The Use of Situational Cues When Thinking About Future Action: The Relevance of Visual Imagery and Relationship With Conscientiousness
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MastergradsoppgaveMaster thesis
Bjørkhaug Johansen, KristinAbstract
Previous research has found a relationship between the habitual inclusion of situational cues in thoughts about future action, self-regulation success, and the personality trait conscientiousness. The present research aimed to replicate previous correlational findings from Martiny-Huenger et al., (2022) as well as presenting a new aspect that might influence the effectiveness of situational cue-thought planning, namely vividness of visual imagery in episodic foresight. Study one (N = 96) found a significant Pearson’s correlation between situational cue-thought planning and conscientiousness, while a trend was seen for the relationship between cue-thought and vividness of visual imagery. Study two (N = 114) found similar relationships. Additionally, study two found a moderation effect of vividness of visual imagery on the relationship between situational cue-thought planning and self-regulation success in the form of goal achievement. This moderation effect was present for people with low commitment to the goal but not for people with high commitment to the goal. Thus, this research further supports the notion that situational cue-thought planning might be a self- regulatory strategy that makes conscientious people better planners. In addition, this research highlights how individual differences such as vividness of visual imagery can influence the effectiveness of situational cue-thought planning and self-regulatory success. Tidligere forskning har funnet et forhold mellom inkludering av situasjonelle stimuli i tanker om fremtidige handlinger (situational cue-thought planning), selvregulerings-suksess, og personlighetstrekket planmessighet. Denne forskningen hadde som mål å replisere tidligere korrelasjonsfunn fra Martiny-Huenger et al., (2022), samt å presentere et nytt aspekt som kan påvirke effektiviteten av situational cue-thought planning, nemlig detaljer i visuell forestillingsevne. Studie én (N = 96) fant en signifikant Pearsons korrelasjon mellom situational cue-thought planning og planmessighet, mens det ble sett en trend for forholdet mellom situational cue-thought planning og detaljert visuell forestillingsevne. Studie to (N = 114) fant lignende korrelasjoner. I tillegg fant studie to en modereringseffekt av detaljert visuell forestillingsevne på forholdet mellom situational cue-thought planning og selvregulerings-suksess (i form av måloppnåelse). Denne modereringseffekten var til stede for personer med lav forpliktelse til målet, men ikke for personer med høy forpliktelse. Forskningen støtter dermed tidligere påstander om at situational cue-thought planning kan være en selvregulerende strategi som gjør planmessige mennesker bedre planleggere. I tillegg fremhever denne forskningen hvordan individuelle forskjeller slik som detaljert visuell forestillingsevne kan påvirke effektiviteten av situational cue-thought planning og dermed selvregulerings-suksess.
UiT Norges arktiske universitetUiT The Arctic University of Norway
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