Now showing items 3541-3560 of 10469

    • Association of fatal myocardial infarction with past level of physical activity: a pooled analysis of cohort studies 

      Hansen, Kim Wadt; Peytz, Nina; Blokstra, Anneke; Bojesen, Stig E.; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Chrysohoou, Christina; Clays, Els; De Bacquer, Dirk; Galatius, Søren; Gray, Stuart R.; Ho, Frederick; Kavousi, Maryam; Koolhaas, Chantal M.; Kouvari, Matina; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Osler, Merete; Panagiotakos, Demosthenes; Pell, Jill P.; Sulo, Gerhard; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Vassiliou, Vassilios; Verschuren, W.M. Monique; Prescott, Eva (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-10)
      <p>Aims: To assess the association between past level of physical activity (PA) and risk for death during the acute phase of myocardial infarction (MI) in a pooled analysis of cohort studies. <p>Methods and results: European cohorts including participants with a baseline assessment of PA, conventional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, and available follow-up on MI and death were eligible. Patients ...
    • Blood Volume, Hemoglobin Mass, and Peak Oxygen Uptake in Older Adults: The Generation 100 Study 

      Lundgren, Kari Margrethe; Aspvik, Nils Petter; Langlo, Knut Asbjørn Rise; Braaten, Tonje Bjørndal; Wisløff, Ulrik; Stensvold, Dorthe; Karlsen, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-01)
      <p>Purpose: To investigate the association between blood volume, hemoglobin mass (Hb<sub>mass</sub>), and peak oxygen uptake (VO<sub>2peak</sub>) in healthy older adults. <p>Methods: Fifty fit or unfit participants from the prospective randomized Generation 100 Study (<i>n</i> = 1,566) were included (age- and sex-specific VO<sub>2peak</sub> above or below average values). Blood, plasma, and erythrocyte ...
    • Kartlegging av delkroppsvibrasjoner og helseeffekter forenlig med hånd-arm vibrasjonssyndrom hos arbeidstakere i dekkverksted 

      Rismo, Katarina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-18)
      <p>Bakgrunn: I levekårsundersøkelsen fra 2016 oppga én av tre mekanikere at de eksponeres for delkroppsvibrasjon fra håndholdte vibrerende verktøy i over 25 % av arbeidstiden. Dette er en eksponering som kan gi økt risiko for utvikling av hånd-arm vibrasjonssyndrom (HAVS). Tilstanden kjennetegnes av vaskulære og nevrosensoriske symptomer fra hendene. Tiltaks- og grenseverdi for daglig eksponering ...
    • The effects of brief mindfulness training on attentional processes: mindfulness increases prepulse facilitation but not prepulse inhibition 

      Åsli, Ole; Johansen, Martha; Solhaug, Ida (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-17)
      Mindfulness is intentional focus of one’s attention on emotions, thoughts, or sensations occurring in the present moment with a nonjudgmental attitude. Recently there has been increased interest in the effects of mindfulness practice on psychological processes such as concentration, focus, and attention. In the present study, a prepulse inhibition/facilitation (PPI/PPF) paradigm was employed to ...
    • Reference Values for DXA-Derived Visceral Adipose Tissue in Adults 40 Years and Older from a European Population: The Tromsø Study 2015–2016 

      Lundblad, Marie Wasmuth; Jacobsen, Bjarne Koster; Johansson, Jonas; de Lucia Rolfe, Emanuella; Grimsgaard, Sameline; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-17)
      Background. Reference values for visceral adipose tissue (VAT) are needed and it has been advocated that body composition measures depend on both the technique and methods applied, as well as the population of interest. We aimed to develop reference values for VAT in absolute grams (VATg), percent (VAT%), and as a kilogram-per-meters-squared index (VATindex) for women and men, and investigate potential ...
    • Time distribution for pharmacists conducting a randomized controlled trial — An observational time and motion study. 

      Havnes, Kjerstin; Lehnbom, Elin; Walter, Scott R.; Garcia, Beate; Halvorsen, Kjell H. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-30)
      Introduction - An expected future increase in older adults will demand changes in health care delivery, making development, implementation and evaluation of new health care models essential. The rationale for political decision-making concerning the implementation and application of interventions in health care should include cost estimations, specifically those involving clinical interventions. To ...
    • Forbedringspotensial i den norske fødselsomsorgen 

      Skogheim, Gry; Lundgren, Ingela Marie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-12)
      Tema for denne artikkelen er medikalisering i norsk fødselsomsorg. I teksten beskriver og analyserer vi noen av faktorene som er knyttet til medikalisering. Til tross for at norsk fødselsomsorg har svært gode medisinske/fysiske utfallsmål for kvinner og barn, er det behov for forbedringer. Norge, som mange andre høy-inntektsland, har for mange keisersnitt og andre fødselsintervensjoner. Medikalisering ...
    • Compensation claims in pediatric orthopedics in Norway between 2012 and 2018: a nationwide study of 487 patients 

