Now showing items 241-260 of 552

    • Bokmelding. Knut Dørum og Eirin Holberg: Frå høvdingdøme til statsmakt i Noreg ca. 200–1350 

      Spangen, Marte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-21)
    • Introduction: Intergenerational Transmissions of Infant Mortality using the Intermediate Data Structure (IDS) 

      Quaranta, Luciana; Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-20)
      It has previously been shown that infant mortality clusters in a subset of families, a phenomenon which was observed in historical populations as well as contemporary developing countries. A transmission of death clustering across generations has also been shown in Belgium, but it is unknown whether such effects are specific to the studied context or are also found in other areas. The current article ...
    • Contrasting patterns of prehistoric human diet and subsistence in northernmost Europe 

      Pääkkönen, Mirva; Blauer, Auli; Olsen, Bjørnar Julius; Evershed, Richard P.; Asplund, Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-18)
      Current archaeological evidence indicates the transition from hunting-fishing-gathering to agriculture in Northern Europe was a gradual process. This transition was especially complex in the prehistoric North Fennoscandian landscape where the high latitude posed a challenge to both domestic animal breeding and cereal cultivation. The conditions varied, the coastal dwellers had access to rich marine ...
    • Læstadianismens Jerusalem: Om konstruksjoner av hellige steder 

      Kristiansen, Roald E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The article examines the early ecclesiology of the Firstborn Laestadians in Northern Sweden and Norway where the geographical concept of “Lappland” (lappmark) became a significant term for the Laestadian congregations. The meaning of this term is interpreted in light of the Laestadians’ reading of the Bible in which the image of the biblical Jerusalem as the center for early Christianity is related ...
    • The Intergenerational Transfer of Infant Mortality in Northern Norway during the 19th and Early 20th Centuries 

      Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper is one of a series of five studying the intergenerational transfer of infant mortality down the maternal line. All five studies share the same theoretical and methodological design, and use data derived from a standard database format: the Intermediate Data Structure (IDS). The data for the research reported in this paper were derived from a longitudinal dataset covering the 19th and 20th ...
    • Emigrants in the Historical Population Register of Norway 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-12)
      Both the completed transcription of our emigration protocols, the construction of the national Historical Population Register, and other developments make an article about methods for studying emigration from Norway through the last couple of centuries topical. It starts by discussing the Norwegian and American source material where we can identify the emigrants’ absence from Norway. It in particular ...
    • Migration and the Historical Population Register of Norway 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar; Østrem, Nils Olav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-12)
      The Historical Population Register (HPR) of Norway gives rise to new research opportunities on a large array of topics spanning medicine, social sciences and humanities. This introductory article outlines the contents of the register, the periods it covers, and its use, particularly with respect to the study of geographic mobility. This article introduces the articles in this issue, which concentrate ...
    • In the wake of the wake. An investigation of the impact of the Storegga tsunami on the human settlement of inner Varangerfjord, northern Norway 

      Blankholm, Hans Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-02)
      The Storegga tsunami (8175-8120 cal. BP, Bondevik et al., 2012) has often been described as a catastrophe spelling major disaster and demographic decline for the people in the danger zone. More nuance is needed if we are to understand the effects. Most studies have had a supra-regional or regional character; less effort seems to have put into studies at the sub-regional level. The Norwegian coast, ...
    • Evolutionary theory on the move: New perspectives on evolution in the cognitive science of religion 

      Czachesz, Istvan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This article discusses the use of evolutionary theory in the cognitive science of religion (CSR), with special attention to critical issues and new developments. In the first part of the article, I will discuss the definition of evolution and describe the Modern Synthesis (or neo-Darwinian theory). In the next part, I will consider various evolutionary perspectives in CSR, including evolutionary ...
    • Dorset, Norse, or Thule? Technological transfers, marine mammal contamination, and AMS dating of spun yarn and textiles from the Eastern Canadian Arctic 

      Smith, Michele Hayeur; Smith, Kevin P.; Nilsen, Gørill (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-14)
      Yarn and textiles recovered from prehistoric Dorset and Thule culture sites in the Eastern Canadian Arctic have raised questions about the extent and timing of indigenous and Norse interaction in the New World, whether the yarn represents technological transfers between Greenland's Norse settlers and the Dorset, or whether these Indigenous Arctic groups had independent fiber technologies before ...
    • Armaments and ornaments: mate-guarding and the evolutionary roots of religion 

