Now showing items 641-660 of 7445

    • Kommunal innovasjon og ekstern påvirkning. En sammenligning av tre kommuners betingelser for endringer i formell struktur i forsøksprosjektet "Alternativ organisering av barnevernet" 

      Brattvoll, John Morten (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1994)
      Denne studien vil omfatte tre casestudier av kommunene Tromsø, Hammerfest og Tana. Disse kommunene er alle med i det ovennevnte sentralt politisk initierte prosjekt. I empirikapitlet vil det bli redegjort for hvilke strukturelle endringer som hver av kommunene har gjennomført pr. 30.05.93, dvs. 5 måneder etter at kommunene formelt skulle ha iverksatt sine nye organisasjonsmodeller. Kommunenes gamle ...
    • Postverket. Tradisjon og reform 

      Sagerup, Oddgeir J. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1993)
      Administrative reformer er vanlige fenomener. I offentlig organisasjoner foregår det en kontinuerlig reformaktivitet. Har ikke slike organisasjoner nettopp vært igjennom endringsprosesser så finnes det som oftest planer om å snart igangsette slike prosesser (Brunsson, Forssell, Winberg 1989). Noen endringer skjer frivillige, mens andre kan betraktes som påtvungete endringer. Oppfatninger om at ...
    • Tvang i psykiatrisk sykehus 

      Skar, Mariann (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1993)
      Amalie Skram utgav i 1895 romanene “Professor Hieronimus” og “På St. Jørgen”. Her beskriver hun en kvinnes kamp mot galskapen og opplevelsen av å være innlagt på en lukket avdeling. Kampen mot autoritetene står sentralt. <p> <p>KenKeseys roman “Gjøkeredet” beskriver livet på sinnsykehuset. Vi opplever en hverdag preget av kontroll, høye gjerder, innelåsing, medlisinering og “gruppeterapi”. ...
    • Administrativ nydannelse i et sterkt strukturert system : en studie av fylkeskommunal tiltaksorganisering i Troms fra 1974 til 1981 

      Røvik, Kjell Arne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1982)
      Valg av tema for denne oppgaven; organisasjonsendring i et distriktspolitiskoran, avspeiler mine to faglige hovedorienteringer i studietiden. For det første en opptatthet av regionalpolitiske problemstillinger med spesiell vekt på tiltaksarbeid/tiltaksorganisering som ny distriktspolitiskstrategi. For det andre en teoretisk orientering mot det som er blitt kalt et organisasjonsteoretisk perspektiv ...
    • Lykkes det ikke nå, lykkes det aldri? En empirisk studie av attføringsklienters livsløp 

      Severinsen, Steinulf; Stølen, Gerd (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1984)
      Denne oppgaven om attføringsklienters livsløp har sitt utgangspunkt i vår yrkesbakgrunn innafor dette feltet. Gjennom flere år som timelærere ved Sentret for arbeidspsykologi og attføring i Nord_Norge fikk vi innblikk i en gruppe arbeidsledige menneskers situasjon. Senteret er en del av Arbeidsmarkedsetaten i landsdelen og tar i mot klienter til undersøkelse og veiledning med tanke på yrkesproblemer.
    • Arts-based pathways for sustainable transformation towards a more equal world 

      Mittner, Lilli; Meling, Lise Karin; Maxwell, Sheila Kate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-22)
      The cultural sector is a potential instigator of change due to its experimental, performative, and relational nature. However, like everywhere else, the cultural sector re-enacts and thus conserves inequalities of various kinds through its outreach to wider audiences and its deep engagement in socio-cultural practices. By taking our actions within the ERASMUS+ project ‘Voices of Women’ as a creative ...
    • Indigenous agency through normative contestation: defining the scope of free, prior and informed consent in the Russian North 

      Peeters, Marina Goloviznina (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      This chapter explores how obshchiny, the most numerous grassroots Indigenous peoples’ organizations in contemporary Russia, deal with the challenge of exercising their right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). The study nuances our understanding of the agency of obshchiny, drawing much-needed attention to their practices of making a difference in the governance of extractive activities at ...
    • Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on Language Acquisition and Processing 

      Prystauka, Yanina; Deluca, Vincent Francesco; Luque, Alicia; Voits, Toms; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-21)
      The earliest investigations of the neural implementation of language started with examining patients with various types of disorders and underlying brain damage. The advent of neuroimaging tools in the twentieth century drastically changed the landscape of the field of the (cognitive) neuroscience of language, expanding the variety and depth of research questions one could ask without being ...
    • Pushing Normative Change from the Bottom Up. Indigenous Peoples Organizations and Recognition of Indigenous Peoples Rights in Russia 

      Peeters, Marina Goloviznina (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-12-08)
      Indigenous peoples and their organizations (IPOs) in the Arctic region and worldwide use international norms to hold governments and extractive corporations accountable for violations of Indigenous peoples’ rights. However, IPOs in undemocratic states face greater obstacles in engaging with these norms, given the government’s limited responsiveness to arguments based on international laws on the ...
    • The Development of Microhistorical Databases in Norway A Historiography 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar; Holden, Lars (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-11)
      Norwegian work on microdata started out with the full count 1801 census and census and vital records from around the capital. Today, most census and ministerial records from 1801 until the mid-20th century have been scanned, transcriptions are being completed, much is encoded and made available via the websites of the Digital National Archives and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. This article ...
    • Some Problems for the Phenomenal Approach to Personal Identity 

