Viser treff 2241-2260 av 7446

    • Symbolpolitikk spenner bein for økt sysselsetting av flere flyktninger 

      Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Hansen, Tina (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2020)
      I Norge har de fleste regjeringer siden starten på 1990-tallet hatt som målsetting at alle skal i arbeid. Denne «arbeidslinja» har vært et kjennetegn ved den norske velferdsmodellen, og grunntanken er at alle skatter, trygder og overføringer skal være utformet slik at det lønner seg å jobbe heller enn å være utenfor arbeidsmarkedet. For norske kvinner har denne politikken blant annet bidratt til ...
    • Innføring og bruk av iPad i grunnskolen. Sosiomaterielle sammenvevinger av teknologi, skole og lærerprofesjon 

      Hembre, Oda Julie (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-12-17)
      <p>Denne avhandlingen er et bidrag til å forstå hva som skjer når en ny teknologi trer inn i skolekonteksten. Avhandlingens forskningsfokus vokste ut av et behov for kunnskap om hvordan teknologi faktisk organiseres i skolen, hva læreres profesjonsfaglige digitale kompetanse (PfDK) vil si i praksis, og en ambisjon om å tilføre nye teknologiforståelser på feltet. Studien som avhandlingen bygger på ...
    • Chris Armstrong on Global Equality and Special Claims to Resources 

      Angell, Kim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-29)
      In ‘Justice and Natural Resources,’ Chris Armstrong offers a rich and sophisticated egalitarian theory of resource justice, according to which the benefits and burdens flowing from natural (and non-natural) resources are ideally distributed with a view to equalize people’s access to wellbeing, unless there are compelling reasons that justify departures from that egalitarian default. Armstrong discusses ...
    • 'I are in New York’: om tilegnelsen av samsvarsbøyning i engelsk blant innlærere med norskspråklig bakgrunn 

      Killie, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-02)
      Artikkelen diskuterer tilegnelsen av samsvarsbøyning (mellom subjekt og verbal) ved be i engelsk blant 12–13- og 15–16-åringer med norsk språkbakgrunn. Det legges fram data fra the Corpus of Young Learner Language som tyder på at en del 12–13-åringer overgeneraliserer formen are i presens, mens innlærere fra begge aldersgrupper overgeneraliserer was i preteritum. Mens overgeneraliseringa av are ...
    • Does international elite sporting success or hosting major events affect self-rated health? An examination of potential positive externalities related to international sporting tournaments 

      Storm, Rasmus K.; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-22)
      Research question: It is a common expectation among politicians, civil servants and sport managers that hosting a major sporting event or achieving international elite sport success yields a variety of positive externalities grounded in the “Virtuous Circle of Elite Sport and Events” model. However, over the years various studies have shown that this model is not necessarily an accurate depiction ...
    • Heteronomi som forutsetning for autonomi 

      Nilsen, Fredrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-15)
      In his major works in ethics, Immanuel Kant (1724—1804) does not pay much attention to the question how humans become moral. The main tasks for Kant in these works are to establish the moral law and discuss its application. However, in his minor works in ethics and pedagogy he draws our attention to the question mentioned and claims that humans first become moral when they get 16 years old. Before ...
    • A methodology for mapping co-benefits of climate adaptation. Participatory GIS in consultancy 

      Florea, Andreea-Alexandra (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-08)
      This thesis seeks to broaden the research of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the context of citizen engagement and co-benefit mapping, by bringing forth consultancy perspectives and demands towards the uptake of new methods. The process is anchored in the Action Research methodology, as the empirical material is produced through a collaboration with the Ramboll consultancy. The thesis follows ...
    • Ongoing change in the Australian English amplifier system 

      Schweinberger, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-06)
      This study takes a corpus-based approach to investigating ongoing change in the Australian English adjective amplifier system based on the Australian component of the International Corpus of English (ICE). The paper analyzes changes in amplifiers across apparent time, with special attention being placed on amplifier–adjective–bigram frequencies, to provide insights into cognitive mechanisms underlying ...
    • Minority language learning in Kven through conversation 

      Niiranen, Leena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-05)
      Language learners of Kven participated in informal learning settings using the Master Apprentice method, a method often used in language revitalization. The use of this method is studied in the light of sociocultural theory of language learning, which focuses on the relationship between collaborative learning and learner autonomy. The students of Kven improved their oral proficiency when using the ...
    • A case study of specialized science courses in teacher education and their impact on classroom teaching 

      Sæleset, Johannes; Friedrichsen, Patricia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-16)
      Specialized science courses (SSCs) integrate content knowledge (CK) with pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and prepare pre-service teachers (PSTs) for reform-oriented teaching. Studies of individual SSCs report positive short-term outcomes, including an increase in self-efficacy and CK. However, few studies explore the longer-term impact of SSCs on classroom teaching. We carried out an exploratory ...
    • The Gendering of Infectious Disease: Classifying Male and Female Causes of Death in the Netherlands and Norway, 1880–1910 

      Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny; Walhout, Evelien (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-25)
      This article explores sex and gender patterns in mortality, based on individual-level causes of death (CODs) in two urban communities, obtained from civil and parish registers. By analysing CODs for the period 1880–1910 for Roosendaal (Netherlands) and Trondheim (Norway) we investigate how notions of sex and gender were reflected in cause-specific mortality rates for adults and in the registration ...
    • Entrapment, Temptation, and Virtue Testing 

      Hill, Daniel J.; McLeod, Stephen K.; Tanyi, Attila (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022-01-06)
      We address the ethics of scenarios in which one party (the ‘agent’) entraps, intentionally tempts, or intentionally tests the virtue of another (the ‘target’). We classify, in a new manner, three distinct types of acts that are of concern, namely acts of entrapment, of (mere) intentional temptation and of (mere) virtue testing. Our classification is, for each kind of scenario, of itself neutral ...
    • Brain structural correlates of autistic traits across the diagnostic divide: A grey matter and white matter microstructure study 

      Chandran, Varun Arunachalam; Pliatsikas, Christos; Neufeld, Janina; O'Connell, Garret; Haffey, Anthony; DeLuca, Vincent; Chakrabarti, Bhismadev (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-23)
      Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a set of neurodevelopmental conditions characterised by difficulties in social interaction and communication as well as stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest. Autistic traits exist in a continuum across the general population, whilst the extreme end of this distribution is diagnosed as clinical ASD. While many studies have investigated brain structure ...
    • How to Record Current Events like an Archaeologist 

      Magnani, Matthew Walker; Venovcevs, Anatolijs; Farstadvoll, Stein; Magnani, Natalia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-19)
      Global crises drastically alter human behavior, rapidly impacting patterns of movement and consumption. A rapid-response analysis of material culture brings new perspective to disasters as they unfold. We present a case study of the coronavirus pandemic in Tromsø, Norway, based on fieldwork from March 2020 to April 2021. Using a methodology rooted in social distancing and through systematic, diachronic, ...
    • A contemporary archaeology of pandemic 

      Magnani, Matthew Walker; Magnani, Natalia; Venovcevs, Anatolijs; Farstadvoll, Stein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-19)
      Global crises drastically alter human behavior, rapidly impacting patterns of movement and consumption. A rapid-response analysis of material culture brings new perspective to disasters as they unfold. We present a case study of the coronavirus pandemic in Tromsø, Norway, based on fieldwork from March 2020 to April 2021. Using a methodology rooted in social distancing and through systematic, diachronic, ...
    • Investigating climate resilience in Longyearbyen 

      Nurmi, Laura (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-09-30)
      This thesis examines the adaptive capacity of Longyearbyen, in other words, how the community of Longyearbyen can foresee, prepare for and respond to climate-related challenges. I chose a case study methodology since my aim was to understand Longyearbyen as a living space, and how climate change is experienced across the environmental, economic, and social sectors. I used qualitative methods for ...
    • Samfunnsoppdrag under press Erfaringer og vurderinger i norske bibliotek under Covid-19 

      Evjen, Sunniva; Colbjørnsen, Terje; Bøyum, Idunn; Tallerås, Kim; Olsen, Heidi Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-15)
      Siden mars 2020 har Covid-19-pandemien rammet det norske samfunnet på ulike måter. Foruten de helsemessige ringvirkningene, har privat og offentlig sektor vært nødt til å tilpasse seg den pågående krisen. De første inngripende smitteverntiltakene i Norge ble innført 12. mars. Sentrale myndigheter ga beskjed om at skoler og barnehager skulle stenge –sammen med blant annet kultur-og ...
    • Encounters in and with Summer Camps—Happy Childhood, Alternative Bildung, or What? 

      Afonkina, Iuliia; Bigell, Werner; Chernik, Valerii; Granstrøm Ekeland, Torun; Kuzmicheva, Tatiana; Stien, Kirsten Elisabeth; Zoglowek, Herbert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-23)
      Although they commonly are associated with recreation, summer camps for children can be seen as educational arenas that both supplement and challenge school education. Summer camps provide education in a broad sense of bildung. The article aims at describing what is experienced in summer camps and proposes various theoretical frames for these bildung processes. The main focus is on summer camps ...
    • Forslag til saker på årsmøtet i Norges Fiskarlag 

      Andreassen, Hege Kristin; Gerrard, Siri (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2021-10-09)
      Den siste uka har det pågått en debatt i media om trakassering av kvinner i fiskeryrket. Kvinnelige fiskere har stått fram med rystende historier. Ukulturen i fiskerinæringen er et kulturelt og strukturelt problem.
    • Regular and irregular inflection in different groups of bilingual children and the role of verbal short-term and verbal working memory 

      Blom, Wilhelmina Bernardina T.; Bosma, Evelyn; Hearing, Wilbert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-22)
      Bilingual children often experience difficulties with inflectional morphology. The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate how regularity of inflection in combination with verbal short-term and working memory (VSTM, VWM) influences bilingual children’s performance. Data from 231 typically developing five- to eight-year-old children were analyzed: Dutch monolingual children (N = 45), ...