Now showing items 61-80 of 1173

    • Kvalitetssikring av genteknologiske metoder 

      Christensen, Andreas; Kommedal, Øyvind; Tylden, Garth; Rykkvin, Rikard (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2018-09)
      Kvalitetskontroll av infeksjonsserologiske metoder var tema for strategimøtet i 2016 og det er dermed naturlig å følge opp med kvalitetssikring av molekylærgenetiske metoder i år. På møtet i fjor ble det gitt detaljerte anbefalinger om validering/verifisering, internkontroller, usikkerhetsbedømmelse, gråsoner og tolkning. Genteknologiske metoder skiller seg betydelig fra serologi, og kvalitetssikr ...
    • Driftsrapport 2018 - Norsk overvåkingssystem for antibiotikaresistens hos mikrober NORM 

      Simonsen, Gunnar Skov; Furberg, Anne-Sofie (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      Driftsrapporten er en standardisert rapport som gir grunnlag for en samlet oversikt over driften av helseregistrene Folkehelseinstituttet er dataansvarlig og databehandler for. Driftsrapporten brukes også blant annet til å oppfylle enkelte av helseregistrenes forskriftsfestede meldeplikt til Datatilsynet.
    • Antibiotikaresistens - Kunnskapshull, utfordringer og aktuelle tiltak. Status 2020. 

      Simonsen, Gunnar Skov; Berdal, Jan-Erik; Grave, Kari; Juvet, Lene Kristine; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Riisberg, Ingvild; Rørtveit, Guri; Urdahl, Anne Margrete; Årdal, Christine Oline (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021)
      Antimikrobiell resistens (AMR) er en global trussel mot helse og velferd hos mennesker og dyr. Den grunnleggende forståelsen av AMR har ikke endret seg over det siste tiåret, men vi har fått mer detaljert innsikt i hvordan resistens oppstår, selekteres og kan spre seg innad hos og mellom mennesker, dyr og i miljøet. Det er nødvendig å se utfordringene knyttet til AMR i et helhetlig Én helse - ...
    • Kvalitetskontroll av serologiske analyser. Virologisk-serologisk strategimøte 1. november 2001 

      Jenum, Pål A.; Haukenes, Gunnar; Simonsen, Gunnar Skov; Hareide, Bodolf (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2001)
    • Nationwide, population-based observational study of the molecular epidemiology and temporal trend of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in Norway, 2015 to 2021 

      Ljungquist, Oskar; Haldorsen, Bjørg; Pöntinen, Anna Kaarina; Janice, Jessin; Josefsen, Ellen Haldis; Elstrøm, Petter; Kacelnik, Oliver; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn; Samuelsen, Ørjan; Handal, Nina; Ranheim, Trond Egil; Hansen, Bent-Are; Mjøen, Andreas Fossum; Lindemann, Paul Christoffer; Nilsen, Einar; Zaragkoulias, Kyriakos; Larsen, Hege Elisabeth; Bjørnholt, Jørgen; Gammelsrud, Karianne Wiger; Jakovljev, Aleksandra; Löhr, Iren Høyland; Bredberg, Anders; Marvik, Åshild; Minge, Christina; Tofteland, Ståle; Papp, Kristina; Onken, Annette; Weme, Einar Tollaksen; Guennigsman, Brian Albert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-06)
      National and regional carbapenemaseproducing Enterobacterales (CPE) surveillance is essential to understand the burden of antimicrobial resistance, elucidate outbreaks, and develop infection-control or antimicrobial-treatment recommendations. Aim: This study aimed to describe CPE and their epidemiology in Norway from 2015 to 2021. Methods: A nationwide, population-based observational study of ...
    • CALCOCO1 is a soluble reticulophagy receptor 

      Mutugi Nthiga, Thaddaeu; Shrestha, Birendra Kumar; Lamark, Trond; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-25)
      The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the largest membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells and plays critical roles in diverse processes in metabolism, signaling and intracellular organization. In response to stress stimuli such as nutrient deprivation, accumulation of misfolded proteins or exposure to chemicals, the ER increases in size through upregulated synthesis of its components to counteract ...
    • Immunization with lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase CbpD induces protective immunity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia 

      Askarian, Fatemeh; Tsai, Chih-Ming; Cordara, Gabriele; Zurich, Raymond H.; Bjånes, Elisabet; Golten, Ole; Sørensen, Henrik Vinther; Kousha, Armin; Meier, Angela; Chikwati, Elvis Mashingaidze; Bruun, Jack-Ansgar; Ludviksen, Judith K; Choudhury, Biswa; Trieu, Desmond; Davis, Stanley; Edvardsen, Per Kristian Thorén; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Liu, George Y.; Krengel, Ute; Conrad, Douglas J.; Vaaje-Kolstad, Gustav; Nizet, Victor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-17)
      Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) CbpD belongs to the lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs), a family of enzymes that cleave chitin or related polysaccharides. Here, we demonstrate a virulence role of CbpD in PA pneumonia linked to impairment of host complement function and opsonophagocytic clearance. Following intratracheal challenge, a PA ΔCbpD mutant was more easily cleared and produced less ...
    • Selective autophagy mediated by autophagic adapter proteins 

