Now showing items 681-700 of 7445

    • Anti-populism in times of recurring crises An analysis of ‘New Democracy’s political discourse 

      Dimitrakopoulos, Nikolaos (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This study examines the use of the signifier "populism" in the political discourse of New Democracy, Greece's ruling party, and attempts to connect it to broader political and ideological antagonisms and goals. Specifically, the study focuses on a 42-month period during which three significant consecutive crises occurred and attempts to identify the specific meanings and functions that "populism" ...
    • “If I write I must tell the truth as I know it” - Gender, Conflict, and Nationalism in Women's Memoirs of the Easter Rising 

      Heaven, Rhiannon (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The Easter Rising was a pivotal moment in the fight for Irish independence and retains a potent place in Irish Republican mythology. Memory of the Rising has frequently centered the men, particularly those who were executed in its aftermath and so became Republican martyrs. This thesis explores Republican women’s memories of the Rising, through analysis of four memoirs of the period. I identify six ...
    • Beyond the Uniform: Analysing the Nexus of Privilege-based Violence and Militarisation of Public Security in the Context of the Colombian Protests of 2019 & 2021 

      Johansson, Per-Albin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      "Beyond the Uniform: Analysing the Nexus of Privilege Violence and Militarisation of Public Security in the Context of Colombian Protests of 2019 & 2021" explores the impact of militarisation on civil-military relations during the Colombian protests of 2019 and 2021. The study analyses the behaviour of state security forces, with particular emphasis on traditional law and order maintenance police ...
    • Tilrettelagt innhenting – necessary to ensure national security, or an unreasonable incursion into Norwegian’s privacy? 

      Rangel-Halvorssen, Sebastian Leonard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      The introduction of bulk interception (in Norwegian: “tilrettelagt innhenting”) into the Norwegian intelligence service’s toolbox represents both a continuation of the long-standing security-liberty debate, and a significant development in Norwegian security policy. This development puts Norwegian democracy in a new and difficult situation to navigate, in order to achieve a proper balance of ...
    • Disagreement and Cooperation between Norway and Russia in the Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone – An Analysis of Complex Interdependence in the Barents Sea 

      Bolduc, Ian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      The Svalbard Treaty confers full and absolute sovereignty of Svalbard’s land and territorial waters of the Svalbard archipelago to Norway. It also stipulates that all states that have ratified the Treaty enjoy equal right of access to the land and the territorial waters. Following the development in the Law of the Sea in the seventies, which allowed coastal states to establish an exclusive economic ...
    • Sámi Yoik and Fela Kuti's Afrobeat: An Ethnographic Study of Music as a Medium for Activism 

      Aluola, Philip (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Sámi yoik and Fela Kuti's Afrobeat are the subjects of this thesis, which examines music as a form of activism through an ethnographic lens. The study's primary focus is an anthropological examination of Sámi music performances and oral histories. The Sámi are an indigenous people that live in northern Fennoscandia, which includes Norway, Finland, Sweden, and the Russian Kola Peninsula. The Federal ...
    • Norwegian-speaking Sami and Russian-speaking Kazakh young adults: a comparative study of identities 

      Koshmagambetova, Aikhanym (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      In the given thesis, the identities of the Norwegaian-speaking Sami and the Russian-speaking Kazakh young adults are analysed in relation to their first languages' influence on the identity formation. The research is conducted by interviewing 10 representatives of the given groups and applying thematic analysis to the data gathered. The given reserach contributes to understanding how do ethnic ...
    • Home away from home: A visual participatory project exploring what young people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds communicate about their everyday lives in London. 

      Doggett, Charlotte Rose (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis concerns the ways in which young people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds navigate new places, negotiating conflict and creating paths to peace in London. Those with the most proximate experiences of migration are often excluded from peacebuilding processes. Coloniality entangled into the praxis of peace and conflict fashions a dogma in which Global North understandings of peace ...
    • Examining Jair Bolsonaro’s socio-environmental policies in the Amazon 

      Bergersen, Eskil (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      From the start of 2019, when Jair Bolsonaro had become president of Brazil, the new administration has made significant social and political changes. Changes to government structures, institutions, indigenous rights, environmental policy, and territorial claims has intensified conflict nationally. Major changes made by the Bolsonaro administration has caused reactions from both civil society groups, ...
    • The Legal Fragmentation of Migrant Smuggling: A study on the compatibility between two legal regimes on migrant smuggling 

      Jonsson, Moa Skasberg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      Migrant smuggling has resulted in unprecedented levels of peacetime defensive actions. This is because migrant smuggling is generally considered both the cause and consequence of grave human rights violations. Another reason can be found in the right of States to determine who their residents and future citizens are, and the threat migrant smuggling is to that right. Migrant smuggling has therefore ...

