Viser treff 441-460 av 1946

    • Turnover of IPS employment specialists: Rates and predictors 

      Butenko, Daniil; Rinaldi, Miles; Brinchmann, Beate; Killackey, Eoin; Johnsen, Erik; Mykletun, Arnstein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-15)
      BACKGROUND: There are anecdotal reports of high job turnover of Individual Placement and Support employment specialists. However, no studies have addressed this issue.<p> <p>OBJECTIVE: To explore whether turnover rates among employment specialists are higher compared to public sector employees along with the correlates of turnover intentions. <p>METHODS: A repeated cross-sectional study collected ...
    • From the conventional to the alternative: Exploring patients' pathways of cancer treatment and care 

      Mulkins, Andrea; McKenzie, Emily; Balneaves, Lynda; Salamonsen, Anita; Verhoef, Marja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-08-08)
      Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is widespread and on the increase among cancer patients. Most research to date has involved a cross-sectional snapshot of CAM use rather than an exploration into the longitudinal, nonlinear treatment trajectories that cancer patients develop. Our aim is to explore and describe different treatment and decision-making pathways that individuals ...
    • Benefit and risk assessment of fish in the Norwegian diet - Scientific Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment 

      Andersen, Lene Frost; Berstad, Paula; Bukhvalova, Barbara Alexandra; Carlsen, Monica Hauger; Dahl, Lisbeth Jane; Goksøyr, Anders; Sletting Jakobsen, Lea; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Kvestad, Ingrid; Lillegaard, Inger Therese Laugsand; Mangschou, Bente; Meyer, Haakon Eduard; Parr, Christine Louise; Rakkestad, Kirsten Eline; Rasinger, Josef; Sengupta, Sayantan; Skeie, Guri; Starrfelt, Jostein; Ulven, Stine Marie (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-06-07)
      In 2006, VKM published “A comprehensive assessment of fish and other seafood in the Norwegian diet”. The assessment supported the recommendation from Norwegian Health authorities to eat more fish both for dinner and on sandwiches. In an update of the assessment in 2014 VKM concluded that “the benefits from fish consumption clearly outweigh the negligible risk presented by current levels of ...
    • Explaining sex differences in risk of bloodstream infections using mediation analysis in the population-based HUNT study in Norway 

      Mohus, Randi Marie; Gustad, Lise Tuset; Furberg, Anne-Sofie; Moen, Martine Kjølberg; Liyanarachi, Kristin Vardheim; Askim, Åsa Susanne; Åsberg, Signe Elisabeth; DeWan, Andrew T.; Rogne, Tormod; Simonsen, Gunnar Skov; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Damås, Jan Kristian; Solligård, Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-19)
      Previous studies indicate sex differences in incidence and severity of bloodstream infections (BSI). We examined the effect of sex on risk of BSI, BSI mortality, and BSI caused by the most common infecting bacteria. Using causal mediation analyses, we assessed if this effect is mediated by health behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption), education, cardiovascular risk factors (systolic blood pressure, ...
    • Tiltak i grunnutdanningen for å sikre legertil distrikt – en systematisk oversikt 

      Abelsen, Birgit; Fosse, Anette; Gaski, Margrete; Grimstad, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-11)
      BAKGRUNN - Rekruttering av leger til distrikt er utfordrende. Ulike utdanningstiltak for å sikre leger til distrikt er etablert i mange land. Målet med denne studien var å samle kunnskap om hvilke tiltak i grunnutdanningen av leger som er etablert for å bidra til distriktsrekruttering, og hvilke resultater disse tiltakene har gitt.<p> <p>KUNNSKAPSGRUNNLAG - Vi gjorde et systematisk søk i ...
    • Safety and use of complementary and alternative medicine in Norway during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic using an adapted version of the I-CAM-Q; a cross-sectional survey 

      Kristoffersen, Agnete Egilsdatter; Jong, Miek; Esther T., van der Werf; Hök, Johanna; Stub, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-03)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown has had a profound impact on physical and mental well-being throughout the world. Previous studies have revealed that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is frequently used for, and can be potential benefcial for strengthening physical mental resilience. The aims of this study were therefore to determine the prevalence and reasons for use of CAM ...
    • Longitudinal changes in concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (1986–2016) and their associations with type 2 diabetes mellitus 

      Charles, Dolley; Berg, Vivian; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Bergdahl, Ingvar A.; Huber, Sandra; Ayotte, Pierre; Wilsgaard, Tom; Averina, Maria; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Rylander, Charlotta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-28)
      Background: Positive associations have been reported between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM); however, causality has not been established. Over the last decades, environmental exposure to legacy POPs has decreased, complicating epidemiological studies. In addition, physiological risk factors for T2DM may also influence POP concentrations, contributing to ...
    • Simple cardiovascular risk stratification by replacing total serum cholesterol with anthropometric measures: The MORGAM prospective cohort project 