      Czachesz, Istvan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018-09-13)
      This article explores the connection between sexual selection and religion, locating the origins of religious behavior in mate guarding after the transition to terrestrial life in <i>Homo erectus</i> 1.8 million years ago. An important consequence of the transition was the emergence of a polygynous, multiple-family social structure, which gave rise to mate guarding as a successful strategy. Further, ...
    • Spiritisme og kristendom: Dødelige fiender eller fortrolige venner? En avhandling med fokus på sogneprest Jakob Jenssen Anderssen 

      Paulsen, Julie Chanett (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-08)
      Denne avhandlingens fokus er på Jakob Jenssen Anderssen (1850-1921), sogneprest i Evenes, Ofoten fra 1879 til 1921. Analysen skal ta for seg Anderssen som både sogneprest og spiritist, hvordan og hvorfor han fikk denne interessen og hvordan han utviklet det til å bli en praksis ved siden av sitt yrke som prest. For å sette dette inn i en større samfunnskontekst sammenligner avhandlingen Anderssen ...
    • The Seventh Generation: Artikulasjoner av religion og urfolk i en dokumentar om Standing Rock. 

      Mortensen, Eimile Jegenberg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-02)
      This projects focus lies in which articulations of religion and indigenous, you can find in the documentary The Seventh Generation on Standing Rock from 2017. It analyzes how you can understand indigenous religious expressions in a demonstration, and if this effects indigenous identity. Some of this study also focuses on if the religious expressions in the film is specific for Standing Rock. This ...
    • О саамской историографии 

      Hansen, Lars Ivar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Статья посвящена истории саамов и историческим методам. В реляционном контексте рассматриваются основные результаты и центральные аспекты истории саамов. Какие последствия — как в отношении методологии, так и стилей повествования — эти аспекты имели и должны были иметь для процессов проведения исследований и составления истории саамов? Основное внимание уделяется политике в истории саамов и её ...
    • Olav Tryggvason. Konstruksjonen av en heltekonge 

      Hansen, Therese Holt (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      Av den store mengden islandsk sagalitteraturs mange helter er det særlig to norske konger som stikker seg ut. Navnebrødrene Olav Tryggvason og Olav «den hellige» Haraldsson har begge blitt viet utallige kalveskinn til nedskrivingen av deres historier, og fortellingene om disse to dominerte sagaskrivingen på slutten av 1100-tallet og begynnelsen av 1200-tallet. Ikke bare regjerte Olav «den hellige» ...
    • "They shipped all in at North Berwick in a boat like a chimney". Forestillinger om samlinger knyttet til de hekseanklagede i North Berwick-prosessene 

      Busch, Berit Helene Veierud (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      På seinhøsten 1590 ble en rekke personer, flest kvinner, bragt inn for retten i Edinburgh mistenkt for trolldomsaksjoner rettet mot den nygifte kongen James VI. Dette ble starten på en omfatende kjedeprosess som pågikk helt fram til sommeren året etter. Kongen selv var aktiv med som tilhører og forhører i rettslokalet. Gjennom forhør og bekjennelser utviklet en omfattende demonologisk forståelse ...
    • Regional and Global Readers: Transnational Approaches to Book History and Literary Sociology in the Nordic countries 

      Hansen, Poul Henning Gustaf (Lecture; Forelesning, 2018-03-16)
      This paper explores the historiography of History of Reading in a Nordic context. The populations of the Nordic countries were probably the first in the world to ascend to mass literacy, and widespread basic reading ability was achieved by the early 1700s. The Nordic countries have always been dependent on the import of literature, both in translation and in the original language. In that sense, the ...
    • The Role of Conspiracy Mentality and Paranormal Beliefs in Predicting Conspiracy Beliefs Among Neopagans 

      Dyrendal, Asbjørn; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Lewis, James R (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-27)
      Recent studies on conspiracy thinking has concluded that the strongest predictor of the tendency towards conspiratorial thinking is a one-dimensional construct-conspiracy mentality-that is relatively stable over time and valid across cultures. Lantian et al. (2016) found that a single, elaborate question can work as a measure of conspiracy beliefs. We assess the validity of this question for an ...
    • Mellom Fosna og Komsa. En preboreal "avslagsredskapskultur" i Salten, Nordland 

      Hauglid, Martinus A. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1993-06)
    • Om Norske krigsdekorasjoner 

      Bones, Stian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      <i>Innledning</i>: Formålet med dekorasjonsprosjektet og med boka Norske krigsdekorasjoner, er å undersøke om det er grupper eller personer som ikke er dekorert som fortjent på bakgrunn av hemmelighold, manglende kunnskap eller politiske forhold. Boka gir ingen oppsummerende eller syntetiserende konklusjon om dette hovedspørsmålet, men i forordet slås det fast: «Prosjektgruppens anbefaling er at ...