Now showing items 1661-1680 of 7445

    • Additive Negation 

      Østbø Munch, Christine B.; Garbacz, Piotr (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-08-22)
    • Språklege presisjonsvåpen rammar Kreml 

      Nesset, Tore (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-07-01)
      Medan russisk artilleri gjer sitt beste for å legge byane i Aust-Ukraina i grus, blir dei russiske styresmaktene kvar dag råka av språklege «missil». Lat oss sjå nærmare på tre klassikarar i det språklege våpenarsenalet.
    • Demokratisering og Autokratisering 

      Po, Dahlay (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-04)
      Demokratisering og autokratisering i Myanmar ble skrevet på oppfordring av et moderat regimeskifte 1. februar 2021, militærkupp etter et tiår med et sivil-militært hybridregime - et massivt demokratisk tilbakeslag for demokratiseringsprosessen. Avhandlingen er et resultat av demokratiserings- og autokratiseringsstudier og forklarer den politiske konteksten om Myanmars eksperiment av det militærdisiplinert ...
    • Verb placement in main and embedded clauses 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Subject and object extraction from embedded clauses 

      Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • Det indre liv i NAV. Kommunikasjon om prioritering og arbeidsform på et NAV-kontor 

      Sæther, Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-09-30)
      This thesis is an ethnographic study and a Single Case-study of how caseworkers and managers of a NAV-office relate to dilemmas regarding priorities, which solutions they choose and how the they are justified. The manner of how regulatory texts were interpreted and practised locally, was investigated according to institutional ethnography (Smith, 2005). The methods used includes participant ...
    • From Tools to Complexity?—A Systematic Literature Analysis of Digital Competence Among Pre-service Teachers in Norway 

      Tveiterås, Nils Christian; Madsen, Siri Sollied (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed; Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-05-27)
      In the last decades, the field of education has rapidly developed along with the development of digital technology. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has affected this development, leading to an educational revolution that involves the extensive use of online learning. This change makes it crucial to understand how teachers’ digital competence has developed along with this phenomenon, as well as how ...
    • A systematic review on the role of trust in the water governance literature 

      Voogd, Remko; Rudberg, Peter; D. Vries, Jasper; Beunen, Raoul; Espiritu, Aileen Aseron; Methner, Nadine; Larsen, Rasmus Kløcker; Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Goes, Sander Bernardus; Kruger, Elizabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-01)
      Trust is generally considered to play a key enabling role in water governance. Despite this notion, there have been no systematic assessments examining the way in which the literature on water governance engages with ‘trust’. Our article fills this gap by providing an overview of the way in which this literature has engaged with trust as a conceptual lens, analytical device and empirical phenomenon. ...
    • Naturopplevelsen og kreativitetens pusterom: Vår altfor-menneskelige dialog med verden 

      Sørmo, Eirik Stenseth (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-06-02)
      Med utgangspunkt i personlige erfaringer og empiriske undersøkelser, tar jeg i denne oppgaven fatt på å gi et filosofisk svar på hvorfor naturopplevelsen ser ut til å stimulere til kreativitet. Jeg bruker spesifikke momenter fra Graham Harmans objektorienterte ontologi til å argumentere for at artefakter døyver opplevelser av verden som annen og fremmed fra vår egen 'livsverden', og dermed bidrar ...
    • Behovsanalyse. "Hvilken betydning har behovsanalysen i rekrutteringsprocessen for ledere i Tromsø kommune"? 

      Fjeldsøe, Stine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-10-31)
      Rekruttering handler om at tage afgørelser, som i mange tilfælde påvirker resten af livsløpet, til de som bliver ansat og således også deres familier og fremtidige kollegaer. Vigtigheden af at gennemføre en professionel rekrutteringsproces kan derfor ikke overdrives. Teori om rekruttering argumenterer for, at en god rekrutteringsproces består af ulige faser. Men ét fællestræk er, at de fleste ...
    • Kristian 2.s sak mot Joachim Wullenwever. Eksilkongens færøypolitikk ca. 1523–25 

      Grohse, Ian Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-11)
      Det finnes en omfattende forskning om Kristian 2.s (r. 1513–1523/24) endelikt som dansk og norsk konge. Fallets konsekvenser for Færøyene, et av den norske kronens skattland, har ikke vært gjenstand for særskilt analyse. Kildene for et slikt formål er fåtallige, men rike. Den mest nevneverdige er en arrestordre utstedt av Kristian 2.s visekansler mot kongens tidligere fogd på øyene, Joachim ...
    • Health Through the Space Lens. Fictional Representations of Health and Illness in Svalbard's Mining Towns in the 1950s. 