      Horn, Joachim; Rasmussen, Hanne; Bukholm, Ida Rashida Khan; Røise, Olav; Terjesen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-04)
      Background and purpose — In Norway all compensation claims based on healthcare services are handled by a government agency (NPE, Norsk Pasientskade Erstatning). We provide an epidemiological overview of claims within pediatric orthopedics in Norway, and identify the most common reasons for claims and compensations.<p> <p>Patients and methods — All compensation claims handled by NPE from 2012 to ...
    • Synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel 18F-labeled radiotracer for PET imaging of the adenosine A2A receptor 

      Lai, Thu Hang; Toussaint, Magali; Teodoro, Rodrigo; Dukić-Stefanović, Sladjana; Kranz, Mathias; Deuther-Conrad, Winnie; Moldovan, Rareş-Petru; Brust, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-25)
      The adenosine A<sub>2A</sub> receptor (A<sub>2A</sub>R) has emerged as a potential non-dopaminergic target for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and, thus, the non-invasive imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) is of utmost importance to monitor the receptor expression and occupancy during an A<sub>2A</sub>R-tailored therapy. Aiming at the development of a PET radiotracer, we herein ...
    • Biodistribution of Poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles in Mice and Effect on Tumor Infiltration of Macrophages into a Patient-Derived Breast Cancer Xenograft 

      Pandya, Abhilash D.; Iversen, Tore Geir; Moestue, Siver Andreas; Grinde, Maria Tunset; Mørch, Ýrr Asbjørg; Snipstad, Sofie; Åslund, Andreas; Øy, Geir Frode; Kildal, Wanja; Engebråten, Olav; Sandvig, Kirsten; Skotland, Tore; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-28)
      We have investigated the biodistribution and tumor macrophage infiltration after intravenous injection of the poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (NPs): PEBCA (poly(2-ethyl-butyl cyanoacrylate), PBCA (poly(n-butyl cyanoacrylate), and POCA (poly(octyl cyanoacrylate), in mice. These NPs are structurally similar, have similar PEGylation, and have previously been shown to give large variations in ...
    • Anthropometric measures are satisfactory substitutes for the DXA‐derived visceral adipose tissue in the association with cardiometabolic risk—The Tromsø Study 2015–2016 

      Lundblad, Marie Wasmuth; Jacobsen, Bjarne Koster; Johansson, Jonas; Grimsgaard, Sameline; Andersen, Lene Frost; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-03)
      Background - Body mass index (BMI) increases while cardiometabolic risk factors decrease in individuals in high-income countries. This paradoxical observation raises the question of whether current measures of overweight and obesity properly identify cardiometabolic risk.<p> <p>Methods - A total of 3675 participants (59% women) aged 40–84 years with whole-body dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry ...
    • Study Protocol of a factorial trial ECHO: Optimizing a group-based school intervention for children with emotional problems 

      Neumer, Simon-Peter; Patras, Joshua; Holen, Solveig; Lisøy, Carina; Askeland, Anne Liv; Haug, Ida Mari; Jeneson, Annette; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Adolfsen, Frode; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Ingul, Jo Magne; Ytreland, Kristin; Bania, Elisabeth Valmyr; Sund, Anne Mari; Martinsen, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-21)
      Background - Youth mental health problems are a major public health concern. Anxiety and depression are among the most common psychological difficulties. The aim of this study is to evaluate an optimized version of a promising indicated group intervention for emotional problems. The program (EMOTION Coping Kids Managing Anxiety and Depression) targets school children 8–12 years with anxious and ...
    • Non-suicidal self-injury among incarcerated adolescents: prevalence, personality, and psychiatric comorbidity. 

      Koposov, Roman A; Stickley, Andrew; Ruchkin, Vladislav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-19)
      Introduction: Incarcerated adolescents represent a risk group for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), but research on this population has been limited and no studies have been conducted in Russia. To address this deficit, this study examined NSSI and the factors associated with it among youth in a juvenile correctional facility in Russia.<p> <p>Methods: NSSI and psychopathology were assessed using ...
    • Communication and information needs about complementary and alternative medicine: a qualitative study of parents of children with cancer 

      Stub, Trine; Quandt, Sara A.; Kristoffersen, Agnete Egilsdatter; Jong, Miek; Arcury, Thomas A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-08)
      <i>Background</i> - Many parents choose support such as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for themselves and their children who have cancer. The aim of this paper is to describe, how parents who have children with cancer communicated with conventional health care providers about CAM, and what types and sources of information they would like to receive about CAM when the child was ...
    • Severity of GERD and disease progression 

