Now showing items 121-140 of 552

    • Geospatial Data on Parade: The Results and Implications of GIS Analysis of Remote Sensing and Archaeological Excavation Data at Fort York’s Central Parade Ground 

      Venovcevs, Anatolijs; Williams, Blake; Dunlop, John; Kellogg, Daniel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This article presents a case study on the application of geographical information systems (GIS) in the context of military archaeology at the Fort York National Historic Site (AjGu-26) in Toronto, Ontario. By employing GIS to amalgamate data from historic mapping, ground penetrating radar, LiDAR, and 30 years of archaeological investigation, the authors reconstruct the historic landscape at the ...
    • Nominativnye istochniki v kontekste vsemirnoy istorii perepisey: Rossiya i Zapad [Nominative Sources in the Context of the World History of Censuses: Russia and the West]. 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The article presents an original, comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the civil registration system in the world, based on wide empirical materials. The emphasis is on how information about the population in the Western countries and Russia has traditionally been collected. The development of the methods for taking the earliest censuses; the transition from numeric to nominative censuses and ...
    • Why are population growth rate estimates of past and present hunter–gatherers so different? 

      Tallavaara, Miikka; Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-30)
      Hunter–gatherer population growth rate estimates extracted from archaeological proxies and ethnographic data show remarkable differences, as archaeological estimates are orders of magnitude smaller than ethnographic and historical estimates. This could imply that prehistoric hunter–gatherers were demographically different from recent hunter–gatherers. However, we show that the resolution of ...
    • Смертность православного взрослого населения Екатеринбурга в конце XIX — начале XX в. (Mortality of the Orthodox Adult Population in Ekaterinburg during the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries). 

      Glavatskaya, Elena Mikhailovna; Bakharev, Dmitry Sergeevich; Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Traditionally, studies of historical mortality have focused on the national, regional, or local levels. Currently, the creation of individual level databases has made it possible to study mortality at the individual and family levels, also following people over generations. However, this research rarely considered non-family relations; at the same time, rapid urbanisation during the late nineteenth ...
    • When Defense Is Not Enough: On Things, Archaeological Theory, and the Politics of Misrepresentation 

      Olsen, Bjørnar Julius; Witmore, Christopher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-19)
      This article responds to a growing tide of critique targeting select new materialist and object-oriented approaches in archaeology. Here we take a stand against this critical discourse not so much to counter actual and legitimate differences in how we conceive of archaeology and its role, but to target the exaggerations, excesses, and errors by which it increasingly is articulated and which restrict ...
    • Buried in between: Re-interpreting the Skjoldehamn Medieval Bog Burial of Arctic Norway 

      Svestad, Asgeir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-17)
      THE 11TH-CENTURY SKJOLDEHAMN GRAVE is a remarkable accidental find, discovered in a bog in coastal Arctic Norway in 1936. The grave consisted of a fully clothed skeleton wrapped in a wool blanket, lashed with leather straps and tin ring-ornamented woven bands. The body was laid on a reindeer pelt, which in turn was placed on sticks of birch. Finally, the body was covered with birch bark, and potentially ...
    • 'The good economy': a conceptual and empirical move for investigating how economies and versions of the good are entangled 

      Asdal, Kristin; Cointe, Béatrice; Hobæk, Bård; Reinertsen, Hilde; Huse, Tone; Morsman, Silje Rebecca; Måløy, Tommas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-20)
      Across Europe and the OECD, the bioeconomy is promoted as that which will succeed the carbon economy: an economy based in ‘the bio’ that will be innovative, sustainable, responsible and environmentally friendly. Yet how to critically approach an economy justifed not only by its accumulative potentials but also its ability to do and be good? This paper suggests the concept of ‘the good economy’ ...
    • "Det moderne gjennombrotet" i lærarskulen. Ibsen-lesing hjå Tromsø-seminaristar 

      Fulsås, Narve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-10)
      I motsetning til den utbreidde oppfatninga om at «det moderne gjennombrotet» i den skandinaviske litteraturen møtte motstand og fiendskap, syner opplagstal at Henrik Ibsens <i>Et dukkehjem</i> (1879), eit av dei sentrale gjennombrotsverka, blei hans største salssuksess, og at boka nådde nye grupper av lesarar. Eit rikt materiale frå lærarutdanninga i Tromsø gjer det mogleg å følgje Ibsen-lesinga der ...
    • Lessons Learned Developing and Using a Machine Learning Model to Automatically Transcribe 2.3 Million Handwritten Occupation Codes 

      Pedersen, Bjørn-Richard; Holsbø, Einar; Andersen, Trygve; Shvetsov, Nikita; Ravn, Johan; Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny; Bongo, Lars Ailo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-06)
      Machine learning approaches achieve high accuracy for text recognition and are therefore increasingly used for the transcription of handwritten historical sources. However, using machine learning in production requires a streamlined end-to-end pipeline that scales to the dataset size and a model that achieves high accuracy with few manual transcriptions. The correctness of the model results must ...
    • Born Dead or Alive? Revisiting the Definition of Stillbirths in Norway 

      Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-31)
      Since 1947 there has been a common understanding among Norwegian historians and demographers that stillbirths registered in the country prior to 1839 included infants who were born alive but died within 24 hours. This paper shows that a revision of this definition is necessary. During the first half of the 19th century, several memoranda, revisions and circulars were distributed by the Danish-Norwegian ...
    • Fogder på Færøyene ca. 1520–1556 

