Now showing items 601-620 of 740

    • Thermogenic methane injection via bubble transport into the upper Arctic Ocean from the hydrate-charged Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard 

      Smith, Andrew James; Mienert, Jurgen; Bünz, Stefan; Greinert, Jens (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-21)
      We use new gas‐hydrate geochemistry analyses, echosounder data, and three‐dimensional P‐Cable seismic data to study a gas‐hydrate and free‐gas system in 1200 m water depth at the Vestnesa Ridge offshore NW Svalbard. Geochemical measurements of gas from hydrates collected at the ridge revealed a thermogenic source. The presence of thermogenic gas and temperatures of ∼3.3°C result in a shallow top of ...
    • Enhanced CO2 uptake at a shallow Arctic Ocean seep field overwhelms the positive warming potential of emitted methane 

      Pohlman, John; Greinert, Jens; Ruppel, Carolyn; Silyakova, Anna; Vielstädte, Lisa; Casso, Michael; Mienert, Jürgen; Bünz, Stefan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-08)
      Continued warming of the Arctic Ocean in coming decades is projected to trigger the release of teragrams (1 Tg = 106 tons) of methane from thawing subsea permafrost on shallow continental shelves and dissociation of methane hydrate on upper continental slopes. On the shallow shelves (<100 m water depth), methane released from the seafloor may reach the atmosphere and potentially amplify global ...
    • Geochemical characterisation of northern Norwegian fjord surface sediments: A baseline for further paleo-environmental investigations 

      Faust, Johan Christoph; Scheiber, Thomas; Fabian, Karl; Vogt, Christoph; Knies, Jochen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-26)
      Norwegian fjord sediments are promising archives for very high resolution records of past environmental changes. Recent investigations of the modern depositional environment within fjords revealed that the accurate quantification of the inputs, sources, and sedimentary preservation of organic and inorganic material is crucial to decipher long term past climate signals in the sedimentary record ...
    • Identifying past petroleum exploration related drill cutting releases and influences on the marine environment and benthic foraminiferal communities, Goliat Field, SW Barents Sea, Norway 

      Sørensen, Steffen Aagaard; Junttila, Juho; Dijkstra, Noortje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-01)
      The present multiproxy investigation of marine sediment cores aims at: 1) Identifying dispersion of petroleum exploration related drill cutting releases within the Goliat Field, Barents Sea in 2006/07 and 2) Assessing past and present influence of drill cuttings on the marine environment. The cores were recovered 5, 30, 60, 125 and 250 m from the drill site in the eastward downstream direction.<p> ...
    • CO2 flux over young and snow-covered Arctic pack ice in winter and spring 

      Nomura, Daiki; Granskog, Mats A.; Fransson, Agneta; Chierici, Melissa; Silyakova, Anna; Ohshima, Kay; Cohen, Lana; Delille, Bruno; Hudson, Stephen R.; Dieckmann, Gerhard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-05)
      Rare CO2 flux measurements from Arctic pack ice show that two types of ice contribute to the release of CO2 from the ice to the atmosphere during winter and spring: young, thin ice with a thin layer of snow and older (several weeks), thicker ice with thick snow cover. Young, thin sea ice is characterized by high salinity and high porosity, and snow-covered thick ice remains relatively warm ( >  −7.5 °C) ...
    • Formation of a large submarine crack during the final stage of retrogressive mass wasting on the continental slope offshore northern Norway 

      Laberg, Jan Sverre; Baeten, Nicole Jeanne; Lågstad, Petter Arthur; Forwick, Matthias; Vorren, Tore Ola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-30)
      High-resolution swath-bathymetry data integrated with sub-bottom profiles and single-channel seismics reveal an 18 km long, up to 1000 m wide and 10-15 m deep crack located approx. 4 km upslope from a slide scar on the continental slope off northern Norway. This crack is formed by subsidence of the sea-floor sediments to a depth of 120 m due to downslope movement of a ~80 km2 large sediment slab ...
    • Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic data from the central Barents Sea 

