Viser treff 1461-1480 av 7445

    • Let´s go out! A group-based intervention in outdoor adventure education as a special educational support 

      Sarivaara, Erika Katjaana; Keskitalo, Pigga; Satu-Maarit, Korte; Lakkala, Suvi; Kunnari, Ari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article deals with the group-based behavioral, cognitive, and skill-training intervention program Maltti as a special educational support action applied with outdoor adventure education at the primary school level. The need to apply the group-based intervention arose from the special education teachers’ (N=2) desire to reinforce and expand their pedagogical methods in order to improve the ...
    • Comparing infrared and webcam eye tracking in the Visual World Paradigm 

      Vos, Myrte; Minor, Serge; Ramchand, Gillian C (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-15)
      Visual World eye tracking is a temporally fine-grained method of monitoring attention, making it a popular tool in the study of online sentence processing. Recently, while infrared eye tracking was mostly unavailable, various web-based experiment platforms have rapidly developed webcam eye tracking functionalities, which are now in urgent need of testing and evaluation. We replicated a recent Visual ...
    • Towards customised sovereignty: West Nordic societies in the new great power rivalry 

      Kobzeva, Mariia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-03)
      Two factors historically played a decisive role in the West Nordic region’s affairs: its strategic location and small societies’ long struggle for independence. The current power balance shift challenges the progress of Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland towards strengthening their independence and sovereignty. The research suggests a theoretical contemplation of the West Nordic region’s ...
    • Public Libraries in Norway and the U.S.: Looking Outside During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic 

      Skare, Roswitha; Lenstra, Noah (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08)
      Through this examination of trends in outdoor oriented librarianship in Norway and in the United States we see both similarities and differences. In both countries we see efforts focused on promoting reading outdoors. We also see efforts in both countries to take the library outside, thus perhaps ensuring the library’s continued visibility and relevance to the community served. In both cases, library ...
    • Use of health and dental care services in adults with intellectual disability in relation to age and intellectual disability levels 

      Olsen, Monica Isabel Benedikte; Søndenaa, Erik; Langballe, Ellen Melbye; Halvorsen, Marianne Berg; Wilhelmsen, Per; Bautz-Holter, Erik; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-18)
      Background - This study investigates the use of health and dental care services in adults with intellectual disability in the last 12 months according to Norwegian recommendations and in relation to age and intellectual disability levels.<p> <p>Method - A cross-sectional community-based survey including 214 participants (56% men). POMONA health indicators were used for data collection.<p> <p>Results ...
    • Homesteading in the Arctic: The Logic Behind, and Prospects for, Russia’s ’Hectare in the Arctic’ Program 

      Hodgson, Kara Kathleen; Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Moscow launched its “Hectare in the Arctic” program in summer 2021, allowing Russian nationals to obtain a free hectare of land in the country’s northern regions. This plan is the latest attempt to address the chronic problem of outmigration and to attract new settlers to the Russian Arctic. Yet, multiple obstacles stand in the way of making the scheme a viable demographic solution. The primary ...
    • Samisk: láibi og gáhkku 

      Antonsen, Lene; Trosterud, Trond (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022)
    • Longitudinal Predictors of Listening Comprehension in Bilingual Primary School-Aged Children 

      Valentini, Alessandra; Serratrice, Ludovica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-17)
      Research on monolingual children has shown that listening comprehension is predicted by a range of language and cognitive skills; less is known about predictors of listening comprehension in bilingual children and about the role of language input. This study presents longitudinal data on predictors of English listening comprehension in 100 bilingual children between the ages of 5;8 and 6;8 years. ...
    • Sofie Charlotte av Preussen og kvinners handlingsrom i filosofien 

      Nilsen, Fredrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-16)
      Hvilket handlingsrom har kvinner hatt i filosofien? I artikkelen benytter jeg Sofie Charlotte av Preussen som eksempel for å drøfte dette spørsmålet. Kvinner har tradisjonelt ikke hatt samme forutsetninger som menn til å skrive filosofi og publisere verk. Likevel har flere av dem spilt viktige roller som samtalepartnere og korrespondenter for kanoniserte mannlige filosofer, roller de i heller liten ...
    • Forord / Vorwort En arktisk oppdagelsesreise / Eine arktische Entdeckungsreise 

      Nilsen, Fredrik; Theodorsen, Cathrine; Klein, Andreas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022-12-16)
    • Effects of semantic clustering and repetition on incidental vocabulary learning 

      Pérez-Serrano, Mercedes; Nogueroles-López, Marta; Dunabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-29)
      The present study intended to investigate, first, the impact of semantic clustering on the recall and recognition of incidentally learned words in a new language, and second, how the interaction between semantic clustering and frequency of occurrence may modulate learning. To that end, Spanish university students watched an intentionally created video which contained Spanish target words that were ...
    • Fra sameemissær via helbredelsespredikant til hvilehjemetablerer. Didrik Trulssen Solli (1904-1989) 