      Johansen, Terje; Lamark, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-03-01)
      Mounting evidence suggests that autophagy is a more selective process than originally anticipated. The discovery and characterization of autophagic adapters, like p62 and NBR1, has provided mechanistic insight into this process. p62 and NBR1 are both selectively degraded by autophagy and able to act as cargo receptors for degradation of ubiquitinated subtstrates. A direct interaction between these ...
    • The long noncoding RNA CCAT2 induces chromosomal instability through BOP1-AURKB signaling 

      Chen, Baoqing; Dragomir, Mihnea Paul; Fabris, Linda; Bayraktar, Recep; Knutsen, Erik; Liu, Xu; Tang, Changyan; Li, Yongfeng; Shimura, Tadanobu; Ivkovic, Tina Catela; Cruz De los Santos, Mireia; Anfossi, Simone; Shimizu, Masayoshi; Shah, Maitri Y.; Ling, Hui; Shen, Peng; Multani, Asha S.; Pardini, Barbara; Burks, Jared K.; Katayama, Hiroyuki; Reineke, Lucas C.; Huo, Longfei; Syed, Muddassir; Song, Shumei; Ferracin, Manuela; Oki, Eiji; Fromm, Bastian; Ivan, Cristina; Bhuvaneshwar, Krithika; Gusev, Yuriy; Mimori, Koshi; Menter, David; Sen, Subrata; Matsuyama, Takatoshi; Uetake, Hiroyuki; Vasilescu, Catalin; Kopetz, Scott; Parker-Thornburg, Jan; Taguchi, Ayumu; Hanash, Samir M.; Girnita, Leonard; Slaby, Ondrej; Goel, Ajay; Varani, Gabriele; Gagea, Mihai; Li, Chunlai; Ajani, Jaffer A.; Calin, George A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-15)
      Background & Aims - Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a carcinogenesis event that promotes metastasis and resistance to therapy by unclear mechanisms. Expression of the colon cancer–associated transcript 2 gene (CCAT2), which encodes a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), associates with CIN, but little is known about how CCAT2 lncRNA regulates this cancer enabling characteristic.<p> <p>Methods - We ...
    • Protonation states of central amino acids in a zinc metalloprotease complexed with inhibitor: Molecular mechanics optimizations and ab initio molecular orbital calculations 

      Ezawa, Takuya; Saito, Ryosuke; Suzuki, Shusuke; Sugiyama, Satoshi; Sylte, Ingebrigt; Kurita, Noriyuki (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-01)
      The zinc-metalloprotease pseudolysin (PLN) secreted from bacteria degrades extracellular proteins to produce bacterial nutrition. Since PLN has a Zn ion at the inhibitor-binding site, the interactions between Zn and PLN residues as well as inhibitor can be significantly changed depending on the protonation states of PLN residues at the inhibitor-binding site. To determine stable protonation states ...
    • Liver X receptors induce antiproliferative effects in basal-like breast cancer 

      Haugen, Mads; von der Lippe Gythfeldt, Hedda; Egeland, Eivind Valen; Svartdal Normann, Lisa; Pandya, Abhilash D.; Vedin, Lise-Lotte; Juell, Siri; Tenstad, Ellen; Øy, Geir Frode; Kristian, Alexandr; Marangoni, Elisabetta; Sørlie, Therese; Steffensen, Knut Rune; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Engebråten, Olav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-21)
      Liver X receptors (LXRs) are nuclear transcription factors important in the regulation of cholesterol transport, and glucose and fatty acid metabolism. The antiproliferative role of LXRs has been studied in a variety of malignancies and may represent a therapeutic opportunity in cancers lacking targeted therapies, such as triple-negative breast cancer. In this study, we investigated the impact of ...
    • Intraregional hospital outbreak of OXA-244-producing Escherichia coli ST38 in Norway, 2020 

      Lindemann, Paul Christoffer; Pedersen, Torunn Annie; Oma, Dorthea Hagen; Janice, Jessin; Grøvan, Fredrik; Chedid, Ghantous Milad; Hafne, Liv Jorunn; Josefsen, Ellen Haldis; Kacelnik, Oliver; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn; Samuelsen, Ørjan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-06)
      Infections with OXA-244-carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli with sequence type (ST)38 have recently increased in Europe. Due to its low-level activity against carbapenems, OXA-244 can be difficult to detect. Previous assessments have not revealed a clear source and route of transmission for OXA-244-producing E. coli, but there are indications of non-healthcare related sources and community ...
    • Impact of a staggered scaffold structure on the mechanical properties and cell response in bone tissue engineering 

