Now showing items 521-540 of 7445

    • Does municipal amalgamation affect trust in local politicians? The case of Norway 

      Solvang, Øystein; Saglie, Jo; Winsvold, Marte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-30)
      When municipalities merge, they grow and, at the same time, experience a comprehensive reform process, both of which may affect political trust. We explore whether and how the large-scale municipal amalgamation reforms in Norway in the 2010s affected citizens’ trust in local and national elected officials and assemblies. We examine the effects of both changes in size and reform processes using survey ...
    • Bernd Henningsen (Hg.): Nordeuropa. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    • From machine learning to classroom learning: mobile vowels and the Russian preposition v ‘in(to)’ 

      Nesset, Tore; Xavier, Kevin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The present study reports on a machine learning experiment concerning mobile vowels in the Russian preposition v ‘in(to)’. It is shown that a neural network is able to predict mobile vowels in 97.4% of the cases in our dataset, and a decision tree is used to extract a set of three rules that a language learner can use to achieve nearly the same level of accuracy. We argue that these rules are ...
    • Diagnose som verktøy for mestring 

      Jakobsen, Yvonne; Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      I denne artikkelen utforsker vi spørsmålet: Hvordan opplever kvinner med sen ADHD-diagnose at diagnose kan bidra til å forstå seg selv og tilrettelegge for valg som fremmer god helse? I studien er det benyttet en flermetodisk tilnærming med digitalt spørreskjema, semistrukturerte intervjuer og fokusgruppeintervju. Tema har blant annet vært betydningen av diagnose. Sentrale funn er at diagnose oppleves ...
    • Meždu diskursom i konstrukciej: istorija russkogo BYVALO 

      Sokolova, Svetlana; Egorov, Dmitrij (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    • Fortell meg alt - En analyse av Kristín Ómarsdóttirs skuespill Segðu mér allt 

      Bjørnsten, Ine Camilla (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-12-02)
      Oppgaven er en analyse av den islandske dramatikeren Kristin Omarsdóttirs skuespill Segðu mér allt (Fortell meg alt) fra 2005. Fortell meg alt, med undertittelen Verdensbildet til ei 12 år gammel jente, handler om Guðrún som er 12 år gammel og lam fra livet og ned. Hun bor sammen med foreldrene sine i en drabantby til Reykjavik, og skuespillet viser oss virkeligheten sett fra hennes synsvinkel, ...
    • А. А. Масальская-Сурина и её воспоминания 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      A. A. Masalskaya-Surina and her memories.
    • Contextualising Diversity, Work and Mobility Across Time: Cases from Norway's 'High North' 

      Hiss, Florian (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-09-12)
      Research into language, work, and migration has evolved rapidly during the past decade. The majority of studies focus on contemporary cases. However, work migration and linguistic diversity in the workplace are not phenomena solely of the early 21st century; many workplaces have been sites of multilingual encounters throughout history. While this has been acknowledged in contemporary studies (e.g., ...
    • English in Norway's multilingual North. A rhizomatic view on encounters with historical and transnational diversity 

      Hiss, Florian (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-11-15)
      The chapter explores the multifaceted role of English in the complex and dynamic multilingual surrounding of Northern Norway, a region that has been linguistically diverse throughout history. Sámi languages and Kven have historical roots in the region and are today minoritized. More recently, linguistic diversity is affected by transnational migration, tourism, and global communication. The chapter ...
    • Researching language at work in public and hidden domains. Historical time and temporal contextualization 

      Hiss, Florian (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Research into language at work appears as timely today. Extending this contemporary strand of research to historical workplace settings provides new insights and poses methodological and theoretical challenges. While historical cases can provide valuable experiences with respect to today’s multilingual workplaces, the chapter argues that it is necessary to consider the temporality of the practices ...
    • “Then we had to analyse a picture” - blind immigrant student in upper secondary school 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-12-01)
      Inclusion is a key principle in the Norwegian school system. Nevertheless, there are still a large number of students who feel that they do not belong in the learning community. The primary focus of this research is the immigrant student’s own experience of support when learning difficulties were linked to visual impairments. In this study, I follow the thematic life history of a single student in ...
    • Developing a group coaching practice targeting school leaders: an action research project with a critical friend 

