Viser treff 221-240 av 7445

    • Vinmonopolets omdømmeutvikling de siste 20 årene: En studie av Vinmonopolets omdømme- fra mulig nedleggelse til omdømmevinner 

      Ramic, Armin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      I denne masteroppgaven ser jeg nærmere på temaet omdømmehåndtering i offentlig sektor. Formålet med studiet er å undersøke Vinmonopolets omdømme og omdømmeutvikling de siste 20 årene. I tillegg blir det sett nærmere på om omdømmeteori for private organisasjoner også kan brukes av offentlige organisasjoner. Problemstillingen jeg ønsker å besvare med oppgaven er: 1. «Hvordan har omdømmet til ...
    • Hvilke strategier inngår i vellykket forebyggende omdømmehåndtering? 

      Berglund, Stine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      I denne empiriske undersøkelsen frembringes kunnskap om hvilke strategier som kan inngå i vellykket forebyggende omdømmehåndtering, som per dags dato er et forsømt felt innen omdømmelitteraturen. Undersøkelsen er gjennomført i kraftselskapet Nordkraft, og avdekker på hvilken måte, og i hvilken grad, selskapet anvender forebyggende strategier i sin omdømmehåndtering. Bakgrunn for oppgaven er at ...
    • Exploring Code Switching as a Strategy for Euphemism: A study of Bilingual Undergraduate of Pashto and English in Degree college Wari, Dir Upper 

      Ahmad, Zeeshan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      This research explores the motivations behind code-switching behavior, particularly focusing on its occurrence within the context of group discussions among English undergraduate students. Twenty participants, consisting of seven females and thirteen males, were observed during group discussions and subsequently interviewed individually to elucidate the reasons underlying their code-switching ...
    • Leveling up L2 English 

      Johannessen, Ole-Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-04)
      Denne undersøkelsen utforsker effekten av digitale spill på tilegnelse av vokabular i engelsk som andrespråk (L2) blant norske spiller, og potensialet spill kan ha i språklæring. Studien starter med en gjennomgang av tidligere forskning som har undersøkt engelsk L2-tilegnelse gjennom digitale spill. Denne studien analyserer spørreundersøkelsen utført blant norske spillere for å vurdere hvordan de ...
    • La esfinge maragata: Novela criticada y elogiada 

      Leguina-Morel, Gabriele (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      A finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX se vivieron momentos de grandes cambios en España. Cambios que se notaban en prácticamente todos los sectores de la sociedad. Para las mujeres estos cambios representaban en gran medida la posibilidad de poder participar activamente en los ambientes que hasta entonces habían sido reservados para los hombres. Las mujeres literatas tuvieron que luchar ...
    • The impact of Extramural English on Norwegian lower secondary school students´ English vocabulary and grammar: A quantitative study on how much English Norwegian teenagers learn outside the classroom 

      Mathiesen, Fredrikke Leinan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis aims to explore the relationship between Norwegian lower secondary school students' exposure to English outside of school and their proficiency in general English vocabulary and grammar. Sundqvist (2009) first introduced the term extramural English, which refers to learning English without any degree of deliberate intention to acquire it. This quantitative study investigates three key ...
    • 'Unless you were here, how could you ever understand?': Silence, Complicity, and Storytelling in The Memory of Love and The Devil That Danced on the Water 

      Nereng, Line (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      The Sierra Leonean Civil War (1991-2002) left a population full of scars from the countless atrocities that were committed, while they continue to live in one of the poorest countries in the world. One author that dares to revisit this past, is Aminatta Forna, through a memoir, The Devil That Danced on the Water (2002), and a novel, The Memory of Love (2011). This thesis reflects upon the impact of ...
    • Una evaluación del libro de texto "Gente" de Aschehoug 

      Sørensen, William Daniel Bergvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      The goal of this master´s thesis is to investigate how the Norwegian textbook Gente 8-10 achieves two of the competence aims outlined the Norwegian curriculum for foreign languages (FSP01-03) after level 1. My investigation primarily focuses on the use of learning strategies, prior knowledge, digital recourses, and grammar in foreign languages education, and how the textbook addresses these topics ...
    • “This Land was Your Land” Indigenous Engagement and Partnership in the Canadian Outdoor Recreational Landscape 

      Rebonne, Rachel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)
      Recreating outdoors is something that many people in Canada enjoy doing and often do so in National Parks or nature close to their homes, which Canada has an abundance of. However, recreation is a heavily colonized field that often excludes Indigenous people, who have been using the same land for numerous years. This thesis focuses on bringing Indigeneity back into the outdoor recreational landscape ...
    • Digital mobbing i skolen: En kvalitativ intervjustudie av lærernes opplevelse og håndtering av digital mobbing 