      He, Xiaoli; Zhao, Qian; Zhang, Ningning; Wang, Junbin; Si, Qingzong; Xue, Ying; Xing, Zhe (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-20)
      The primary goal of bone tissue engineering is to fabricate scaffolds that can provide a microenvironment similar to that of natural bone. Therefore, various scaffolds have been designed to replicate the bone structure. Although most tissues exhibit complicated structures, their basic structural unit includes stiff platelets arranged in a staggered microarray. Therefore, many researchers have ...
    • Pro-arrhythmic effect of escitalopram and citalopram at serum concentrations commonly observed in older patients – a study based on a cohort of 19,742 patients 

      Faraj, Pari; Størset, Elisabet; Hole, Kristine; Smith, Godfrey L; Molden, Espen; Dietrichs, Erik Sveberg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-26)
      Background - For a decade, patients have been advised against using high citalopram- and escitalopram-doses due to risk for ventricular arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Still, these drugs are widely used to treat depression and anxiety especially in older patients. It is unclear why they are cardiotoxic and at what serum concentrations patients are at risk for arrhythmias. Thus, how many patients that ...
    • Candida auris 

      Sollid, Johanna U Ericson (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      Candida auris (C. auris) er en gjærsopp som kan forårsake alvorlige infeksjoner hos mennesker. Infeksjoner med Candida auris forekommer i hovedsak i helseinstitusjoner og rammer som regel alvorlig syke pasienter. I tillegg er behandling vanskelig fordi soppen ofte er resistent/motstandsdyktig mot de vanligste medikamentene som brukes ved Candida-infeksjon.
    • Vibrio vulnificus 

      Sollid, Johanna U Ericson (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      <i>Vibrio vulnificus</i> er en bakterie som trives i saltvann over 20 grader og som kan gi sykdom hos personer med sår eller nedsatt immunforsvar (såkalt opportunistisk infeksjon). Alvorlige sykdom forekommer oftest nær Taiwan, Sør-Korea, Japan og i Mexicogolfen. I senere år er det rapportert flere tilfeller med alvorlige infeksjon med <i>Vibrio vulnificus</i> hos personer som har badet i nordiske ...
    • Reply to Henriksen, S.; Rinaldo, C.H. Should SVGp12 Be Used for JC Polyomavirus Studies? Comment on “Prezioso et al. COS-7 and SVGp12 Cellular Models to Study JCPyV Replication and MicroRNA Expression after Infection with Archetypal and Rearranged-NCCR Viral Strains. Viruses 2022, 14, 2070” 

      Prezioso, Carla; Moens, Ugo; Pietropaolo, Valeria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-29)
      In relation to the comment by Henriksen and Rinaldo, the authors intend to emphasize that before every experiment with SVGp12 cells they routinely test the cells for the absence of BKPyV contamination. The scientists can state that the SVGp12 cells used in their laboratory were not infected by BKPyV and that their results were also validated on the COS-7 cell line, which is permissive for JCPyV ...
    • Functional analyses of rare germline BRCA1 variants by transcriptional activation and homologous recombination repair assays 

      Bassi, Nicola; Hovland, Henrikke Nilsen; Rasheed, Kashif; Ghelue, Marijke van (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-21)
      Background - Damaging alterations in the BRCA1 gene have been extensively described as one of the main causes of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). BRCA1 alterations can lead to impaired homologous recombination repair (HRR) of double-stranded DNA breaks, a process which involves the RING, BRCT and coiled-coil domains of the BRCA1 protein. In addition, the BRCA1 protein is involved in ...
    • AlphaFold-multimer predicts ATG8 protein binding motifs crucial for autophagy research 

      Olsvik, Hallvard Lauritz; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-08)
      Proteins are structural and executing macromolecules essential for life in all biological systems. Insight into proteins structures is required for detailed mechanistic understanding of how they work and solve different tasks. The ability to predict three-dimensional (3D) protein structures from primary sequence information has therefore been an open research question for more than 50 years. The ...
    • Cohort profile: The Clinical and Multi-omic (CAMO) cohort, part of the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study 

      Delgado, André Berli; Tylden, Eline Sol Garthsdatter; Lukic, Marko; Moi, Line Haugan; Rasmussen Busund, Lill-Tove; Lund, Eiliv; Olsen, Karina Standahl (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-06)
      Introduction - Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide and the leading cause of cancer related deaths among women. The high incidence and mortality of breast cancer calls for improved prevention, diagnostics, and treatment, including identification of new prognostic and predictive biomarkers for use in precision medicine.<p> <p>Material and methods - With the aim of compiling a cohort ...