Viser treff 1281-1300 av 7445

    • Introduction 

      Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      Human languages are inextricably a part of our mind/brain. No other animal has a comparable ability with the same complexity and richness that humans do. An important research goal is to better understand this ability for language: What is it that enables human to acquire and use language the way we do? One way of answering this is to argue that there are aspects of our biology that enable us to ...
    • Tildelingskontoret – en organisatorisk innovasjon i norske kommuner? 

      Gjerde, Ingunn; Torsteinsen, Harald; Aarseth, Turid (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016)
      I løpet av det siste tiåret har mange norske kommuner opprettet tildelingskontor for vurdering av behov for og tildeling av individuelle helse- og sosialtjenester. I dette kapitlet ser vi på etablering av tildelingskontor som en kommunal innovasjon. Kontorene befinner seg i et spenningsfelt mellom ulike styringsparadigmer, noe som både har betydning for hvilke koordineringsmekanismer som tas i ...
    • Variation and change in Italian phonology: On the mutual dependence of grammar and lexicon in Optimality Theory 

      Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-12-01)
      In this paper I discuss the influence of language acquisition and borrowing on the reorganisation of grammar and lexicon in the development from Latin into Italian. We will have a look at the historical sequencing of the introduction of new phonological processes, velar palatalization, mid vowel breaking, and lateral palatalization, and how they conspire to create new contrasts or reintroduce contrasts ...
    • A Trauma-Informed Approach to Arresting Migrant Families for Deportation. New Policing Practice 

      Warth, Line Lundvoll; Langballe, Åse; Schultz, Jon Håkon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      An arrest can be a potentially traumatic event for parents and children. In Norway, the National Police Immigration Service (NPIS) has introduced four child-specific principles – safety, understanding, predictability and involvement – to guide a new practice to prevent traumatic stress. We explored how the police understand and practise the new approach when arresting families to be deported. We ...
    • Islam i Tromsø: en nordnorsk religion 

      Bratsvedal, Ine Rolseth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-20)
      Hva er islams historie i Tromsø? Hvordan har muslimer i Tromsø tilpasset livet i nord til islam, og islam til livet i nord? Hvordan har islam blitt en nordnorsk religion? Jeg forsøker å kaste lys over disse spørsmålene gjennom feltarbeid, intervju og undersøkelser av skriftlige kilder, samt ved å dra veksler på perspektiver fra religionshistorikeren Thomas Tweed.
    • Pilot arealstrategi. Utvikling og evaluering av arealstrategiarbeid i åtte distriktskommunar. Sluttrapport. 

      Hagen, Aksel; Aarsæther, Nils Johan; Brattland, Camilla; Bråtå, Hans Olav; Buanes, Arild; Ringholm, Toril Merete; Jensen, Vilde Andrea; Johansen, Gisle (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Denne rapporten markerar avsluttinga på eit pilotprosjekt om arealstrategiarbeid i 8 distriktskommunar, finansiert av KDD Kommunal- og distriktsdepartmentet i samarbeid med Distriktssenteret. Prosjektoppstart var mai 2021, og avslutning januar 2023.<p> <p>Dei 8 kommunane er Namsskogan, Leka og Holtålen i Trøndelag, Lødingen, Grane og Hamarøy i Nordland, og Nordkapp og Karasjok i Troms og ...
    • Verb Second Word Order in Norwegian Heritage Language: Syntax and Pragmatics 

      Westergaard, Marit; Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      In this paper, we investigate verb second (V2) word order in Norwegian heritage language spoken in the United States, i.e., in a situation where the heritage speakers have English as their dominant language. We show that not only the syntax of V2 may be affected in a heritage language situation, but that the number of contexts for this word order may also be severely reduced (i.e., non-subject-initial ...
    • The Politics of Russian Arctic shipping: evolving security and geopolitical factors 

      Sergunin, Alexander; Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-03)
      This study examines how soft security, including economic and environmental issues, inform the broader security and geopolitical factors of Moscow’s policy on the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The authors begin by discussing how Russia’s hard and soft security perceptions of Arctic shipping evolved in the post-Cold War era, including perceptional changes in the context of the Ukrainian crisis and ongoing ...
    • Intelligent design and natural theology 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-15)
      Natural Theology is an attempt to provide arguments for the existence of God based on reason and ordinary experience of nature. It became quite popular with both orthodox Christians and Deists between about 1650 and 1850, inspiring much of the scientific fieldwork done during that period. However, Darwin’s theory of evolution brought about a temporary decline of this Christian apologetic ...
    • Blir norsk politikk GAL? 

