Now showing items 281-300 of 7445

    • Negative eksistensielle konstruksjoner. En korpuslingvistisk undersøkelse av norske ekvivalenter og russisk aspekt 

      Bjørklund, Kristian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Temaet for denne masteroppgaven i russisk språk- og litteratur er negative eksistensielle konstruksjoner (нечего, некуда, osv.) Jeg har en gjort en korpusundersøkelse av disse ordene, som jeg kaller "negative ord", ved å ta utgangspunkt i parallellkorpuset RuN. Dette er et korpus som består av en stor samling oversatte tekster. I hoveddelen av oppgaven undersøker jeg mulige konstruksjonsmønstre som ...
    • Bidialektisme i digital kommunikasjon: En studie av to språkbrukeres skrivepraksiser 

      Fløtlien, Sara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-12)
      Denne masterstudien undersøker de digitale skriftspråkspraksisene til to bidialektale språkbrukere, Ingrid og Julie, som begge er i tjueårene. Prosjektet kartlegger hva som kjennetegner deres skriftlige språkbruk, og undersøker hva som kan forklare denne språkbruken. Begge deltakerne veksler mellom to dialekter og standardspråk i skrift på digitale flater. Empirien i denne studien består av et todelt ...
    • Wild and Unnatural: Ideologies of Nature and the Paradox of Sapphic Modernities in Elsa Gidlow’s On a Grey Thread and Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood 

      Eide, Aurora (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      At the turn of the twentieth century, the homosexual identity category was born amid modernity’s rapid urbanization. With the scientific categorization of the ‘sexual invert,’ queerness was naturalized as a degenerate fact of biology, opposing the prevailing mindset that homosexuality was unnatural and sinful. This historical shift gives rise to a nature paradox: How could the modern homosexual ...
    • Sensing Collective Trauma: Acousmatic Sound in Memoria by Apichatpong Weerasethakul 

      Borovaya, Marina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis explores the concepts of memory and trauma, individual and collective, based on the analysis of the film Memoria by Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Shot in Colombia, the film indirectly engages with the violent and multifaceted conflict that has been affecting the country to various degrees since the 1960s. Drawing on the concepts of memory and trauma in psychology and cultural studies as ...

      Plata, Izabela (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      The rising number of forcibly displaced people has led to an increased need for refugee camps, which provide temporary shelter and safety for those unable to return home. Despite being designed for short - term use, many camps evolve into long - term settlements, bringing challenges related to safety, infrastructure and community integration. This project explores whether current refugee camp designs ...
    • Potentials and barriers of cycling tourism as a tool for regional development: The case study of Eurovelo1 in the region of Tromsø and Finnmark 

      Sciacca, Sara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-10)
      This project explores the potentials and barriers of cycling tourism in the Arctic region of Tromsø and Finnmark. The objective is to present different perspectives in relation to a future development of cycling tourism in the area: the cycling tourist/users perspective, tourism stakeholders and administrators. To achieve these objectives three main methods have been employed: a qualitative survey ...
    • Bike – Train Integration. The Role of Bicycle Parking in Promoting Sustainable Transportation along Norway’s Jæren Line 

      Beidenhauser, Christoph (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-31)
      Norway has set itself ambitious goals for the green transitioning of its transport. Intermodal mobility, meaning the integration of two or more green modes of transportation to use the advantages of each mode, has been put forward as a theoretical competitor to undesirable car transportation. The process of integration requires infrastructures to accommodate commuters’ needs and make sustainable ...
    • Den Tatoverte Kroppen 

      Saxegård, Christine Mathea (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      En kvalitativ studie av menneskers persepsjon av tatoveringer i det moderne Norske samfunn.
    • The impact of public discourse on local representatives’ amalgamation preferences 

      Myksvoll, Thomas M.; Broderstad, Troy Saghaug (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-14)
      Municipal amalgamation reforms have taken place across democratic regimes since the 1960s. While much focus has been devoted to such reforms’ causes and effects, less attention has been on public discourse surrounding territorial consolidation. This study analyses how local issue salience may impact local representatives’ stance on amalgamating their municipality with one or more others. We focus ...
    • Planning for More-Than-Human Coexistence in the City: Exploring Gull Management Strategies in Tromsø and Worcester 

      Berg, Katharina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)
      Seabirds have been increasingly entering our cities, and with it has come the need to consider other species in the city. Multispecies planning is becoming more relevant, though the ways and speed at which it can be implemented into the discipline can vary. This study is designed as a comparative case study between Tromsø in Norway and Worcester in England, who have both had their own experiences, ...
    • Doughnut Economics within urban climate action: a comparative study between Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stockholm 

      Van Espen, Simon (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)
      In this thesis we examine the influence of Doughnut Economics thinking on urban climate action. By comparing the urban visions and climate action plans of the Doughnut-following city of Amsterdam and the cities of Copenhagen and Stockholm, we try to investigate whether following a Doughnut approach leads to different climate action than currently can be found within the traditional growth-based ...
    • Ways of Sensing the Sacred: Spirituality and praxis in North India 