      Ofosuhene, Adjoa Korankyiwa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      The thesis reflects on the discussions surrounding refugee participation in work. Furthermore, the thesis seeks to find out the experiences of refugee women after five years of work participation. Focusing on their personal empowerment, relationship with children, changing ideals about femininities across transnational spaces, and creation of social networks, the thesis explores how these factors ...
    • A thematic analysis of Norway's strategy of deterrence and assurance towards Russia during the war in Ukraine 

      Folgerø, Hauk (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Norway has sought a balancing strategy towards Russia since joining NATO in 1949. Deterring measures through NATO has been followed by assuring measures to ease tensions between both Norway and Russia, and NATO and Russia. During Russian aggression, most notably the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Norway sought greater integration with NATO, and has shifted towards a greater focus on measures of ...
    • Donald Trump's Rhetoric Concerning Black Lives Matter: Constructing a Security Threat. 

      Bartel, David Israel (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-13)
      In the Summer of 2020, mass protests occurred throughout the United States in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of law enforcement. This incident sparked a lot of contradicting discourse when speaking about the BLM movement and what was happening around the nation. At the height of it all, the President of the United States warned those who were participating in the ...
    • Structural similarity in third language acquisition 

      Kolb, Nadine; Mitrofanova, Natalia; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-22)
      Language learners typically experience cross-linguistic influence (CLI) from one or several previously acquired languages when acquiring an additional language. Learners of a second language (L2) are influenced by their native languages in all language domains ranging from phonology, lexicon, and morphosyntax, to semantics, discourse, and pragmatics. In third (and subsequent) language (L3/ Ln) ...
    • Barns rett til familieliv etter omsorgsovertakelse. En analyse av Barneverns- og Helsenemndas vekting og fortolkning 

      Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-11-02)
      This thesis explores how the child’s right to family life after a care order is issued safeguarded in care orders. The thesis consists of four studies: Three studies that analyze County Social Welfare Board decisions from period 1. July 2018 to 31. December 2019, and one study that provides an overview of research on how the child’s view is weighted in court proceedings, based on a database search ...
    • "Viking" - norsk nasjonalisme i vesterled 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2002)
      Den 12. juli 1893 seilte et vikingskip inn på havna i Chicago, et knapt halvår etter at det var sjøsatt i Sandefjord. Skipet var en tro kopi av Gokstadskipet, og anledningen var verdensutstillingen til minne om Colombus` "oppdagelse" av Amerika 400 år tidligere. Ankomsten ble slått stort opp på forsida av The Chicago Tribune, og seilasen figurerte i amerikanske og norske aviser i ukesvis. Hvordan ...
    • Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition: Evidence from artificial language learning 

      Mitrofanova, Natalia; Leivada, Evelina; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-10)
      This study investigates the role of lexical vs structural similarity in L3 acquisition. We designed a mini-artificial language learning task where the novel L3 was lexically based on Norwegian but included a property that was present in Russian and Greek yet absent in Norwegian (grammatical case). The participants were Norwegian-Russian and Norwegian-Greek bilinguals as well as a group of Norwegian ...
    • Shadings of Nuance: Contextualizing a "Convergence of Opinion" Regarding a River Located in the Imaginarium of the Western Mind 

      Rossi, Christopher Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) makes it clear that a primary function of the Court is to decide disputes submitted to it. From jurisprudential and practical perspectives, debates arise over the meaning of a dispute. International public policy emphasizes the need for the following objectives in resolving disputes: finality, economy and efficiency, effectiveness, ...
    • Kvinnerelatert bistand. En gjennomgang av Operasjon Dagsverk sine prosjekter i Sør-Afrika 1988-2021 

      Olsen, Bertine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      Hovedproblemstillingen for denne oppgaven er: Hvilke endringer kan man se i motivasjon og hensikt for kvinnerelatert bistand i OD sine prosjekter? Forskningsspørsmålene er: 1. Hvordan relaterer endringene seg til utviklingen i Sør-Afrika, slik dette kommer til uttrykk i OD sine egne vurderinger og begrunnelser for innsatsen? 2. Hvordan relaterer dette seg til overordnede målsettinger på ...
    • Integration of Turkish Immigrants into the Norwegian Society: The Role of English as a Lingua Franca 

      Bjørgve, Aylin Kayali (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The rapid growth of globalisation and the ease of mobility across countries during the past decades have brought about some fundamental changes in the structural organisation of societies. People not only carry their bodies and workforce with them when they move, but they also carry their identities, experiences, cultures, habits and needs. Immigrants may encounter a variety of challenges after they ...