Now showing items 521-540 of 965

    • Isolation and Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides with Unusual Disulfide Connectivity from the Colonial Ascidian Synoicum turgens 

      Hansen, Ida Kristine Østnes; Isaksson, Johan; Poth, Aaron G.; Østnes Hansen, Kine; Andersen, Aaron John Christian; Richard, Céline Sarah Marine; Blencke, Hans-Matti; Stensvåg, Klara; Craik, David J.; Haug, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-12)
      This study reports the isolation of two novel cysteine-rich antibacterial peptides, turgencin A and turgencin B, along with their oxidized derivatives, from the Arctic marine colonial ascidian <i>Synoicum turgens</i>. The peptides are post-translationally modified, containing six cysteines with an unusual disulfide connectivity of Cys<sup>1</i>-Cys<sup>6</sup>, Cys<sup>2</sup>-Cys<sup>5</sup>, and ...
    • Hurtig metode for å estimere buksprenging i pelagisk fisk ombord 

      Slizyte, Rasa; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Martinez, Iciar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2013)
      Buksprenging er en kvalitetsforringende prosess hvor bukområdet hos fisken brytes ned post mortem. Denne rapporten oppsummerer arbeidet med utviklingen av en anvendelig hurtigtest for å estimere enzymlekkasje som forårsaker buksprenging i pelagiske fiskearter. Måleutstyret er kommersielt tilgjengelig og krever lite opplæring før bruk. Metoden er brukervennlig og gir en objektiv vurdering av ...
    • Mikroalger i fôr, ny løsning for å redusere lusepåslag på laks – Faglig sluttrapport 

      Hustad, Anette; Vang, Birthe; Eilertsen, Hans Christian; Siikavuopio, Sten Ivar; Sæther, Bjørn-Steinar; Svalheim, Ragnhild Aven; Hansen, Espen Holst; Svenning, Jon Brage; Kousoulaki, Katerina; Whitaker, Ragnhild (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020-05)
      I dette prosjektet har vi testet ut en hypotese om at ved å erstatte vegetabilske oljer i fôr til oppdrettslaks med marine oljer, vil man kunne redusere lusepåslag hos laks. Vi har fôret laks med fire ulike fôr, der proteininnholdet er det samme, men oljen er variert. De ulike fôrene vi brukte var kontrollfôr som var standardfôr med vegetabilsk olje, og tre ulike testfôr der vegetabilsk olje ble ...
    • Kvalitetsoppfatning av saltfisk – Vurderer Norge og Spania kvalitet på saltfisk etter de samme kriterier? 

      Hansen, Kristin Beate; Nøstvold, Bjørg Helen; Joensen, Sjúrður; Esaiassen, Margrethe (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020-01)
      Spania har en lang tradisjon for konsum av saltfisk, og de kan velge fisk produsert i flere land og med flere produksjons-metoder. Island har vært markedsleder siden 90-årene, og både Island og Færøyene oppnår høyere kilopris enn Norge i det spanske saltfiskmarkedet. Det ble gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse og en kvalitetsvurdering av 50 saltfisk med utvalgte norske saltfisk-produsenter og spanske ...
    • Probiotics in shellfish aquaculture 

      Ringø, Einar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-09)
      The shellfish aquaculture industry has dramatically developed during the last two decades. However, this development has, in some cases, resulted in environmental degradation, emergence of diseases and low productivity. The need for improving disease resistance, growth performance, feed efficiency, and safe aquatic production for human consumption has stimulated development and applications of ...
    • Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial peptides with unusual disulfide connectivity from the colonial ascidian Synoicum turgens 

      Hansen, Ida Kristine Østnes; Isaksson, Johan; Poth, Aaron G.; Østnes Hansen, Kine; Andersen, Aaron John Christian; Richard, Céline Sarah Marine; Blencke, Hans-Matti; Stensvåg, Klara; Craik, David J.; Haug, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-12)
      This study reports the isolation of two novel cysteine-rich antibacterial peptides, turgencin A and turgencin B, along with their oxidized derivatives, from the Arctic marine colonial ascidian <i>Synoicum turgens</i>. The peptides are post-translationally modified, containing six cysteines with an unusual disulfide connectivity of Cys<sup>1</sup>-Cys<sup>6</sup>, Cys<sup>2</sup>-Cys<sup>5</sup>, and ...
    • Production of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) in RAS with distinct water treatments: Effects on fish survival, growth, gill health and microbial communities in rearing water and biofilm 