      Labukt, Ivar Russøy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-17)
      I present some problems for phenomenal (i.e. consciousness-based) accounts of personal identity and egoistic concern. These accounts typically rely on continuity in the capacity for consciousness to explain how we survive ordinary periods of unconsciousness such as dreamless sleep. I offer some thought experiments where continuity in the capacity for consciousness does not seem sufficient for ...
    • Understanding variation in prospective poor decoders: A person-centred approach from kindergarten to Grade 2 

      Dams, Judi E.; Schaars, Moniek M. H.; Segers, Eliane; Blom, Wilhelmina Bernardina T. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-30)
      In the present study, we aimed to clarify variation in prospective poor decoders by studying the development of their word decoding skills during the first 1½ years of formal reading education and their unique pre-reading profiles before the onset of formal reading education. Using structural equation modelling and a factorial mixed model analysis of variance (ANOVA), we found autoregression ...
    • “Not a Major or Complicated Task”: Activating Dugnad under COVID-19 and the Imagination of Equality in the Norwegian Welfare State 

      Gross, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-28)
      In Norway, the institution of the welfare state and trust in the government defined the country’s approach to tackling the pandemic. In particular, the government’s strategy to activate the cultural concept of dugnad (voluntary, reciprocal communal work), which relies on an equal standing of all participants, plays into the national imaginary of an egalitarian and just society. However, like in other ...
    • Sustainability: Critical Reflections on an Apparently Common-Sensical Term 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      In March 20223, the sixth synthesis report penned by the International Panel of Climate Change (Lee et al. 2023) was released. As earlier, the assessments are dire reading and yet again witness of trends going into the wrong direction on almost all important accounts; increase in CO2 emissions, underperforming attempts at cutbacks, rising temperatures on a global scale, missed targets, unpaid ...
    • Kvensk kulturarv og museumsformidling. Strategier, spenninger og betydninger 

      Øyen, Gyrid (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-12-05)
      Denne avhandlingen undersøker formidling av kvensk kulturarv ved Vadsø museum – Ruija kvenmuseum. Gjennom tre analyser tar jeg leseren med inn i museets arbeid, med intensjon om å få frem prosesser som museet, ansatte og brukere står i, når kulturarv som særlig knyttes til den nasjonale minoriteten skal formidles. Museumsformidling er operasjonalisert som et samspill mellom museets representant(er) ...
    • Social media as an agenda-setting instrument in local politics 

      Steinveg, Beate; Bjørnå, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-25)
      This article contributes to the litera ture on political agen da-setting on social mediain the local context. Using interviews with local politicians in northern Norway, wediscuss local politicians’ use of soci al media for agenda-setting in between electionsfrom an agency perspective. We ask whether local politicians seek to promote andcontrol the definition of an issue on social media, and whether ...
    • Kritisk matematikkundervisning - en vei til demokratisk dannelse 

      Burt-Davies, Kaja; Andersson, Annica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08)
      Sørger matematikkundervisningen for at våre fremtidige samfunnsborgere får den matematiske kompetansen de trenger for å kritisk å forholde seg til samfunnsutfordringer? Denne artikkelen presenterer Critical Mathematics Education, et forskningsfelt som fremmer et aktivt undervisningsmiljø og som støtter lærere som ønsker å jobbe aktivt med samfunnsutfordringer og spørsmål tilknyttet mangfold, kultur ...
    • Samisk tradisjonell kunnskap og utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling 

      Kvivesen, Mona (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-07-18)
      Students should learn about the Sami people’s traditional knowledge and approach to nature in science education. Science teachers, therefore, must become proficient in Sami culture and traditions. Sami traditional practitioners have expertise, and it is important to bring out their voices. In this case study, six reindeer owners are interviewed, and the results show that the siida welcomes student ...
    • Upscale: Upscaling Sustainable Collaborative Consumption Using Public Libraries 

      Jochumsen, Henrik; Julsrud, Tom Erik; Mathiasson, Mia Høj; Solum, Espen Eigil Barratt-Due; Guillen-Royo, Monica; Bakkevoll, Sandra Elise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-29)
      UPSCALE is an international collaboration of universities, research institutes, public libraries, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that explore the preconditions for and possible upscaling of collaborative consumption using public libraries. UPSCALE runs until autumn 2024, and results will be published continuously in journals dealing with library and information studies, climate research,and ...
    • Foraging Eco-Ethology, Incentives and Motivations in the Kindergartens of Norway Based on Sámi and Norwegian Cultures 

      Bergan, Veronica; Laiti, Marikaisa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-09)
      Early childhood education (ECE) institutions in Norway highly value nature and outdoor activities. The framework plan for kindergartens encourages that children get insights into the origin of food. The approach for imparting this knowledge incentivises foraging in kindergartens. The eco-ethology of humans is dependent on cultural values and practices and what is available for harvest in the local ...