      Fuchs, Karl Hermann; DeMeester, T.R.; Otte, F.; Broderick, R.C.; Breithaupt, W.; Varga, G.; Musial, Frauke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-11)
      <i>Background</i> - Many factors may play a role in the severity and progression of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) since pathophysiology is multifactorial. Data regarding the progression of GERD are controversial: some reports of increased esophageal acid exposure (EAE) and mucosal damage were considered as evidence for a stable disease course, while others interprete these findings as disease ...
    • Assessing the role of genome-wide DNA methylation between smoking and risk of lung cancer using repeated measurements: the HUNT Study 

      Sun, Yi-Qian; Richmond, Rebecca C.; Suderman, Matthew; Min, Josine L; Battram, Thomas; Flatberg, Arnar; Beisvag, Vidar; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Guida, Florence; Jiang, Lin; Wahl, Sissel Gyrid Freim; Langhammer, Arnulf; Skorpen, Frank; Walker, Rosie M; Bretherick, Andrew D; Zeng, Yanni; Chen, Yue; Johansson, Mattias; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Relton, Caroline L; Mai, Xiao-Mei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-17)
      <i>Background</i> - It is unclear if smoking-related DNA methylation represents a causal pathway between smoking and risk of lung cancer. We sought to identify novel smoking-related DNA methylation sites in blood, with repeated measurements, and to appraise the putative role of DNA methylation in the pathway between smoking and lung cancer development.<br><br> <i>Methods</i> - We derived a nested ...
    • «Ernæring – det er en integrert del av jobben vår». En kvalitativ studie som belyser sykepleierens erfaring med ernæringsbehandling til kreftpasienter 

      Fagerli, Christina Leonora Nilsen; Pedersen, Hanne Josefine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-04)
      Bakgrunn for valg av tema og problemstilling: Nedsatt matlyst og vekttap er noe vi ser daglig i møte med kreftpasienter, og vi har opplevd varierende fokus på ernæringsbehandlingen i praksis. Vi har funnet lite forskning om hvordan sykepleier ser på sitt eget bidrag på ernæringskartlegging og oppfølging av ernæringsbehandling. Vi ønsket derfor å utforske hvilke erfaringer sykepleiere har ...
    • Rehabilitation Needs, Service Provision, and Costs in the First Year Following Traumatic Injuries: Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study 

      Søberg, Helene Lundgaard; Moksnes, Håkon Øgreid; Anke, Audny; Røise, Olav; Røe, Ellen-Cecilie Treu; Aas, Eline; Sveen, Unni; Gaarder, Christine; Næss, Pål Aksel; Helseth, Eirik; Dahl, Hilde Margrete; Becker, Frank; Løvstad, Marianne; Bartnes, Kristian; Schäfer, Christoph; Rasmussen, Mari Storli; Perrin, Paul B.; Lu, Juan; Hellstrøm, Torgeir; Hadzic-Andelic, Nada (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-14)
      Background: Traumatic injuries, defined as physical injuries with sudden onset, are a major public health problem worldwide. There is a paucity of knowledge regarding rehabilitation needs and service provision for patients with moderate and major trauma, even if rehabilitation research on a spectrum of specific injuries is available.<p> <p>Objective: This study aims to describe the prevalence of ...
    • Effects of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal treatments for eating disorders: a meta-analytic inquiry into the role of patient characteristics and change in eating disorder-specific and general psychopathology in remission 

      Moberg, Leif Tore; Solvang, Birgitte; Sæle, Rannveig Grøm; Myrvang, Anna Dahl (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-26)
      Background - Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapies (PIT) are two widely used and conceptually different outpatient treatments for eating disorders (EDs). To better understand how these treatments works, for whom, and under what circumstances, there is a need for knowledge about how outcomes are affected by diagnosis, comorbidity, changes in psychopathology, and ...
    • Heavy alcohol drinking and subclinical echocardiographic abnormalities of structure and function 

      Iakunchykova, Olena; Schirmer, Henrik; Leong, Darryl; Malyutina, Sofia; Ryabikov, Andrey; Averina, Maria; Kudryavtsev, Alexander V; Kornev, Mikhail; Voronina, Ekaterina; Paramonov, Andrey; Wilsgaard, Tom; Leon, David A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-02)
      Objective - The aim of the study is to assess changes in heart structure and function associated with heavy alcohol use by comparing echocardiographic indices in a population-based sample to those in patients admitted to an inpatient facility with severe alcohol problems.<p> <p>Methods and results - We used data from the Know Your Heart study (2015–2017) which is a cross-sectional study that ...