Viser treff 1301-1320 av 7445

    • Games and Realism 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-11-11)
      This entry offers an overview over applications of the the concept of realism in game studies. After a general description of the term, I move on to an aesthetic notion of realism before I direct attention to its use in videogames research. I show that realism in game studies is about more than photorealist representation of surface phenomena and that it also needs to account for players’ perceptions.
    • Decree 546 and Female Imprisonment in Colombia: Considering the Impact of Empty Policy on Institutional Trust 

      Castaño-Metal, Daniela (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-26)
      What happens to institutional trust when fundamental human rights are not respected by the laws meant to protect them? The social and political environment spurred by the Covid 19 pandemic proved difficult for policymakers and the public alike, but perhaps those with the least agency fared the worst, prisoners. This thesis theorizes the concept of loss of institutional trust as a consequence ...
    • The Dagbon chieftaincy conflict in Northern Ghana: analyzing the role of the Committee of Eminent Chiefs to the restoration of peace in Dagbon. 

      Abideen, Abdul-Rauf AZ (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-15)
      This study focuses on the Dagbon chieftaincy succession dispute between the Andani and the Abudu royal gates in the Northern Region of Ghana. The chieftaincy succession dispute between these two royal gates has existed since 1953. After what appeared to be unchecked rivalry even before Ghana attained political independence, the conflict festered and saw the murder of the overlord King of Dagbon Ya ...
    • An analysis of social media as an instrument of social change: a case of the EndSARS protest 

      Lawal, Shukurah Oluwatobi (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-14)
      The EndSARS protest movement took place in Nigeria from the 8th to the 20th of October 2020. The protest movement had clear objectives and goals, and utilized digital media, technology, and networks to coordinate and organize. Its extensive use of digital tools was not witnessed before in the history of social movements in Nigeria. Recognizing this, I conducted a media analysis of the protest to ...
    • I love freedom! - The Role of Art in Social Movements: Women's Strike Protests in Poland 2020 

      Kądrzycka, Aleksandra Karolina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-12)
      Thesis refers to the fields of art, social science, and politics and the role of artworks in social movements. It emphasizes the meaning and power of art in social movements. Using the concepts of structural violence, protest art, artivism, and transformative power of art as theoretical background as well as multimodal discourse analysis as methodology, it provides answers to research questions. ...
    • Önbecsülés, önérzet és az igazságosság követelményei (Self-respect, self-esteem and the demands of justice) 

      Tanyi, Attila (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A tanulmány kiindulópontja John Rawls azon állítása, hogy az önbecsülés társadalmi alapjai talán a legfontosabb elsődleges jószág, amelynek elosztását az igazságosság elvei irányítják. Az irodalomban vita zajlik erről az állításról, amely lényeges pontosításokat eredményezett az érintett fogalom tekintetében. Úgy gondolom azonban, hogy ez a vita nem ment elég mélyre, és ezen hiányosságnak fontos ...
    • Ulike perspektiver på språk ledsages av ulike anbefalinger om opplæring 

      Olaff, Heidi Skorge; Larsen, Kenneth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      På verdensbasis er det en økende prevalens av individer som får diagnosen autismespekterforstyrrelser. Tilgang på effektive intervensjoner er derfor avgjørende for en god prognose. Hvilken type intervensjon som tilbys i Norge er avhengig av en rekke faktorer utover det at intervensjonen må ha oppnådd status som empirisk støttet, som for eksempel preferanse hos profesjonelle. Denne gjennomgangen ...
    • Kulturarv som grunnlag for en nordvendt framtid - Sluttrapport 

      Arntzen, Johan Eilertsen; Nilsen, Gørill (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Prosjektet Kulturarv som grunnlag for en nordvendt framtid ble i 2020 gitt styøtte fra UiTs Strategisk utdanningsutvalgs Program for undervisningskvalitet i kategorien samarbeidsprosjekter med arbeidslivet. Prosjektet har jobbet med å øke det humanistiske disiploinfaget arkeologi sin erfaringsbasis og kunnskap om å skape begrepsmessig innsikt knyttet til praktiske- og praksisemner med relevans for ...
    • Functional neural architecture of cognitive control mediates the relationship between individual differences in bilingual experience and behaviour 

      Carter, Felix; DeLuca, Vincent; Segaert, Katrien; Mazaheri, Ali; Krott, Andrea (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-03)
      Bilinguals have often, but not always, been found to outperform monolinguals on domain-general attentional control. Inconsistent findings have been argued to stem, at least partly, from treating bilingualism as a uniform category and from not considering how neural adaptations to bilingual experiences modulate behavioural outcomes. The present study investigated how patterns of language experience, ...
    • The teacher’s role for engagement in foraging and gardening activities in kindergarten 