      Brynildsen, Fredrik Wilhelm (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke lærernes opplevelse og håndtering av mobbing. I samarbeid med veileder har følgende problemstilling blitt formulert: «Hvordan opplever og håndterer lærere mobbing i skolen?». Videre ble det utarbeidet fire forskningsspørsmål som sammen kunne danne et grunnlag for å besvare problemstillingen; Hvordan definerer dagens lærere tradisjonell og digital mobbing? ...
    • Transformasjons- og transaksjonsledelse i organisatorisk endring Ledelsesstil og endringsprosesser- en casestudie ved en avdeling på Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge 

      Aune, Janne (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-16)
      Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan ulike ledelsestyper, da spesielt transformasjonsledelse og transaksjonsledelse, påvirker ansattes opplevelse av og villighet til å engasjere seg i endringsprosesser innenfor en organisatorisk kontekst. Gjennom en kombinasjon av teoretisk studie og empirisk forskning, utforsker denne oppgaven om visse ledelsesstiler kan motivere og inspirere ansatte til å delta ...
    • Culinary relationships in Tromsø, Norway: An exploratory food tourism study from the supply-side perspective 

      Reyes Orantes, Maribel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      This master thesis research aimed to explore the relationship between local food producers and restaurants in Tromsø, Norway, and how this might impact the final food offering arriving at the tourist restaurant's table. The research is supported by a supply chain conceptual context, followed by a theoretical framework that includes relationship marketing theory and commitment and trust theory. The ...
    • THE YEAR OF RETURN, 2019: Exploring Narratives of the African-American 

      Sackey, Richmond El-Nathan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      ABSTRACT The Year of Return narratives offered the African-Americans more than just a typical tourism experience; it became a profound journey imbued with personal significance, fulfilling desires that conventional narratives could not satiate. This study analyzed the narratives of the African-Americans during their tourism experience in the Year of Return, 2019 Campaign. The study employed the ...
    • Investigating Pre-service Teachers' Preparedness for Teaching in Multilingual EFL Classrooms 

      Melkersen, Kristiane Marie Sortland (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      The thesis investigates pre-service teachers' preparedness for teaching in multilingual EFL classrooms. Former research has revealed that pre-service teachers lack the necessary competence in multilingual pedagogies when entering the profession. This results in teachers not knowing how to facilitate multilingualism in the classroom, which inhibits pupils' use of several languages when learning ...
    • The realization of Spanish Diphthongs by Norwegian Learners. 

      Perez Palmeros, Cynthia Guadalupe (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Research in Spanish phonology as a foreign language has primarily concentrated on its acquisition by English L1 speakers. However, this study explores the perception of syllabification of vowel sequences (VS) in Spanish as a third language (L3) by Norwegian first- language speakers (L1). This research investigates potential Cross-Linguistic Interference (CLI) on the production of the vowel sequences ...
    • Kongeriget Danmark i en multipolær verdensorden - begrænsninger eller muligheder? 

      Komischke-Konnerup, Johan Baastrup (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Denne afhandling undersøger stormagtskonkurrencens implikationer for Kongeriget Danmark, med et særligt fokus på dens betydning. I forlængelse heraf undersøges og diskuteres det, hvordan Kongeriget, som småstat, kan imødegå, de udfordringer stormagtskonkurrencen medfører på et strategisk niveau. Med udgangspunkt i et kritisk realistisk videnskabsteoretisk ståsted, anvendes en kvalitativ empirisk ...
    • Motivation as a factor for proficiency in early EFL-learners 

      Olsen, Zebastian Bernhard Bøe (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This study investigated how motivational factors affect proficiency in early English as a foreign language (EFL)-learners in a classroom setting. 44 participants attending fourth and fifth grade in Norwegian primary schools were tested in proficiency and asked to answer a questionnaire detailing different motivational factors and method preferences in EFL-learning. The motivational statements in ...

      Tapio, Anita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Denne masteroppgaven ser på vertskap i reiselivsnæringen og faktorer som kan fremme vertskap blant sesongansatte. Gjennom anvendelse av et teoretisk rammeverk om vertskap, identifiseres fem faktorer som antas å aktivere vertskap blant sesongansatte. Gjennom kvalitative intervjuer ble informantene introdusert for faktorene, slik at deres perspektiver kunne belyse betydningen av faktorene i praksis. De ...
    • Cross-linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition Acquisition of an artificial language by Arabic-English bilinguals 

      Jazayeriasl, Ashwagh (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      Aims and Objectives: This thesis investigates how previously acquired languages, Arabic and English, play a role in acquiring morphosyntax in an artificial language (AL) at the early stages of third language acquisition (L3A). Examining how lexical and syntactic similarities between L3 and previously learned languages affect cross-linguistic influence (CLI) during L3 acquisition is the main aim ...
    • How do tourist companies in Northern Norway utilize social media to attract tourists? 

      Datta, Amitangshu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      The central research question guiding this thesis is: How do tourist companies in Northern Norway utilize social media to attract tourists? This study explores the strategies employed by tourism businesses to leverage social media in engaging potential tourists and increasing visitation to the region. To address this question, I conducted semi-structured interviews with social media managers and ...