Now showing items 3021-3040 of 10466

    • Zinc-Chelating Compounds as Inhibitors of Human and Bacterial Zinc Metalloproteases 

      Rahman, Fatema; Wushur, Imin; Malla, Nabin; Åstrand, Ove Alexander Høgmoen; Rongved, Pål; Winberg, Jan-Olof; Sylte, Ingebrigt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-22)
      Inhibition of bacterial virulence is believed to be a new treatment option for bacterial infections. In the present study, we tested dipicolylamine (DPA), tripicolylamine (TPA), tris pyridine ethylene diamine (TPED), pyridine and thiophene derivatives as putative inhibitors of the bacterial virulence factors thermolysin (TLN), pseudolysin (PLN) and aureolysin (ALN) and the human zinc metalloproteases, ...
    • Dysleksi: Tidlige risikomarkører for dysleksi 

      Riise, Sølvi Grønning (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-15)
      The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate whether or not students who were identified with poor literacy skills at 3rd grade, displayed poor literacy skills at the start of 1st grade and in 2nd grade. The theoretical framework for the master's thesis is the prevailing etiological model for dyslexia, namely the Multiple Deficit Model (MDM). It suggests that dyslexia (and other developmental ...
    • Management of patients with metastatic renal cell cancer and bone metastases 

      Nieder, Carsten; Dalhaug, Astrid; Pawinski, Adam (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-28)
      Background/Aim: Previous research has suggested that patients with metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC) and bone metastases have a poorer prognosis compared to their counterparts with no skeletal involvement. Therefore, we analyzed the management and outcomes of such patients in our center. Patients and Methods: We performed a retrospective study of 35 consecutive patients who received systemic ...
    • On the Use of Time Series Kernel and Dimensionality Reduction to Identify the Acquisition of Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance in the Intensive Care Unit 

      Escudero-Arnanz, Oscar; Rodríguez-Álvarez, Joaquín; Mikalsen, Karl Øyvind; Jenssen, Robert; Soguero-Ruiz, Cristina (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
      The acquisition of Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance (AMR) in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Units (ICU) is a major global concern. This study analyses data in the form of multivariate time series (MTS) from 3476 patients recorded at the ICU of University Hospital of Fuenlabrada (Madrid) from 2004 to 2020. 18% of the patients acquired AMR during their stay in the ICU. The goal of ...
    • Trends in initiation of hormonal contraceptive methods among teenagers born between 1989 and 1997 in Norway and the United States 

      Ahrens, Katherrine; Skjeldestad, Finn Egil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-28)
      Objective - To assess initiation of hormonal contraception among women aged 15-19 in the US and Norway by birth cohort.<p> <p>Study design - We used population-based survey (US) and administrative (Norway) data to estimate the cumulative probability of age at first use of hormonal contraception for female residents born between 1989 and 1997 in 3-year birth cohorts. Differences between countries ...
    • Acupuncture used as a method of peripheral nerve stimulation in chronic prostatitis: A case study 

      Hervik, Jill Angela; Stub, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-10)
      Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS) is defined as chronic pelvic pain lasting for at least 3 months, often associated with lower urinary tract symptoms and/or sexual dysfunction [1]. Prostatitis is a common condition, with 35–50% of men affected by symptoms suggesting prostatitis during their lifetime. It is associated with negative psychological effects and substantial health ...
    • ERK3 regulates TDP2-mediated DNA damage response and chemoresistance in lung cancer cells 

      Bian, Ka; Muppani, Naveen Reddy; Elkhadragy, Lobna; Wang, Wei; Zhang, Cheng; Chen, Tenghui; Jung, Sungyun; Seternes, Ole Morten; Long, Weiwen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-19)
      Posttranslational modifications (PTMs), such as phosphorylation and ubiquitination, play critical regulatory roles in the assembly of DNA damage response proteins on the DNA damage site and their activities in DNA damage repair. Tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase 2 (TDP2) repairs Topoisomerase 2 (Top2)-linked DNA damage, thereby protecting cancer cells against Top2 inhibitors-induced growth inhibition ...
    • Hemostatic factors, inflammatory markers, and risk of incident venous thromboembolism: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis 

