Now showing items 1861-1880 of 7445

    • Inn i de mørke alléer 

      Odden, Jan Ove (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      Oversettelse av fortellingen Mítina ljubov av Ivan Bunin fra russisk til norsk.
    • Autentisk muntlig kommunikasjon i russiskundervisningen 

      Gundersen, Marie Steen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-12)
      I denne studien undersøker jeg hvordan tre ulike læremidler, som brukes i russiskundervisningen i norsk skole, formidler og forbereder elever på autentisk muntlig kommunikasjon. Studien tar utgangspunkt i Sosedi 1 (2000), Møde i Petersborg (1999) og Min russiske reise (2021). Jeg har benyttet meg av læremiddelanalyse som metode, og har basert undersøkelsen på to kommunikasjonssituasjoner fra hvert ...
    • Å klatre på russisk. En korpusundersøkelse av russiske verb for å klatre. 

      Johansen, Lise (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-10)
      I denne masteroppgaven tar jeg for meg og sammenligner de russiske verbene for å klatre. Jeg har gjort en korpusundersøkelse, og tatt i bruk både Det russiske nasjonalkorpuset (RNC) og parallellkorpuset RuN, som er utviklet ved Universitetet i Oslo. RuN-korpuset består av en samling oversatte tekster. Russiske bevegelsesverb har enretningsverb og flerretningsverb, eller bestemte og ubestemte ...
    • Hva engasjerer deg på Facebook? 

      Jakobsen, Lars (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-11)
      Sosiale medier trenger inn i hverdagen til en stor del av alle menneskers daglige liv og gjøremål. Facebook har vist seg å være en viktig markedsføringskanal for svært mange bedrifter. Små og mellomstore bedrifter kan med sine små budsjetter kunne skape mye synlighet. Denne mastergradsoppgaven vil med en induktiv tilnærming undersøke markedskommunikasjon på Facebook. Jeg ser nærmere på hvordan små ...
    • Change and Variation in the Trondheim Dialect 

      Størdal, Mikko (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis explores the status and production of four characteristics traditionally observed in the Trondheim dialect as ongoing trends observed in the dialect suggests that the dialect is undergoing a process of levelling with Standard Eastern Norwegian. The characteristics investigated are wh-words, diphthongs, apocope, and palatalisation. The data was collected by use of an experiment, and finally ...
    • Cross-linguistic influence in adult multilingualism The acquisition of L3 Norwegian morphosyntax by L1 Spanish - L2 English speakers 

      Espindola, Augusto (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      The current thesis investigated the topic of cross-linguistic influence (CLI) at three different developmental stages of adult third language (L3) acquisition of Norwegian by sequential first language (L1) Spanish – second language (L2) English speakers (n = 18). Using a mixed methods approach consisting of a grammaticality judgment task and a closed-ended questionnaire on linguistic proximity, ...
    • L2 Acquisition of English by Persian L1 Speakers. Comparing Morphology, Syntax and Semantics The Bottleneck Hypothesis in L2 acquisition 

      Rajabi, Melika (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-14)
      In this thesis, I test the Bottleneck Hypothesis (Slabakova, 2008, 2013, 2016) in L2 acquisition of English by Persian L1 speakers. The Bottleneck Hypothesis (BH) examines what is difficult and what is easy to acquire in a second language. According to this hypothesis, functional morphology is the most challenging part for second language learners to acquire, while narrow syntax and semantics are ...
    • Acquisition of the English vowel system by Farsi and Gilaki speakers 

      Khoshrouz, Siavash (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-11-01)
      This study investigates the acquisition of English vowels by speakers of two Iranian varieties, Gilaki and Standard Farsi in the light of two CLI theories, namely the Full Transfer and Full Transfer Potential. The argument of this study is that Gilaki-Farsi bilingual speakers should be able to demonstrate a more pronounced differentiation of both vowel duration and spectral dimensions than monolingual ...
    • Measureless quantificational exclamatives 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
      There is considerable variation related to the form of exclamatives across North Germanic varieties (see Delsing 2010 and Abels and Vangsnes 2010). However, in the Nordic Syntax Database there is only information about one particular and somewhat special kind of exclamative construction, here termed ‘measureless quantificational exclamative’ and exemplified by the Swedish example in (1). (1) Vad ...
    • Noun Phrases 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
      There is extensive variation in the structure of noun phrases across varieties of North Germanic. This has been extensively documented and researched in a number of publications, see e.g. Lundeby (1965), Delsing (1993), Holmberg (1994), Vangsnes (1999), Vangsnes et al. (2003), Julien (2005a), Dahl (2010) and references cited therein. Some of the best known variation pertains to the marking of ...
    • The Impact of ILO 169 on State Commitments and Policies in Nepal 

