Now showing items 501-520 of 1946

    • Erfaringar etter handteringa av smitte og utbrot av covid-19 i Noreg hausten 2021 og vinteren 2022 i utvalde kommunar 

      Andreassen, Trude; Coward, Sigrid Kristiane; Falk, Monica; Forland, Frode; Heradstveit, Petter Leinaas; Hveding, Øystein; Lavoll, Silje Bruland; Macdonald, Emily Ann; Nguyen, Truc Trung; Nygård, Karin Maria; Selstø, Annlaug; Utheim, Mari Nythun; Vestrheim, Didrik Frimann (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-07)
      Kommunane har hatt ei avgjerande rolle i handteringa av smitte og utbrot gjennom pandemien. Kommunane har gjort dette i samarbeid med nabokommunar, statsforvaltarar og nasjonale helsestyresmakter. Dette gjeld også for kommunane som deltok i denne gjennomgangen.<p> <p>Denne rapporten har ved hjelp av intervju med eit utval kommunar hausta erfaringar om korleis ulike kommunar har oppdaga og ...
    • Nasjonalt utbrudd av Pseudomonas aeruginosa i sykehus forårsaket av ferdigfuktede ikke-sterile vaskekluter, Norge, 2021-2022 

      Gravningen, Kirsten Midttun; Ødeskaug, Liz Ertzeid; Utheim, Mari Nythun; Korpås, Julie Andrine; Jørgensen, Silje Bakken; Elstrøm, Petter; Lyrån, Birgitte; Jemtland, Rune; Kols, Nicola Isabelle; Kvaal, Siv Anita; Asfeldt, anne mette; Littauer, Pia; Kilhus, Kristin; Skutlaberg, Dag Harald; Pedersen, Torunn Annie; Hermansen, Nils Olav; Kacelnik, Oliver; Iversen, Bjørn Gunnar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-06)
      I november 2021 ble Folkehelseinstituttet varslet om at tre intensivpasienter hadde dødd av blodbaneinfeksjon med bakterien Pseudomonas aeruginosa ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge i Tromsø i løpet av kort tid. De hadde identiske isolater forenlig med et klonalt utbrudd. Helgenomsekvensering viste at det var en ny sekvenstype, ST3875, som ikke har vært påvist i Norge eller andre land. Nye ...
    • Identity construction in medical student stories about experiences of disgust in early nursing home placements: A dialogical narrative analysis 

      Warmington, Sally; Johansen, May-Lill; Wilson, Hamish (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-17)
      Objectives To explore medical students’ reflective essays about encounters with residents during preclinical nursing home placements.<p> <p>Design Dialogical narrative analysis aiming at how students characterise residents and construct identities in relation to them. <p>Setting Medical students’ professional identity construction through storytelling has been demonstrated in contexts including ...
    • Folkehelseperspektivet i kommunalt arbeid med bærekraftmålene – En komparativ case-studie av styringsdokumenter i to norske kommuner 

      Aarethun, Vilde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-14)
      FNs bærekraftmål representerer en ny milepæl i det globale arbeidet med bærekraftig utvikling, og kommunene og fylkeskommunene er utpekt til nøkkelaktører for å realisere bærekraftmålene og en bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling i Norge. Flere studier viser imidlertid at begreper både relatert til folkehelse og bærekraft kan oppleves utfordrende å implementere og operasjonalisere i lokalt planverk når det ...
    • Ultrasound assessed carotid atherosclerosis in a general population : the Tromsø study 

      Joakimsen, Oddmund (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2000)
      As a neurologist with a special interest in cerebrovascular diseases, and with several years of practice with ultrasound examinations of extra- and intracranial arteries, I have some times experienced patients in whom ultrasound revealed unexpected findings which surprised mc, and made me wonder about etiological relationships and clinical implications. Thus, ultrasound examinations of the carotid ...
    • Occupational cold exposure is associated with neck pain, low back pain, and lumbar radiculopathy 

      Stjernbrandt, Albin; Farbu, Erlend Hoftun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-24)
      Ambient cold exposure can pose health risks, and this study was aimed at investigating associations with musculoskeletal disorders. A postal survey was performed on 12,627 men and women, ages 18–70 years, living in northern Sweden. Statistical associations were determined using multiple logistic regression. The study sample consisted of 6,886 women (54.5%), and 5,741 men. Reporting high occupational ...
    • Explaining risk reductions in medical practice : prevention or postponement? 

      Halvorsen, Peder Andreas (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008)
      Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of risk conditions such as hypercholesterolemia and osteoporosis are prominent tasks of contemporary medical practice. The aim is to prevent, or at least postpone the onset of adverse health outcomes such as angina pectoris, heart attacks, strokes and fractures. Dealing with risks involves decision making under uncertainty. For patients to be able to engage ...
    • Iron status and prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis in a multiethnic population in northern Norway : the SAMINOR study, the Sør-Varanger study, the Tromsø V study 

      Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008)
      Iron status is influenced by several factors such as nutritional factors and blood loss. Tron deficiency is one of the most severe and important nutritional deficiencies in the world today, both in industrialised as well as developing countries [1-3]. In normal subjects the total daily loss of iron is balanced by an equivalent amount of iron absorbed from the diet. When this equilibrium is ...
    • Venous Air Embolism Activates Complement C3 Without Corresponding C5 Activation and Trigger Thromboinflammation in Pigs 

