Now showing items 1241-1260 of 7445

    • Ettervern og boligsosialt arbeid. En kvalitativ studie av ettervern og boligsosialt arbeid for rusavhengige i en nordnorsk kommune 

      Winther, Victoria A. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      Denne studien tar sikte på å utforske hvilken betydning ettervern og boligsosiale tiltak har for rusavhengige. Det er lagt særlig vekt på hva som fremmer godt ettervern og hvordan recovery, empowerment og brukermedvirkning forplanter seg i sosialfaglig praksis. Videre har samhandling mellom tjenestene og organisering av ettervern i en nordnorsk kommune stått i fokus. Hensikten med studien er bundet ...
    • Tracing Virtual Sápmi: Communicating Sámi Narratives in the Age of the Meme 

      Lahey-McCoy, Faith (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-14)
      Online social realities now more integrated into the daily lives of global human populations than has ever been witnessed before leads us to question how this shift might be impacting existing local realities. One phenomenon which characterizes today’s online interactions is the creation and sharing of internet memes, or images from pop culture often layered with text to convey ideas and perspectives ...
    • Arbeidsinkludering for personar med funksjonsnedsetjingar. Ein diskursanalyse av avisartiklar si framstilling av funksjonshemming og arbeid 

      Høyland, Solveig (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      Dette er ein kort introduksjon til masteroppgåva. Oppgåva er eit empirisk, kvalitativt litteraturstudium, som bygger på diskursanalytisk metode. Føremålet er å avdekke korleis personar med funksjonsnedsetjingar blir framstilt i media, ved å studere korleis makt i språk kan komme til uttrykk. Sjølve analysen er gjort av sju nyheitsartiklar frå ulike aviser, og er blitt sett i samanheng med teori ...
    • Green Colonialism: Conceptualizing Contemporary Sami Struggles for Life and Land 

      Bjerklund, Hedda Smedheim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-01)
      The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the conceptualization of the contemporary Sami struggles for life and land. In doing so, I conduct a philosophical investigation of the emerging concept of “green colonialism.” The former president of the Sami parliament in Norway, Aili Keskitalo, has in multiple occasions invoked the term “green colonialism” to describe the contemporary implementation of ...
    • Aspect and Meaning in the Russian Future Tense: Corpus and Experimental Investigations 

      Kosheleva, Daria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-06-26)
      This dissertation is a study of the Russian future tense within the framework of cognitive linguistics. In this dissertation I focus on the distribution of the perfective and imperfective future forms, their future and non-future meanings, and the use of the future tense verb forms by both native and non-native speakers. In the Russian tense-aspect system, it is reasonable to operate with markedness ...
    • Film som vitnesbyrd som inngang til ubehagelig pedagogisk praksis 

      Wara, Tatiana; Douglas Aranibar, Marcela; Jensen, Tove Beate (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Akademiske idealer om kritisk tenkning, mangfold, forebygging av fordommer og rasisme er viktige for lærerutdanningen. Til tross for det viser studier av norsk lærerutdanning at lærerstudenter i liten grad blir utfordret på disse temaene, og de mangler både strategier og perspektiver til å håndtere fordommer og rasistiske ytringer i klasserommet (Lenz og Moldrheim, 2019; Røthing, 2020; Myrebøe, ...
    • Gendered Agency and Subjectivity in Hanna Pylväinen's "We Sinners" (2012) and North American (ex-) Laestadian Women's Life Narratives 

      Jensen, Ellen Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-06-04)
      Despite the poly-vocal and heterogeneous gendered realities that come through in "We Sinners" and (ex-) Laestadian women's life narratives, from the perspectives of secular society and mainstream feminism, the role or place of North American Laestadian women—in the “home,” “social networks,” and “believer communities”—would likely be interpreted as laden with patriarchal oppression. This study aims ...
    • Historical and political perspectives on Sámi and inclusive school systems in Norway 

      Keskitalo, Pigga Päivi Kristiina; Olsen, Torjer Andreas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-05)
      The aim of this chapter is to introduce Norway’s inclusive education policies for two separate school systems: the national Norwegian and the Sámi systems. This chapter is based on research done in Norway on its national and Sámi schools and their curricula. Norway is an interesting example when it comes to indigenous education and national schools, as state policies on diversity and minority and ...
    • IKT-arbeid i helse- og omsorgssektoren 

      Andreassen, Hege Kristin; Obstfelder, Aud; Lotherington, Ann Therese (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      This chapter reports from three studies of implementation and use of electronic patient records and systems for health information exchange. In contemporary health care such large ICT systems are implemented on all levels. Nevertheless, there is a growing awareness that the potential for crossinstitutional communication and quality improvements of the health- and care services that these systems ...
    • Knowing What, Knowing How, or Knowing Where? How Technology Challenges Concepts of Knowledge 

