Now showing items 441-460 of 7445

    • Por solo sol difunto en el ocaso: Un epitafio poético de Juan del Valle y Caviedes contra el duque de la Palata 

      Cabanillas Cárdenas, Carlos F. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      En 1691, camino hacia la metrópoli, murió en Portobelo Melchor de Navarra y Rocafull, duque de la Palata, luego de dejar el cargo de virrey del Perú. Las noticias de su muerte fueron recibidas con algunas composiciones en su contra escritas por Juan del Valle y Caviedes. En ellas utilizando, principalmente, el modelo de la poesía fúnebre se hace una serie de acusaciones contra el Duque en las que ...
    • Violent experiences, violent practices: caring and silence in anthropology 

      Gross, Lena (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      "Take care. This will be good data", I heard from a senior scholar after writing them about several violent and dangerous incidents that occurred during my PhD-fieldwork. At the time, I did not question it. Neither the words "take care" without further advice following how to do that, nor the statement that these incidents are good data. Are they, thougt? Does the ethnographer`s close experience of ...
    • Lines of Differentiation and Connection in Translocal Lithuanian Lives: Stories about the Norwegian Child Welfare Service 

      Aure, Marit Anne; Dauksas, Darius (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-11-10)
      Lithuanians have quite recently, and increasingly, started to emigrate to Norway. Thus, knowledge of Lithuanians in Norway is limited. This chapter asks specifically how Lithuanian labour migrants’ translocal lives in Norway play out and are linked to life in Lithuania. In a study consisting of 26 semi-structured interviews with Lithuanians in Norway, 19 interviewees brought up a “fear of the Norwegian ...
    • Who Needs to Tell the Truth? - Epistemic Injustice and Truth and Reconciliation Commissions for Minorities in Non-Transitional Societies 

      Reibold, Kerstin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-08)
      Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) have become a widely used tool to reconcile societies in the aftermath of widespread injustice or social and political conflict in a state. This article focuses on TRCs that take place in non-transitional societies in which the political and social structures, institutions, and power relations have largely remained in place since the time of injustice. ...
    • Translocal familyhood and Lifelines across Borders 

      Assmuth, Laura; Aure, Marit Anne; Hakkarinen, Marina; Pihla, Maria Siim (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      <p>What are translocal families and what are their lifelines like? The theoretical section of the chapter explains translocality, translocal familyhood and lifelines, the three key concepts of the book. Based mainly on research carried out for the Inequalities of Mobility: Relatedness and Belonging of Transnational Families in the Nordic Migration Space project, the authors ponder how emotion, ...
    • Long-Term Exposure to Low-Level formula PM2.5 and Mortality: Investigation of Heterogeneity by Harmonizing Analyses in Large Cohort Studies in Canada, United States, and Europe 

      Chen, Jie; Braun, Danielle; Christidis, Tanya; Cork, Michael; Rodopoulou, Sophia; Samoli, Evangelia; Stafoggia, Massimo; Wolf, Kathrin; Wu, Xiao; Yuchi, Weiran; Andersen, Zorana J.; Atkinson, Richard; Bauwelinck, Mariska; de Hoogh, Kees; Janssen, Nicole A H; Katsouyanni, Klea; Klompmaker, Jochem O.; Kristoffersen, Doris Tove; Lim, Youn-Hee; Oftedal, Bente Margaret; Strak, Maciej; Vienneau, Danielle; Zhang, Jiawei; Burnett, Richard T.; Hoek, Gerard; Dominici, Francesca; Brauer, Michael; Brunekreef, Bert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-01)
      Background: Studies across the globe generally reported increased mortality risks associated with particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2,5 μm (PM<sub>2,5</sub>) exposure with large heterogeneity in the magnitude of reported associations and the shape of concentration-response functions (CRFs). We aimed to evaluate the impact of key study design factors (including confounders, applied ...
    • El asunto de las murallas de Lima en clave de sátira política (1684-1687) 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Un repaso por las incursiones piratas contra la Ciudad de los Reyes de Lima —y en general contra el Virreinato del Perú—, desde las tempranas acciones de Francis Drake (entre 1578 y 1579) hasta las últimas de la alianza de filibusteros comandada por Edward Davies (entre 1684 y 1687), nos permite ver que todos estos ataques fueron sometidos por las armadas de mar y las defensas del puerto del Callao. ...
    • The heterogneity of the Arctic 

      Nyseth, Torill; Christensen, Julia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-12-20)
      New forms of urbanization are unfolding around the world that challenge inherited conceptions of the urban as a fixed and universally generalizable settlement type. The Arctic is a region where urbanization is a strong and powerful process. Inspired by Neil Brenner`s concept of planetary urbanism, this chapter seeks to challenge dominant paradigms that locate Arctic space and place outside urban ...
    • "Dei tidville baklengslogikkane. Analepsar og analeptiske grep i Therese Tungens 'Flaumen'" 

      Auklend, Morten (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Noko som slår ein som les Therese Tungen sine noveller, er alle analepsane, altså tilbakeblikk eller retrospeksjonar i tekstane.i I dei to samlingane Ein gong var dei ulvar (2017) og Kjærleik og det som liknar (2019) vender narrasjonen, det vil seie tekstforteljaren, stadig attende til fortidige hendingar, samtaler, møte og livsfasar i karakterane si fortid for å rekonsteksualisere refleksjonar, val ...
    • Dikt uten bandasjer. Fire haikuer fra Tomas Tranströmers Den stora gåtan 