      Sipola, Saara (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-22)
      This thesis is about spiritualism in North India and how spirituality is practiced in a town of Tapovan, Rishikesh. Sadhana is a term which refers to a spiritual practice and is at the core of Hinduism and everyday lives of people. This thesis aims to communicate ways of practicing religion, or spirituality, and has its focus on singular experiences of the protagonists and their ways of being in the ...
    • The Reflection of An Empty Room – Sensorial Consumption of Monastic Architectural Spaces 

      Bergquist, Emanuele (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      The following research aims to explore architectural spaces, and the human presence therein, in a Benedictine monastic environment. The empirical material was collected during the spring and summer of 2023 over a period of twenty days during which I stayed as a guest in St. Benedictusberg Abbey in the south of the Netherlands, just a few kilometers away from the tripoint where the country borders ...
    • Implementeringen av ung, innovativ medvirkning i en kommunal planpraksis om klima, miljø og energi 

      Solvang, Ida (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Innovasjon, planlegging for mer bærekraftige samfunn, og de unges mulighet til å delta i planprosesser, er tematikker som stadig gjør seg mer gjeldende i planlegging. Temaet er ofte tverrfaglig og reiser en rekke spørsmål til hvordan planleggere skal prioritere arbeidsoppgavene sine. Dette kommer gjerne i tillegg til andre utfordringer som eksempelvis hvordan håndteringen av ledelsen av en grønn ...
    • From conflict to peace - Living together in a post war setting 

      Haukland, Amalie Melina Bruun (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      In 2021, I traveled to the small mountain town of Chita, Colombia with my daughter by my side and a camera in hand. The town had endured decades of civil war and guerrilla control, leaving its inhabitants deeply scarred by violence and division. The town's history was a tapestry of conflicting allegiances, with families and neighbors pitted against one another, some supporting the government while ...
    • Skeiv undervisning i skolen: En kvalitativ studie av læreres opplevelser med skeiv undervisning 

      Nyhagen, Aleksander Heier (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Denne masteravhandlingen undersøker hvordan lærere opplever å gjennomføre skeiv undervisning i klasserommet. Oppgaven ser på læreres erfaringer og tanker om skeiv undervisning, hvordan responsen fra elevene har vært når lærerne har hatt undervisningstimer om temaet, og hvordan lærerne forklarer kommentarene og holdningene som kommer fra elevene gjennom deres opplevelser. Ved å forstå hvordan ...
    • En klatrers perspektiver på naturbruk i Lofoten 

      Olsrud, Ida Steinvik (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-13)
      Denne masteroppgaven har som overordnet mål å undersøke hvordan erfarne klatrere i Lofoten opplever og navigerer i et landskap som tiltrekker seg stadig flere klatreturister. I lys av allemannsrettens uklare pliktfundament, vil studien utforske hvordan klatringens kulturelle lag, normer og verdier kommer til uttrykk i praksis. Ved hjelp av deltakende observasjon og kvalitative intervjuer, analyseres ...
    • A Behavioural Design Approach to Urban Foodscapes Exploring Decision-making Processes Through the Case of the REKO-ring in Tromsø 

      Hughes, Julie Park (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      This report explores the potential of applying the method, The Behavioural Design Space (BDS) Framework, in an urban context. More specifically, the urban foodscape. By exploring how to actualize conceptual and abstract parameters within Behavioural Design Theories on Individuals decision-making processes through qualitative interviews, themes emerge and address critical issues within the relationship ...
    • Maktstrukturar og rollekonfliktar i sjukepleiaryrket: Ei kvalitativ studie av utfordringar sjukepleiarar ved DPS møter i sin arbeidskvardag 

      Tang, Marianne Lomheim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)
      Denne studia undersøkjer kva utfordringar sjukepleiarar ved Distriktspsykiatriske Sentre (DPS) møter i sin arbeidskvardag. Bakgrunnen for studia dei betydelege strukturelle endringane i tenestene for psykisk sjuke dei siste tiåra. Endringane i strukturen på norsk psykiatri er forankra i politiske, økonomiske og etiske argument. Denne studia søkjer imidlertid å utforske sjukepleiarane sine eigne ...
    • Den usynlige veven - husflid og identitetsforhandlinger i Kåfjord En undersøkelse av kvinners arbeid med videreføring av kulturarv 

      Nergård-Nilssen, Tuva (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar sikte på å øke forståelsen av hvordan tvangsevakueringen og nedbrenningen under krigen, endringer i næringslivet og andre lokale forhold har påvirket utviklingen i Kåfjord. Jeg fokuserer spesielt på kvinnenes bidrag til stedsutvikling i et lokalsamfunn preget av svak næringsutvikling og en skjev aldersfordeling. Jeg undersøker hvordan kvinner som arbeider med håndarbeid ...