      Rosberg, Victoria; Vishram-Nielsen, Julie KK; Kristensen, Anna M. Dyrvig; Pareek, Manan; Sehested, Thomas S.G.; Nilsson, Peter M; Linneberg, Allan; Palmieri, Luigi; Giampaoli, Simona; Donfrancesco, Chiara; Kee, Frank; Mancia, Giuseppe; Cesana, Giancarlo; Veronesi, Giovanni; Grassi, Guido; Kuulasmaa, Kari; Salomaa, Veikko; Palosaari, Tarja; Sans, Susana; Ferrieres, Jean; Dallongeville, Jean; Söderberg, Stefan; Moitry, Marie; Drygas, Wojciech; Tamosiunas, Abdonas; Peters, Annette; Brenner, Hermann; Schöttker, Ben; Grimsgaard, Sameline; Biering-Sørensen, Tor; Olsen, Michael H (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-27)
      To assess whether anthropometric measures (body mass index [BMI], waist-hip ratio [WHR], and estimated fat mass [EFM]) are independently associated with major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), and to assess their added prognostic value compared with serum total-cholesterol. The study population comprised 109,509 individuals (53% men) from the MORGAM-Project, aged 19–97 years, without established ...
    • The impact of long-term azithromycin on antibiotic resistance in HIV-associated chronic lung disease 

      Abotsi, Regina E.; Nicol, Mark P.; McHugh, Grace; Simms, Victoria; Rehman, Andrea M.; Barthus, Charmaine; Ngwira, Lucky G.; Kwambana-Adams, Brenda; Heyderman, Robert S.; Odland, Jon Øyvind; Ferrand, Rashida A.; Dube, Felix S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-07)
      Selection for resistance to azithromycin (AZM) and other antibiotics such as tetracyclines and lincosamides remains a concern with long-term AZM use for treatment of chronic lung diseases (CLD). We investigated the impact of 48 weeks of AZM on the carriage and antibiotic resistance of common respiratory bacteria among children with HIV-associated CLD. Nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs and sputa were ...
    • Det skapende mellomrommet i møtet mellom pasient og lege 

      Berg, Eli (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2004)
    • ‘Beyond my Control’: Dealing with the Existential Uncertainty of Cancer in Online Texts 

      Kvaale, Kaja; Lian, Olaug S.; Bondevik, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-14)
      In this paper, we explore how existential aspects of being diagnosed and living with cancer are shared in stories that are publicly communicated online. Through a narrative analysis of online texts and blogs, we explore how people deal with their cancer experiences, how cultural norms about illness are expressed in their stories and why they write and publish their stories online. We found that the ...
    • Associations with Post-Consultation Health-Status in Primary Care Managed Acute Exacerbation of COPD 

      Gillespie, David; Francis, Nick; Ahmed, Haroon; Hood, Kerenza; Llor, Carl; White, Patrick; Thomas-Jones, Emma; Stanton, Helen; Sewell, Bernadette; Phillips, Rhiannon; Naik, Gurudutt; Melbye, Hasse; Lowe, Rachel; Kirby, Nigel; Cochrane, Ann; Bates, Janine; Alam, Mohammed Fasihul; Butler, Christopher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-16)
      Background: It has been demonstrated that antibiotic prescribing for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (AECOPD) can be safely reduced in primary care when general practitioners have access to C-reactive protein (CRP) rapid testing.<p> <p>Aim: To investigate the factors associated with post-consultation COPD health status in patients presenting with AECOPD in this sett ...
    • Helseundersøkelsen i Arkhangelsk 2000 

      Nilssen, Odd (Others; Andre, 2003)
      Institutt for samfunnsmedisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø har siden slutten av 1980-tallet hatt samarbeide med klinikere og forskere fra Universitetet i Arkhangelsk. Dette samarbeidet har resultert i utveksling av helsepersonell og studenter, flere utviklings- og forskningsprosjekter har blitt igangsatt og avsluttet, og en rekke felles møter og konferanser om situasjonen for folkehelsen i Russland ...
    • Comparing the New Interdisciplinary Health in Work Intervention With Conventional Monodisciplinary Welfare Interventions at Norwegian Workplaces: Protocol for a Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trial 

      Höper, Anje Christina; Terjesen, Christoffer Lilja; Fleten, Nils (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-07)
      Background: Musculoskeletal and mental health complaints are the dominant diagnostic categories in long-term sick leave and disability pensions in Norway. Continuing to work despite health complaints is often beneficial, and a good work environment can improve work inclusion for people affected. In 2001, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration began to offer inclusive work measures to ...
    • Pooled analysis of all-cause and cause-specific mortality among Nordic military veterans following international deployment 

      Pethrus, Carl-Martin; Vedtofte, Mia; Neovius, Kristian; Borud, Einar Kristian; Neovius, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-12)
      Objectives - To investigate all-cause and cause-specific mortality risks, including deaths from external, cardiovascular and cancer causes, among deployed Nordic military veterans in comparison to the general population in each country.<p> <p>Design - Pooled analysis.<p> <p>Setting - Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden.<p> <p>Participants - Military veterans deployed between 1990 and 2010 ...
    • Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Method to Predict Cerebral Palsy From Spontaneous Movements in Infants at High Risk 

      Groos, Daniel; Adde, Lars; Aubert, Sindre Aarnes; Boswell, Lynn; De Regnier, Raye-Ann; Fjørtoft, Toril Larsson; Gaebler-Spira, Deborah; Haukeland, Andreas; Loennecken, Marianne; Msall, Michael; Moinichen, Unn Inger; Pascal, Aurelie; Peyton, Colleen; Ramampiaro, Heri; Schreiber, Michael D.; Silberg, Inger Elisabeth; Songstad, Nils Thomas; Thomas, Niranjan; van den Broeck, Christine; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.; Støen, Ragnhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-11)
      Importance Early identification of cerebral palsy (CP) is important for early intervention, yet expert-based assessments do not permit widespread use, and conventional machine learning alternatives lack validity. Objective To develop and assess the external validity of a novel deep learning–based method to predict CP based on videos of infants’ spontaneous movements at 9 to 18 weeks’ corrected ...