      Evensen, Line Holtet; Folsom, Aaron R.; Pankow, James S.; Hansen, John-Bjarne; Allison, Matthew; Cushman, Mary; Lutsey, Pamela L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-27)
      Background - Several hemostatic factors and inflammatory markers are associated with the risk of incident venous thromboembolism (VTE), however, most existing data are from case-control studies in Caucasian populations.<p> <p>Objectives - We aimed to prospectively confirm previous findings and explore less studied biomarkers in relation to VTE risk in a multi-racial/multi-ethnic cohort.<p> <p>Methods ...
    • Prognostic Impact of Resection Margin Status in Distal Pancreatectomy for Ductal Adenocarcinoma 

      Sahakyan, Mushegh A.; Verbeke, Caroline S.; Tholfsen, Tore; Ignjatovic, Dejan; Kleive, Dyre; Buanes, Trond; Lassen, Kristoffer; Røsok, Bård I.; Labori, Knut Jørgen; Edwin, Bjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-22)
      Background. Resection margin status is considered one of the few surgeon-controlled parameters affecting prognosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). While studies mostly focus on resection margins in pancreatoduodenectomy, little is known about their role in distal pancreatectomy (DP). This study aimed to investigate resection margins in DP for PDAC.<p> <p>Methods. Patients who ...
    • Chronic iron deficiency and anaemia were highly prevalent in a population-based longitudinal study among adolescent girls 

      Stabell, Niklas; Averina, Maria; Flægstad, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-01)
      <b>Aim:</b> The combination of iron deficiency and anaemia is a major health problem, and adolescents are an at- risk group. The main aim of this study was to explore the mag-nitude of these conditions among adolescents aged 15–19 and identify possible as-sociated risk factors. <br><b>Methods:</b> This population- based longitudinal study of adolescents in North Norway was conducted in 2010–2011, ...
    • Mitigating the environmental impact of NSAIDs - physiotherapy as a contribution to one health and the SDGs 

      Banerjee, Srishti; Maric (PhD), Filip (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-27)
      Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) continue to be amongst the most frequently used pharmaceutical treatments for mild to moderate musculoskeletal pain globally. In this short communication, we continue to expand the growing field of environmental physiotherapy by tracing NSAIDs journey through aquatic ecosystems, and the potential of physiotherapy to mitigate these negative environmental ...
    • Surgery for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A Nationwide Registry-Based Observational Study With Patient-Reported Outcomes 

      Gulati, Sasha; Vangen-Lønne, Vetle; Nygaard, Øystein Petter; Gulati, Agnete Malm; Hammer, Tommy; Johansen, Tonje Okkenhaug; Peul, Wilco C.; Salvesen, Øyvind; Solberg, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-29)
      Background: Indications and optimal timing for surgical treatment of degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) remain unclear, and data from daily clinical practice are warranted.<p> <p>Objective: To investigate clinical outcomes following decompressive surgery for DCM. Methods: Data were obtained from the Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery. The primary outcome was change in the neck disability index ...
    • Comparative Genomics Reveals Factors Associated with Phenotypic Expression of Wolbachia 

      Baião, GC; Janice, Jessin; Galinou, M; Klasson, Lisa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-18)
      Wolbachia is a widespread, vertically transmitted bacterial endosymbiont known for manipulating arthropod reproduction. Its most common form of reproductive manipulation is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), observed when a modification in the male sperm leads to embryonic lethality unless a compatible rescue factor is present in the female egg. CI attracts scientific attention due to its implications ...
    • Multifunctional Nanofibrous Dressing with Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties Prepared by Needle-Free Electrospinning 

