Sosial ulikhet i deltakelse i ferdighetsutviklende organiserte fritidsaktiviteter. Betydningen av familiens sosioøkonomiske status for deltakelse blant ungdom
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MastergradsoppgaveMaster thesis
Svenning, Therese OlsenAbstract
Bakgrunn: Sosial ulikhet er et økende problem i Norge. Organiserte fritidsaktiviteter er en verdifull mestringsarena for barn og unge, men kostnader forbundet med deltakelse kan føre til at enkelte grupper ekskluderes. Målet med denne studien var å undersøke om familiens sosioøkonomiske status (SØS) hadde betydning for deltakelse i ferdighetsutviklende organiserte fritidsaktiviteter (FOA) blant ungdom i Tromsø kommune.
Metode: Studien inkluderte 3263 elever fra ungdomsskoler og videregående skoler (VGS) i Tromsø. Datamaterialet ble hentet fra en nasjonal kvantitativ tversnittstudie kalt Ungdata (2018). SØS ble målt med en kombinasjon av foreldrenes utdanning, velstandsnivå (FASII), og antall bøker i hjemmet. Sammenhengen mellom SØS og månedlig deltakelse i FOA ble analysert med binær logistisk regresjonsanalyse.
Resultat: Det ble funnet en lineær sammenheng mellom SØS og deltakelse i FOA. Én unit økning i SØS gruppe tilsvarte en 64% økning i odds for deltakelse blant elever fra både ungdomsskolen og VGS (OR 1.64, 95% CI ungdomsskole 1.42-1.90, 95% CI VGS 1.44-1.87). Deltakelse i kulturskole var relatert til større sosial ulikhet for elever på ungdomsskolen (OR 1.94 95% CI 1.56-2.43). Nærtilbud i form av kulturtilbud og idrettsanlegg forklarte ikke en betydelig del av sammenhengen mellom SØS og deltakelse i FOA. Lav SØS og økende alder var relatert til lavere deltakelse.
Konklusjon: Det er sosiale ulikheter i ungdommens deltakelse i ferdighetsutviklende organiserte fritidsaktiviteter i Tromsø. Abstract
Social inequality is a growing concern in Norway. Organized leisure-activities represent a valuable domain for development among adolescents. Some activities are more costly than others in respect of monetary expenses, and the amount of parental involvement. This is especially relevant for extra-curricular activities. The cost of such activities may act as barriers for adolescents from families of low socioeconomic status (SES), both in form of recruitment into and continuity of participation. This study aimed to explore the influence of family socioeconomic status on adolescents’ participation in extra-curricular activities (ECA).
Method: This study included 3263 students from secondary and upper-secondary school in Tromsø municipality, Norway. The data was retrieved from Ungdata (2018), a national, quantitative cross-sectional study of young peoples’ health and living conditions in Norway. SES was measured with a composite variable including parental education, material wealth (FASII), and the number of books at home. The relation between participation in ECA and SES was analysed with binary logistic regression analysis.
Results: This study demonstrated social inequality in adolescents’ participation in ECA. One unit increase in SES groups was related to a 64% increase in odds for participation among students from both secondary and upper-secondary school (OR 1.64, 95% CI secondary school 1.42-1.90, 95% CI upper-secondary school 1.44-1.87). Participation in school of music and performing arts represented a larger social inequality for students from secondary school (OR 1.94 95% CI 1.56-2.43). Neighbourhood access to sports facilities and cultural centres did not explain a substantial part of the relationship between SES and ECA participation. Low SES and increasing age were related to lower participation.
Conclusion: The main conclusion from this study is that there are social differences in adolescents’ participation in extra-curricular activities in Tromsø.
UiT Norges arktiske universitetUiT The Arctic University of Norway
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