      Piasecka, Emilia Daria; Winsborrow, Monica; Andreassen, Karin; Stokes, Chris R. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-01)
      The stability of contemporary ice sheets is influenced by the discharge from ice streams - corridors of fast-flowing ice bounded by ice flowing an order of magnitude slower. Reconstructions of palaeo-ice stream dynamics contribute to our understanding of ice stream sensitivity to the ocean-climate system and can aid in the numerical modelling and prediction of future changes in contemporary ice ...
    • Glacial isostatic adjustment associated with the Barents Sea ice sheet: A modelling inter-comparison 

      Auriac, Amandine; Whitehouse, P.L.; Bentley, M.J.; Patton, Henry; Lloyd, J.M.; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-09-01)
      The 3D geometrical evolution of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet (BSIS), particularly during its late-glacial retreat phase, remains largely ambiguous due to the paucity of direct marine- and terrestrial-based evidence constraining its horizontal and vertical extent and chronology. One way of validating the numerous BSIS reconstructions previously proposed is to collate and apply them under a wide range ...
    • Complementary biomarker-based methods for characterising Arctic sea ice conditions: A case study comparison between multivariate analysis and the PIP25 index 

      Koseoglu, Denizcan; Belt, Simon T.; Smik, Lukas; Yao, Haoyi; Panieri, Giuliana; Knies, Jochen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-10)
      The discovery of IP25 as a qualitative biomarker proxy for Arctic sea ice and subsequent introduction of the so-called PIP25 index for semi-quantitative descriptions of sea ice conditions has significantly advanced our understanding of long-term paleo Arctic sea ice conditions over the past decade. We investigated the potential for classification tree1 (CT) models to provide a further approach ...
    • Bottom water acidification and warming on the western Eurasian Arctic shelves: Dynamical downscaling projections 

      Wallhead, P. J.; Bellerby, R.G.J.; Silyakova, A.; Slagstad, D.; Polukhin, A. A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-10-25)
      The impacts of oceanic CO2 uptake and global warming on the surface ocean environment have received substantial attention, but few studies have focused on shelf bottom water, despite its importance as habitat for benthic organisms and demersal fisheries such as cod. We used a downscaling ocean biogeochemical model to project bottom water acidification and warming on the western Eurasian Arctic ...
    • A new genus and two new species of Thyasiridae associated with methane seeps off Svalbard, Arctic Ocean 

      Åström, Emmelie; Oliver, Graham; Carroll, Michael Leslie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-16)
      Bivalves have been found in unique benthic assemblages associated with active methane seeps and mounds along the western and southern margins of the Svalbard shelf (75–79°N) at 350–380 m depth. Among the samples collected were a number of shells of Thyasiridae that are distinct from any species previously described. Here we describe one new genus Rhacothyas gen. nov. and two new species Thyasira ...
    • Cascading lake drainage on the Greenland Ice Sheet triggered by tensile shock and fracture 

      Christoffersen, Poul; Bougamont, Marion; Hubbard, Alun; Doyle, Samuel H.; Grigsby, Shane; Pettersson, Rickard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-14)
      Supraglacial lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet are expanding inland, but the impact on ice flow is equivocal because interior surface conditions may preclude the transfer of surface water to the bed. Here we use a well-constrained 3D model to demonstrate that supraglacial lakes in Greenland drain when tensile-stress perturbations propagate fractures in areas where fractures are normally absent or ...
    • Glacigenic sedimentation pulses triggered postglacial gas hydrate dissociation 

      Karstens, Jens; Haflidason, Haflidi; Becker, Lukas W.M.; Berndt, Christian; Rüpke, Lars; Planke, Sverre; Liebetrau, Volker; Schmidt, Markus; Mienert, Jürgen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-12)
      Large amounts of methane are stored in continental margins as gas hydrates. They are stable under high pressure and low, but react sensitively to environmental changes. Bottom water temperature and sea level changes were considered as main contributors to gas hydrate dynamics after the last glaciation. However, here we show with numerical simulations that pulses of increased sedimentation dominantly ...
    • Magnetotelluric signatures of the complex tertiary fold–thrust belt and extensional fault architecture beneath Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard 