      Schulte Werning, Laura; Murugaiah, Anjanah; Singh, Bhupender; Johannessen, Mona; Engstad, Rolf Einar; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa; Holsæter, Ann Mari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-21)
      An active wound dressing should address the main goals in wound treatment, which are improved wound healing and reduced infection rates. We developed novel multifunctional nanofibrous wound dressings with three active ingredients: chloramphenicol (CAM), beta-glucan (βG) and chitosan (CHI), of which βG and CHI are active nanofiber-forming biopolymers isolated from the cell walls of Saccharomyces ...
    • Hva er særlig viktig for å bevare god psykisk helse hos våre stadig tjenestegjørende veteraner? En kvalitativ studie av hva stadig tjenestegjørende veteraner erfarer er særlig viktig for å bevare god psykisk helse etter potensielt traumatiserende hendelser i internasjonale operasjoner. 

      Nervik, Lilljan Rogne (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-11-01)
      Forsvaret har sendt personell ut i internasjonale operasjoner i tjeneste for Norge i over 70 år. Afghanistanundersøkelsen 2020 viser en klar sammenheng mellom belastning og fysiske og psykiske helseplager, også mange år etter endt tjeneste. Hensikten med studien er å øke kunnskap om hva stadig tjenestegjørende veteraner erfarer er beskyttende faktorer etter potensielt traumatiserende hendelser. Dette ...
    • Relaxation techniques as an intervention for chronic pain: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials 

      Vambheim, Sara Magelssen; Kyllo, Tonje; Hegland, Sanne; Bystad, Martin Kragnes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-20)
      Chronic pain increases the risk of sleep disturbances, depression and disability. Even though medical treatments have limited value, the use of prescription-based analgesics have increased over the recent years. It is therefore important to evaluate the effect of non-pharmacological treatments. A systematic search for studies evaluating the effect of relaxation techniques on chronic pain was ...
    • Aspects on Recanalisation Therapies for Acute Ischaemic Stroke. Long-term survival after thrombolytic treatment with alteplase, endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke and recanalisation therapies for wake-up stroke 

      Roaldsen, Melinda Berg (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-01-21)
      Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Approximately 85% of strokes are ischaemic strokes caused by blockage of a brain artery. Recanalisation therapies with thrombolysis (injection of drugs that dissolve the blood clot) and thrombectomy (mechanical removal of the blood clot) have revolutionised acute ischaemic stroke treatment during the last 25 years. Thrombolysis within ...
    • Agenda navigation in consultations covering multiple topics. A qualitative case study from general practice 

      Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Johansen, May-Lill; Malterud, Kirsti (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-26)
      Objective - To explore how agenda navigation may be accomplished underway in consultations covering multiple topics, we identified and analyzed one GP’s communicative strategies.<p> <p>Design, setting, and subjects - A qualitative observational case study with linguistic microanalysis of an exemplary consultation between a female patient with diabetes and her male GP. We used speech act theory ...
    • Risk of a permanent work-related disability pension after incident venous thromboembolism in Denmark: A population-based cohort study 

      Jørgensen, Helle; Horváth-Puhó, Erzsébet; Laugesen, Kristina; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Hansen, John-Bjarne; Sørensen, Henrik Toft (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-31)
      Background - Long-term complications of venous thromboembolism (VTE) hamper physical function and impair quality of life; still, it remains unclear whether VTE is associated with risk of permanent work-related disability. We aimed to assess the association between VTE and the risk of receiving a permanent work-related disability pension and to assess whether this association was explained by ...
    • Systemic inflammation markers and cancer incidence in the UK Biobank 

      Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Alcala, Karine; Urbarova, Ilona; Byrne, Karl Smith; Guida, Florence; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Johansson, Mattias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-25)
      Systemic inflammation markers have been linked to increased cancer risk and mortality in a number of studies. However, few studies have estimated pre-diagnostic associations of systemic inflammation markers and cancer risk. Such markers could serve as biomarkers of cancer risk and aid in earlier identification of the disease. This study estimated associations between pre-diagnostic systemic inflammation ...