Now showing items 1501-1520 of 7445

    • Fremtidens arbeidsliv 

      Berntzen, Maren (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-30)
      I dag er generasjon Z den yngste generasjonen under 30 år på arbeidsmarkedet. Det betyr at generasjonen vil prege arbeidslivet i mange år fremover. Min empiriske undersøkelse er basert på et kvalitativt metodeopplegg i form av fokusgruppeintervjuer. Den ene gruppen består av tre jenter mens den andre gruppen består av tre gutter. Informantene tilhører generasjon Z målt i fødselsår. Generasjonen ...
    • Nordlys, magi og turisme 

      Mathisen, Stein Roar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-02)
      Markedsføringen av naturfenomenet Aurora Borealis, eller nordlyset, har i de siste årene fått en særlig oppmerksomhet når det gjelder oppbyggingen av turisme som et vinterprodukt i NordNorge. I dette arbeidet benytter både markedsførerne og opplevelsesbedriftenes guider seg av ulike begreper og fortellinger. Formidlingen tar vanligvis utgangspunkt i det som oppfattes som to ytterpunkter. Som ...
    • The effect of Cross-Linguistic Influence in Mandarin learners of English on interpreting state-change verbs in English 

      Yao, Xueyi (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-10-12)
      This thesis covers the discussion of the role of L1 Mandarin in the course of L2 English acquisition. I focus specifically on state-change verbs where English and Mandarin share some properties but diverge in interpretations, as a way of examining if Feature Reassembly Hypothesis (Lardiere, 2007, 2008, 2009) is extendable to other domains of grammar that are not explicitly discussed in previous ...
    • Fregattsjefskarriere, uforenlig med familie? En kvalitativ empirisk studie av operative offiserers karrierevalg mot å bli skipssjef på fregatt. 

      Stuve, Aksel; Ødejord, Jenny Veronica Wesenlund (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-25)
      Hensikten med denne studien er å belyse Marinens operative offiserer på fregatt sin opplevelse av jobb-hjem-konflikt og målet er å anbefale effektive tiltak for å bedre situasjonen. Tjenesten krever lange perioder til sjøs samt perioder på vakt og beredskap, er dette forenelig med å ha omsorg for barn? I studien har vi benyttet empirisk kvalitativ metode, hvor offiserer i forskjellige faser av ...
    • Høytlesing for økt muntlighet i førsteklasse - "... de pratet så mye mer enn jeg hadde forventet": En kvalitativ studie om hvordan planlegging av den litterære samtalen kan påvirke elevmuntligheten under høytlesing 

      Hagerupsen, Maja Olsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er muntlighet i undervisningen. Bakgrunnen for studien er forskning som forteller at elevmuntligheten i norske førsteklasserom er lav og at høytlesing uten planlagt samtale knyttet til er en aktivitet som forekommer ofte. Med utgangspunkt i dette ønsket jeg å undersøke hvordan høytlesingens sentrale plass i førsteklasserom kan utnyttes for å øke elevmuntligheten. ...
    • Høyprestasjonsmiljøer i norsk idrett 

      Jørmeland, Ole (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Denne studien undersøker om norske svømmeres gode prestasjoner internasjonalt kan forstås med bakgrunn i at trenerens atferd er i overenstemmelse med HPE-modellen. Hva som skal til for å skape et høyprestasjonsmiljø har lenge blitt vurdert som svært viktig i organisasjonsfaget. Formålet med denne studien er derfor å øke forståelsen av hvordan man skaper eller vedlikeholder et slikt miljø. ...
    • Bart Holterman: The Fish Lands. German trade with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroe Islands in the late 15th and 16th Century 

      Grohse, Ian Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-14)
      Bart Holtermans bok, The Fish Lands. German trade with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroes in the 15th and 16th Century, handler om et lite utforsket kapittel av hanseatisk historie. I det femtende århundre begynte nordtyske, gjerne hanseatiske kjøpmenn å styre unna Bergen, som da var sentrumet for den nordatlantiske handelen, og drive direktehandel med Norges krones skattland Island, Færøyene og ...
    • Kritische digitale Medienkompetenz in der BNE 

      Lentz, Christina; Otten, Tina; Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
    • Testing Potential Transfer Effects in Heritage and Adult L2 Bilinguals Acquiring a Mini Grammar as an Additional Language: An ERP Approach 

      Pereira Soares, Sergio Miguel; Kupisch, Tanja; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-20)
      Models on L3/Ln acquisition differ with respect to how they envisage degree (holistic vs. selective transfer of the L1, L2 or both) and/or timing (initial stages vs. development) of how the influence of source languages unfolds. This study uses EEG/ERPs to examine these models, bringing together two types of bilinguals: heritage speakers (HSs) (Italian-German, n = 15) compared to adult L2 learners ...
    • Interactions between lexical and syntactic L1-L2 overlap: Effects of gender congruency on L2 sentence processing in L1 Spanish-L2 German speakers 