      Beka, Thomas Ibsa; Bergh, Steffen G; Smirnov, Maxim; Birkelund, Yngve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-18)
      Magnetotelluric (MT) data were recently collected on Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard, in a 0.003–1000 s period range along a curved WNW–ESE profile. The collected data manifested strong three-dimensional (3D) effects. We modelled the full impedance tensor with tipper and bathymetry included in 3D, and benchmarked the result with determinant data two-dimensional (2D) inversion. The final inversion results ...
    • Prospecting biotechnologically-relevant monooxygenases from cold sediment metagenomes: An in silico approach 

      Musumeci, Matias A.; Lozada, Mariana; Rial, Daniela V.; Cormack, Walter P. Mac; Jansson, Janet K.; Sjöling, Sara; Carroll, JoLynn; Dionisi, Hebe M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-09)
      The goal of this work was to identify sequences encoding monooxygenase biocatalysts with novel features by in silico mining an assembled metagenomic dataset of polar and subpolar marine sediments. The targeted enzyme sequences were Baeyer–Villiger and bacterial cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYP153). These enzymes have wide-ranging applications, from the synthesis of steroids, antibiotics, mycotoxins ...
    • Labilibaculum manganireducens gen. nov., sp. nov. and Labilibaculum filiforme sp. nov., Novel Bacteroidetes Isolated from Subsurface Sediments of the Baltic Sea 

      Vandieken, Verona; Marshall, Ian P.G.; Niemann, Helge; Engelen, Bert; Cypionka, Heribert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-05)
      Microbial communities in deep subsurface sediments are challenged by the decrease in amount and quality of organic substrates with depth. In sediments of the Baltic Sea, they might additionally have to cope with an increase in salinity from ions that have diffused downward from the overlying water during the last 9000 years. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of four novel bacteria ...
    • Dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet controlled by distributed biologically-active impurities 

      Ryan, Jonathan C.; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd; Stibal, Marek; Irvine-Fynn, Tristam D.; Cook, Joseph; Smith, Lawrence C.; Cameron, Karen; Box, Jason E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-14)
      Albedo—a primary control on surface melt—varies considerably across the Greenland Ice Sheet yet the specific surface types that comprise its dark zone remain unquantified. Here we use UAV imagery to attribute seven distinct surface types to observed albedo along a 25 km transect dissecting the western, ablating sector of the ice sheet. Our results demonstrate that distributed surface impurities—an ...
    • Effects of low oxygen concentrations on aerobic methane oxidation in seasonally hypoxic coastal waters 

      Steinle, Lea; Maltby, Johanna; Treude, Tina; Kock, Annette; Bange, Hermann W.; Engbersen, Nadine; Zopfi, Jakob; Lehmann, Moritz F.; Niemann, Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-03-29)
      Coastal seas may account for more than 75 % of global oceanic methane emissions. There, methane is mainly produced microbially in anoxic sediments from which it can escape to the overlying water column. Aerobic methane oxidation (MOx) in the water column acts as a biological filter, reducing the amount of methane that eventually evades to the atmosphere. The efficiency of the MOx filter is potentially ...
    • Gas hydrate dissociation off Svalbard induced by isostatic rebound rather than global warming 

      Wallmann, Klaus; Riedel, M.; Hong, Wei-Li; Patton, Henry; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd; Pape, T.; Hsu, C.W.; Schmidt, C.; Johnson, Joel E.; Torres, M.E.; Andreassen, Karin; Berndt, C.; Bohrmann, G (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-08)
      Methane seepage from the upper continental slopes of Western Svalbard has previously been attributed to gas hydrate dissociation induced by anthropogenic warming of ambient bottom waters. Here we show that sediment cores drilled off Prins Karls Foreland contain freshwater from dissociating hydrates. However, our modeling indicates that the observed pore water freshening began around 8 ka BP when ...
    • Middle to Late Devonian–Carboniferous collapse basins on the Finnmark Platform and in the southwesternmost Nordkapp basin, SW Barents Sea 

      Koehl, Jean-Baptiste; Bergh, Steffen G; Henningsen, Tormod; Faleide, Jan Inge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-28)
      The SW Barents Sea margin experienced a pulse of extensional deformation in the Middle–Late Devonian through the Carboniferous, after the Caledonian Orogeny terminated. These events marked the initial stages of formation of major offshore basins such as the Hammerfest and Nordkapp basins. We mapped and analyzed three major fault complexes, (i) the Måsøy Fault Complex, (ii) the Rolvsøya fault, and ...