      Wæhler, Turid Austin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-16)
      The article discusses cultural perceptions and interpretations of health and illness in a Svalbard context through the analysis of the novels Longyearbyen (2020) by the Norwegian writer Heidi Sævareid and The Arctic Novel (1964) by the Soviet writer Vladlen Anchishkin. Both novels use Svalbard of the 1950s as a setting for portraying issues related to health and illness. It is evident from the ...
    • Health risks, emergency preparedness and Norwegian-Russian cooperation on Svalbard. A systematic review 

      Wæhler, Turid Austin; Ingebrigtsen, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-13)
      This is the first systematic review to explore health risks on Svalbard. We have analysed data retrieved from 18 articles that met eligibility criteria and present a mixed-methods quantitative and qualitative narrative synthesis. Norwegian and Russian inhabitants on Svalbard were compared with the respective mainland populations, and we found no evidence of an increased risk for or prevalence of ...
    • Anne Conway og revitaliseringen av naturen: Conways miljøetikk som et alternativ til Aristoteles og Spinoza 

      Nilsen, Fredrik; Antonsen, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-29)
      I den økofeministiske klassikeren The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution (1980) fremhever Carolyn Merchant måten Anne Conway (1631–1679) kritiserer det dominerende mekanistiske natursynet ved å hevde at alt i naturen er fylt med liv. For i Conways verk Principles of the most Ancient and Modern Philosophy (1690) finner vi et natursyn hvor «den anorganiske naturen», slik ...
    • A cognitive linguistic approach to analysis and correction of orthographic errors 

      Reynolds, Rob; Janda, Laura Alexis; Nesset, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022)
      Traditional approaches to spell checking are sometimes inadequate for the needs of non-native users because they are optimized for native speakers. Not only is it assumed that the user is capable of choosing between suggested corrections, but the suggestions themselves are optimized for the kinds of errors that native speakers make. Even if a non-native user were able to select the correct form from ...
    • Quality of beginner pre-service teachers’ science instruction 

      Sæleset, Johannes; Olufsen, Magne; Karlsen, Solveig (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-25)
      Teachers’ instructional quality is important for students’ learning outcomes, but research on beginner middle school pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) instructional quality and development is limited. In this case study, we investigated the quality of science instruction for beginner PSTs. All the 21 science lessons of six PSTs during the school practicum in their first year in a teacher education ...
    • Looking into the Russian future 

      Kosheleva, Daria; Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022)
      The relationship between future time and future tense forms in Russian is complex. The forms traditionally attributed to the future tense in certain cases do not refer to future time. Those cases have been previously presented as an inventory not representing a plausible cognitive model and/or attributed to the sphere of modality. In this article, we suggest a data-driven approach applied to the ...
    • The Feminist Killjoy Untangles Philanthropy: Norway’s National Museum (Nasjonalmuseet) and Fredriksen Family Art Company Limited 

      Gullickson, Charis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-14)
      In June 2019, The National Museum (Nasjonalmuseet) in Norway announced plans for a decade-long collaboration with Fredriksen Family Art Company Limited. The agreement gives the museum access to the Fredriksen collection of art and intends to generate a series of major exhibitions and significantly strengthen research. While this publicprivate partnership received some criticism in the press at the ...
    • Dynamikken i en språkendringsprosess: Bortfall av hunkjønnsformer i norsk 

      Lundquist, Bjørn; Klassen, Rachel; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-12)
      Det finnes betydelig regional og sosiolingvistisk variasjon i genusssystemet inorsk, hovedsakelig når det gjelder hunkjønnskategorien. Mange morsmåls-talere av norsk har et robust tregenussystem (hankjønn, hunkjønn og intetkjønn),mens andre har et system med kun to genus (felleskjønn og intetkjønn), der alleeller de fleste hunkjønnsformene er erstattet av hankjønnsformer. Uavhengig avdialekt er alle ...
    • Knut Hamsun´s Segelfoss Books. A Green Criticism of the Consumer Society? 

      Wærp, Henning Howlid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05)
      The novels of the Norwegian Nobel Prize winner Knut Hamsun can be seen as an ongoing discussion with modernity. In some parts his critique is reactionary, in other parts worth listening to. This article deals with his Segelfoss novels, Hamsun’s satirical representation of the commodity trade within the emerging capitalist market and the role of the consumer. The novels may be read as early and ...