Viser treff 61-80 av 112

    • Data Analysis and Nudging for Green Transportation 

      Jemea, Lady Limunga (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-14)
      The topic of a more sustainable environment has been a core factor to governments and the public for many years. Sustainability in land transportation brings about less emission of greenhouse gases, less pollution, less traffic, a healthier and more active society. Ignorance to sustainability has brought about several environmental and human concerns including global warming. Global warming is the ...
    • Data Management for Nudged Green Transportation 

      Crăciun, Cosmin Radu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-14)
      Climate change is one of the most talked about topics in the world at the moment. In the context of man induced Global Warming, there are many proposed ideas on how to combat its effects and many more are still needed. We propose employing nudge theory to persuade people into using environmentally friendly modes of transport through a software application. This thesis focuses on the data management ...
    • Data management platform for citizen science education projects 

      Angelvik, Nina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The air:bit project is a computer science education project that we developed in 2016 for use in North-Norwegian upper secondary (videregående) schools. Students build and code their own air quality sensor kits (air:bits), before collecting air quality data in their local areas. They create their own air quality related research questions, which they answer by analyzing the collected air:bit data ...
    • Metadata state and history service for datasets. Enable extracting, storing and access to metadata about a dataset over time. 

      Hansen, Roberth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      Distributed Arctic Observatory (DAO) aims to automate, streamline and improve the collection, storage and analysis of images, video and weather measurements taken on the arctic tundra. Automating the process means that there are no human users that needs to be involved in the process. This leads to a loss of monitoring capabilities of the process. There are insufficient tools that allow the human ...
    • Deep Learning: From Data Extraction to Large-Scale Analysis 

      Voets, Mike (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      We aim to give an insight into aspects of developing and deploying a deep learning algorithm to automate biomedical image analyses. We anonymize sensitive data from a medical archive system, attempt to replicate and further improve published methods, and scale out our algorithm to support large-scale analyses. Specifically, our contributions are described as follows. First, to anonymize and extract ...
    • Trading network performance for cash in the bitcoin blockchain 

      Tedeschi, Enrico (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-15)
      This thesis describes a longitudinal study of Bitcoin, the perhaps most popular blockchain based system today. Public blockchains have emerged as a plausible messaging substrate for applications that require highly reliable communication. However, sending messages over existing blockchains can be cumbersome and costly as miners require payment to establish consensus on the sequence of messages, ...
    • Swirlwave. Cloudless wide area friend-to-friend networking middleware for smartphones 

      Arnes, Jo Inge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-07)
      Swirlwave is a middleware that enables peer-to-peer and distributed computing for Internet-connected devices with the following characteristics: The devices lack publicly reachable IP addresses, they can be expected to disconnect from the network for periods of time, and they frequently change network locations. This is the typical case for smartphones. The middleware fits into the friend-to-friend ...
    • Distributed media versioning 

      Murphy, Michael J. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      It is still strangely difficult to backup and synchronize data. Cloud computing solves the problem by centralizing everything and letting someone else handle the backups. But what about situations with low connectivity or sensitive data? For this, software developers have an interesting distributed, decentralized, and partition-tolerant data storage system right at their fingertips: distributed ...
    • Space-Bounded Async Scheduling. A UPCxx extension 

      Verma, Nishant (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      It is estimated that computers and mobile devices use more than 2% of the total energy consumed. That means a lot of energy is going in powering our cpu,display and gpu. In this paper we are trying to optimize the power consumed by cpu in partitioned global address space environment. Recent research suggests that there is scope in improving cpu power usage by having a better scheduler. Simhadri ...
    • EC3 - Edge Command-Control-Communication System for Arctic Observatories 

      Michalik, Lukasz Sergiusz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-13)
      This paper presents a prototype of a system for automated observations of flora and fauna in the Arctic. Currently applied methods of observation depend mostly on systems (usually consisting of a camera unit, a motion detection sensor and a memory card) that are left unattended in remote locations during extended periods of data gathering. The main problem with such approach is that no remote control ...
    • AutoMon. Automatic monitoring and problem detection for distributed systems 