      Poudyal Ghimire, Susma (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-31)
      Nepal adopted ILO Convention No. 169 in 2007, and its principles have been applied in national legislation and policies to enhance the acknowledgment of indigenous peoples' rights in practice. The research highlights the changes in Nepal's acknowledgment and protection of indigenous peoples' rights after the country ratified of ILO 169. Thus, it will investigate the Nepalese government's adoption ...
    • Free Zone Scientology and Other Movement Milieus: A Preliminary Characterization 

      Lewis, James R (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-23)
      Free Zone refers to the subculture constituted by people and organizations that adhere to the beliefs and practices of Scientology but who do so outside of – and without the sanction of – the Church of Scientology. The analysis in the present article uses the Free Zone plus a selection of comparable subcultures associated with other religious groups as case studies to explore the nature and ...
    • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) i Norge : pedagogiske mapper som bidrag til pedagogisk diskurs 

      Allern, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-02-09)
      De siste 30 årene har pedagogiske kvalifikasjoner fått stadig større betydning for ansettelser ved norske universitet og vitenskapelige høyskoler. I forbindelse med Kvalitetsreformen i 2003 ble dette koblet til forbedring av studiekvaliteten. Internasjonalt har kravet om at undervisning skal få større status blitt stadig sterkere de siste ti-årene, og med det også anerkjennelsen av Scholarship of ...
    • From Monthly Bulletins to eLaestadianism? Exploring Attitudes and Use of Internet within the Laestadian Movement 

      Andreassen, Bengt-Ove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-07)
      The different groups within the Laestadian movement have developed different strategies when it comes to internet and production of texts. Regarding internet and official websites, there is ambivalence towards the opportunities which this technology and new media offer. Among the approximately twenty different Laestadian groups which exist in the Nordic countries and America, there are only ...
    • Spiritual Entrepreneurship in a Northern Landscape: Spirituality, Tourism and Politics 

      Fonneland, Trude A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-07)
      A cultural turn in the economy has led to growth in what might be called ‘spiritual entrepreneurship’.1 This term refers to entrepreneurs inspired by a New Age philosophy marketing spiritual values such as ‘self-development’, ‘holism’ and ‘deep values’. To shed light on this type of enterprise, the article examines one of its practitioners; Esther Utsi at Polmakmoen Guesthouse in northern ...
    • Religion Education in Norway: Tension or Harmony between Human Rights and Christian Cultural Heritage? 

      Andreassen, Bengt-Ove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-23)
      Both research and public and scholarly debate on religious education (RE) in Norway have mostly revolved around the subject in primary and secondary school called Christianity, Religion and Ethics (KRL) (later renamed Religion, Philosophies of Life and Ethics, RLE), not least due to the criticisms raised by the UN’s Human Rights Committee in 2004 and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in ...
    • Fleksibilisering og femininisering i høyere utdanning:eksemplet desentralisert lærerutdanning 

      Skjelmo, Randi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-02-08)
      En forløper for dagens fleksible utdanninger ved høgskoler og universitet var de desentraliserte lærerutdanningene som ble igangsatt på 1970-tallet. Flesteparten av studentene den gang var kvinner som ikke hadde anledning til å flytte til et studiested for å ta utdanning. Et uttalt siktemål var å ta i bruk den utdanningsreserven som husmødre representerte. Tiltaket var inspirert av det britiske Open ...
    • Hva er viktig for forståelse? Om maskinoversetting fra nordsamisk 

      Trosterud, Trond; Antonsen, Lene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-22)
      Artikkelen presenterer et regelbasert maskinoversettingssystem fra nordsamisk til norsk. Den grammatiske analysen blir gjort med Giellatekno og Divvuns nord-samiske analyseprogram. Vi har skrevet transferkomponenten (transferleksikon og grammatiske regler) innafor rammeverket til det åpne maskinoversettings-systemet Apertium. Artikkelen inneholder ei evaluering av oversatt tekst for to ulike domener. ...
    • On inhibited eventualities 

      Fábregas, Antonio; González Rodríguez, Raquel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-22)
      The existence of negative descriptions denoting events is controversial in the literature, since it implies enriching the semantic ontology with negative events. The goal of this article is to argue that the readings that have been called ‘negative events’—in contrast to sentential negation reading—should be analysed as inhibited eventualities. We will argue that the inhibited eventuality reading ...
    • Using Local Sámi Culture and History to Teach Pupils about Democracy 

      Johanson, Lisbeth Bergum (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-11)
      The aim of this study was to investigate how the use of Sámi local culture and history can promote pupils’ democratic education. Teachers in the local community were interviewed because they provided information about how place and region create good opportunities for the use of local history as well as history of the Sámi’s with the aim of producing democratic citizens. Analyses of the teachers’ ...