      Abrahamsen, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-12)
      There are various forms of coaching in the field of education that promote professional development. This article reports on an action research project exploring school leadership coaching, demonstrating how a group coaching practice is developed when involving groups of coaches and leadership groups. The coaches, organized into two coaching teams, develop their coaching practice through reflective ...
    • The association between screen media quantity, content, and context and language development 

      Alroqi, Haifa; Serratrice, Ludovica; Cameron-Faulkner, Thea (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-06-27)
      This study investigates the influence of the quantity, content, and context of screen media use on the language development of 85 Saudi children aged 1 to 3 years. Surveys and weekly event-based diaries were employed to track children’s screen use patterns. Language development was assessed using JISH Arabic Communicative Development Inventory (JACDI). Findings indicate that the most significant ...
    • Letters to the Paulaharjus from Ruija: The emergence of two writing cultures in Finnish among Kvens in the early twentieth century 

      Haataja, Daniel; Niiranen, Leena Mirjam (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-15)
      <p>Samuli Paulaharju was a Finnish ethnographer who visited the Kven minority in Northern Norway – Ruija – in the 1920s and 1930s. Together with his wife Jenny he collected ethnographic material among the Kvens, and corresponded frequently with some of them. Many wrote in Finnish, and most were self-taught writers. <p>We focus on the orthography used by these writers who were writing in a multilingual ...
    • Heritage language development and processing: Non-canonical word orders in Mandarin-English child heritage speakers 

      Hao, Jiuzhou; Chondrogianni, Vasiliki; Sturt, Patrick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-09-18)
      Previous research suggests that child HSs’ performance in offline linguistic tasks is typically worse than their age-matched monolingual peers and is modulated by linguistic and child-level factors. This study examined the comprehension and production of three Mandarin non-canonical structures in 5- to 9-year-old Mandarin–English heritage children and Mandarin-speaking monolingual children, including ...
    • Experience of discrimination in egalitarian societies: the Sámi and majority populations in Sweden and Norway 

      Yasar, Rusen; Bergmann, Fabian; Lloyd-Smith, Anika; Schmid, Sven-Patrick; Holzinger, Katharina; Kupisch, Tanja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-29)
      The Sámi people stand out as the only Indigenous minority in an egalitarian European context, namely the Nordic Countries. Therefore, inequalities that they may face are worth closer inspection. Drawing on the distinction between inequalities among individuals (vertical) and between groups (horizontal), we investigate how different types of inequalities affect the Sámi today. We formulate a series ...
    • UN human rights mechanisms in prevention of atrocity crimes: the context of mass atrocities in Ukraine 

      Sayko, Anna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-06)
      There has been limited examination of the current and potential capacity of the UN human rights mechanisms to effectively engage in preventive measures. The international community, mainly through the UN Security Council, focuses on peaceful conflict resolution, mediation and political interventions, narrowing the scope of atrocity prevention to security, diplomacy and politics. However, by reassessing ...
    • Human Rights in Neoliberal Era: A Case Study of Georgia 

      Arabuli, Taia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      Neoliberalism, characterised by free-market reforms, privatisation of public services and assets, prioritisation of private property rights, and limited government interference, has shaped the "neoliberal age." Critics argue that these policies have contributed to social inequality, poverty, and human rights violations. This research analyses the challenges neoliberal policies present to human rights ...
    • Who deserves international protection in Europe? A critical analysis of the unequal treatment given to Convention refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in the European Union 

      Vasconcelos Silva e Souza, Luisa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the establishment of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and its successive reformulations, focusing on the EU policy on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. It analyses how hierarchies are constructed for the different policy target groups and how ...
    • European Union Governance Response to Corporate Social Responsibility and the French Case Study 

      dos Prazeres Costa, Giulia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-01)
      This dissertation explores the European Union (EU) strategy on corporate responsibility in relation to sustainability reports and due diligence processes in human rights. The focus is on the French position in the area, as it was the first member state to legislate on the duty of vigilance. The aim is to examine the interaction with the EU and the member states in this issue-area using France as a ...