to social distancing and lock-down measures). The pandemic is also posing severe challenges to the scientific community, with scholars under pressure to respond to policymakers’ ...