      Klassen, Rachel; Kolb, Nadine; Hopp, Holger; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-01)
      Bringing together lines of research from sentence processing and lexical access, this empirical study investigates the interplay between lexical (grammatical gender) and syntactic (word order) cross-linguistic overlap in L2 German. Eighty-six L1 Spanish-L2 German and thirty-six monolingual German adults completed a German self-paced reading task with noun phrases (NPs) manipulated by L1-L2 gender ...
    • Network Science in Biblical Studies: Introduction 

      Czachesz, Istvan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07)
      The notion of a network is ingrained in contemporary culture. In everyday English parlance, we casually talk about television networks, computer networks, professional networks, telephone networks, and so on. Even though the word has a technological flavor, the idea of a network is purely mathematical at its core. A network (or graph in mathematical language) is an abstract model that consists ...
    • Learn, Teach, Heal: Articulations of Indigeneity and Spirituality in Indigenous Tourism in British Columbia, Canada 

      Jennings, Helen (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-01-13)
      ‘Learn, Teach, Heal’ encapsulates what seems to be occurring in Indigenous Tourism on Vancouver Island and the Haida Gwaii in British Columbia, Canada. Operating as a ‘Tourist-researcher’ in 2017 and 2018, I was there at a time when Indigenous Tourism was booming, partly facilitated by the political movement of Truth & Reconciliation. Tourism is often seen as a shallow, commercial and artificial ...
    • Basic psychological needs in the classroom: A literature review in elementary and middle school students 

      Conesa, Pedro Javier; Onandia-Hinchado, Iban; Dunabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni; Moreno, María Ángeles (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-27)
      Self-Determination Theory conceptualizes basic psychological needs (BPN) for autonomy, competence and relatedness as essentials for the learner to experience, maintain, and promote well-being, personal growth, and learning. However, the evidence of its influence in the classroom is still limited, especially in basic education (ages six to 14). The aim of the present study was to perform a systematic ...
    • Word reading in monolingual and bilingual children with developmental language disorder 

      de Bree, Elise H.; Boerma, Tessel; Hakvoort, Britt; Blom, Wilhelmina Bernardina T.; van den Boer, Madelon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-11)
      Many children with developmental language disorder (DLD) are reported to have word reading difficulties. However, previous research has focused mostly on monolingual children. The present study used two existing datasets to assess word reading outcomes of bilingual children with DLD. In Study 1, we compared word reading outcomes of monolingual and bilingual children with and without DLD (n = 93 ...
    • Oscillatory brain responses to processing code-switches in the presence of others 

      Tomic, Aleksandra; Kaan, Edith (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-07)
      Code-switching, i.e. the alternation between languages in a conversation, is a typical, yet socially-constrained practice in bilingual communities. For instance, code-switching is permissible only when other conversation partners are fluent in both languages. Studying code-switching provides insight in the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying language control, and their modulation by ...
    • Impacts of joint municipal agencification on the democratic governance of waste management 

      Valkama, Pekka; Torsteinsen, Harald Henning; Kettunen, Pekka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-25)
      Purpose - The study examines how introducing joint municipal arm's length bodies (ALBs) into municipal waste management has influenced the preconditions of democratic governance.<p> <p>Design/methodology/approach - The authors describe and explain the democratic implications of joint municipal agencification by reviewing the perspectives of representative and participative democracy. Through this ...
    • Schreiben gegen die leere Zeitlinie. Alterserfahrungen in Beate Grimsruds Roman "Jeg foreslår at vi våkner" (2019/2020) 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Lexical Borrowing Targets Spans 

      Tat, Deniz (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-11)
      In this study, I revisit the claim that nominals denoting complex events must derive from discernible verbal stems and must be headed by an overt nominalizer. I show that Turkish has a set of nominals, crucially of foreign origin, which provides counter-evidence to both claims. From the perspective of Turkish grammar, they are morphologically noncompositional, manifesting neither a detectable ...
    • A mathematics teacher’s respectful listening in a culturally diverse class 

      Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Berntsen, Gladys (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-04)
      Respect and listening are two issues that are complicated to research. This paper presents how respectful listening may constitute one aspect of a teacher’s role in child-centered learning. The analysis focus on a teacher’s reflections about events that took place after she and a colleague carried out a mathematics teaching unit on culturally diverse children’s understanding of ‘pattern’. The teacher ...
    • The State's Duty to Foster Voter Competence 

      Giavazzi, Michele; Kapelner, Zsolt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-26)
      In this paper we discuss an often-neglected topic in the literature on the ethics of voting. Our aim is to provide an account of what states are obligated to do, so that voters may fulfil their role as public decision-makers in an epistemically competent manner. We argue that the state ought to provide voters with what we call a substantive opportunity for competence. This entails that the state ...