      Wikstad, Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-15)
      When working with distributed systems, detecting faults can be a difficult task, as abnormalities isn't necessarily immediately evident by warnings or system crashes. This is especially true with subtle faults, such as variations in performance of a running program, it is not necessarily its own fault, but could rather be from a different source, somewhere in the cluster, using a lot of resources ...
    • A framework for building scalable web applications for high-resolution cluster-based display walls 

      Tang, Jason (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-10-06)
      As technology advances, researchers in the natural sciences collect ever-increasing amounts of data. While computer science research often focuses on effective ways to perform computations on large data sets, the visualization of large data sets can be just as important for achieving new insights. Just as cluster computing enables scalable computation on large data sets, so can cluster-based display ...
    • Simplified Device-Transparent Personal Storage 

      Kittilsland, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-15)
      The number of personal computers we use every day has increased significantly the last couple of years, where the common model is a setup where each device has its own storage with separate files and applications. This forces the user to think in a certain way about files and applications, where they are to a degree bound to a device unless the user specifically moves the files, or installs/uninstalls ...
    • Extending the Chrome browser. Adapting browser functionality to user needs and behavior 

      Skogvold, Adrian Arne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-15)
      What today's browsers offer in customization, personalization and functionality can be improved. In this thesis a application, in the form of a chrome extension that extends a web browser's functionality, and that offers customization and personalization has been designed and implemented. The functions implemented in the extension simplifies the access and availability of information to the user ...
    • Freia: Exploring Biological Pathways Using Unity3D 

      Knudsen, Kenneth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-15)
      To understand the biological processes related to the development of cancer there is a need for interactive data visualization tools that integrates experimental data with biological knowledge. Existing visualization tools have shown their usefulness, but next-generation biological data analysis requires both integrating different data types and larger datasets. This requires data exploration tools ...
    • Diabetes Automata For Diabetes-Related Applications: Software Engine For Blood Glucose Level Simulation 

      Agafonov, Aleksandr (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-07-10)
      Diabetes Automata is a try of concept in the complex research-field of blood glucose simulation and prediction in experimental medical informatics, an experimental research project in software engineering combined with experimental health science. The project integrates together topics such as software system design and development, object-oriented programming, mobile application development, ...
    • Casuar - A Protected Library OS for running Windows applications on top of Vortex 

      Graff, Erlend Helland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-15)
      Today, virtual machines (VMs) are commonly employed to encapsulate and isolate workloads in the cloud, enabling efficient utilization of hardware resources through the use of statistical multiplexing. Still, there is a significant overhead associated with the use of VMs; each VM instance has to contain a complete OS environment to support the execution of applications that are dependent on the ...
    • Implementing an SMB2 Server in the Vortex Operating System 

      Sandengen, Vegard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-15)
      With the advent of computer networks, the ability for sharing and accessing files across the network between multiple workstations and remote servers was sought after. In the nineteen eighties, prominent networked file systems were developed and reached widespread adoption among enterprise businesses and institutions. A few of these, notably Networked File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB), ...
    • StudentLink. A generic calendar platform 

      Andreassen, Ruben Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-14)
      Large organizations often use many software applications. In some cases, two or more of these applications contains information that is very similar or the same. In this thesis we are going to look at calendar information. UiT - The Arctic University of Norway is a large organization which uses many applications that contains calendar information. Fronter, Syllabus and Microsoft Exchange all covers ...
    • Multiparadigm Optimizing Retargetable Transdisciplinary Abstraction Language 

      Kåven, Ove Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-04-12)
      Scientists and engineers require ever more powerful software and hardware to analyze data and build models. Unfortunately, current solutions to the problem are often hard to use for scientists that are not software engineers. And software engineers often do not have the mathematical background to understand the scientific problem to solve. This thesis describes MORTAL, a new general-purpose ...