      Storm, Benjamin; Ludviksen, Judith K; Christiansen, Dorte; Fure, Hilde; Pettersen, Kristin; Landsem, Anne; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Dybwik, Knut Gustav; Braaten, Tonje; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-15)
      Introduction: Air embolism may complicate invasive medical procedures. Bubbles trigger complement C3-mediated cytokine release, coagulation, and platelet activation in vitro in human whole blood. Since these findings have not been verified in vivo, we aimed to examine the effects of air embolism in pigs on thromboinflammation.<p> <p>Methods: Forty-five landrace pigs, average 17 kg (range 8.5-30), ...
    • Suicidal behavior among indigenous Sami in Arctic Norway : a special focus on adolescents and young adults 

      Silviken, Anne C. (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2007)
      Since the 1950’s the global suicide rates have continued to increase, and today suicide has become an important public-health problem worldwide (World Health Organization (WHO), 2002). According to WHO there are approximately one million deaths from suicide each year worldwide, and about 20 times this number of people attempt suicide (2002). There are substantial variations in the national suicide ...
    • Hormones, smoking and mammographic density in postmenopausal Norwegian women : the Tromsø Mammography and Breast Cancer Study 

      Bremnes, Yngve (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2007)
      Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring malignancy among women, and according to estimates by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, more than one million new cases were diagnoscd worldwide in 2002 (1). In Norway, altogether 2,780 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, corresponding to an age-adjusted (world) incidence rate of 75.7 per 100,000 women per year (2). According ...
    • Withdrawal and exclusion : a study of the spoken word as means of understanding schizophrenic patients 

      Lorem, Geir Fagerjord (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2005)
      There are literally thousands of people living among us who suffer from chronic and severe mental illness. There may be as many as one out of 100 that might be described with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. This means that most of us are likely to know, or know of, at least one person who suffers from schizophrenia. Nevertheless, most people perceive it as both distant and elusive.<br> The ...
    • Haemoglobin, anaemia and haematological malignancies : the Tromsø study 1974-1995 

      Skjelbakken, Tove (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2006)
      Haemoglobin measurement is one of the most frequently performed laboratory tests. The haemoglobin level has well known variability according to age and gender [1- 3]. However, the reference values are often from elderly cross sectional studies of younger subjects, and may not reflect the populations’ actual distribution today. Several lifestyle factors, including body mass index (BMI) and ...
    • Longitudinal analyses of cardiovascular risk factors : the Tromsø study 1974-1995 

      Wilsgaard, Tom (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2002)
      The present study has addressed longitudinal changes in cardiovascular risk factors and also assessed the association between BMI change with changes in other risk factors. We showed a moderate to high degree of tracking for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides and a higher degree of tracking for BMI. Tracking was higher for total cholesterol ...
    • Infection, inflammation and artherosclerosis 

      Halvorsen, Dag S. (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2007)
      Myocardial infarction and stroke are leading causes of death and disability iii the Western world, and substantial resources are spent on treatment, care and rehabilitation. A marked reduction in cardiovascular mortality has been observed in both genders in Norway during the 1980s and 1990s (Statistics Norway), probably due to both improved prevention and treatment of the acute ischemic event. ...
    • 'Nå ska du høre ka æ mene med arv ' : samisk forståelse av arv som en utfordring i medisinsk genetikk 

      Marton, Valeria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2006)
      I denne avhandlingen søker jeg til å gi innsikt i den folkelige forståelsen av arv. Hvordan tenker folk flest om arv, hva forbinder de med arv? I mitt arbeid som lege og spesialist i medisinsk genetikk møter jeg pasienter med arvelige sykdommer og deres familier. I dette arbeidet har jeg over tid følt et økende behov for å utforske hva folk forbinder med begrepet arv? Hva snakker folk om, når ...
    • Selvmordsatferd og relasjonssårbarhet hos ungdomsskoleelever i Tromsø kommune. En populasjonsbasert tverrsnittsstudie. 

      Pedersen, Brita Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-25)
      Bakgrunn: Selvmord er en betydelig folkehelseutfordring og prevalensen av selvmordsatferd er høy. Det er ofte flere årsaker som ligger bak. Identifisering og kartlegging av risikofaktorer for selvmordsatferd hos ungdommer er derfor viktig i det selvmordsforebyggende arbeidet. Mål: Målet med denne studien var å undersøke om det finnes en sammenheng mellom svake relasjoner til familie, venner, og/eller ...
    • A population based study on cardiovascular diseases in Northwest Russia : the Arkhangelsk study 2000 

      Averina, Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2005)
      This study was designed and carried out in Arkhangelsk to investigate reasons for high CVD mortality/morbidity in Northwest of Russia. It revealed that the high CVD morbidity and mortality in this population could not be explained only by the classical CVD risk factors (blood pressure, serum lipids, smoking). Lipid profile was especially favorable. These results from the Arkhangelsk study are ...
    • Pasienterfaringer i primærlegetjenesten før og etter fastlegereformen 

      Lian, Olaug S. (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2003)
      Innføring av fastlegeordning 1. juni 2001, problemer med rekruttering av leger til distriktskommuner og en økende resultat- og brukerorientering i velferdsstatens tjenestetilbud har aktualisert studier av pasientopplevd kvalitet og tilgjengelighet i norsk primærlegetjeneste. <ul id = «mylist»> <li> Hvordan har befolkningens og pasientenes opplevelser av kvalitet og tilgjengelighet i ...
    • Bio-psycho-social aspects of severe multiple trauma 

      Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2003)
      Subjects with severe multiple trauma present great challenges in rehabilitation, and investigations with a holistic bio-psycho-social point of view have been scarce. In the main part of this investigation all 146 patients with severe multiple trauma (ISS 16) admitted to a regional hospital in 1990. were target. Ten years survival probability for those discharged alive from the Department of ...