      Dahle, Stine Veronica Wiborg; Bakke, Ingrid; Birkeland, Mari; Nordøy, Kristian; Dalum, Alf Seljenes; Attramadal, Kari Johanne Kihle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-08)
      Lumpfish (<i>Cyclopterus lumpus</i> L.) in Norway is currently produced in traditional flow-through systems (FTS). Hatcheries frequently show signs of bacterial infections, unstable microbial communities in the rearing water and varying mortality. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is proposed to create stable and healthy microbial environments, with less probabilities for blooming of opportunistic ...
    • Alt på land 

      Svorken, Marianne; Høgstad, Maria Alfredsen; Esaiassen, Margrethe; Nøstvold, Bjørg Helen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-31)
      Mye av restråstoffet som oppstår om bord på norske torsketrålere blir ikke ført til land. I denne artik-kelen drøfter vi hvorfor fartøy i akkurat denne gruppen ikke utnytter restråstoffet bedre. Gjennom en kvalitativ tilnærming supplert med tallanalyser fra landingsstatistikken diskuteres mulige forklarings-variabler og løsninger. Våre resultater viser at ivaretakelse av restråstoff forbindes med ...
    • Using mathematical modelling to investigate the adaptive divergence of whitefish in Fennoscandia 

      Thibert-Plante, Xavier; Præbel, Kim; Østbye, Kjartan; Kahilainen, Kimmo Kalevi; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Gavrilets, Sergey (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-30)
      Modern speciation theory has greatly benefited from a variety of simple mathematical models focusing on the conditions and patterns of speciation and diversification in the presence of gene flow. Unfortunately the application of general theoretical concepts and tools to specific ecological systems remains a challenge. Here we apply modeling tools to better understand adaptive divergence of whitefish ...
    • Fishing for mammals: Landscape‐level monitoring of terrestrial and semi‐aquatic communities using eDNA from riverine systems 

      Sales, Naiara Guimaraes; McKenzie, Maisie B.; Drake, Joseph; Harper, Lynsey R.; Browett, Samuel S.; Coscia, Ilaria; Wangensteen Fuentes, Owen Simon; Baillie, Charles; Bryce, Emma; Dawson, Deborah A.; Ochu, Erinma; Hänfling, Bernd; Lawson Handley, Lori; Mariani, Stefano; Lambin, Xavier; Sutherland, Christopher; McDevitt, Allan D (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-10)
      1: Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has revolutionized biomonitoring in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. However, for semi‐aquatic and terrestrial animals, the application of this technique remains relatively untested.<p> <p>2: We first assess the efficiency of eDNA metabarcoding in detecting semi‐aquatic and terrestrial mammals in natural lotic ecosystems in the UK by comparing ...
    • DNA Metabarcoding of Deep-Sea Sediment Communities Using COI: Community Assessment, Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Comparison with 18S rDNA 

      Atienza, Sara; Guardiola, Magdalena; Præbel, Kim; Antich, Adrià; Turon, Xavier; Wangensteen Fuentes, Owen Simon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-26)
      Among the complex ecosystems and habitats that form the deep sea, submarine canyons and open slope systems are regarded as potential hotspots of biodiversity. We assessed the spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity in sediment communities of a NW Mediterranean Canyon and its adjacent open slope (Blanes Canyon) with DNA metabarcoding. We sampled three layers of sediment and four different depths ...
    • Probiotics, lactic acid bacteria and bacilli: interesting supplementation for aquaculture 

      Ringø, Einar; Van Doan, Hien; Lee, SH; Soltani, Mehdi; Hoseinifar, Seyed Hossein; Harikrishnan, R; Song, SK (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-05)
      Probiotics administration in aquafeed is known to increase feed consumption and absorption due to their capacity to release a wide range of digestive enzymes and nutrients which can participate in digestion process and feed utilization, along with the absorption of diet components led to an increase in host’s health and well‐being. Furthermore, probiotics improve gut maturation, prevention of ...
    • Distinct Host–Mycobacterial Pathogen Interactions between Resistant Adult and Tolerant Tadpole Life Stages of Xenopus laevis 

