Now showing items 1441-1460 of 7445

    • En splyv eller et splyv? Tilordning av grammatisk genus til pseudosubstantiv i norsk 

      Urek, Olga; Lohndal, Terje; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-12)
      Tradisjonelt har det norske genussystemet blitt karakterisert som lite transparent. Et viktig spørsmål er om språkbrukere likevel kan være sensitive til visse egenskaper ved substantiver og bruker disse produktivt når de tildeler genus til ukjente ord. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi eksperimentelt språkbrukeres sensitivitet til fonologiske egenskaper som vi har identifisert gjennom korpusundersøkelser. ...
    • Case Study: Galina Rymbu, "Moia vagina," June 2020 

      Von Zitzewitz, Josephine Helene Feodora (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-18)
      On 27 June 2020, the prominent feminist poet Galina Rymbu published the poem «Моя вагина» (“My Vagina”) on her Facebook feed. «Моя вагина» is a solidarity poem, written in support of artist and LGBTQ activist Iuliia Tsvetkova, who is facing a charge of distributing pornography for her abstract paintings of vaginas in a group on the social media platform VKontakte. Rymbu’s poem created huge resonance: ...
    • Artificial Intelligence and the Preservation of Historic Documents 

      Barlindhaug, Gaute (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In recent decades, digitization has been presented as an important strategy both for the preservation of historic documents and for giving increased access for researchers to such materials. In the Norwegian context, this has not only implied the digitization of printed matter but also the digitization of audiovisual material like photography and analog tape recordings. From a technical perspective, ...
    • Stedet som hjem for flere enn mennesket. Om Regine Normanns "Krabvaag. Skildringer fra et lite fiskevær" (1905) 

      Wærp, Henning Howlid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-16)
      Hvem bebor et landskap? Artikkelen undersøker forholdet mellom dyreliv og menneskeliv i Vesterålen-forfatteren Regine Normanns debutroman Krabvaag(1905). Ved at dyrelivet i så stor grad inkluderes, fremstår fiskeværet ikke bare som menneskenes hjem. Krabvaaghar gjerne vært plassert i heimstaddiktningen. Termen har av mange vært regnet for å være begrensende, men med dagens interesse for økologiske ...
    • The cold consequences of war - An investigation into the effects of the Ukraine war on Russia's Arctic strategy 

      Nøhr, Nanna Østergaard (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-20)
      This thesis examines how the ongoing war in Ukraine has affected Russia’s activities in the Arctic and to what extent these effects have caused Moscow to deviate from its official Arctic strategy, policies and activities. For centuries, the Arctic has played a visible role in Russian history. It has gone from being the land of opportunity and exploration during the Tsarist period, to constituting ...
    • Miljøsertifisering av reiselivsbedriften - hvilken verdi har det for organisasjonen? 

      Sundstrøm, Helene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-13)
      Miljømerking av reiselivsbedrifter er blitt mer og mer vanlig og anses som en viktig bidragsyter i det å gjøre reiselivsnæringa mer bærekraftig. Det er i Norge i dag flere ulike merkeordninger og på verdensbasis snakker man om at det finnes over hundre ulike miljømerker. Samtidig som praksisen med å jobbe fram miljøsertifiseringer i reiselivsbedrifter brer om seg, øker også diskusjonene rundt en ...
    • Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer finnes i samarbeidet mellom Visit Ål og medlemsbedriftene sine? 

      Østgaard, Mari Clementine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-15)
      Visit Ål sin medlemsmasse består av mange små, privateide reiselivsbedrifter. Bedriftene har begrensede ressurser, operere gjerne i ulike marked med ulike kundegrupper og ulike forventinger til hva Visit Ål skal levere av tjenester og oppgaver. Et samlet reiseliv vil ikke bare bidra med økt tyngde opp mot lokale myndigheter, men også bidra til en bedre kundeopplevelse i destinasjonen. Et samlet ...
    • Den uavhengige og likebehandlende barnehagemyndighet. En studie om implementering av barnehageloven § 11. 

      Rystad, Ida Trældal (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-25)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en studie av kommunene rolle som barnehagemyndighet, med fokus på implementering av ny lovbestemmelse im at kommunen må organisere sine oppgaver som barnehageeier og barnehagemyndighet adskilt fra 1.1.21.
    • The Relationship between the Far-Right and Systemic Racism in the United States 

      Greffon, Djamila (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-01)
      The history of the United States is littered with numerous examples of historical manifestations of systemic racism and populism on the far-right. One can find these phenomena throughout the country's history. Extreme right-wing movements stand to gain a great deal from the pervasive racism in society. Gerrymandering, education, and voting are just a few of how the far-right can gain advantages from ...
    • Foreign to whom? Constraining the moral foreign language effect on bilinguals' language experience 

      Del Maschio, Nicola; Del Mauro, Gianpaolo; Bellini, Camilla; Abutalebi, Jubin; Sulpizio, Simone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-27)
      The moral foreign language effect (MFLE) describes how people’s decisions may change when a moral dilemma is presented in either their native (NL) or foreign language (FL). Growing attention is being directed to unpacking what aspects of bilingualism may influence the MFLE, though with mixed or inconclusive results. The current study aims to bridge this gap by adopting a conceptualization of ...
    • "Svalbard Studies: Coal Mining in the Russo-Norwegian Context” 