      Grohse, Ian Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-30)
      Et sentralt spørsmål i forskning om norsk lensvesen er når og hvorvidt stedlige lensforvaltere, fogder, ble omvandlet fra lensherretjenere til kongelige embetsmenn. Selv om det har vært noe debatt om akkurat når prosessen ble sluttført, er historikere stort sett enige om at den begynte først etter reformasjonen og skjøt fart mot slutten av 1500-tallet. Spørsmålet er likeså relevant for studiet av ...
    • Vardø i middelalder – fiskevær, by eller strategisk utpost? Vardøs rolle undersøkt gjennom middelalderkeramikk 

      Lahti, Martine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-01)
      Hovedproblemstillingen i denne oppgaven var å prøve å konstatere om Vardø var en by under middelalderen. I et forsøk på å finne svar på Vardøs status har jeg analysert, kategorisert og fotografert 1587 keramikkskår fra utgravningene til Arkeolog Povl Simonsen i 1955 og 1958. Keramikken viste lite spor av middelalderaktivitet i Vardøs bygrunn, men heller en økning av nyere keramikktyper fra 1550-tallet. ...
    • Mesolithic Pyrotechnology: Practices and Perceptions in Early Holocene Coastal Norway 

      Damm, Charlotte Brysting (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-01)
      Substantial pyrotechnological structures and large quantities of charcoal are rarely found on Early Holocene sites in coastal Norway. Nevertheless, information on the use of fire and fuel types is available and presented in this article, a survey of sites dating from 10,000 to 8000 uncal BP. Possible fuel types and preferences are discussed and it is argued that most fires would have been small and ...
    • Peopling Prehistoric Coastlines: Identifying Mid-Holocene Forager Settlement Strategies in Northern Norway 

      Damm, Charlotte; Jordan, Peter D.; Skandfer, Marianne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-08)
      In circumpolar regions, coastlines offer rich constellations of diverse resources and have long been a focus of human habitation. Despite the rich archaeological records that are located along many northern coastlines, there is a relatively limited understanding of the range of factors that informed local settlement strategies. Northern Norway has one of the world’s longest and best-preserved ...
    • Immanent og økonomisk trinitet i Jürgen Moltmanns og Catherine Mowry LaCugnas teologi. En analyse av to tolkninger av Karl Rahners «tese» 

      Lahnor, Barbara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-10-31)
      Oppgaven undersøker, hvordan Jürgen Moltmanns og Catherine Mowry LaCugnas treenighetslære forholder seg til Karl Rahners tese «Den immanente triniteten er den økonomiske triniteten og omvendt.» Tesen har i det 20. århundre fått mye oppmerksomhet og kan anses som toneangivende for en «renessanse» av treenighetslæren. Rahner har med dette slått fast at Gud, slik vi møter ham i frelseshistorien er den ...
    • The Gendering of Infectious Disease: Classifying Male and Female Causes of Death in the Netherlands and Norway, 1880–1910 

      Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny; Walhout, Evelien (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-25)
      This article explores sex and gender patterns in mortality, based on individual-level causes of death (CODs) in two urban communities, obtained from civil and parish registers. By analysing CODs for the period 1880–1910 for Roosendaal (Netherlands) and Trondheim (Norway) we investigate how notions of sex and gender were reflected in cause-specific mortality rates for adults and in the registration ...
    • The destinies of German-Born people in Russia at the turn of the millennium 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-29)
      This article studies the stories of Russian citizens who were born in Germany but reside in Russia. Most of them had relocated to Russia as a result of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Germany after 1990. Analysing individual data from the 2002 and 2010 censuses, the author traces the lives of children born into the families of Soviet military men based in East Germany after World War II. Over ...
    • Åse tunanlegg i tid og rom. Tunanlegget i lys av tingsted-hypotesen 

      Ijtsma, Dorothée Helena (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-11-08)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg tunanlegg i lys av tingsted-hypotesen, med et særfokus på den sosio-politiske konteksten til tunanlegget på Åse (Andøy kommune, Nordland). I oppgaven settes de nordnorske tunanleggene i en kontekstuell ramme, og Tingets plass i et lagdelt samfunn diskuteres. I denne diskusjonen står sosio-politiske endringer sentralt. Tinginstitusjonen bandt mennesker sammen i et sosialt, ...
    • Sikkerhetspolitisk minnediplomati: Opprettelsen av Frigjøringsmonumentet i Kirkenes 1945-1952 

      Markussen, Joakim Aalmen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-25)
      A few kilometers from the border with Russia, in the town of Kirkenes in the easternmost corner of Northern Norway, there stands a bronze statue of a Soviet soldier looking out over the borderland. The Soviet Liberation Monument, as the statue is called, was unveiled in 1952 by the Norwegian authorities, in gratitude for the Soviet liberation of the East Finnmark area in 1944. The statue has served ...
    • Beroligelses- og avskjermingsaspektet i støpeskjeen? Utviklingen av de selvpålagte restriksjonene innen norsk forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitikk 1970–1999 

      Dramstad, Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-31)
      Temaet for denne masteravhandlingen er anvendelse, utvikling og tilpasninger/justeringer av de selvpålagte restriksjonene på alliert/utenlandsk militær virksomhet på norsk territorium i fredstid. Oppgaven strekker seg gjennom andre halvdel av den kalde krigen fra ca. 1970 og frem til rundt årtusenskiftet, da revisjonene hadde funnet en ny forankring. Avslutningen av den kalde krigens bipolare ...