      Jensen, Trine Lise (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-24)
      Denne oppgaven er en biografisk framstilling av sameemissæren Didrik T. Solli. Sollis rolle som emissær var utypisk for sin samtid, og han skred til emissærgjerningen med dyp respekt og ærbødighet for det samiske. Solli fikk også tidlig evner til helbredelser, evner han brukte for å hjelpe mange med sykdom og lidelser. Til tross for mange samstemte holdninger til Sollis virke, så blir bildet noe mer ...
    • Peter og petroleum 

      Helle, Helge Bjørgaas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-01)
      Denne oppgåva tek for seg korleis olja, med sine ringverknader har påvirka kristendom i Stavanger. Gjennom religionssosiologiske briller ser eg først på den moderne historia i Stavanger. Med denne gjennomgangen som grunnlag går eg vidare inn på Weber sine teoriar i Den protestantiske etikk og kapitalismens ånd for å sjå om teoriane i verket kan kasta lys på forhaldet mellom religion og økonomisk ...
    • Tilbaketrukne elever og hjemmeskole 

      Jamali, Masoumeh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-08)
      Temaet for denne oppgaven er tilbaketrukken atferd og hjemmeskole under koronaperioden. Oppgavens formål er å rette fokus mot lærernes erfaringer med elever som har tilbaketrukken atferd før og under koronapandemien. Bakgrunnen er at samfunnet er raskt i endringer og alle som jobber med barn i skole og barnehage i større grad krever kompetanse for å tilrettelegge at alle elever har det bra på skole ...
    • Despina Stratigakos Hitler’s Northern Utopia. Building the new order in occupied Norway Norsk utgave: Hitlers norske drøm. Nazismens ariske utstillingsvindu Princeton University Press, Princeton og Oxford 2020, 352 s. Vega forlag, Oslo 2021, 327 s 

      Hatlehol, Gunnar D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-14)
      I minnelandskapene etter den tyske okkupasjonen av Norge stiller først og fremst sporene i betong og jern seg til skue for oss. Festningsverkene og jernbanene har særlig hatt evnen til å fange forfatteres interesse når studiet av okkupasjonsmaktens byggeprogram står på dagsordenen. I sin siste bok, som nå også foreligger i norsk oversettelse, bemerker den kanadiske arkitekturhistorikeren Despina ...
    • Human dimensions of whale-watching - What it means to people to see whales in the wild? 

      Kalaja, Anna-Emilia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Globally, and, in Northern Norway, whale-watching is growing rapidly. In Norway, the growth can be partially explained by the increased number of whales near the coast. Furthermore, the popularity of nature and nature-based experiences has been reflected in increasing demand for such experiences by tourists coupled with an increasing emphasis being placed on the value of animals in the wild as opposed ...
    • An investigation of how specific social backgrounds shape the characteristics of young Chinese travel bloggers within the mobilities paradigm 

      Qing, Yan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-12)
      Using the mobilities paradigm, this thesis aims to try to explain the uniqueness of a certain group of young Chinese travel bloggers, who were also tourists. It considered that the characteristics of young Chinese travel bloggers, both in their motivations and behaviours, do not appear in the realm of tourism only. This thesis explores where their characteristics come from and how to interpret them ...
    • Global Sustainable Strategies in the Local Tourism Industry A study of how to implement sustainable tourism strategies 

      Størkersen, Torill Torsvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      This master thesis in Tourism Studies is about gaining a further understanding of sustainable tourism and implementing sustainable strategies in tourism businesses for a common political region, such as Nordhordland, the first UNESCO MAB reserve in Norway. The region is used as a political district for delimiting the research. The study's primary purpose is to improve the understanding of sustainable ...
    • The paradigm shift from destination marketing and management to community governance A systemic approach to the destination as a service eco-system 

      Bjørkli, Hilde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Due to increased mobility, digitalisation and globalisation, the old value chains are disrupting and the boundaries between the roles in the markets are blurred; enterprises, customers and residents are both marketers and actors of tourism experiences, creating a context of service eco-systems, where value is co-created in networks that are directly and indirectly interacting with each other. These ...
    • Destination image formation. Case study of the Lena Pillars nature park 

      Kondakova, Tatiana (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Tourism is an industry that entirely depends on the people making decision to choose specific destinations based on different motivations. This research is aimed at investigating the influences that can potentially create a negative effect on the destination image of Lena Pillars Nature Park. It will explore the stages of the destination image within first-time tourists throughout three interviews. ...