      Stein, Jonas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-28)
      Internasjonal statsvitenskap har de siste tiårene utfordret den tradisjonelle éndimensjonale forståelsen av europeisk politikk. Analysene av norsk politikk har alltid vært flerdimensjonale, og sånn sett kan man si at analysene av europeisk politikk har tatt igjen de norske. Samtidig åpner et nytt todimensjonalt europeisk rammeverk, GAL-TAN, et nytt perspektiv på norsk politikk. Denne artikkelen viser ...
    • Interpreting Violence, Violent Interpretations: Introduction 

      Falke, Cassandra (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      This chapter introduces the key terms of the edited volume: violence, interpretation, narrative, hermeneutics, and ethics. It articulates how interpreting violence refers both to the process of meaning-making involved in understanding representations of violence and to the potential violence involved in interpretive acts themselves. Drawing on the distinction between understanding and explanation, ...
    • Witnessing Extremity in Violent Narratives in Literature and Humanitarian Discourse 

      Falke, Cassandra (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Beginning with Heidegger´s definition of violence as that which exceeds and reformulates normality, this essay questions how violence can be ethically represented and interpreted. In their ability to establish norms and then carry us beyond the bounds of the familiar, novels are uniquely suited to represent violence as norm-shattering. Contrasting tendencies in contemporary novels representing ...
    • Self-Respect in Higher Education 

      Tanyi, Attila (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      I begin this chapter with research, reported recently in The Atlantic, on the surprising phenomenon that many successful women, all accomplished and highly competent, exhibit high degrees of self-doubt. Unlike the original research, this chapter aims to bring into view the role self-respect plays in higher education as another crucial explanatory factor. First, I clarify the main concepts that are ...
    • Promises, pitfalls and potentials of immersive journalism 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      When moving the discussion from VR-based interactive fiction to non-fiction genres such as immersive journalism, several issues of critical concern come to the fore: 1) How can the informants (or, indeed, the objects) of the immersive experiences implied by 360-degree journalism be adequately protected and how can they be properly included in the projects realized in their life worlds? 2) Which ...
    • Una nota sobre locativos y acusativos 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-08-31)
      This article examins the behaviour of differential object marking in a set of verbs that exceptionally trigger it on direct objects of an inanimate nature. A articular form of unifying these cases with the locative uses of the preposition a ‘to, at’ is proposed, and that is taken as a starting point to reassess the semantic nature of this case marker.
    • Una nota sobre la lectura de los adverbios de grado 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-13)
      One of the most influential tests in the recent studies on adjectival structure has been the combination of adjectives with degree adverbs as a way to diagnose the internal properties of the scale. This article shows that the combination of adverbs and adjectives does not always depend on scale properties; the paper argues that there are three other possible interpretations and proposes several tests ...
    • Manufacturing Monsters Across Media and Genres: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Multi-Dimensional Research Agenda on the Cultural Construction of the Other 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-01-09)
      This theoretical chapter offers an integrated interdisciplinary model for the study of mediated cultural communication. Firstly, I describe the model and acknowledge preceding approaches that focused on similar issues. I show the intrinsic connections between aesthetic form, production, reception and reproduction, and argue for the necessity of studying all these components together to gain a ...
    • Euroarctic Strategies and Synergies 

      Wråkberg, Urban (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2012)
      A comparative discussion is made of contemporary national and organisational strategies on Northern and Arctic Europe to identify common interests in the Euro-Arctic region and to evaluate how some of these interests may relate to the global context. This dialogue will be considered in relation to the post-Cold War transition from Realist to geoeconomic perspectives on the world. <p> <p>My tentative ...
    • On Boundaries and Areas in Local History Research 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 1997)
      Among the social sciences, history is characterised as the most particularising discipline - the discipline to the greatest extent studying the way definite actions, events and structures differ from time to time and place to place. A considerable part of Norwegian historical research deals with local areas, <i>kommuner</i> (municipalities), <i>fylker</i> (provinces) and other regions below the ...
    • Russland handlar rasjonelt 

      Nesset, Tore (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-02-17)
      I ordskiftet om krigen i Ukraina blir det av og til hevda at Russland handlar irrasjonelt. Dette er upresist språk. Kremls problem har ikkje vore mangel på rasjonalitet, men mangel på informasjon.