      Auklend, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-22)
      I artikkelen diskuteres vanskeligheten i og viktigheten av å kunne lese korte litterære tekster, i dette tilfellet fire haikudikt fra den siste diktsamlingen Tomas Tranströmer utga, Den stora gåtan (2004). Vanskeligheten tvinger – og lærer – undervisere og studenter å lese tekster med tilsynelatende lav informasjonsgrad, mens viktigheten består i at dette korte formatet kan lære oss å stille spørsmål ...
    • Corporatisation in Norwegian Local Government 

      Klausen, Jan Erling; Torsteinsen, Harald Henning (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-02-25)
      Corporatisation in Norwegian local government, although not a new phenomenon, has grown rapidly during the last 20–25 years, especially since 2003–2004. Considering its relatively small population, Norway has a high number of municipally owned companies (MOCs), compared to its Scandinavian neighbours. Despite this, measured by the number of employees, the size of MOCs constitutes less than 10% of ...
    • Polysemy of affixes: A Slavic Perspective 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Polysemy is defined as a multiplicity of related meanings connected by a single linguistic form. Polysemy can be understood in relation to both homonymy and contextual variation. Homonymy presents unrelated inventories of meanings connected by a given form, while contextual variation describes meanings that can be attributed to the effects of context. Polysemy borders on both homonymy and contextual ...
    • "joiken er et landskap uten begynnelse, uten slutt" 

      Karlsen, Silje Solheim (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-03-02)
      Joiken er ein sentral og viktig del av den samiske kulturen og littera-turen, som uttrykk og symbol, som ein karakteristisk munnleg lyrisksjanger som i dag fungerer både som brukslyrikk og kunstuttrykk, somnoko som held ting saman.
    • Urfolksperspektiver i engelskfaget 

      Holander, Stefan Hans Olof; Høvik, Knut Øystein (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Siden 2006 har kunnskap om urfolk inngått som en del av engelskfaget i norsk skole. Særlig litteratur, film og andre kulturelle uttrykk om urfolk fra Nord-Amerika, Australia og New Zealand har fått prege engelskundervisningen, lærebøker og eksamenssett. Med en revidert læreplan, nå også med fokus på samisk kultur, er tida moden for å utvide og variere utvalget av tekster, reflektere over selve ...
    • "Kruttrøyk og en ubrukt øks. Novellistiske dråper i Bak skapet står øksen" 

      Auklend, Morten (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Det er vanskelig å plassere Torborg Nedreaas’ noveller på et bestemt sted – hører de hjemme i realismen, modernismen eller impresjonismen? Per Thomas Andersens forsøk på å klebe realisme-merkelappen på Nedreaas ved å omtale skrivemåten hennes som «tradisjonell, innlevende og realistisk» (Andersen 2001:461) finner liten konsensus i den øvrige forfatterskapsresepsjonen. Øystein Rottem skriver i sin ...
    • Seriously, where do illocutionary adverbs come from? 

      Haumann, Dagmar; Killie, Kristin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-12-22)
      This chapter reports on a corpus-based reappraisal of the two main hypotheses about the development of (content-related) illocutionary adverbs from lexically related narrow-scope readings: The reanalysis hypothesis, which relies on contexts in which the adverb is ambiguous between a narrow-scope and an illocutionary reading (bridging contexts), and the ellipsis analysis, which relies on structural ...
    • Gray Illuminations: Foucault and Warburg in the Kingdom of Shadows 

      Gustafsson, Henrik Isak Immanuel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      ‘Genealogy is gray, meticulous and patiently documentary.’1 The opening statement of Michel Foucault’s 1971 essay ‘Nietzsche, Genealogy, History’ reiterates Friedrich Nietzsche’s polemics against ‘the genuinely English type’ of genealogy, ‘gazing around haphazardly in the blue,’ launched in the preface to On the Genealogy of Morals.2 As the antidote to the ethereal realms of the soul and sky ...
    • The acquisition of the semantics of Japanese numeral classifiers: The methodological value of nonsense 

      Kubota, Maki; Matzuoka, Yuko; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-26)
      This study examined the acquisition of numeral classifiers in 120 monolingual Japanese children. Previous research has argued that the complex semantic system underlying classifiers is late acquired. Thus, we set out to determine the age at which Japanese children are able to extend the semantic properties of classifiers to novel items/situations. Participants completed a comprehension task with ...
    • The many faces of “možno” in Russian and across Slavic: Corpus investigation of constructions with the modal možno 

      Zhamaletdinova, Elmira (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-02-23)
      <p>Modality encompasses various dimensions, including semantics, syntax, pragmatics, and discourse. Traditionally, research on modality in a specific language has focused either on examining broad domains, such as possibility or necessity, encompassing all linguistic means that constitute them, or on studying the most grammaticalized modal words. This dissertation explores the properties of the ...
    • “Students are bringing the revolution into the classroom!” teachers’ and counselors’ perceptions of the need for psychosocial support in crisis-affected classrooms in Lebanon 

      Schenzle, Steffi; Schultz, Jon-Håkon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-27)
      The still-evolving situation in Lebanon is characterized by multiple crises that affect students’ mental health and school functioning. This explorative study analyzes educators’ experience of students’ educational and psychosocial needs and their preparedness to deliver psychosocial support. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 19 public-school teachers and counselors in Lebanon. Educators ...