Now showing items 1321-1340 of 7445

    • Digital Games as Media for Teaching and Learning: A Template for Critical Evaluation 

      Pötzsch, Holger; Hansen, Therese H.; Hammar, Emil Lundedal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-27)
      Background - Videogames can be useful tools for teaching and learning. To plan educational uses, potential benefits and possible problematic aspects of specific titles need to be critically assessed by teachers and school leaders prior to implementation. <p> <p>Theory and method - Based on game ontological models, we identify salient areas of inquiry in games research and use these to structure ...
    • Illustrating Complex Mappings with Excel 

      Haugland, Ole Anton (Others; Andre, 2023)
      It seems to be a well-kept secret even among mathematicians and scientists that Microsoft Excel can handle complex numbers and functions. This gives easy access to complex arithmetic for a broad audience. Complex functions like sine, exponential and hyperbolic functions are built-in functions in Excel. Together with Excels great graphical capabilities this makes it a nice tool for illustrating complex ...
    • Montage 

      Gustafsson, Henrik Isak Immanuel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-01)
      “How can we see time?” This question is raised in the opening sentence of Didi-Huberman’s book-length study of Bertolt Brecht’s 1955 photobook <i>Kriegsfibel</i> (<i>War Primer</i> in English translation (2017)), pieced together with scissors and glue from press clippings and self-penned epigrams. Three years later, in the concluding sentence of his second volume devoted to the unfinished <i>Mnemosyne ...
    • In Spite of All (Malgré tout) 

      Gustafsson, Henrik Isak Immanuel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-01)
      The locution <i>malgré tout</i>, ‘in spite of all’ or ‘despite everything’, is first and foremost associated with the vexed debate stirred by the exhibition <i>Mémoire des camps</i>, which was organized in Paris in 2001, and the violent reactions provoked by Didi-Huberman’s catalogue essay, “<i>l’images malgré tout</i>”, subsequently expanded into the eponymously titled book in response to the fierce ...
    • Foreword 

      Gustafsson, Henrik Isak Immanuel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-11)
      A confounding antinomy has characterized the ill-fated twenty-first century. On the one hand, a frenzy of “historical” and “unprecedented” moments, as the world is incessantly afflicted by momentous change and cataclysmic and unique events, we are told. “How historical is this?” the news anchor asks the reporter in the field or the expert in the studio, and infallibly, it’s always off the charts. ...
    • Why Libraries Matter in the New Diplomacy Era? 

      Mariano, Randolf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-31)
      Libraries, museums, and cultural centers have long been widely advocated for diplomacy as an enabler for knowledge sharing, cultural exchange, and scientific cooperation, advancing people-to-people ties and mutual understanding in the international system (Mariano and Vårheim, 2021). In spite of the contribution of libraries as a public sphere institution (Vårheim, Skare, and Lenstra, 2019), a ...
    • Assessing inhibitory control in the real world Is virtually possible: A virtual reality demonstration 

      Rocabado, Francisco; Dunabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-12)
      Executive functions are the key ingredient for behaviour regulation. Among them, inhibitory control is one of the main exponents of executive functions, and in the last decades, it has received a good amount of attention thanks to the development of chronometric tasks associated with paradigms that allow exploring human behaviour when the inhibitory component is needed. Among the different paradigms ...
    • Environment Context Variability and Incidental Word Learning: A Virtual Reality Study 

      Rocabado, Francisco; González Alonso, Jorge; Dunabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-08)
      Previous research has shown that changes in the scenarios in which something is learned and recalled, respectively, may result in a subpar performance in memory recollection. The current study aimed to evaluate how changes in the visuo-perceptual environmental learning context impact incidental vocabulary learning. To this end, a highly immersive virtual reality setting was created, and participants ...
    • What Makes us Act? On the Potentials of Exercises in Live Art Education and Performances 

      Valkoinen, Kristina Junttila (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-03-28)
      This thesis is focusing on the exercise as an event in live art, participatory art and live art education. The thesis looks at the potential of exercises to facilitate for an inclusive space and the unknown future. The thesis consists of four peer-reviewed published articles and a summary article (“kappe” in Norwegian). The studies are practice-led research, using a diffractive analysis, based on ...
    • Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future. Proceedings of Norma 20, The ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education 

      Nortvedt, Guri A.; Buchholtz, Nils; Fauskanger, Janne; Hähkiöniemi, Markus; Jessen, Britta Eyrich; Nilsen, Hans Kristian; Naalsund, Margrethe; Pálsdóttir, Guðbjörg; Portaankorva-Koivisto, Päivi; Radišić, Jelena; Sigurjónsson, Jóhann Örn; Viirman, Olov Lui; Wernberg, Anna (Book; Bok, 2022)
      The story about the NORMA20 conference is the story about a conference that had to be postponed, as a pandemic prevented us from coming together to present and discuss our research. When we made the decision to postpone just after Easter in 2020, we were all sad and disappointed that all the efforts made by authors, reviewers, LOC and IPC members might be for nothing. However, during 2020, digital ...
    • Knowledge base for the Erasmus+ project Voices of Women (VOW) 