      Rogatchevski, Andrei; Steinholt, Yngvar B. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-16)
      This short article offers an introduction to Poljarnyj Vestnik’s special issue on Svalbard Studies.
    • Duodji Matters: Comments on ‘Decolonizing Production: Healing, Belonging, and Social Change in Sápmi’ by Natalia Magnani and Matthew Magnani 

      Grini, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-06)
      The theory and practice of decolonization present an awkward paradox: How can social change occur in everyday life to disrupt state structures while entangled with the mundane, social, and institutional practices and representations that perpetuate state power? In Sápmi, the transborder Indigenous Sámi homeland, decolonization has been intertwined with the institutionalization of Sámi governance and ...
    • Lytte fram forundringsøyeblikk 

      Nordli, Ingrid C.; Skog, Kristian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-05)
      I denne artikkelen reflekterer vi over hvordan den lyttende pedagogen i gjensidig dialog med barn, ved hjelp av pedagogisk dokumentasjon, kan fange barns forundringsøyeblikk under tilegnelsen av trinn i lytteprosessen. Med utgangspunkt i en praksisfortelling med sang- og lytteaktiviteter, beskriver vi lyttetrinnene hos barn og reflekterer over deres forundringsresponser når de møter noe nytt. ...
    • Is Finitude Original? A Rereading of “Violence and Metaphysics” 

      Rolfsen, Theodor Sandal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-21)
      This article seeks to challenge what may seem to be an obvious assertion: that finitude is original in the sense that it must be presupposed that any possible meaning can only be thought beginning from this finitude. I do this through a rereading of Derrida’s epochal essay “Violence and Metaphysics,” which perhaps is the most decisive interpretation of the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. In the ...
    • Competence in Digital Interaction and Communication—A Study of First-Year Preservice Teachers’ Competence in Digital Interaction and Communication at the Start of Their Teacher Education 

      Johanson, Lisbeth Bergum; Leming, Tove; Johannessen, Bjørn-Henrik; Solhaug, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-17)
      This article explores the variation in first-year preservice teachers’ professional competence in digital sharing and communication tools (software) by applying social constructivist learning theory and relevant concepts. The data were obtained from questionnaires distributed to 395 preservice teachers at two Norwegian universities in the first semester of 2019. Correlation and multiple regression ...
    • Barns fiskevær: Jenters og gutters uteaktiviteter som bidrag til konstruksjon av sted og kjønn 

      Gerrard, Siri (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-29)
      Artikkelen handler om barn og deres utendørsaktiviteter i et nordnorsk fiskevær som jeg velger å kalle for Fiskeværet. Barna, dvs. fire jenter og fem gutter i åtte-tiårsalderen, gikk på en skole der elever fra flere trinn var samlet i en og samme klasse, noe som er vanlig på norske skoler der elevtallet er lite. Spørsmålet jeg stiller er hvordan barnas utendørsaktiviteter bidro til å konstruere sted ...
    • “Terror victims are probably not the easiest to follow up”: students’ perception of learning and teaching in the aftermath of trauma 

      Skarstein, Dag; Schultz, Jon Håkon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-23)
      In August 2011, Norwegian schools welcomed survivors of the Utøya massacre to a new school year. Based on interviews with 135 students who went back to school weeks after experiencing extreme trauma, this study investigates their perception of schooling and learning. Sixty percent of the students reported a variety of reduced academic functioning, and they were not prepared for the learning ...
    • The effects of bilingualism on the structure of the hippocampus and its relationship to memory performance in ageing bilinguals 

      Voits, Toms; Robson, Holly; Rothman, Jason; Pliatsikas, Christos (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-05)
      Long-term management of more than one language has been argued to contribute to changes in brain and cognition. This has been particularly well documented in older age, where bilingualism has been linked to protective effects against neurocognitive decline. Since memory difficulties are key aspects of this decline, herein we examine potential effects of bilingualism on the hippocampus, a brain ...
    • Communicating mathematics 

      Manshadi, Saeed (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article presents a case study of communication in mathematics in a seventh-grade classroom of a Norwegian primary school. The main aim of this study is to investigate characteristics of student communication in mathematics in the context of their realities. Video recordings of conversations were analyzed using a framework of various speech acts and interaction patterns that may indicate students` ...
    • Riding the (brain) waves! Using neural oscillations to inform bilingualism research 

      Rossi, Eleonora; Pereria Soares, Sergio Miguel; Prystauka, Yanina; Nakamura, Megan; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-04)
      The study of the brains’ oscillatory activity has been a standard technique to gain insights into human neurocognition for a relatively long time. However, as a complementary analysis to ERPs, only very recently has it been utilized to study bilingualism and its neural underpinnings. Here, we provide a theoretical and methodological starter for scientists in the (psycho) linguistics and neurocognition ...