      Bergan, Veronica; Nylund, Maritha Berger; Midtbø, Ida Lervik; Paulsen, Bård Henry Landsem (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-17)
      Early childhood education provides an important arena for fostering valuable habits and practices for sustainability. This paper contributes to understanding the educator’s role within early childhood environmental education in foraging and gardening practices. What pedagogical approaches does the teacher provide to foster the children’s participation, engagement, and learning in such activities? ...
    • The Witchcraft Trial against Anders Poulsen, Vads  1692: Critical Perspectives 

      Willumsen, Liv Helene (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-03-29)
      In this chapter, I will analyse a historical source that has attracted considerable attention during the last two decades, namely the court records of the trial of Anders Poulsen, 1692.1 The trial took place in the town of Vadsø in Finnmark, which is the northernmost district of Northern Norway. The reasons for this attention are multiple, and a few will be mentioned.
    • The Participatory Approach and Student Active Learning in Language Teaching: Language Students as Journalists and Filmmakers 

      Sokolova, Svetlana; Rogatchevski, Andrei; Bjørklund, Kristian; Laven, David Henrik; Sverdrupsen, Håkon Roald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article contributes to two recent discussions in pedagogy and education, namely, the impact of the participatory approach (Jenkins et al., 2009; Yowell & Rhoten, 2009) on learning and the benefits of student active learning (Sokolova et al., in press; Spasova & Welsh, 2020). The participatory approach incorporates texts and tasks on the topics of interest that are relevant to students’ ...
    • Empirically determined strategic input and gamification in mastering Russian word forms 

      Almendingen, Jan Ove Nikolai; Josefsen, Linn Thea Kaldager; Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We propose two designs to gamify second language (L2) learning of Russian inflectional morphology: Treasure Hunt and Story Time. The goal of these designs is to focus learning on high-frequency word forms that are most strategic and effective for L2 acquisition in a way that stimulates engagement and builds lifelong learning skills. These two gamification designs emerged from a student focus group ...
    • Flipping the Classroom? From Text to Video in Teaching Russian Grammar 

      Nesset, Tore; Bjørklund, Kristian; Jacobsen, Petter Hov (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The notion of a “flipped classroom” has received considerable attention in recent years. This article reports on a project in which an instructor and two students co-created teaching materials to facilitate flipping the classroom. The purpose of the article is twofold. First, we explore some aspects of flipped classrooms in Russian language courses. Second, we reflect on the opportunities and ...
    • Construxercise!: Implementation of a construction-based approach to language pedagogy 

      Endresen, Anna; Zhukova, Valentina; Bjørgve, Elena; Demidova, Daria; Kalanova, Nataliya; Butenko, Zoia; Lonshakov, George; Laven, David Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We propose a construction-based approach to learning and teaching Russian as a second language (L2) and present an innovative pedagogical resource called Construxercise! Hands-on learning of Russian constructions ( that implements this approach. The resource offers practical exercises for mastering Russian discourse constructions that are thoroughly ...
    • Denominal action nouns in -ada 

      Fabregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12)
      The existence of simple event nouns derived from nouns through -ada (niñada 'childish action', tontada 'stupid action', puñalada 'stabbing') raises different problems in our understanding of the relation between verbs and nouns or, in general, the way in which languages codify an action in a nominal domain. This work proposes that -ada reflects a structure wherre the eventdescribing heads are ...
    • Educational technology (EdTech): research designs and models 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-01)
      Learning in “screenland” is different from learning in “paperland”. I will give an historical introduction on the general impact of digital technology, present our basic DigiCross model, and discuss some current issues of technology integration in education
    • Kremls språkkrig 

      Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-03-21)
      Når den russiske presidenten taler, er det om å gjøre å virke samlende innad og samtidig så splid blant motstanderens støttespillere i Vesten. Kreml har lyktes bedre med det første enn med det andre.
    • Omstilling i Statped - Delrapport 2: Ny organisasjonsmodell, utviklingstrekk og erfaringer 

      Andrews, Therese Marie; Bragtvedt, Stian; Hustad, Bent Cato (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Denne delrapporten fra følgeevalueringen av omstillingen i Statped, retter oppmerksomheten mot den nye organisasjonsmodellen som ble innført 1. mai 2022. Den gir et innblikk i utviklingen av modellen, i hvilke føringer som ble lagt, og i hvilke erfaringer ansatte har både med modellen som helhet og deres egen plassering i den. Datamaterialet stammer fra dokumenter som gjelder omstillingen, ...