      Rønningsbakk, Lisbet (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-11-18)
      When bringing innovative technology into school education it has been challenging to get full benefits from the technology. Instead of seeking new ways of teaching we tend to adapt the use of technology to traditional ways of teaching. This can relate to the fact that we lack theoretical concepts that help us rethink and revise our practices. In Norwegian curriculum we see different learning discourses ...
    • Name-calling: The Russian 'new Vocative' and its status 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-06-18)
      Henning Andersen (2012) points out that the Russian “new Vocative” (e.g., мам! ‘mama!’, Саш! ‘Sasha!’) presents a series of unusual behaviors that set it apart from ordinary case marking. Andersen argues that the Vocative should not be considered a declensional word form of nouns. The Russian Vocative is certainly an uncommon linguistic category, but does this entail setting up a new tran- scategorial ...
    • How Much Better than Death Is Ordinary Human Survival? 

      Labukt, Ivar Russøy (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-03)
      According to common sense and a majority of philosophers, death can be bad for the person who dies. This is because it can deprive the dying person of life worth living. I accept that death can be bad in this way, but argue that most people greatly overestimate the magnitude of this form of badness. They do so because they significantly overestimate the goodness of what death deprives us of: ordinary ...
    • Conceptualising a Dynamic Technology Practice in Education Using Argyris and Schön's Theory of Action 

      Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-11-18)
      Despite substantial national effort to integrate technology in education, it seems that practitioners in the education system are not working in line with the given policy. Evidence from large-scale studies of students’ technology practices at school over the last decade show disparities in student practices. The observed gap between the micro and the macro level call for a closer exploration. ...
    • Co-creating Inclusive Arctic Urban Space A study in challenges and consequences of translating co-creation processes 

      Høeg, Jonas Gilvad; Tetzlaff, Vivian Noah (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-01)
      This thesis investigates the challenges and consequences connected to translating a co-creation process from the urban setting of Tromsø to the rural setting of Hansnes. Co-creation is a tool that has increasingly gained popularity in relation to modern urban planning. It connects issues that exist in planning with the specialised technical knowledge of experts and citizen involvement, allowing for ...
    • Guovttegielatvuođa ovddideapmi bargovugiid mielde sámeluohkáin 

      Hætta, Inga Maja Eira (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-29)
      I læreplanen kommer det tydelig frem hvor viktig det er å verdsette flerspråklighet ved å styrke elevenes identitet som flerspråklig og fremme deres flerspråklige kompetanse. Målet med masteroppgaven er å finne ut hvilke arbeidsmetoder lærere som underviser på samisk kan bruke for å styrke elevenes tospråklighet. For å svare på dette har jeg observert i en tospråklig klasse der elevene har samisk ...
    • Mobility, Place and Identity in Women's Road Narratives: A Spatial Analysis of Mona Simpson's 'Anywhere but Here' and Barbara Kingsolver's 'The Bean Trees' 

      Baakil, Miriam (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-29)
      This thesis sets out to explore women's road narratives in terms of mobility, place and identity. Since the publication of Jack Kerouac's masterpiece On the Road, road narratives have been a recurring feature in American literature and culture. However, the female aspect of this genre remains under-explored. Literary works by and of women on the road are generally overlooked. The muteness of this ...
    • Current issues and directions in Optimality Theory — Constraints and their interaction 

      Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      This chapter provides a detailed outline of the types of constraint interaction that have been proposed by phonologists working in Optimality Theory (OT), demonstrating that constraints can be organized and interact in a wide variety of ways. It addresses the issue of the content or formalization of constraints, including functional grounding. OT was conceived as a generative theory of constraint ...
    • How to threaten in Russian: a constructionist approach 

      Zhukova, Valentina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-22)
      The article analyzes various linguistic means to carry out threats in Russian with special focus on 27 constructions tagged as “Threat” in the Russian Constructicon, a linguistic repository of more than 2200 constructions in the Russian language. The major purpose of the current study is to investigate what constitutes a threat in Russian and how threats are related to other constructions. Unlike ...
    • Endringer i en virksomhet – hvilke anerkjente grep vil bidra til en økt sannsynlighet for en vellykket endringsprosess 

      Berg, Veronica (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-23)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg problemstillingen Hva er det som preger vellykkede endringsprosesser for en virksomhet, og hvilke anerkjente grep bør implementeres? Her ser jeg nærmere på hvordan konsulenter i et konsulentselskap har bidratt til å få til en vellykket endringsprosess i en konkret virksomhet. Hva slags metoder er det her som tas i bruk og hvilke trekk ved disse metodene er det som ...