      Rhoo, Kun Hyoe; Edholm, Eva-Stina Isabella; Forzan, Maria J; Khan, Adil Mahboob; Waddle, Anthony W; Pavelka, Martin S; Robert, Jacques (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-11-15)
      <i>Mycobacterium marinum</i> is a promiscuous pathogen infecting many vertebrates, including humans, whose persistent infections are problematic for aquaculture and public health. Among unsettled aspects of host–pathogen interactions, the respective roles of conventional and innate-like T (iT) cells in host defenses against <i>M. marinum</i> remain unclear. In this study, we developed an infection ...
    • Studies on the antibody response and side effects after intramuscular and intraperitoneal injection of Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) with different oil-based vaccines 

      Erkinharju, Toni; Lundberg, Martin, Rønbeck; Isdal, Eivind; Hordvik, Ivar; Dalmo, Roy Ambli; Seternes, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-26)
      Atlantic lumpfish (<i>Cyclopterus lumpus</i> L.) is used as a biological delousing agent for sea lice (<i>Lepeophtheirus salmonis</i> K.) infestations in Norwegian aquaculture. Here, we present a study on the antibody response and vaccine side effects after intramuscular and intraperitoneal injection of lumpfish with two vaccines. Both vaccines contained bacterial antigens from atypical <i>Aeromonas ...
    • Lysophosphatidylcholines and Chlorophyll-Derived Molecules from the Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium with Anti-Inflammatory Activity 

      Lauritano, Chiara; Helland, Kirsti; Riccio, Gennaro; Andersen, Jeanette Hammer; Ianora, Adrianna; Hansen, Espen Holst (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-17)
      Microalgae have been shown to be excellent producers of lipids, pigments, carbohydrates, and a plethora of secondary metabolites with possible applications in the pharmacological, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical sectors. Recently, various microalgal raw extracts have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, we performed the fractionation of raw extracts of the diatom ...
    • Tourism in marine protected areas: Can it be considered as an alternative livelihood for local communities? 

      Pham, Thi Thanh Thuy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-03)
      The promotion of tourism has been considered to be a key strategy in reducing people's dependence on marine resources and for creating alternative livelihoods for the communities living in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This paper studies the determinants for the decision of participation in tourism-related activities and examines whether tourism could be regarded as an alternative livelihood for ...
    • Evaluation of open- and closed-eyed entrances on retention and escape of invasive swimming crabs and associated fauna from pots in their native range 

      Vazquez-Archdale, Miguel; Santos, Jorge; Watariguchi, Fukunori (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-29)
      Fishing trials targeting several invasive swimming crab species in their native habitat were undertaken using two types of collapsible pot, one with open-eyed entrances and the other with closed-eyed entrances, to analyse differences in catch retention between them. The open-eyed pot was dome-shaped with two funnel entrances located at opposite ends, whereas the closed-eyed pot had two soft sleeves ...
    • The role of marine mammals in the Barents Sea foodweb 

      Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Primicerio, Paul; Frainer, Andrè; Kortsch, Susanne; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Aschan, Michaela (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-26)
      Marine mammals are important players in the Barents Sea ecosystem but their structural role in the foodweb has been little explored. We compare foodweb-related characteristics within and between phylogenetic groups for 19 marine mammals. As a group, they directly connect to the most central species (i.e cod and haddock) in the Barents Sea (i.e. cod and haddock) and consume over half of the available ...
    • Genetic population structure and variation at phenology‐related loci in anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) 

      Madsen, Rikke; Jacobsen, Magnus W; O´Malley, Kathleen G; Nygaard, Rasmus; Præbel, Kim; Jonsson, Bjarni; Pujolar, Jose M; Fraser, Dylan J; Bernatchez, Louis; Hansen, Michael M (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-03)
      The Arctic will be especially affected by climate change, resulting in altered seasonal timing. Anadromous Arctic char (<i>Salvelinus alpinus</i>) is strongly influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) delimiting time periods available for foraging in the sea. Recent studies of salmonid species have shown variation at phenology‐related loci associated with timing of migration and spawning. We ...
    • Structure dependent determination of organophosphate targets in mammalian tissues using activity-based protein profiling 

      Linn, Vivian S; Volk, Regan F; DeLeon, Adrian J; Anderson, Lindsey N; Purvine, Samuel Owen; Shukla, Anil K; Bernstein, Hans Christopher; Smith, Jordan N; Wright, Aaron T (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-24)
      Acute and chronic exposure to organophosphates (OPs), including agricultural pesticides, industrial chemicals, and chemical warfare agents, remain a significant worldwide health risk. The mechanisms by which OPs alter development and cognition in exposed individuals remain poorly understood, in part due to the large number of structurally diverse OPs and the wide range of affected proteins and ...