      Meling, Lise Karin; Mittner, Lilli; Smith, Bettina; Klok, Janke (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-11-23)
      This report builds the knowledge base for the transnational educational project ‘Voices of Women’ ( funded by the European Union. The report situates the VOW project within music and gender research in Norway, The Netherlands, and Germany. It argues for the need to educate agents of change and outlines the VOW approach along four pillars: (1) Performative Research (2) Unheard ...
    • Screening Programme 2021 

      Schlabach, Martin; van Bavel, Bert; Bæk, Kine; Dadkhah, Mona Eftekhar; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Reid, Malcolm James; Rostkowski, Pawel; Rundberget, Thomas; Ndungu, Kuria; Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Harju, Michael; Beylich, Bjørnar; Vogelsang, Christian (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-08-30)
      The Screening Programme 2021 was carried out by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and NILU-Norwegian Institute for Air Research. The spotlight was placed on the occurrence and possible environmental problems of 218 chemicals. The selected substances may be included in numerous products and their usage patterns are not easily defined so an array of different locations and sample-types ...
    • Los prefijos adjectivales: un grupo heterogéneo 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-31)
      Este artículo discute una de las clases reconocidas de prefijos en español, los prefijos adjetivales. Esta clase muestra propiedades que no encajan con el resto de los prefijos, tanto en su fonología como en su semántica. Se argumenta que la clase es heterogénea y deben distinguirse en ella al menos cuatro subtipos de elementos. Sus propiedades excepcionales, junto a su ordenamiento lineal y su ...
    • Bemanning i PP-tjenesten: Tilstrekkelig for å oppfylle tjenestens mandat? 

      Andrews, Therese Marie; Hustad, Bent Cato (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)
      Rapporten presenterer resultater fra en studie av bemanning i og organisering av PP-tjenesten som Nordlandsforskning har gjennomført på oppdrag for Utdanningsforbundet. Studien er i hovedsak basert en spørreskjemaundersøkelse blant ledere i PP-tjenesten i kommuner og fylkeskommuner. Dette datamaterialet er supplert med informasjon fra intervjuer og fra offentlige registre. Samlet sett ser ...
    • Editorial: Transitions 

      Pötzsch, Holger; Jørgensen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-31)
      In this editorial, we outline recent developments in the organization of the journal and briefly summarize each contribution.
    • Pangur Bán, Translation, Postmodernism, Paul Muldoon 

      Moi, Ruben (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-22)
      «Pangur Bán» is probably the best know poem in Celtic studies, and a poem that tends to become increasingly more popular to audiences outside of Ireland. However, the anonymous, medieval poem has been cherished throughout history for a wide range of poetic, philosophical, intellectual and educational reasons. To inquire into the longevity and popularity of a marginal gloss on his cat by an Irish ...
    • A network of allostructions: quantified subject constructions in Russian 

      Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-22)
      This article contributes to Construction Grammar, historical linguistics, and Russian linguistics through an in-depth corpus study of predicate agreement in constructions with quantified subjects. Statistical analysis of approximately 39,000 corpus examples indicates that these constructions constitute a network of con- structions (“allostructions”) with various preferences for singular or plural ...
    • Age-specific mortality and the role of living remotely: The 1918-20 influenza pandemic in Kautokeino and Karasjok, Norway 

      Nygaard, Ingrid Hellem; Dahal, Sushma; Chowell, Gerardo; Sattenspiel, Lisa; Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-22)
      The 1918–20 pandemic influenza killed 50–100 million people worldwide, but mortality varied by ethnicity and geography. In Norway, areas dominated by Sámi experienced 3–5 times higher mortality than the country’s average. We here use data from burial registers and censuses to calculate all-cause excess mortality by age and wave in two remote Sámi areas of Norway 1918– 20. We hypothesise that geographic ...
    • Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages: Evidence from Visual World EyeTracking 

      Minor, Sergey; Mitrofanova, Natalia; Guajardo, Gustavo; Vos, Myrte Titia; Ramchand, Gillian C (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06)
      We explore the typological question of what the interpretation of grammatical perfectivity is, and how it connects to the related aktionsartal notion of boundedness/telicity on the one hand, and the tense category Past on the other. We report on a comparative experimental paradigm of past tense accomplishment sentences in Russian, Spanish and English respectively, in which we use an online ...
    • Kolonial maskulinitet, kjønnet vold og nybyggerkolonialisme i Canada 

      Gross, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      10. mars 2022 ble Tytiana Janvier funnet død i et hjem i Lac La Biche i den canadiske provinsen Alberta etter å ha blitt meldt savnet av familien dagen før. Hun hadde gått til en bensinstasjon i byen for å ta en dusj. Bostedet hennes, en slags container utenfor byen som var opprettet som nødløsning for hjemløse, hadde ikke innlagt vann. Tytiana kom aldri tilbake. Hun ble 21 år.